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  • Just want to confirm Pinco UI is fine to use right?
  • Don't mind AtomicBetty -- she just acts like she has a sandy vag when it comes to interacting with ppl.
  • yeah i got 120 vet so no point really, ty for input. though i just read that Asclepius staff gives 15% bandage healing bonus -- that's pretty good!
  • Does that take into account as being the original tamer or could anyone else can use it too - even if they bought pet?
  • Cannot login to ATL from Sydney Australia :S
  • as per my tag #StopStayRelog i usually stop/stay the pet at the start, waddle through to spot then hide/relog. but walking there instead of mounting it there also attracts mobs too - i have been caught out in the past yeah and some paths are tedious…
  • For a tamer they are, but i like your angle there TY Is there any point of reference (URL) that tells you what goes for what these days or loot keepers?!  the stuff youre talking about i mean. All my toons are decked out with PS i got from selling…
  • oh and the bots running on unpopulated shards are either false or done/brought here, because if you look at those gold farm websites they charge extra if youre not on ATL shard, go figure..
  • So what you are saying is that you need to pk pvmers doing champ spawns, loot their efforts, in order to buy their shinies?! /s Delete tram is like saying let 5 people play ATL..
  • PVP is what fel is for, not champ spawns, most PVPers arent traditional PKs, they usually hang at luna moongate or get a pet rez at cough luna stables. All that guild/VvV stuff. Geddit? Champion spawn PKs serve nothing to the community, they retrac…
  • And im starting to understand why we have never chatted before.. apart from insinuating i am someone else, i dont hold PVPers in the highest regard like you do it appears. All they do is horde champs, idocs, and such and bitch and incoherently whine…
  • erm, a few months ago me and saul were targeted by a russian pk at champ spawns, it was a big flare up in GC so not sure what you're on about there with that quote. i left the game for a month plus and played something else instead, either way i may…
  • uhm, my sampire is the name im using here.. never had an issue with you Yoshi.. in game or chat, as for Barry/Clyde/Baba thats another point, and they seem to delight in ruffling everyones feathers, but i digress. And the only chick (that isnt using…
  • i doubt it, that's what other players do too. ive never cheated so dont know how these scripts go, but it must be a heck of a bot if it can do champ spawns though...
  • yeah ok lol. Let me guess, you have only logged on ATL 'twice in the past three years' Point of this thread is that gold farms are benefiting from an unfair game mechanic.......
  • sounds like a random uo gold farm owner is angry via deflecting ^^^ idk you so w/e I play CSGO on local servers? That is, single digit ping. And i haven't done a champ spawn for over three months now...
  • No i am saying that the pets skills are more enhanced with 120. depends on the pets though but CUs are beasts with 120 scrolls.. thats why there a lot of them at 120, otherwise whats the point right?! I use what the ones that do thorough pet parses …
  • Oh you can definitely tell the difference with 120 scrolls on some bosses like navrey etc   Also look at GC and the cancer that PVPers are in there. I have never taken up PVP (in UO), if i did t would be in a FPS where things were stacked more even …
  • nothing worse than being there as a tamer trying to get scrolls for your stable, with no fighting skills because youre heavily invested in your tamer aspect, and a ping of 300ms XD I could care less if PKs disappeared i have no respect for them base…
  • Cherry pick much?! What no word of the third party sites that benefit from this charade?! Why people leave because of this flawed mechanic?! Idc who you are, but if i put an hours effort into something, yes you will also lose that prized loot you co…
  • yes, you can argue its always been a part of the game and tough-titties and such, but you could also argue that some scrolls are worth more than the most expensive custom house, and some end up on grey sites for sale too (read: at your expense), so …