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  • Grimbeard said: Unlike you killing not a race to me my pets aren't perfect and the only max I have is the drip on my outfits but the prevalence of mostly sampires using double axe have lead to the developers giving us events that depend on ki…
  • Did they do something to break the cheat client again? I assumed they had given up.
  • Skett said: so basically we have learned that one handed weapon and shield isnt on par with a 2 handed weapon and parry needs a buff The only thing we've learned is that it's taken the slow kids twenty years to notice that Bushido is buil…
  • Skett said:   such a joke lmao Wow, great comeback. First you stupidly ask "why all dexer not use shields" three times in a row while ignoring the answers, now this. Good job avoiding absolutely any capital letters or punctuation, too. Anyw…
  • Skett said: no i dont but you can keep ignoring the question as to why all dexxer dont use shields if shields offer so much more BECAUSE MOST OF THEM HAVE BUSHIDO AND EQUIPPING A SHIELD WOULD DROP THEIR PARRY CHANCE TO NOTHING. The stats …
  • keven2002 said: This is a perfect example of why the Devs either limit communication or "don't listen" because certain people have (typically negative) comments on every single thing in the game... and half the time they have no idea what th…
  • Skett said: good god nvm Seriously do you even play a dexer? You're bitching that Bushido "shouldn't block better than parry" like you don't even realize that you need both skills in order to parry properly with a two-hander.
  • Skett said: omg thats the point parry need a boost they nerfed it years ago and caused this imbalance that they never fixed im sure in pvp parry is messed up as well bush needs fixed as well should never block better than parry its just stupi…
  • Skett said: so explain why fighters are not using shields can you answer that ? Because once you have Bushido, the parrying skill literally stops functioning while you have a shield equipped. Even if you made one-handed weapons supreme, y…
  • Grimbeard said: BS we all know DPS is king and no amount of stats on a shield changes that while I am using my radiant scimitar with all my extra stats Joe sampire has mowed done dozens more monsters and again just look at what is being used....…
  • Skett said: lying eyes I guess im seeing same thing all sampys using dbl axe but i guess its a secret single hand weapon and shield is better most powerful players dont use shield why is that ? Because shields aren't compatible with bushid…
  • I don't think I've ever said this before, but Pawain is completely correct. Having an entire extra item slot to pack with stats in the form of a shield is a huge bonus, and the only reason people use two-handers is because bushido stops shields from…
  • psycho said: Disappointing content means people log of or play freeshards instead, for all of us, thats no good. Lots of freeshards, if you come rolling up to a spawn operating a whole squad of automated characters, they just ban you as …
  • Seth said: Blood oath balances the sampire or else, it will be unstoppable and boring to use. The traditional counter is to run away, disarm or switch to a weaker weapon when "Blood Oath" flashes across the screen. Is dropping resist in fa…
  • KroDuK said:Edit: at this point.. give me your password i'ma go park your sampie in middle of those DF's before going AFK.. if I have to do all the job.. i'll do it..  Yeah you can cast protection, gimp your resist, crap your pants at the a…
  • KroDuK said: https://www.uoguide.com/Protection Doesn't apply to Spirit Speak, which wouldn't heal enough to be useful under these circumstances even if it worked. Running protection would just gimp your resisting spells for a trivial gain in …
  • Listen chuckles, you're clearly unfamiliar with PVM on this level. You will never, ever, ever get a spirit speak off under these circumstances. Ever. Just keeping curse weapon active involves a ton of spamming in order to find a few damage-free tick…
  • When you're receiving that level of constant damage your life bar is either full or it's empty. You don't watch it tick down to half and then go golly gee whiz maybe I should think about stepping off to spirit speak. Going more than a few seconds wi…
  • KroDuK said:Edit: seriously u seems to miss the obvious here.. I still want my sappire build to be able to solo stuff like gauntlet (best sustain in the game) No one knows what this is. Repeat. No. One. Knows. What. This. Is. No one is giving …
  • Just make sure that every time you post about nerfing things, you include that dopey video of you almost dying with an empty mana bar while slowly poking a skele drake to death. Maybe put the link in your forum signanture so nobody forgets what cali…
  • Whew, at least you're not that incompetent. Next time you present a suit for my inspection, make sure to be that thorough from the start. Seriously though, work a leech weapon into your pile of swaps so nobody steals your lunch money while you're st…
  • Ahahahahaha, this guy went off for like an hour and a half to seethe and take screenshots of everything he owns, LMAOOO. I want the rest of you scrublords to take note, this is the bare minimum I expect from the lot of you. Lord Nythrax is the best …
  • After watching that video again I'm pretty sure there's nothing they can do short of deleting necromancy from the game that would stop every sampire from ruling over you like a god. What kind of trash weapon are you using there? A war fork, with no …
  • So do these sets even look like anything in CC graphics?
  • Congrats on your first-ever post with no horrifying spelling or grammar mistakes. I wouldn't have thought you had it in you. By the way, I know you haven't felt clear-headed enough to solve this baffling mathematical conundrum yet, so let me give yo…
  • KroDuK said: If u take the time to do the formula by hand like a big boy.. use the correct value.. u just added more confusion.. me and @ Jawetzel prove we work better without your BAD math. The result mean nothing if u can't do the formula.…
  • Jawetzel said: Based on the numbers, I would expect 175 stam and 55 ssi to be just as fast, if not faster than 150stam and 60 ssi, and thats what I would like to see change.   if that means slowing down the 150 down to 1.75 and making them b…
  • KroDuK said:so your 1.63 swing speed... is actually 1.75. without even rounding anything else DOWN. Be polite MOFO, I was trying to help your dumb dumb math skill, that could have been confusing for others that actually read and consider a Tram…
  • Pawain said: I haven't done formulas, but the OP is correct, you put stamina in a calculator and the next faster level will not occur until you increase the stamina by 30.   Not 25, not 29. Violet verifies that it cant be changed because of …
  • KroDuK said: The problem with Nythrax formula is he ain't round the numbers down.. the client do not keep a flag on "complex" fraction.. it simplify; by rounding down.. like with strength does .5 but here .25 Edit: I could be wrong (high fev…