Poll and discussion : VvV arties on Siege



  • OlRacOlRac Posts: 15
    You make a very valid point that to shut down the lesser sides wishes completely just for falling short of the majority isn't exactly the best option either. But that is why the EM made it clear this is a poll about having it one way or the other, no middle ground. In fact much of the nay sayers would be on the yay side if a middle ground was possible. 
  • EM KincaidEM Kincaid Posts: 204Event Moderator
    All right, stand by your beds!

    As I've said right from the start, the only thing I can promise will happen is that I will have a discussion with Mesanna. Who, incidentally, is not banned from these forums, and has probably already looked in here, and gone to look for the migraine tablets.

    For what it's worth (not a lot) I happen to agree that a bespoke system for Siege would be the best. We are unique, unless you could Mugen. That will almost always mean that a unique implementation of an idea would be the best. But it's pretty obvious that the devs are working on EJ flat out right now, and probably will be for the next year - tweaking, changing, and dealing with unforeseen implications of the new system. Asking them to spare the time to come up with, implement, and maintain, a unique VvV system for Siege is, I believe, asking far too much.

    Perhaps, when I have that discussion with Mesanna, she will say "sure!", flip a switch, and suddenly Siege's VvV is the same as all other shards. Perhaps she'll tell me to take a long walk off a short pier. Perhaps she'll implement her own poll, with far more options than mine, and we'll be looking at the start of a specification for Siege VvV. I can't see the future. I can only use logic - and logic tells me that we have two realistic options right now - leave it off, or turn it on.

    And, as I've already pointed out, Broadsword has logs of your accounts, of who logged on from which IP, of which accounts come from the same household, of who has never even set foot on Siege, and probably of who went shard to shard trying to skew the results. That's not to say that they'll think this topic is worth the effort of looking through those logs, but they most certainly do have them. I can also tell you that they are professional enough that they will not show up here and say "well, these guys were cheating, so we'll disregard their results". No public naming and shaming. Not over something as small as a poll. 

    Right. That's the last I'm saying on the topic until after I've spoken to Mesanna in about 21 days time. As you were.

  • FrejaSPFrejaSP Posts: 18
    edited March 2018

    I truelig believe, turning on the VvV artifacts will give us way more EJ account players on Siege, both old long gone Siege players and new players who want to play UO more like it was early UO.

    Releasing this items will make PvP less expensive and make more want to do PvP and VvV.

    I don't really believe it will make life worse for the crafters and non VvV farmers. Sure they may die more but that do not mean, that they always will get looted heavy.

    I understand the fear for more PvP and more PK's but it may mean, that the ones, who want to PvP do have more to fight. Sure the PK's may still go after an easy kill, but the RP and anti PK's will also get avantage from the VvV items and some of them will hunt the PK's.

    It may not be as bad as most of the nay sayers believe. More players on Siege will also help the vendor owners as the vendor fee won't ruin their profit, when their wares sell way faster.

    Lets get this VvV items and be ready to welcome old Siege players back on EJ accounts.

    Don't let the other shards get our old players.

    How hard would it be to turn them on for 6 months and lets see how it goes. If it do not go, turn them off again.

  • RazzputonRazzputon Posts: 18
    FrejaSP said:

    I truelig believe

    I stopped reading at this point.
  • AgrivarAgrivar Posts: 4
    I would like to change my vote to 'yes', but it looks like there is no mechanism for that. Before the arrows fly let me say why. It is not due to any persuasive arguments by the 'yeas' or the 'nays'. It is because if nothing is done to change the face of the game, then we should expect the same of it and its 'health' may continue to 'death'. The 'status quo' is sometimes a good thing, but in most cases in my experience - not so much. A lot of arbitrary terms have been bandied about from both sides. Most are opinions and that is all. But to say things in direct terms -  'It will bring more people to Siege', or the flip side - 'People will leave because of it', the reality is no one can say until it does / doesn't happen. No one has a crystal ball about anything. How the arties will affect play... how EJ will do... or even if the devs will listen / or care about the arty issue. They are focused on making the longevity of the game go on, and in the end the decision that is made will be theirs based on money period.

    But as an old player that has come back after some 15 or so years, my observation is the world is broken... by whatever means - bad programming, expansions, PvP, pets... the list goes on, and everyone has their own reasons, and agendas. I can say when I left, I felt the 'Siege' community was very strong, and united in making Siege a success and fun for all... Based on some of my experiences since coming back I don't know I still feel that way. There are great divisions apparent within the community - just read the posts. This, as much as the game mechanics, has contributed to the degree that Siege is broken. When EJ does hit, and the returners and newbies finally make their way in world, at some point they are going to read the various posts looking for a home. My question is, how do we (The Siege game community) want to be perceived? 

    I am not voting 'yes' for arties, PvP, PvM, crafting, taming... or any group, guild or persona. I am voting yes for 'change' to maybe jolt this community. That if we don't start... the world we love to play in will continue a stagnation to death... then we all have to move, and I hate moving.

    A simple question to ask yourself.. 'Do I want the world to progress? Or do I build road blocks?'
  • RazzputonRazzputon Posts: 18
    edited March 2018

    Agrivar. I don't think anyone is accepting of the status quo. Although some of the "yes" votes seem to think that's the case with the "no" votes.

    Seems the argument is: Will V3 arties change Siege for the better or worse.

  • Garth_GreyGarth_Grey Posts: 1,459
    edited March 2018
    I think they should be turned on, and useable by all. PvPrs will get more than their share of requested fights, those that don't know how or wont  pvp can still put someone in vvv, run around wait for Steve or one of his crew to drop...stealth up and loot away...suit up and go PvM. :-)  Bo gets to pvp and kill Steve, Razz gets to loot some free suits... win win for everyone.
    You and Several Others like this.

    Please make the Grizzled Mare a 5 slot mount, it's incredibly rare and deserves it. Some of us have been waiting a long time for this simple addition.
  • AgrivarAgrivar Posts: 4
    Sorry Razz, didn't me to imply that everyone is accepting of the Status Quo, but some are.
    I really meant to say after some thought 'shaking things up' is sometimes a good thing.

    And as stated - only upon activating arties would we know for certain if Siege is better or worse for it. Until then it's all conjecture and what ifs.

    After re-reading the EM's posting (several times) I believe the poll is more about measuring the interest in turning back on and the general climate feeling wise, rather than a hard vote for on/off switch - as that resides only with Broadsword - nothing we can do directly other than voice opinions which they should review. They'll do what they feel is right for the 'brand' regardless.

    As for the climate - there are strong feelings both ways - I would venture at this stage, neither side is right, neither wrong. Arties aren't active so we don't know, but we can all be affected by the outcome - hence the strong feelings - and words at times.

    I've come to realize whatever happens, I'll adapt - and I believe that everyone else will too. As players and people, we're resilient that way.    

  • TanagerTanager Posts: 634
    I second the motion to turn them on - for a trial period. 6 months sounds good. This seems like a healthy compromise that the Devs might consider, and then we can get beyond what ifs and maybes.
  • FrejaSPFrejaSP Posts: 18
    Tanager said:
    I second the motion to turn them on - for a trial period. 6 months sounds good. This seems like a healthy compromise that the Devs might consider, and then we can get beyond what ifs and maybes.

    Agree, as it is now, we can only guess how it will effect the shard. With a trial periode, all will see how it do effect their game, good or bad. If it do not work, just turn it off again.
  • FrejaSP said:
    Tanager said:
    I second the motion to turn them on - for a trial period. 6 months sounds good. This seems like a healthy compromise that the Devs might consider, and then we can get beyond what ifs and maybes.

    Agree, as it is now, we can only guess how it will effect the shard. With a trial periode, all will see how it do effect their game, good or bad. If it do not work, just turn it off again.
    Disagree totally. - if we have a trial.. the things are in.. and it will be a hell to get rid of them.
    There are lots of things which staid after a trial and it is a pain to fix issues later.

  • TanagerTanager Posts: 634
    It'd be no different than turning on Treasures of Tokuno for a bit, or any of the other events like it. The artifacts would be stockpiled, and then, once the event is shut off, those items are either gradually lost to attrition, stuffed into a box to collect dust, or end up on some display mannequin. They are character bound after all, so only useful to one player.
  • SirAJSirAJ Posts: 11
    Trail periods means forever.
  • CriticalCritical Posts: 17
  • CriticalCritical Posts: 17
    edited March 2018
    I also love the idea of turning on tots periodically.  Cruising the sands of makoto looking for newbies farming for their first pair of swords of prosperity, etc...  

  • MargretteMargrette Posts: 549
    It won't happen but I would love for a Dev or even a moderator to chime in on the number of unique IPs vs account names that voted on this. I have 2 accounts, but I only created one UO Forums account, and I've only voted one time. Can everyone else in this thread say the same, and mean it ? I doubt it.
    Yep, I have two master accounts but have only made one forum account and therefore have only voted once in this poll.
  • BilboBilbo Posts: 2,834
    Margrette said:
    It won't happen but I would love for a Dev or even a moderator to chime in on the number of unique IPs vs account names that voted on this. I have 2 accounts, but I only created one UO Forums account, and I've only voted one time. Can everyone else in this thread say the same, and mean it ? I doubt it.
    Yep, I have two master accounts but have only made one forum account and therefore have only voted once in this poll.
    It is not 1 per master account unless you only have 1 UO account.  I have 2 master accounts with 3 active uo accounts at present so if I wanted to I could make 3 UO Forum accounts
  • FreelsyFreelsy Posts: 70
    Bilbo said:
    Margrette said:
    It won't happen but I would love for a Dev or even a moderator to chime in on the number of unique IPs vs account names that voted on this. I have 2 accounts, but I only created one UO Forums account, and I've only voted one time. Can everyone else in this thread say the same, and mean it ? I doubt it.
    Yep, I have two master accounts but have only made one forum account and therefore have only voted once in this poll.
    It is not 1 per master account unless you only have 1 UO account.  I have 2 master accounts with 3 active uo accounts at present so if I wanted to I could make 3 UO Forum accounts

    I have 5 active accounts linked to 1 master account. I can log into the forums with each game account, however, they all log me into the same forum account, as has been stated multiple times. Each forum account is linked to your master account.
  • FrejaSPFrejaSP Posts: 18
    Freelsy har ret, selv om jeg logger ind en af mine andre account der alle er på samme master account, deler de forums account og vil alle poste som FrejaSP 
  • CriticalCritical Posts: 17
    Yea freelsy.  What she said brah
  • BilboBilbo Posts: 2,834
    Freelsy said:
    Bilbo said:
    Margrette said:
    It won't happen but I would love for a Dev or even a moderator to chime in on the number of unique IPs vs account names that voted on this. I have 2 accounts, but I only created one UO Forums account, and I've only voted one time. Can everyone else in this thread say the same, and mean it ? I doubt it.
    Yep, I have two master accounts but have only made one forum account and therefore have only voted once in this poll.
    It is not 1 per master account unless you only have 1 UO account.  I have 2 master accounts with 3 active uo accounts at present so if I wanted to I could make 3 UO Forum accounts

    I have 5 active accounts linked to 1 master account. I can log into the forums with each game account, however, they all log me into the same forum account, as has been stated multiple times. Each forum account is linked to your master account.
    TY for testing that
  • FreelsyFreelsy Posts: 70
    FrejaSP said:
    Freelsy har ret, selv om jeg logger ind en af mine andre account der alle er på samme master account, deler de forums account og vil alle poste som FrejaSP 

  • Victim_Of_SiegeVictim_Of_Siege Posts: 2,294
    edited March 2018
    Freelsy said:
    FrejaSP said:
    Freelsy har ret, selv om jeg logger ind en af mine andre account der alle er på samme master account, deler de forums account og vil alle poste som FrejaSP 

    the Google Box translated it as : "Freelsy is right, even though I log in one of my other accounts, all of which are on the same master account, they share the forums account and will all post as FrejaSP" Brah.

    A Goblin, a Gargoyle, and a Drow walk into a bar . . .

    Never be afraid to challenge the status quo

  • FrejaSPFrejaSP Posts: 18

    Haha, sorry.

    Google translated it very well. Think I need to get back to UO, have played to much on Danish game servers :-)

  • OlRacOlRac Posts: 15
    edited March 2018
    Yes you do need to come back soon some of us miss you very much :smile:
  • FrejaSPFrejaSP Posts: 18
    I hope a lot on EJ account will help me get back. I miss when I saw other players around Safe Haven
  • EM KincaidEM Kincaid Posts: 204Event Moderator
    Ladies and Gentlemen, an update.

    As promised, I did discuss the matter with Mesanna.
    You've probably already guessed the outcome, based on the results of the poll.
    As of this posting - which is past the end date I set for the poll - we have 45% for yes, and 55% for no.
    That alone leaves the response as no.

    However, the other factor in this is that it is too close to call. There is no clear agreement on this matter - as you are well aware.

    And so, things will remain exactly as they currently are.

    That is, obviously, not the end of the matter. It's just the end of my current offer to help you with this. 

    I will say this, to those who fervently believe that this would be good for Siege, the ball's in your court. Put genuine effort into trying to convince others that it would be a good thing. I see something happening on Sundays that I never thought I'd see on Siege again - "good guys" fighting "bad guys" with everything they've got, in pretty decent gear, with a pretty good sense of honorable competition going on. I thought that had gone the way of the Silver Steed, back when player-run duels ended. So, if that's possible, anything is possible. 

    If you really want these things, convince others. Not with the "you wimpy noobs don't know which end of a sword to hold" attacks, but with genuine negotiation and debates - which don't always have to be out in the open. In fact, I'd say that you'll get further discussing it one-on-one, than with everyone and their mongbat jumping in. 

    That's all I have to say on the matter for now. If you guys can present a (mostly) united front, and want me to be your spokesperson again, I'm happy to do so. But as far as I'm concerned, that's it for now. Over to you. 

  • FreelsyFreelsy Posts: 70
    LOL.That's the biggest bowl of shit I've ever heard.

  • BilboBilbo Posts: 2,834
    IMHO This poll should be done on the shard and not in a forum where every player has a vote.  Siege players should decide this and no others.  UO knows who plays Siege so it would be easy for them to verify that say you play regularly for 6+ months so you get a vote.
  • Garth_GreyGarth_Grey Posts: 1,459
    This thread was a complete joke waste of time, the poll votes were corrupted by people that don't even play on Siege. Can we be done now with any discussion about what will make this shard better, and just continue on the way we were ? You know, where people hide and farm crap all day, where resources are still scripted day and night, where the same people win the same contests over and over, all while claiming to be perfectly honest and overflowing with integrity, yada yada yada.
    You and Several Others like this.

    Please make the Grizzled Mare a 5 slot mount, it's incredibly rare and deserves it. Some of us have been waiting a long time for this simple addition.
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