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- JohnKnighthawke
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- 440
Is this literally just in the paper doll or in the gameplay window too? I'm getting mixed messages from this thread. Surely someone knows for sure by now?
Normally there's a link to the publish notes. Am I missing it?
Every time they come closer to what posts like this say they want it doesn't work the way everyone thinks it will and the lesson is never learned. The past is gone. Mostly, just to be honest, that's by far for the better. I used to have a standard p…
What shard? I was on Cats and had lag but not only those two places.
For the future will this help you or were you looking solely for the direct link to the download itself? (When the main site is down for me it's normally just the front page, not the whole site.) It looks though like …
Still a couple of more days to go.
Wow this is amazing to see how the feedback shifts. ToT style is boring, do something else. Here's something else. I thought we all agreed ToT was awesome. No wonder they're giving up trying.
Some years ago, I did some research on the free shards. Among other things I discovered every reason to believe that folks on the boards (back then it was Stratics only) were exaggerating, or were misinformed, about the numbers on free shards. I nev…
Lord_Nythrax said: JohnKnighthawke said: I've got to wonder how many people were banned for using what's now going to be the new "Classic" client. Will they be un-banned now? What other third party programs, currently disallowed, are t…
That it be good. That it have involving fiction that makes the mechanics seem as little like a chore as practical.
I've got to wonder how many people were banned for using what's now going to be the new "Classic" client. Will they be un-banned now? What other third party programs, currently disallowed, are to be allowed in altered version?
New Despise with the mini-game. I note that the answers in this thread display a shocking amount of unanimity. I note further that this unanimity is reflected in how comparatively few people actually visit this dungeon. Please bring back old Despise…
Duncan sends a message to the Minister, through discrete channels My vote should be obvious. We can fight both armies with minimal casualties. We've faced worse. What we can't do is undo anything we do the Dark Path. Not keeping that in reserve ju…
I, for one, wouldn't mind a similar event if executed well. This should include fiction to lend it purpose and meaning beyond what is literally included in the event. (Why, again, were pirates invading the Void Pool? If there was fiction for that I …
It looks like this has been fixed. Thank you.
Arroth_Thaiel said: @ JohnKnighthawke With some investigation, this is actually a bit more interesting. I have submitted a bug report.…
I don't know. Can you see the longsword in the CC? If you can, that's one definite leg up on the EC.
The site was fixed so I could download the client. Neat. Thank you. I had fun playing that day. But to return to the main issue of the thread, this can't be a difficult fix. The longsword is not a new weapon to the game, and the EC already has two …
Kyronix said: We'll have a more detailed announcement of the fall plans as we get closer to the season, but you can expect anniversary rewards, a Halloween event (in the context of a ToT), updates to the Huntmaster's challenge, and moving int…
Arroth_Thaiel said: You are correct, longswords no longer appear in the character's hand in game (EC, Pacific). Longswords do appear on the paper doll and in the backpack. Thank you. So, hey, folks, can you fix this? But first, can you …
I was confused by their statement and I still am. They need to use more precise language. Because I, also, read the statement as applying to every transmogrified Hawkwind Robe. UO does not have the best history at managing this kind of thing, so a t…
I'd like to take this moment to say: Rogue skills in general need an overhaul because the combat rogue, D&D style, doesn't seem to be a viable template in UO, and should be.
Many. But this comes to mind, for many reasons.
So long ago I can't remember.
Rorschach said: There is a lot of speculation, rumormongering and flat out misinformation here. Be careful where and who you get information from. Welcome to UO?
My John character's shield.
Kyronix said: These are meant to be fun and whimsical akin to the BNN articles of yesteryear. For more specific game related information please see the periodic newsletters delivered via mailchimp & Thank you for the clarifi…
New publish has an item called "Ruckuss Rum" onto which shield properties can be added with Transmogrification. UO Cah has a screencap. Unsurprisingly, it's a bottle. Not a shield. Even if this is the only such non-shield item so far the fact that t…
There are many examples of what makes Great Lakes Event Moderators a cut above. I'll cite just two in this post. -The global storyline "In the Shadow of Virtue" was generally speaking more intense and epic on GL than elsewhere. -Our interactions wit…
Apologies but I'm not seeing what the questions were.