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Member, Active UO Account


  • I don't even consider legal multi-clienting legitimate. No other game tolerates it, even random pirate WoW servers operating out of Eastern European basements don't let you do that shit the way UO does. It's an embarrassing concession the UO team ma…
  • There's like two people working on UO who know how to program a computer. I don't think Mesanna even does anything.
  • It took them like five years to pull off NL, during which time everything else stagnated and they completely lost control of client development for their own game. Even if they saw this thread and decided to get to work on a proper classic shard rig…
  • If you go to the Town Cryer Twitter account, click the image to load it, then right-click it and select "Open Image in New Tab" you can get a full-size version that's actually readable once you zoom in on it. Here's a direct link. https://pbs.twimg…
  • Victim_Of_Siege said: it's always so hard to read on here.  The forum software limits the maximum file size of images and, rather than adapt to that reality in any way whatsoever, they instead choose to just keep uploading these unreada…
  • I'd have more respect for you if you just said you're pro-bot because you like to cheat. This drivel is embarrassing to look at.
  • I'm like 99.9% sure there's no way to audit an entire shard for instances of a particular item and then edit those items in place. At least not for any sane amount of effort. There have been too many times in the past where such an ability would hav…
  • Oreogl said:
  • It literally just changes the displayed graphics for trees into stumps for better visibility. It has no other effect on gameplay and there's no reason to be opposed to it unless you think "not being able to see shit" is a crucial part of the UO expe…
  • The only way anyone competent can die at this event is due to crippling Atlantic lag. That or maybe if multiple paragons with a breath attack lock on and happen to breathe at the same time. Anything else and it's just curse weapon, target nearest ho…
  • Pawain said: I've been telling you the mobs were too easy from day 1. Actually you started out griping about Blood Oath and complaining about getting styled on by sampires. Then when I told you to get Resisting Spells you posted your t…
  • Pawain said:I posted it because you said there is nothin in there but ants.  You are wrong. Here's me a couple weeks ago reacting to the news that they were putting undead in the ant hive alongside the ants. How pathetic, you're so butthurt …
  • Pawain said: Ya nothing at all in the ant hole entries.  You are a total clown. (snip picture) Is this a joke? It's mostly mummies and skeletal mages and total one-shot trash. Clear the screen with one or two whirlwinds and then chain a…
  • KroDuK said: You omitting that paladin.. he was dodging those skelly drake jab like neo dodges bullets. My favorite part of that thread was when @Rhel got so mad that he called me an idiot newbie for taking so long to kill those trash mo…
  • I dare you to post your "event specific" archer template again. You know the one. You were proud enough of it to post it originally. If you don't repost it now I'm just gonna conclude that I've taught you shame.
  • Pawain said: Lord_Nythrax said: Yeah champ, I know there's skeletons and the occasional paragon down there too. It's pretty hilarious watching you list your little accomplishments and beg for validation. If I tell you that you're a goo…
  • Pawain said: Playboy_1 said: I actually play the game. People who just whine and cry like babies in forums, but don’t play the game shouldn’t get opinions.  I agree but there is another troll here that clearly does not play, he can …
  • Yeah just give these guys stumphack, who actually gives a shit?
  • Yeah champ, I know there's skeletons and the occasional paragon down there too. It's pretty hilarious watching you list your little accomplishments and beg for validation. If I tell you that you're a good boy, will you calm down?
  • Pawain said: Yup, when fact appear you do this.  Move along NOOB. Yeah it's super impressive how you (checks notes) killed solens with a swordsman. I hope the "easy button" combat wasn't too much of a letdown compared to your usual high-po…
  • Pawain said: Lord_Nythrax said: ForeverFun said:2. ancient liches, skeletal dragons, darknight creepers, etc? On this forum, discussing this event, I have literally encountered:An established player running what they called an…
  • ForeverFun said:2. ancient liches, skeletal dragons, darknight creepers, etc? On this forum, discussing this event, I have literally encountered:An established player running what they called an "event-specific template" with under 110 weap…
  • The "war on third-party clients" is over and Broadsword lost horribly. They didn't have the stones to actually ban anyone for literally anything, so nothing they did really mattered, and they were stomped out in a matter of days. As far as I'm conce…
  • I saw Mariah use the phrase "board PVP" a while back. Happy to see my terminology catching on.
  • They either have the sack to ban paid accounts for cheating or this is all a joke.
  • I don't do anything that especially benefits from it, but I'm sympathetic to this request. I don't really see why getting hung up on foliage should be some kind of crucial gameplay element worth fighting for. Same with the options that make field sp…
  • Cookie said: Lord_Nythrax said: Yeah buddy, hate to tell you this, but the part where anyone has respect for botters feelings ain't coming. I think they should all be banned. But you don't only behave like that to Botters, you…
  • Cookie said: Lord_Nythrax said: Cookie said: username said: Cookie said: username said: @ Kyronix I think this is very telling. We need #1 ASAP! As I mentioned in the other thread, they are now running …
  • Cookie said: username said: Cookie said: username said: @ Kyronix I think this is very telling. We need #1 ASAP! As I mentioned in the other thread, they are now running scripts and using crazy built in functions in th…