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- jaytin
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- Europa
Some of us didn't even ask for a loot upgrade, we just accepted that the loot was bad but we enjoyed them anyway, I learned long ago in UO to be careful what you wish for. I wonder how many of the people who think the changes are great actually play…
@MissE +1 I agree with you 100%
So does the whole group help with the puzzle?
I don't want to be forced to do puzzles, it's not fun for me.
I use the EC because I can't stand the muddle in my backpack or having to line up all those little icons, it makes me crazy as I need to have a straight line. Also I need less clicking as the mouse makes my hand sore.
Most of the really unpleasant people are not actually children, a lot of the youngest players are better behaved....of course there are exceptions! :-P
Your house is really lovely!
Seems crazy that the people who are most penalised are the ones that previously had a paid subscription. New EJ players have no problem using their box. I don't know any other game where the free-to-play model stops you from using your bank at all, …
I wish the whole roast pig would give portions, it's embarrassing when you accidentally eat the whole pig.
Popps said : With some 1,000 Luck, in about an hour of Dungeon Mining and at GM Miner using the +5 Mining gloves, "on average" one can mine about 500 Saltpeter. I have no luck at all, it's 0, I get about 1000 saltpeter in an hour or so. Depends if …
Why can't the luck statue just have an hour cool-down after use? An hour isn't a huge number or maps....
@Summoned a lot of people asked for the interiors of the old castle and keep to be updated, to be more practical, but it never happened, I guess they don't have the time.
Let's not bash someone who has done so much testing for us all! @Margrette pays her sub the same as the rest of us and that entitles her to an opinion on here, her feedback and work on the test centre is much appreciated by some of us! I've never f…
@Margrette well said! I agree with you 100%
@Margrette you are not alone in your views on suit swapping, dual-clienting and the stinginess of loot. I guess I'm crying too....you shouldn't be having to spend real money on a suit in a subscription game. I've never used a luck suit for t-hunting…
oh yes I forgot about the wheelbarrows!
It wouldn't work, the new Keeps and Castles have had the 'foundation' added that all custom houses have, so you couldn't actually leave that area open the way it is now. We were already told that any castle or keep with items in the open areas that …
@Uriah_Heep I have come to the same conclusion, I have a lot of maps at the moment and they probably have little chance of me doing them after June.
Nice post, I say we put Petra in charge!
Didn't we get the swans last year from a clickie? Or was that the year before?
Forcing group play onto a profession that was an enjoyable solo pastime is just ridiculous, t-hunts were the one thing we could all do when we couldn't find other people to play with or we wanted to do something alone due to time constraints. Some o…
Contest Started/Signup – Wednesday, April 17, 2019 3:35:22 PM GMT-4:00 DSTFirst Vote Begins – Wednesday, May 1, 2019 3:42:02 PM GMT-04:00 DSTSecond Vote Begins – Wednesday, May 8, 2019 3:42:02 PM GMT-04:00 DSTVote Tally – Saturday, May 11, 2019 3:42…
ToiMasheen said: DJAd said: We need less servers, not more. Agreed, eliminate all but 5. One east, one west, one asian, siege, legacy. There you go. Great idea, let's just lose the whole of Europe! So where are we all meant to pl…
So if you don't have a high luck suit you are likely to just get rusty chests? Great...
I agree @Gauge 'UO - catering to minorities since 1997' I rarely do chests in Fel, I've done a few but I won't be making my t-hunter's career out of them. I really only like the Trammel and Malas ones, most of the other places it takes longer to cl…
If Remove Trap is needed for some bonus extra content then that's okay, it's up to individual choice, but if it will become a requirement for all t-hunters then that is definitely not okay. People have crowded templates and if you already accept tha…
@filipjules If people are so childish as to trash talk you on a house sign then what does that say about them? Do you think others are looking at them with any respect? Most of us probably think they are 12 years old, just ignore them, if you give t…
Maybe they should just stop paragons spawning as guardians on chests, I'm sure nobody would object.
It only gives 0.1 SoTs and often they are not useful ones.
A lot of the crashes on Europa were in the morning too, but we have had a few in the afternoon, hmm you would think they would be at more busy times, they seem to happen less at peak time, in the evening, I guess it depends on what's causing them.