Going Gumshoe...
While I am patiently waiting for this quest to be activated on Origin, I was pondering.
Now this quest is needed for both the Caddelite crafting AND the Halloween content....does it have to be done on each character you will be using or is it an account-wide type of quest?
I will be using my crafter..obviously...but also want to bring my other characters down into the dungeon when that is active...will I have to do this quest on all of my characters?
Now this quest is needed for both the Caddelite crafting AND the Halloween content....does it have to be done on each character you will be using or is it an account-wide type of quest?
I will be using my crafter..obviously...but also want to bring my other characters down into the dungeon when that is active...will I have to do this quest on all of my characters?

Thank you for the fast response, I know you're busy!
I think I know the letters and number for the lock - if I'm right that's 5 of them, how many different combinations of 5 are there? Several thousand I bet?
super confused on where to go from here on finding out what said code would be...looks like a nice little let's sit back and wait for someone smarter faster prettier with more gold and skill solve it time for me
Treasure Hunters
Treasure Hunters
Treasure Hunters
Only thing I can think of trying is:
@Kyronix please kind sir give us a hint? pretty please with bells on?
Treasure Hunters
Just had a thought, is there a clue in what the mourners say? I've noticed them saying things, but not recorded what they said.
I doubled clicked on the criers, choose the menu item for the RBG detective, clicked on Quest. That is when I get the message. Same thing happens in Fel.
Is there a limit to the number of quests? I have outstanding quests for Dreadhorn and Zipi.
@Fen yes, talked to the grave digger, read the tombstone, got the inscription off it, detected the crumbled floor, examined it and got the trap door. Now stuck - as is everyone else, trying to figure out an alpha numeric code with an unknown number of digits and no idea what they might be.
Please make the Grizzled Mare a 5 slot mount, it's incredibly rare and deserves it. Some of us have been waiting a long time for this simple addition.
So far it looks like at least Pacific, Sonoma and Seige are not activated