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- jaytin
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Wow, I guess we will all get banned if we have the wrong point of view. Truth hurts I guess, now I remember why I stopped posting the last time...
At least if we could have rebuilt Haven and Magincia it would have appeased those that were so upset about it, IF it went back to how it was before....but like that 'player generated quest system' mentioned at the Anniversary party, it was probably …
Give it up, they don't care, the 'revamp' we got was clearly what they intended from the start, they never put anything back to how it was, no matter how upset people get or how much they hate it. Despise Trammel and ugly, badly designed 'New' Haven…
Well it appears that it's only the opinions of the people who DON'T like the new 'system' that 'don't count', some people will just accept anything if it's 'new' some people will just 'adapt' to anything if it's new content or it's broken, because t…
I opened a lot of MIBs when I was still playing and I definitely never got ASOS 1 in 20, I guess I was just really unlucky. A friend of mine had barely enough Fishing skill to fish the MIBs up and she got way more than me.
I wish they would revert it, I would re-sub right away! It's not going to happen though, they can't admit they made a mistake.
Never mind the weapons, what about a ring weighing one stone, everyone must be superhuman. I always found it odd they went with stones and not pounds...
Telling people to find a workaround is not really a solution, this is a subscription game and content is paid for therefore it should work properly or at least be fixed in a timely manner if it goes wrong. There are plenty of free MMO's out there th…
All I remember is being hit with 'nothing is set in stone yet' every time we complained. I stopped playing before it even went live and I only have a few days left on my sub, it's unlikely I'll be back this time as t-hunting was the only thing I rea…
Hope you had a nice time Praha thanks for the screenie!
MissE said : What is a party actually going to 'split' given that on those 10 hoard chests above in the case of 7 of them there wasn't even ONE special item to loot? Party chests lmao you wouldn't dare bore your friends taking them on a hunt where…
I find it pretty frustrating that someone using the generic term 'fan bois' is being called out, I guess because of their point of view, but at least two people with the opposite viewpoint have called a large group of posters 'whiners' plus a perso…
The problem here is that some people have never played any other game, some people will never play any other game, they are here forever. Unfortunately this can make some people accept ANY new content from boredom and fear of losing their only amuse…
A number of people who do t-hunts don't want puzzles, a number of people who do dungeon chests don't want them added there either, maybe some people just don't want to be forced to do puzzles? By all means add some extra area with the puzzles for pe…
I would rather stab myself in the eye with a fork than do these puzzles to train up a skill...
It's not about whether they are hard or easy, most of us that played any kind of adventure games have done hundreds of these puzzles, usually because you can't progress in the game otherwise, but that doesn't mean we enjoy them or want them on t-hun…
A year or two ago I had a weird bug that made the EC crash almost exactly an hour after I started playing, every day it did it, finally I would turn the game off and restart when it got close to an hour, so at least I had some control, it was really…
I can't believe I'm saying this, but I agree with Bilbo totally!
Well they already called everyone that didn't agree with them 'whiners' so I guess personal attacks were the next step. I thought the rules here meant people couldn't call each other names?
I would rather be thought a whiner than be someone who would trade my current enjoyment for ANYTHING new, even if it was worse than what I already had. As others have pointed out, we already have puzzles in other places in-game, but I bet hardly any…
Trap removal kits could be a nice little earner for Tinkers, but be careful what you ask for, it's more likely that they would implement it with the character requiring BOTH Tinker and Remove Trap skills so very few people would be able to fit it on…
Uriah_Heep said: I thought Mervyn was banned... *sigh* You mean you wished he was...you are not alone
Good ideas Petra but I doubt they could do that even if they wanted to bother.
If some map categories are more desirable than others then there will surely be a lot of discarded maps and very little chance to get the good ones?! I don't really understand the new naming system it seems to be very complicated. Why is everything …
I know, short of scrapping the whole thing, which might be a blessing at this point, I can't see them radically changing the direction this 'revamp' is going.
I would like to just say that I do puzzles in other games and I'm not terrible, but I specifically play those other games because I WANT to do the puzzles. I am not playing UO to do puzzles, I just want to play my t-hunter and have a relaxing time, …
I can do up to 6's alone, I've never tried a 7. A few times if the spot was in a bad location with a lot of local spawn around it my husband would come and help me clear the area to speed things up, but that's all, I would do the chest by myself. Ve…
The only time I ever saw people group up for t-hunts was to get those new drakes, nobody makes a group to t-hunt, it would be really boring for most of the group. Multi-clienting is not a group and I don't even consider that actually being a t-hunte…
I find the new names very convoluted and confusing, just when I had remembered what level the old names were.