Poll and discussion : VvV arties on Siege



  • RazzputonRazzputon Posts: 18

     Same as it always was..... 

    This poll is compromised. This topic is old.  This conversation is sheit.

  • TjalleTjalle Posts: 86
    We had this the other night on Siege as well:

    Who knows? Maybe he did.

    And Mesanna need to take this into consideration if the Yes-side "wins" this poll. Was it a true victory or was it a rigged one? 
  • CreegerCreeger Posts: 20
    FrejaSP said:

    In the past, years ago, I voted no but time have changed since then, you can now get much better suits than before Imbuing, reforging and new magic loot.

    It is very hard for new PvP'ers to make it on Siege, I have seen so many PvP guilds give up

    I belive we need VvV artifacts on Siege and this time my vote is YES

    The reasons that made me vote no years ago, are gone now. There will not be as much imbalance between a VvV and a non VvV in PvP as there was in the past. Most imbalance will be in the PvP skills, gear do not make a great PvP'er if you do not know how to PvP.

    I'm tired of crafting PvP gear for my customers, because of the pain of adding resist to the suits, I would like to have time for something else, when I login.

    It's time to move forward as we can't move back to before AoS, where we had lots of PvP om Siege and the shard was active.

    I’d just like to point out that the above post is the best English I’ve ever seen Freja write. Smells fishy to me.
  • EM KincaidEM Kincaid Posts: 204Event Moderator
    Relax folks. I'm glad to see that there's so much interest. I really am. I was asked - by many people - to try to do something about this issue, and so I am.

    I meant it - I'll do what I said at the end of March, and go and discuss the results - whatever they might be - with Mesanna. But I think I should also point out that our Glorious Lady is all seeing and all knowing. She can see things like IP addresses and account ages, for instance.

    That does make me wonder why I've never received a birthday card from her - unless Vet rewards are her idea of birthday cards? But that's not important right now.

    Just to bring a little clarity - as I said earlier, this is a simple yes/no question. 
    If the "No" vote wins, nothing changes. But, if the "Yes" vote wins, and - very important - if the powers-that-be agree to implement it in a future publish - then there is nothing preventing us from having future discussions about adjustments to the system. Nothing at all. 

    So don't worry about duplicate accounts. Don't worry about trial accounts. Just keep voting, keep discussing, and keep enjoying Siege!

  • FrawgFrawg Posts: 7
    Tjalle said:
    We had this the other night on Siege as well:

    Who knows? Maybe he did.

    And Mesanna need to take this into consideration if the Yes-side "wins" this poll. Was it a true victory or was it a rigged one? 
    “My boys” play here and ATL. The real question is, why are you screenshotting my conversations? 
  • FrejaSPFrejaSP Posts: 18
    edited March 2018
    Creeger said:
    I’d just like to point out that the above post is the best English I’ve ever seen Freja write. Smells fishy to me.

    Are you saying this is not me? Anyone who know me, know this is where I stand in this debat and I hope every PvP player, who have given up Siege because it is very hard to be a young PvP here, will come and vote.

    Sorry, I know some on Siege want me to vote no, but sorry, I can't.

    I also know, some here will do everything to stop Siege from getting more PvP and have done it for years. It's time for changes, I miss having lots of red guilds. My first year on Siege, half of the shard was red, it was a fun time.

  • FreelsyFreelsy Posts: 70
    edited March 2018
    Back when they first introduced VvV, the shard population was much much smaller. Within my 1.5 year return, I have seem a HUGE uptick in players over the last 3 months. We're talking dozens of players. If a vote was taken years ago when there was a lack of players, even a YES vote that loses by a few has to be taken seriously. If nearly half the shard wants VvV items, I feel you have to bring them back. I remember reading that the removal of VvV items back in the day was nearly 100% agreement. Now that has obviously changed, and we should reintroduce those items.
  • FrejaSPFrejaSP Posts: 18

    When we voted no years ago, a lot was different. We still remembered how hard Farties did hurt the shard. I had to break my guild up in 2 guild, one for the faction players and one for the ones who did not want to be in faction. Several guilds did the same.

    With VvV, each member in the guild can choose VvV or not, it do not break up guilds, because the PvP'er in the guild want to be in VvV and get the items. The crafters and the farmers in the guild can choose to stay out of VvV and do not really need the VvV items.

    I do not really see, why so many choose to vote no. Most of the VvV' will fight each others anyway and guilds can have their guards in VvV so they better can protect the non fighters.

    Times are different now, why are people voting no now, other than they fear to see to many PvP players on Siege?

  • RazzputonRazzputon Posts: 18
    FrejaSP said:

    We still remembered how hard Farties did hurt the shard.

    Yes! We must stop those Farties.
  • Razzputon said:
    Yes! We must stop those Farties.
    *Eats more beans*
    That'll teach you!
    A Goblin, a Gargoyle, and a Drow walk into a bar . . .

    Never be afraid to challenge the status quo

  • DrakelordDrakelord Posts: 1,792
    edited March 2018
    FrejaSP  Wonderful that you can take the time to chat here but grown so aloof from the Siege Forum at Stratics, and no chat from you in ages in General Chat.  Do come to the Stratics Forum and speak your mind once more in this thread, 


    Let your comrades know you still with us!!

    Links removed by Mariah.  We prefer that you do not link to other forums, thank you.
    Remove Trap = Bad News
    Treasure Hunters
  • DrakelordDrakelord Posts: 1,792
    Frawg said:
    “My boys” play here and ATL. The real question is, why are you screenshotting my conversations? 
    oh I wish I done that for the Sonoma quote I got from my Journal  Going to remember this trick for sure next time
    Remove Trap = Bad News
    Treasure Hunters
  • CreegerCreeger Posts: 20
    FrejaSP said:
    Creeger said:
    I’d just like to point out that the above post is the best English I’ve ever seen Freja write. Smells fishy to me.

    Are you saying this is not me?

    Yep, that’s exactly what I’m saying. All the writing errors in your second post were a nice touch, but a bit too late and much too sporatic. The errors are consistent when the real Freja writes in English.
  • HI5HI5 Posts: 1
    Absolutely Siege should have VvV artifacts. This is a much needed development to keep this shard relevant and entice players to come out of their houses
  •     Can you even pvp on siege? Siege seems to be what you make of it.. if people aren't pvping.. they don't want to or perhaps it could be no one likes to play with a poor sport. I haven't played in a while, i do recall plenty of pvp. I also am under the impression some are often left out due to respect issues.
       I can't remember the last time i needed or wanted to pvp on siege or UO. It's just a fraction of the game. When i did pvp often i found the competition best on Atlantic and prodo shards due to being able to hunt in peace... Siege has always been more fun as a RP place due to the rules being more realistic and the opportunity for self governing.
        The single character rule too is something i really like since it also adds to reality. One can't really hide behind an alt unless you pay for it. So, team work, fair play, and reputation matters so much more. The way I see it is focusing soooooo much on one of the aspects of the game, when other shards do it better, is a little limiting and boring. Kinda missing out on the place as a whole. 
  • SirAJSirAJ Posts: 11
    I really think it is not pvp people are talking about - it's pking
  • FrejaSPFrejaSP Posts: 18
    edited March 2018
    Drakelord said:
    @ FrejaSP  Wonderful that you can take the time to chat here but grown so aloof from the Siege Forum at Stratics, and no chat from you in ages in General Chat.  Do come to the Stratics Forum and speak your mind once more in this thread, 


    Let your comrades know you still with us!!

    Creeger said:
    FrejaSP said:
    Creeger said:
    I’d just like to point out that the above post is the best English I’ve ever seen Freja write. Smells fishy to me.

    Are you saying this is not me?

    Yep, that’s exactly what I’m saying. All the writing errors in your second post were a nice touch, but a bit too late and much too sporatic. The errors are consistent when the real Freja writes in English.
    End of Greegers quote, do not work correct

    To Drakelord
    Comrates, who are my comrates? 

    The ones, who only dare call me a friend, when they are not with their herd?. 
    The ones who want to accept me as a friend if I follow the herd?
    The ones in a herd, that hold the shard in an ironfist and try to freeze all of the shard, who do not follow the herd?


    The ones who accept and respect me for who I am?
    The ones who accept, that I may hang out with their enemies and even call some of them my friends?
    The ones who do not dare call me their friends in public?

    I know who my comrades are :-)

    I wish to see changes to the balance between "good" and "evil" on Siege.
    I do not want to see young red or VvV guild/players be frozen ogg the shard, called for cheaters and worse, just because they stand on their own and do not follow the herd.
    I do not want to see the ironfist tear more guilds apart, as they did with my guild.

    To Greeger
    Maybe you don't know me as well as you think.
    Maybe it's about time I go red again, even when I still will be on my own and not belong to one of the sides. 

    When I was red, WyRm called me a false red, right now, it seem like I'm labeled a false blue so why not just accept me as I am :-)
    Crunch can tell, I don't fear stand up against his group if I do not agree with them but they have never told me, who I can call my friends and who I can hang out with.
    Maybe my spelling is better, when I'm calm, than when I'm upsat
  • FrejaSPFrejaSP Posts: 18
    SirAJ said:
    I really think it is not pvp people are talking about - it's pking
    What is wrong with PK's on Siege? Sure all have right to vote for Siege to become Trammel but Siege was born, because PK's was not wanted on the old shards. Siege was even born without Stat Loss. It was meant for the PK's and the ones who accept them as a part of the game.
    In the past, we had anti PK guilds, who would fight them and protect the crafters and farmers.
    Sure some of the "Anti PK's" was not much different than the PK''s, they had just choosen to stay blue and fight anything, that would not give them a count. That was the ones we called Noto PK's.
    We did have large blue guilds too in the past,And we did have public events, where all was welcome no matter of color. Some of the events was made of blue guilds and some of red guilds.
  • SirAJ said:
    I really think it is not pvp people are talking about - it's pking
    I agree AJ it seems the conversation seems to be more about pking with VvV arties. Since the question was VvV related i responded on the pvp side. Good point though.

    FrejaSP said: (a lot of stuff)

    Good to see the fiery Freja still speaking her mind. 
    You make good points. However,it's easy to turn passionate opinion into chat hate bait. 
    Freja i'm sure you know i'm all for speaking out and up; I just think you would get better results if you just let those "bait" comments go and stick with your point. 

  • FrejaSPFrejaSP Posts: 18
    York you are right, I will try to stay calm.
  • DrakelordDrakelord Posts: 1,792
    edited March 2018
    @Blind_Otto This is Siege Perilous.

    Well, all I can say is I agree with Blind Otto and know that whatever happens is the will of the players here on SP.  I feel whatever decision is made we will still have those that will say with angry “you did this to me” and I hope that they remember it is a game, have fun.
    Remove Trap = Bad News
    Treasure Hunters
  • DelDel Posts: 10
    I think people are scared of pvpers coming back to siege. I get it there is a very good RP community here who has the server all to themselves, but I feel as we move forward with the right tweaks we can turn siege into a high end pvp server again, Ideally i would love to see siege moved to the midwest so its equal for all parties. I also feel that the server needs something to bring it back to life, or just close it. 
  • TanagerTanager Posts: 634
    There are a lot of things about Siege that are very specifically designed to make it hard for people to get established. It is not supposed to be easy. It is designed to encourage an actual community, so that a new player must rely on that community and join it in some way unless they truly want a challenge. I'm all about community, and I will go pretty far out of my way to support any constructive aspect of it or help a new player join our community. However, at some point Darwinism kicks in. This shard has always been about quality over quantity. Siege Perilous weeds out the lazy and weak willed.

    I personally choose to spend as little time on grind as possible, so I run a skill based template over item based, but that does not mean my opinion on equipment and its impact on the community is worthless. I care about this shard, and the people who call it home. I think there should be NPCs that sell to reds. I think reds should have access to the virtues system, but in a different way - an anti-virtue system. I'd be fine with abolishing guard zones. THESE are the types of imbalance issues I would like to tackle.

    There are things Siege could do to entice more players, but making it easier is not something I want to see.
  • MissEMissE Posts: 782
    Creeger said:
    Yep, that’s exactly what I’m saying. All the writing errors in your second post were a nice touch, but a bit too late and much too sporatic. The errors are consistent when the real Freja writes in English.

    Aye well if you wanna check just use the icq number listed on the profile for Freya :P It is her number as I have had Freya for ages on my icq.  Pretty simple. 

    My number is 26 471 683 and is unique to me, as Freya's is unique to her so if suspicious drop an icq and ask.

    Cheers MissE

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  • Instead of these silly "tweaks" these stealth tamers are requesting to the VVV system, let's bring back factions instead. Atleast that pvp system was fun.
  • SwordofExcaliburSwordofExcalibur Posts: 95
    edited March 2018
    I don't play Siege.  But I'm thoroughly interested in it for a new challenge.

    Given the fact that it's easy to obtain elite gear on other shards, it seems to me, as being an outsider, the spirit of Siege is all the hardwork and the huge threat to one's survival that makes Siege fascinating.

    Even though it's pretty easy to lose your gear, I wouldn't see a reason to make gear easier to obtain.  That can be done on another shard.

    I am a fan of the Diablo games and used to play quite often. Siege, to me, sounds like Hardcore Mode on Diablo.  You play the game though, amassing excellent gear and if you die once, that's it.  GAME OVER MAN.  You lose all the gear you worked hard to get.  That game prompted you to play smart, be patient, be clever, and team up with people.  If you solo'ed, you'd be pretty brave.  But whose going to care about your bravery if your dead. lol

    So in the spirit of things, I wouldn't see why introducing more items would be ideal; unless you're trying to attract more players.  That in itself, could be a worthy compromise. 

    But then, what kind of players are you attracting?  Those goofballs in Gen Chat that I have to deal with on ATL screaming about being the current Edge Lord of the Day? lol

    It's really just a toss up.  I like the idea of waiting to see what EJ does.
    Dennis the Peasant: "Listen. Strange women lying in ponds distributing swords is no basis for a system of government. Supreme executive power derives from a mandate from the masses, not from some farcical aquatic ceremony." 
    Arthur: "Be quiet!" 
    Dennis: "You can't expect to wield supreme power just 'cause some watery tart threw a sword at you!” 
    Monty Python & the Holy Grail
  • CreegerCreeger Posts: 20
    I need a "Like" button for SwordofExcalibur post. 
  • RazzputonRazzputon Posts: 18
    edited March 2018

    Second *like*

    Exactly. Spot on.

  • SirAJSirAJ Posts: 11
    Creeger said:
    I need a "Like" button for SwordofExcalibur post. 

    I need a "like" button for Creeger's post!
  • DrakelordDrakelord Posts: 1,792
    SirAJ said:

    I need a "like" button for Creeger's post!

    Remove Trap = Bad News
    Treasure Hunters
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