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  • Oreogl said: keven2002 said: EJs don't even need to pay their subs to access their banks - it's a one time fee of like 300 (maybe 500?) sovereigns from the UO store (anyone can do this - EJ or Paid) to get 30 days of bank access. So ba…
  • JackFlashUk said: No,  you want it, you pay like the rest of us my opinion, EL should be stuck in Haven and NEVER be allowed to partake in any events or travel too much abuse of the game due to EJ, scripting cheating etc NO privileges at a…
  • Shard ShieldsCommodity deed boxPortalsDavy's LockerThe Ethereal Mounts can be gotten from the UO so not as important As for rarity of rewards, I guess I disagree with the majority as I think they should be locked behind age locks, and not usable u…
  • keven2002 said: CovenantX said: There are also too many vet rewards that are 'deco only' which, I do not think should exist anymore.   Statuettes are fine, but they should have other functions.   there shouldn't be a different statue f…
  • popps said: PlayerSkillFTW said: So, after seeing how you can't get any kills until Wave 65+ on Atlantic's Void Pool due to how fast bots insta kill the mobs, i had an idea. Make it to where the mobs will periodically go into a "damage…
    in Anti-Bot Mechanic Comment by Riner May 4
  • Clearly the pirates keep aggro on you because they have read your posts
  • Thanks @LilyGrace worked like a charm!  
  • @Mariah I did find one Spellbook in my collection which is missing from your list but should probably be included: Relvinean's Spellbook   Magery  Treasures of Demonic Forces Also, I don't know if you have any interest but I do know there are some E…
  • @Mariah Thanks! That's exactly what I was looking for! I had a feeling you had it in there just used wrong terms to search. Have a great weekend!
  • Pawain said: Sweet,  As it should have been. That would have been a more fitting design!
  • Although the idea of strictly account bound items from these events is appealing, the problem I see with that is it would damage the economy.  So, they would take away from one part of the game to secure another. The answer I feel is what you first …
  • Have to agree this is a fun event I've mostly done pirating, but enjoy going to the void pool as well. Not sure where @username gets his information from but I'm not getting close to one hat per level, regardless of how much damage I do. As for scri…
  • On GL I haven't gotten hats from merchant ships nor do I on orc ships with no dread on board. Still need to clear them and merchants just more of a waste of time.
  • Whitewolf said: its really a simple solution, course they will never go for it, they will loose to much money in transfer tokens, but just make the EM drops shard bound, bots are backed by greed, take that away and well no more bots, well alo…
  • I agree with @Grimbeard on this one if there were more overlapping EM events it would reduce lag caused by armies of bots showing up to off shard events. The only adjustment I would make to those times would be for regional shard differences. Asian,…
  • They already have an excellent answer to this age-old problem. The same answer they just used to shift ownership of the fallen Abyss houses. Place a pylon at the location where the house fell, allow 3 days for people to click the pylon and submit in…
    in IDOC Monopoly Comment by Riner March 28
  • I really like this idea of adjusting tracking to show different colors based on rather it is a player ship, pirate ship, merchant ship, or beacon. Would make life much easier.
  • PlayerSkillFTW said: GM Tracking needs a serious overhaul. Give GM Tracking a Mastery ability that allows it to increase the odds of rare color spawns (similar to the Totem of Chromatic Fortune), or add a daily quest from the Huntsman for GM…
  • Most likely not doing damage during all of the stages leading up to the boss. In order to get the tree you need to kill things in the stages leading up to the boss. As for the statues getting them is random and if past performance is an indicator pr…
  • @Pawain think you misunderstood @Fortis pretty sure he meant that it would reduce time to find Krampus as he'll be dead quicker from the slayer use. Either way I do hope the graphic is cool maybe a flaming sword!
  • Would definitely go with the lore pages! I'd say collect a couple hundred and corner the book making business!
  • I think this is a great change and step in the right direction. I'd limit EJ accounts even more as they are suppose to preview the game not be a means to be competitive in it. But nice to have more limitations placed on them.
  • @Pawain I realize it did not happen to me, however, it is not hearsay as you are implying as we were together at the location and on voice in discord. As for specifics, he was playing from one of the ships, as we ran groups up he would heal those on…
    in Update Comment by Riner November 2023
  • Have had guildies healing from boats and sending pets in that have gotten flagged yet are there the whole time talking, just don’t move far enough to avoid flag.
    in Update Comment by Riner November 2023
  • Cu’s can have poor resists which might cause something like that, mine have 115/110’s and do fine with the exception of para skele dragons. Those are time to mount and ride.
  • @Pawain those are pretty impressive stats on the Dex suit. Do you find that the loss of the super slayer from the talisman hampers your damage? Think I'm going to work on one for my sampire\dexer to use in events.
  • @Fortis have to admit I'm truly impressed with no one else around the best I could do was 26 in the ice area with 340 luck and a potion. 85 is pretty insane.
  • @popps took my sampire out this morning. Has 40 luck received 12 drops in an hour. Over twice what you got with 700 luck - might need to spend less time complaining and more time playing, especially if your really that hard up for free time.
  • @Lord_Nythrax it’s a simple fact that a pure sampire will never be able to stand up to paragons. As you are newly returned perhaps you are unaware of the answer to this, it involves a bit of work but it’s not hard, train healing, switch Necro for he…