NEW upcoming October event - Please do it in Felucca too (on Atlantic)



  • KazKaz Posts: 140
    Every event we have this same discussion.
    Every time it is the same.

    Now its "make all the items cursed", I highly suggest that the folks wanting fel action here focus solely on getting the event in fel period.  easier to go after what you know is achievable opposed to adding another layer to the request.

    Fel has the absolute best return on time invested for these event when theres a champ spawn, the amount of drops you can get during 1 spawn cycle is amazing, plus powerscrolls.  I can totally see why folks want it included.  The wildfire dungeon was amazing, where as Hythloth fel was dead in the water.
  • keven2002keven2002 Posts: 2,385
    edited October 2022
    Pawain said:
    keven2002 said:
    gay said:

    The benefit to it being an event that also happens to take place in a dungeon with a champion spawn is that you get more drops much quicker than in trammel, but at the risk of your character dying.

    It seems to me that your argument isn't so much an issue of players being able to choose to go to felucca to do the event and get more drops than in tram, but more that you wont go to felucca to do the event and somehow think that makes it unfair. Again, risk for reward, except in the current version of the event, there is very little to no risk involved.
    This and this.

    It's funny how people that don't play ATL and/or don't play Fel are trying to act like they know what's going on. They become triggered because they feel like they are being slighted and then they try to start trouble by posting propaganda on these threads when in reality they don't even know what they are talking about.

    People who won't or don't go to Fel should probably refrain from chiming in about that aspect of the event. 

    To clarify for the misinformed (when talking about ATL):
    • People aren't getting 100 drops per hour in Fel because there is a spawn (even if you solo'ed the entire spawn without interruption); unless you are killing someone else who has dozens of drops on them.
    • Based on experience from previous events, there is nobody soloing spawns and getting some embarrassment of scrolls/drops all day long. There are too many people on the shard for this to ever happen. Best case scenario is that you have a small group on 3-4 people that will work together to share the drops (ie you will get less drops per hour because others are killing the spawn too).
    • Reds / PvPers / Griefers make fighting in Fel a sizable risk. There are people that will flag grey and walk around your toon while you are doing area damage just to flag you. This alone will run you off or waste your time from a luck potion. So even if people insure their drops, they are still losing out on them from running/fighting. If you quickly become overrun and die (either by spawn or by reds) you are now a ghost and hope someone rezzes you. If they don't, that's at least 10-15min of running out of the dungeon and coming back.
    • There is no recalling in Fel. If you want to quickly escape, you need to run and hope that exits aren't being blocked off. If you do escape, you then have to run back to the spawn to try to kill more stuff (assuming the people who ran you off aren't still there). 
    There might be some validity to not having Fel open on all shards because the above might not be the case but it's a must to have Fel open. 
    You are literally one of the people bragging about how many drops you get.

    Then turn on the spawn in tram without powerscrolls, so we can take advantage of 200 easy kills per spawn, which takes 10 mins to do since many players are there.

    Please show me the post I made where I said I was getting 100 drops an hour.

    I'll save you the trouble... it doesn't exist. Once again you just make something up to support your narrative on topics you aren't knowledgeable on. Again you and McDougle hate Fel and both openly admit to not playing Fel side events even when they were on all shards so we don't need your opinion on it, especially when you're are one of the biggest sources of misinformation on it.

    Take a page out of your own book. Just play the game and worry about yourself, the Devs know which shards need Fel and which don't. 
  • KazKaz Posts: 140
    Atlantic has a pretty active pvp scene, the rest of the shards super quiet.  Maybe it should be fel everywhere but Atlantic to boost up their pvp scenes. 
  • PawainPawain Posts: 10,673
    Kaz said:
    Atlantic has a pretty active pvp scene, the rest of the shards super quiet.  Maybe it should be fel everywhere but Atlantic to boost up their pvp scenes. 
    It's not about PvP. They want the drops during the spawn. Killing 100s of easy treasures mobs give lots of drops. 

    @keven2002 where do you think I get scrolls for my hundreds of hungry pets?  Make it fair and have a spawn with no power scrolls in tram. If you say the spawn does not give a ridiculous amount of drops.
    Focus on what you can do, not what you can't.
  • ThandorThandor Posts: 38
    Pawain said:
    Kaz said:
    Atlantic has a pretty active pvp scene, the rest of the shards super quiet.  Maybe it should be fel everywhere but Atlantic to boost up their pvp scenes. 
    It's not about PvP. They want the drops during the spawn. Killing 100s of easy treasures mobs give lots of drops. 

    @ keven2002 where do you think I get scrolls for my hundreds of hungry pets?  Make it fair and have a spawn with no power scrolls in tram. If you say the spawn does not give a ridiculous amount of drops.
    youre quite close to being correct, but you havent got the context right - i tried to discuss this with you once before, maybe for destard, but you didnt understand anyone elses perspective then either. 

    Champ spawns are barely raided on ATL  - i know this because i do alot of them - the value of scrolls doesnt mean a great deal to most of the fel players. 

    I would happily accept the turning off of powerscrolls in deceiet but leaving the champ spawn in, 
    This would roughly even out the risk vs reward that I believe is fair for the fel fascet 

    Granted there isnt much risk - because of insurance, which is why its still open for anyone to play there with little risk at all - the risk is 10 mins dead - but being able to defend the dungeon as a guild vs other guilds in this day and age would be amazing fun - Objective based PvP

    +1 vote for europa and ATL to have this even in fel 

    Dungeon fire Dynamix event was probably the most fun we have had in UO in 10 years. 

    i could go into further detail as to why you need to look after the fel community more, but for now ill just say, without the fel community there would be no viable income for trammel
  • PawainPawain Posts: 10,673
    Well yall may play nice on Atlantic, the PKs on LS are Pks.  They kill you for griefing sake.

    I was just killed by 2 in Moonglow cemetery.  What sucks is they attack me I do nothing but instantly go into heat of battle and cant recall.

    Our Fel Deceit will be full of Pkers that are there for the drops not PvP.
    Focus on what you can do, not what you can't.
  • gaygay Posts: 406
    Pawain said:
    Well yall may play nice on Atlantic, the PKs on LS are Pks.  They kill you for griefing sake.

    I was just killed by 2 in Moonglow cemetery.  What sucks is they attack me I do nothing but instantly go into heat of battle and cant recall.

    Our Fel Deceit will be full of Pkers that are there for the drops not PvP.

    1. LS "pks" and pvpers are pretty bad overall, in my experience they're just basically just a bunch of Roleplay-PvPers.
    2. That's not how the flagging system works, but I wish it were. You went heat of battle because you attacked them first, most likely you're on a sampire AoEing, or you're on a tamer with a pet that does AoE. It's pretty easy to noob bait people into flagging you with AoE by going grey buffing/healing a monster or being red then walking into their AoE.
    3. The whole point of the event, fel or tram, is to get drops. Felucca is much more lucrative though, given the spawn, and will belong to the people strong enough to lock it down, and some people enjoy that.
  • YoshiYoshi Posts: 3,322
    edited October 2022
    “I just wish to clarify my position as I have been misquoted.

    My request was to make a certain percentage of the drops cursed/prized (the same percentage you would get from any loot) 

    I am no longer so extreme as to make all items cursed, as then we would be unable to attract enough farmers to harvest”
    Posts on this account have been pre filtered from personal comment or opinion in an effort to suppress conservative views in order to protect the reader.
  • PawainPawain Posts: 10,673
    gay said:
    Pawain said:
    Well yall may play nice on Atlantic, the PKs on LS are Pks.  They kill you for griefing sake.

    I was just killed by 2 in Moonglow cemetery.  What sucks is they attack me I do nothing but instantly go into heat of battle and cant recall.

    Our Fel Deceit will be full of Pkers that are there for the drops not PvP.

    3. The whole point of the event, fel or tram, is to get drops. Felucca is much more lucrative though, given the spawn, and will belong to the people strong enough to lock it down, and some people enjoy that.
    That is all I am saying. At least you admit it has nothing to do with PvP, its the drops.

    Would be nice if Tram had hundreds of 1 hit kill mobs in a small area to get drops from.

    I was on my pet, I have no idea why I went into heat of battle, I recalled to a graveyard, saw a blue guy there. I was attacked, he turned grey, I just ran away and did not unmount. But I had the heat of battle icon on me. A red guy came up also.

    Focus on what you can do, not what you can't.
  • gaygay Posts: 406
    edited October 2022
    Pawain said:
    gay said:
    Pawain said:
    Well yall may play nice on Atlantic, the PKs on LS are Pks.  They kill you for griefing sake.

    I was just killed by 2 in Moonglow cemetery.  What sucks is they attack me I do nothing but instantly go into heat of battle and cant recall.

    Our Fel Deceit will be full of Pkers that are there for the drops not PvP.

    3. The whole point of the event, fel or tram, is to get drops. Felucca is much more lucrative though, given the spawn, and will belong to the people strong enough to lock it down, and some people enjoy that.
    That is all I am saying. At least you admit it has nothing to do with PvP, its the drops.

    Would be nice if Tram had hundreds of 1 hit kill mobs in a small area to get drops from.

    I was on my pet, I have no idea why I went into heat of battle, I recalled to a graveyard, saw a blue guy there. I was attacked, he turned grey, I just ran away and did not unmount. But I had the heat of battle icon on me. A red guy came up also.

    I'm not certain how you would have ever gotten the idea that the event wasn't for the drops, to get the items. It's literally been stated multiple times, the difference between tram and fel is that fel has a spawn thus produces more drops which makes it an area of contestation for people wiling to fight over it. Whereas on the other hand there is trammel which produces fewer drops but with the benefit of not having to pay attention to anything or deal with being attacked.

    Risk for reward.

    It really seems like you're just poorly attempting to paint the felucca spawn in a bad light simply because it's in felucca, and somehow trying to justify it's ability to produce more drops as a reason for why trammel should gain the champion spawn as well while blatantly ignoring that each facet has it's pros and cons.


    The benefit to trammel is not dealing with PvP, and basically being able to sleep your way to drops.

    The benefit to felucca is that felucca has a champion spawn in deceit, thus increasing the yield of drops at the risk of having to deal with PvP and players who will probably contest your presence and attack you. Or dealing with thieves, or anyone with two braincells to rub together that know how to game the flagging system.

    It's really not that hard to understand and you're supposed to be an adult so maybe stop acting like you lack the basic cognitive function in an effort to come off as the righteous victim to get your way. Seriously, it's played out by now and it wasn't even that great of a strategy to begin with.
  • PawainPawain Posts: 10,673
    Nope it seems you are the only one wanting it in Fel that acknowledges it is for the drops, if you read the others posts they attempt to say they want it there for PvP.  Which we both know is not true. 

    As long as we acknowledge the only reason yall want it in fel is for the drops, then the devs can base their decision to turn it on there on fact.

    And since the items can be insured and auto insured lets drop the childish risk vs reward since there is no risk.
    Focus on what you can do, not what you can't.
  • gaygay Posts: 406
    Pawain said:
    And since the items can be insured and auto insured lets drop the childish risk vs reward since there is no risk.

    Yet again, hence this proposal:

    gay said:
    McDougle said:
    But there is no risk when you can INSURE the drops ...
    McDougle said:
    All true however again ignore the fact that drops can be insured. There is no risk 

    Hence this post:
    gay said:
    Something I proposed last year was this.

    Model the ToT drops after the Shame Jailor's "hot item" mechanic, and tie the release to the hosting dungeon (Deceit).

    For example, themed items have a cursed modifier that is broken once they are removed from their respective dungeon. While they are cursed, they cannot be insured and they deal damage to the player holding them items, damage is increased with every cursed item in possession of the player. If a player dies, any items in their possession are transferred to their corpse just like any other uninsured/blessed item, and can be looted by mobs, by players if in felucca, or reclaimed by the player when they loot their corpse. However the curse effect remains intact until the criteria of leaving the dungeon to break the curse is met.

    This prevents players from hoarding drops in the best spawn locations, as after too long they would be forced to leave, due to the amount of damage they would be incurring by hold these cursed items, making it more difficult for people farming the items with multiple accounts, and also prevents players from auto-insuring the drops gained in felucca.

    Example of interaction with the cursed item:
    "An item in your bag radiates with an evil energy, draining your life force."
    "A curse has been lifted on an item in your possession, you no longer suffer it's evil effects."

    It should go without saying also, bags of sending shouldn't work with those items, and do not allow the cursed items to be dropped on the ground or traded, or stored on a pack animal until their curse is broken.

    This proposal would breakup the people who "hog" the spawning areas with armies, forcing them to move to turn in their drops every few mins, else risk being PKed or having them stolen in fel, while also taking extra passive dmg from holding them. It adds risk to holding the drops, and it opens up the thief playstyle in felucca which has long been dead.

  • PawainPawain Posts: 10,673
    Good Luck with that agenda. I doubt the Fel community will be happy with it.
    Focus on what you can do, not what you can't.
  • MariahMariah Posts: 3,401Moderator
    A rather less than 'respectful' post was removed, also those posts that replied to it. Sorry about that.
  • KazKaz Posts: 140
    Thanks for the moderation Mariah!
  • Lord_FrodoLord_Frodo Posts: 2,440
    So glad that someone admitted it is all about GREED and nothing more.  So why should Atl be the only one to get it, again GREED and the attitude that Atl is the only shard that matters and you wonder why we get sick and tired with all these Atl only requests.
  • The point of the entire event is to get drops regardless of facet, how is that part of this argument at all.  LOL
    When fire was in fel, it was the best event they had in fel in a decade.  There was plenty of blues down there running fire spawn and some pvpers on their pvm chars.  Everyone made out good and sometimes you got killed.  I never insured my drops while running the spawn either, mainly cause most pvpers arent even good enough to kill my sampire.   This dungeon dosnt have enough monsters in it to accomodate the players, it needs the fel spawn to make the event worthwhile.
  • HippoHippo Posts: 320
    Yes, please open Fel Deceit on ATL . I neither PvP nor sell Event drops/rewards - I have far too many characters to equip and houses to decorate. Th e reason I would like to see the Event  in Fel is a selfish one - means I would have more targets and less congestion in Tram deceit on ATL :)
  • SethSeth Posts: 2,944
    edited October 2022
    Hippo said:
    Yes, please open Fel Deceit on ATL . I neither PvP nor sell Event drops/rewards - I have far too many characters to equip and houses to decorate. The reason I would like to see the Event  in Fel is a selfish one - means I would have more targets and less congestion in Tram deceit on ATL :)
    I have the same thoughts but also confused at times.

    Deceit and Hythloth - I would rather have more players to help kill paragons. If there is crowd, it was really fun in these dungeons. I never encounter any bots.

    Fire - It's so slow that I would not mind if Fel is open, so that less crowd means I have more to kill in Trammel. Paragons remain an issue so after a while we still need extra help to clear them. Again I don't recall seeing any bots.

    Destard is the only ToT dungeon that is clearly afk macro and scripters haven. Fel helps to prevent bots.

    If it ain't broke, don't fix it. 
    ESRB warning: Some Blood. LOTS of Alcohol. Some Violence. LOTS of Bugs
  • KazKaz Posts: 140
    Im not sure the “atl is more populated” is really a valid arguement - Wasnt Hythloth like dead on ATL in fel?   Everytime i went there, no one to found.
    Destard on ATL was a crowded mess due to the centralized spawn locations and overall smaller playable areas.   Deceit is huge with 4 levels. 

    Just playing devils advocate here.   

    For the record: Im all for opening the dungeon in fel, but I do feel that what is good for the goose is good for the gander; all shards.
  • McDougleMcDougle Posts: 4,083
    Curse the drops and PS in tram during event is good for the goose
    Acknowledgment and accountability go a long way... 
  • OreoglOreogl Posts: 546
    edited October 2022
    Kyronix already stated they were considering this in the publish feedback thread but not for all shards.  

    This seems like a reasonable compromise. There's really not much left to debate.  Either they do or they dont.

    KyronixKyronix Posts: 978Dev
    September 30 edited September 30 Flag
    Thanks everyone for the feedback.

    Just to touch on a couple things before the weekend...
    • We will evaluate opening Treasures of the Archlich in Fel on select shards throughout the duration.  We have no plans to open the event on every shard in Felucca.
    • We have a fix for the page issue some experience in the works - if it passes QA should see before Origin.
    • Thanks especially for the Battle Lust feedback - Bleak is looking into the damage calcs, but don't expect a major overhaul from the original implementation.  Bandwith for that would likely need to be in a future publish. 
    • We are making the following adjustments to the artifacts, 
    •               Vambraces / Garg Vambraces - 8 Stamina > 10 Stamina, 8 Mana > 10 Mana                                   Gloves / Kilt - add 15% Fire Eater
    • Updated the hue on the holiday gift token to differentiate it from previous year's tokens
    • Additional decorative rewards will be available when Treasures of the Archlich goes live on Origin
  • KazKaz Posts: 140
    this is all misdirecting from the conversation... no wonder the powers that be don't respond here often...
  • RorschachRorschach Posts: 547Moderator
    Many posts were removed. Please post responsibly. 
  • CovenantXCovenantX Posts: 999
    Could you imagine for a second, that the devs could stop catering to the people cheating with scripts and bots in trammel for the entirety of these types of events, and flip the 'script' by making the event only active in fel on all shards with Trammel being active on 'select shards'?  

    it's exactly the opposite of what's happened for the last few of these events for people who specifically play UO for pvp... good items for pvp come out, but you have to play in places where pvp is disabled in order to use them... or  do what most people do..... buy everything from the scripters cause they sell em cheap.

    Speaking of which, cheating is so rampant in UO even the bots are picky on what they're farming.
    Remove or change casting focus & poison immunity it reduces the need for "Player Skill" it's garbage. rant2 Bring timing back and eliminate chance in pvp!

  • MerlinMerlin Posts: 238
    Please keep Atlantic Fel open for the entire event and not just a single weekend.
  • McDougleMcDougle Posts: 4,083
    CovenantX said:
    Could you imagine for a second, that the devs could stop catering to the people cheating with scripts and bots in trammel for the entirety of these types of events, and flip the 'script' by making the event only active in fel on all shards with Trammel being active on 'select shards'?  

    it's exactly the opposite of what's happened for the last few of these events for people who specifically play UO for pvp... good items for pvp come out, but you have to play in places where pvp is disabled in order to use them... or  do what most people do..... buy everything from the scripters cause they sell em cheap.

    Speaking of which, cheating is so rampant in UO even the bots are picky on what they're farming.
    I could suggest that the pvp community is biggest users of scripts and illegal clients..
    Acknowledgment and accountability go a long way... 
  • CovenantXCovenantX Posts: 999
    McDougle said:
    I could suggest that the pvp community is biggest users of scripts and illegal clients..

    you could suggest that, but you'd be wrong, It's just the only aspect of the game where cheats directly affect player interaction. so obviously it matters more in terms of importance that it is dealt with, or it should at least.
    Remove or change casting focus & poison immunity it reduces the need for "Player Skill" it's garbage. rant2 Bring timing back and eliminate chance in pvp!

  • drcossackdrcossack Posts: 145
    McDougle said:
    CovenantX said:
    Could you imagine for a second, that the devs could stop catering to the people cheating with scripts and bots in trammel for the entirety of these types of events, and flip the 'script' by making the event only active in fel on all shards with Trammel being active on 'select shards'?  

    it's exactly the opposite of what's happened for the last few of these events for people who specifically play UO for pvp... good items for pvp come out, but you have to play in places where pvp is disabled in order to use them... or  do what most people do..... buy everything from the scripters cause they sell em cheap.

    Speaking of which, cheating is so rampant in UO even the bots are picky on what they're farming.
    I could suggest that the pvp community is biggest users of scripts and illegal clients..

    How many times have you seen people working skills in Luna?  Do you really think it's always pvp'ers doing it?  Or the Tamers that go to the Jhelom farms.  That's just two examples of it.
  • drcossackdrcossack Posts: 145
    Pawain said:
    Well yall may play nice on Atlantic, the PKs on LS are Pks.  They kill you for griefing sake.

    I was just killed by 2 in Moonglow cemetery.  What sucks is they attack me I do nothing but instantly go into heat of battle and cant recall.

    Our Fel Deceit will be full of Pkers that are there for the drops not PvP.

    Knowing what the "pvp" on LS is like these days & who the PKs are, just get a group and they can't do anything to you.  I killed one of them with my 0 defense tamer before.  They aren't that good.

    Pawain said:
    gay said:
    Pawain said:
    Well yall may play nice on Atlantic, the PKs on LS are Pks.  They kill you for griefing sake.

    I was just killed by 2 in Moonglow cemetery.  What sucks is they attack me I do nothing but instantly go into heat of battle and cant recall.

    Our Fel Deceit will be full of Pkers that are there for the drops not PvP.

    3. The whole point of the event, fel or tram, is to get drops. Felucca is much more lucrative though, given the spawn, and will belong to the people strong enough to lock it down, and some people enjoy that.
    That is all I am saying. At least you admit it has nothing to do with PvP, its the drops.

    Would be nice if Tram had hundreds of 1 hit kill mobs in a small area to get drops from.

    I was on my pet, I have no idea why I went into heat of battle, I recalled to a graveyard, saw a blue guy there. I was attacked, he turned grey, I just ran away and did not unmount. But I had the heat of battle icon on me. A red guy came up also.

    This is literally not how it works.  If you didn't attack first (or get baited into flagging first, for whatever reason), you would've been able to leave.
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