Publish 116.1 Feedback



  • PawainPawain Posts: 9,727
    edited October 2023
    Love it how the top tier players think everything is OP.

    Guess they want no one else to get good items so they can stay that way in their minds?

    I don't know, I just play for fun and like to kill stuff.

    I'm a top tier computer chair sitter.  I am different tho. I hope all of you have the best and most comfortable chairs and computer supplies.  None are OP IMO.  Serta iComfort. 12 hr rated.
    Focus on what you can do, not what you can't.
  • SkettSkett Posts: 1,464
    Walmart chair for me about the same level for my armor these days as well 
  • GrimbeardGrimbeard Posts: 2,153
    Pawain said:
    Love it how the top tier players think everything is OP.

    Guess they want no one else to get good items so they can stay that way in their minds?

    I don't know, I just play for fun and like to kill stuff.

    I'm a top tier computer chair sitter.  I am different tho. I hope all of you have the best and most comfortable chairs and computer supplies.  None are OP IMO.  Serta iComfort. 12 hr rated.
    God help me i agree with paddy cakes i just want to be the most leet fisherman 
  • CovfefeCovfefe Posts: 239
    edited October 2023
    Pawain said:
    Guess they want no one else to get good items so they can stay that way in their minds?
    There is some sort of mechanism in place where only new players get these items and not the people who already have top end items? 
    I don’t really get what you’re saying. 

    I already said I would farm a ton of them if they were MR 1 even to improve my suits.

    if they give me 10 more MR, I will be too powerful.

    it would mean I could fit even more +skill on my suit, which I believe is a current pvp complaint.
  • HolumerHolumer Posts: 172
    Holumer said:
    Looking at that drop rate, it is about 7 per hour. what about those people that cannot play but a n hour or two a day? or average out at like 7 to 10 hours a week? with the competition of people at the location(s), with the rate, I think plenty of people will be hard pressed to get enough points for items they want. 

    Pre-destard dungeon event, these drops rates could be 30-50 an hour.

    First few weeks of destard were unusual, higher drop rates as the volume of spawn as higher than normal, and it was mostly in a small area.   (Having spawn spread out slow drop rate, due to travel time).

    Last weeks of destard, the drop rate was far reduced vs. 30-50.  Possibly inline with what people have reported so far for tokuno.  (@ Kyronix, the pendulum was swung too far...)

    Enabling the Serrado champ spawn to count will likely help with the grousing that may commence after the Tokuno event goes live :)

    You may also want to compare drop rates vs. effort vs. prior egg hunting effective drops rates...
    I think increasing the spawn rate or expanding the spawn location will help balance the drop rate to a more favorable level. I do think pulling it out of the dungeon is a great idea though!
  • PawainPawain Posts: 9,727
    Posters like you are the mechanism trying to stop new players from getting good items.  These are not OP items, the Mempo has 0 MR. Templates other than swords sampire need MR.
    Covfefe said:
    Pawain said:
    Guess they want no one else to get good items so they can stay that way in their minds?
    There is some sort of mechanism in place where only new players get these items and not the people who already have top end items? 
    I don’t really get what you’re saying. 

    I already said I would farm a ton of them if they were MR 1 even to improve my suits.

    if they give me 10 more MR, I will be too powerful.

    it would mean I could fit even more +skill on my suit, which I believe is a current pvp complaint.

    Focus on what you can do, not what you can't.
  • CovfefeCovfefe Posts: 239
    edited October 2023
    I’m talking about the 10MR wand, not the mempo. 
    Mempo is also overpowered though.
    its +36 stat, even without the hci/dci it would be high demand.

    I’m more concerned with old players being given overpowered items. 

    Give a new player +10 MR and they will stick it on their crafter. Give a PvP player +10 MR and they will fit +40 more skill on their template and one shot kill new players.

    Today I killed a Triton while a tamer is healing it and a sampire is attacking me, and then I killed the tamer, then I killed the sampire. Then I solo killed their champ boss without honoring it. Stop giving me more power please.
  • GrimbeardGrimbeard Posts: 2,153
    There are old players and older players the older players have huge advantage narrowed by great new items 
  • CovfefeCovfefe Posts: 239
    edited October 2023
    Suits used to be 6 loot armor pieces plus jewels. 

    Now with all the high end hats, gloves of archlich, +15 resist arms. 
    You only need 3 pieces

    now with this new tunic you need only legs and gorget, and jewels. even bok now will be artifact.

    Next patch we will maybe all be wearing the exact same 100% artefact suit and no need to ever kill any monsters or do any t-maps or do any PvE…

    If they keep releasing OP items. Make the monster loot be just gold, don’t bother putting armor/weaps/jewels as loot as won’t be worth looking at them, just deco.

    Price of Archlich gloves is like 200mill, will assume after a few months all arti pieces will be similar price, if they were only 7 mods instead of 9, new players would be able to get equal items by doing t-maps, or any pvm.

  • CovfefeCovfefe Posts: 239
    edited October 2023
    I think with this mempo you can now make a full 100% arti suit for sampire. 
    Balron bone chest, feudal gloves, vambrace arms, those 12 Stam legs. 

    Even weap, that bladed staff arti with 100 life and mana leech.
    Goodbye PvM, no need to do any as nothing to loot!
  • PawainPawain Posts: 9,727
    Ok, so one of you is against new players getting decent items from events.  The other is against old players getting decent items from events.

    Both of you claim to have high end suits.

    These are the most greedy arguments ever.  They should put 3 more stats on each piece before released.  
    Focus on what you can do, not what you can't.
  • CovfefeCovfefe Posts: 239
    edited October 2023
    Make patch where all artis are antique and cursed or something. 
  • PlayerSkillFTWPlayerSkillFTW Posts: 589
    edited October 2023
    Skett said:
    The wand will be great for my crafter  

    Remember, MR hard caps at 30. You can technically get up to like 93 MR from gear+buffs/forms, but it doesn't provide any more benefit past 30. I've tested this by timing how long it takes me to go from 0 Mana to full 220 with 30 MR, then again with 92 MR. I can easily hit 30 MR on my Bards and even crafters without the new Wand.
  • CovfefeCovfefe Posts: 239
    edited October 2023
    It don’t matter that it’s capped at 30, you don’t understand. 
    If I have say 25MR on my suit. And they give me+10 MR.
    i am not going to play with 35 MR
    i am still going to play with 25MR and use the previous slots on jewels for example that had MR to have more +skill instead.
  • I love the wand, Ive always wanted to see wands more used in the game.
    Please consider lengthening the event!!
  • Lord_NythraxLord_Nythrax Posts: 293
    edited October 2023
    With the introduction of Treasures Paragons that can dish out high damage and are immune to Life Leech/Life Drain

    Yeah I haven't been around for a ToT since the first couple of old-school ones 15+ years ago or whatever it was, and I'd just like to complain bitterly to @Kyronix and anyone else listening about this right here.

    If you want to nerf sampires and buff paladins, make it happen and have chivalry spells burn vampires the same way magery spells involving garlic already do. Then you give chivalry access to a new damage reduction buff at high levels of skill. Maybe scale it off range to the attacker if you want to protect melee more than chiv archers.

    Personally I like the idea of letting paladins summon a warhorse at GM+ and attaching the damage reduction to that. A shiny new god horse would probably defuse a lot of forum tears. But you could always just attach it to some existing spell, divine fury or something, when cast at higher skill levels.

    Then you'd have paladins who don't have life leech beyond what might be on their weapon, and sampires who don't have the damage reduction or the other benefits of chivalry. Right now whenever something gets added you guys just seem to pick a template at random (often sampires but not always) and soft-ban it with some boss mechanic that's meant to be defeated at character select. I guess it's one way to avoid "template X can do everything" forum posts.

    I get that you guys can't just pull dev cycles out of your bums for every random thing, but I really wish someone could have squeezed in some balance like this at some point over the last 15 years.
  • MerlinMerlin Posts: 222
    edited October 2023
    There is a problem when one single short-duration event will produce three items that will be "best-in-slot" and make thousands of other items in those slots instantly inferior. 

    The Mempo is one of the strongest items that has ever been released on one of these ToT events.  36 skill points, HCI, DCI, LMC and good resists.  It's going to blow all other neck slots out of the water.   This is neither good for veterans or newer players. 

    Pawain asking for even more mods is simply trolling, plain and simple.  Those posts can be written off as unserious. 

    While there is always going to be some changes to the economy for certain slots when new items are released, having multiple "best-in-slot" items jump to the front of the line will diminish not just the gold value of other items in those slots, but will also devalue existing content.

    By introducing OP items, it hurts sellers in the immediate term and will hurt buyers in the long term as those sought after items become unaffordable due to demand.  This only benefits the scripters who will likely end up with the largest supply of turn-in rewards. If new players participating in this event automatically get all top end gear, they won't be motivated to hang around.

    The veterans that have kept this world of ours alive for 26 years should not have their market concerns written off.  If you hurt the pocket of veteran players and their ability to earn gold on their vendors, it will ultimately have two results:  more gold in the hands of the scripters that will be running these events, and less gold in the hands of other players which ultimately ends up with those other players going to the RMT gold sellers when they're not able to make enough gold by in-game measures.  Hurting the market value of large swaths of inventory of these veteran players benefits no one.  The Mempo's overwhelming OP status will have that type of impact on the market for gear in the neck slot.. much like the effect the Archlich gloves have had on the hands gear slot.

     This is a 26 year old game with a delicate economy.   Balancing these concerns and still trying to come up with fun rewards is not an easy task and I'm not going to pretend to have it all figured out. However, in my opinion, offering several new overpowered "best in slot" items for what will be a short duration event will have more negative effects to longer term players than positive effects for new players.  To balance this, my suggestion is that the Mempo and Glove should have stats reduced and the Raiment chest should have LRC/LMC reduced.

    And even with those changes, those three items will still be best in slot for their respective builds, but they will atleast be more competitive with existing gear. 

  • Couple people in this feedback have some massive Main Character syndrome going on. 

    Does typing in constant bold mean you think your opinions are better and more valid than everyone else here?  Or the constant need to say the same thing over and over again?  What about bringing up talking to Kyronix in person once?  Looks like you are trying desperately to manipulate for your benefit.

    We get it.  You have been making money off of returning players for years as a "Veteran" and you feel no one should have gear remotely as good as yours.

    The market concerns seem to only be brought up by you.  Are you one of the multiboxers looking to keep their hold on the market? Do you hold some of the 12 mod gear and you are afraid it might be ever so slightly devalued?  Are you afraid returning players might be able to get good gear themselves and not have to RMT gold to be able to afford the things they want/need in game?

    New (what you probably mean is "Returning") players don't farm stuff.  A vast amount of them buy plat to get the things they want or feel they need.  The dirty little secret of the return players and they are buying the gold from the same people selling them items at inflated prices. The reason many people don't last is because they cannot continue to spend plats to compete with veterans.  And that is exactly why ToT events need good items.

  • PawainPawain Posts: 9,727
    Merlin said:
    There is a problem when one single short-duration event will produce three items that will be "best-in-slot" and make thousands of other items in those slots instantly inferior. 

    The Mempo is one of the strongest items that has ever been released on one of these ToT events.  36 skill points, HCI, DCI, LMC and good resists.  It's going to blow all other neck slots out of the water.   This is neither good for veterans or newer players. 

    Pawain asking for even more mods is simply trolling, plain and simple.  Those posts can be written off as unserious. 

    While there is always going to be some changes to the economy for certain slots when new items are released, having multiple "best-in-slot" items jump to the front of the line will diminish not just the gold value of other items in those slots, but will also devalue existing content.

    By introducing OP items, it hurts sellers in the immediate term and will hurt buyers in the long term as those sought after items become unaffordable due to demand.  This only benefits the scripters who will likely end up with the largest supply of turn-in rewards. If new players participating in this event automatically get all top end gear, they won't be motivated to hang around.

    The veterans that have kept this world of ours alive for 26 years should not have their market concerns written off.  If you hurt the pocket of veteran players and their ability to earn gold on their vendors, it will ultimately have two results:  more gold in the hands of the scripters that will be running these events, and less gold in the hands of other players which ultimately ends up with those other players going to the RMT gold sellers when they're not able to make enough gold by in-game measures.  Hurting the market value of large swaths of inventory of these veteran players benefits no one.  The Mempo's overwhelming OP status will have that type of impact on the market for gear in the neck slot.. much like the effect the Archlich gloves have had on the hands gear slot.

     This is a 26 year old game with a delicate economy.   Balancing these concerns and still trying to come up with fun rewards is not an easy task and I'm not going to pretend to have it all figured out. However, in my opinion, offering several new overpowered "best in slot" items for what will be a short duration event will have more negative effects to longer term players than positive effects for new players.  To balance this, my suggestion is that the Mempo and Glove should have stats reduced and the Raiment chest should have LRC/LMC reduced.

    And even with those changes, those three items will still be best in slot for their respective builds, but they will atleast be more competitive with existing gear. 

    Your posts can be written off as onerous greed so you can sell your items instead of UO players getting their own.  Move along troll.
    Focus on what you can do, not what you can't.
  • CovfefeCovfefe Posts: 239
    edited October 2023
    I’m not bothered about the “market”
    players will buy and sell. But if a player, returning, or not returning can make a full suit out of all artis, then there is nothing to actually do in the game anymore.

    And some of the stuff is not even cheap, you won’t find gloves of archlich on vendor search, it’s auction safe only. So how is that returning/new player friendly?

    I used to do underwater and roof and t-maps for the armor loot. Now I can’t do any of these, (I have all cameos already).

    There’s nothing to do anymore if you got the max possible everything with all artis. No point in playing any PvM at all.

    You’re saying new/returning player this/that. If a new returning/player can’t find and sell any armor other than event stuff, how is that good for their t-map loot to be worthless? 
    Do I need to really post a screenshot of botters showing of their haul at events, literally chests full of 175 artis? not sure this is the stick it to the man you think it is.

    i bought some t-map armor recently, (7 mods including HCI) 175 mill and 400mill. It was a good trade to the t-mapper, money he wouldn’t get now.
     Instead now I would buy artis from only event botters, nothing to buy from genuine t-hunter players.

    Even champ bosses I used to loot as good chance of something nice.

    What was the point in revamping loot and giving reforging when all that content is now obsolete? With 100% arti suits.

    If devs want to throw away their own work with the effort they went to with loot tables and runic reforging and all the encounters like underwater it’s up to them. Just seems like a waste of a good game/content to me.
    log in, buy all artis from botters, log out. 
  • Petra_FydePetra_Fyde Posts: 1,440
    edited October 2023
    Merlin said:

    The Mempo is one of the strongest items that has ever been released on one of these ToT events.  36 skill points, HCI, DCI, LMC and good resists.  It's going to blow all other neck slots out of the water.   This is neither good for veterans or newer players. 

    I'm not going to get into the 'overpowered' argument, but I do wonder how you count the 36 skill points as an advantage when 30 of them are negative?
    Sorry I misspoke. skill points are on the gloves of course. There are no skill points on the mempo, maybe it's @Merlin that's confused?
  • CovfefeCovfefe Posts: 239
    I don’t know what she talking about 30 negative on mempo.

    also someone said it’s fun to rebuild suits. Yes it’s fun to build suits, but now there is nothing to build even when it’s 100% arti build.
  • VecnaVecna Posts: 24
    This is what I wrote on Stratics as a counter to a player arguing to protect the current economic interest of veteran players.

    "As a player who first played UO 22 years ago I STRONGLY DISAGREE with any argument based on maintaining the current UO economy status quo. I would rather see new items like the first pass of these new ToT rewards than weaker versions a few (seemingly very few) respondents have argued to have. At this point in UO I have dropped from 5 paid accounts to 1. I am not interested in ANYTHING shown for NL thus far (but I haven't entirely dismissed the possibility that it will be fun, though my confidence is low). For me, I am focused on current UO content. And that content is stale after more than two decades. I WANT TO SEE AWESOME BEST IN CLASS REWARDS BC THAT IS ONE OF THE VERY VERY FEW DRAWS LEFT IN THE GAME. We haven't got new pets since the Wildfire Ostard, there hasn't been a new permanent boss fight in what, years? So KYRONIX, please maintain the current rewards AT OR ABOVE the test values. Veteran player speaking here, PLEASE do not let maintaining the [really and unfixably broken] economic status quo drive reward decisions. I'm not interested in existing multi plat players continuing to make multi plats. I'm interested in fun and powerful new items."

    Please maintain the the current rewards at or above their initial power level. Please add a tameable pet / statue pet option, even if it is just a re-skinned wildfire ostard or a jade-hued serpentine dragon. Please add more interesting deco (colorful / ornate sword displays or a jade statue of Serpentine Dragon. Please add another 50 SDI spellbook to continue the series.

    Thank you for reading and considering this request.

    - Calavera

  • SkettSkett Posts: 1,464
    edited October 2023
    Skett said:
    The wand will be great for my crafter  

    Remember, MR hard caps at 30. You can technically get up to like 93 MR from gear+buffs/forms, but it doesn't provide any more benefit past 30. I've tested this by timing how long it takes me to go from 0 Mana to full 220 with 30 MR, then again with 92 MR. I can easily hit 30 MR on my Bards and even crafters without the new Wand.

    Yes I realize that but it would fit my crafter and suit wel... wish it had int 10 mana 10 on it as well and only for crafters ... or put a lot of negs- on it so nobody would use it for pvp/pvm ?
  • RadstRadst Posts: 99
    1. Most people dont understand PvM in its simplest form, so let's break it down:

    you do NOT need these fancy new items; all you need is those legendary pieces that are now selling at 10M each.

    remember CorpseBear videos from 2016? All you need nowadays is STILL SSI+35, double axe, mixture of crafted armors + some legendary.

    That's it, you are a top sampire, even HP 130 will do. Your success as a warrior is entirely dependent on your experience, control/survivability, and knowledge.

    These fancy shard-bound items will not help you become a killer warrior if you dunno how already.

    If anything, these new items only offer more flexibility in choosing your armors.

    2. Why are people defending some "sellers"?? Most players are normal players. The "sellers" are scripters who have endless supply of loots for sale. Lets hurt them yay

    3. Economy doesn't exist anymore. In fact, most game designers avoid this now. Why? Coz players/cheaters will always ruin it. It was just a dream, after all.

  • CovfefeCovfefe Posts: 239
    edited October 2023
    Vecna said:
    maintaining the current UO economy status quo.

    I'm not interested in existing multi plat players continuing to make multi plats

    Thank you for reading and considering this request.

    - Calavera

    This is a joke right? The status quo already is, that every event they release more and more OP items like Gloves of Archlich, FC1 robe, 10HCI earrings. Divine luminous talisman

    It's the event botters that are the ones that benefit the most from these OP artis. They are the multi platters. The guy who originally invented the sampire bot (programmed it) done it specifically for the ToT event.

    Go search the price of the Hawkwind robe that you get from the roof compared to the FC1 robe or Archlich. I will tell you which one is worth more.

    Having OP robes/talismans/earrings is one thing, but having OP armor is very bad as obsoletes all other normal loot content in the game.
  • keven2002keven2002 Posts: 2,240
    Merlin said:

    The Mempo is one of the strongest items that has ever been released on one of these ToT events.  36 skill points, HCI, DCI, LMC and good resists.  It's going to blow all other neck slots out of the water.   This is neither good for veterans or newer players. 

    I'm not going to get into the 'overpowered' argument, but I do wonder how you count the 36 skill points as an advantage when 30 of them are negative?
    Sorry I misspoke. skill points are on the gloves of course. There are no skill points on the mempo, maybe it's @ Merlin that's confused?

    @Petra_Fyde - FYI Merlin isn't talking about skill points he is talking about stats (str/dex/HP/etc). So if you add up all of those on the Mempo (4+4+8+12+8) it's 36 total stats. The gloves have 40 stat points (5+5+5+10+15) which doesn't count the skills.

    Radst said:
    1. Most people dont understand PvM in its simplest form, so let's break it down:

    you do NOT need these fancy new items; all you need is those legendary pieces that are now selling at 10M each.

    remember CorpseBear videos from 2016? All you need nowadays is STILL SSI+35, double axe, mixture of crafted armors + some legendary.

    That's it, you are a top sampire, even HP 130 will do. Your success as a warrior is entirely dependent on your experience, control/survivability, and knowledge.

    These fancy shard-bound items will not help you become a killer warrior if you dunno how already.

    If anything, these new items only offer more flexibility in choosing your armors.

    I think this is well said. I outlined this in a different thread about how to outfit a sampire for this event. Long story short a Sampire's killing power (ie damage output) has kind of been at max for years now (ie 100% DI / 1.25 swing speed / 150 str)... the only thing that has really changed is that it's become easier for the every day player to get there. I have a traveling dexer I use for these events which means I have zero shard bound items and I can kill most everything just fine (I just need to be more mindful and I might die a little more is all).

    I agree with most of what was said about success as a warrior except for the survivability piece. I do think that the reward items have helped the casual every day Sampire to survive better / easier. Of course there is still some dependencies on player experience/control/macros, but things have been made easier to get to 150 hp etc.

    I can see both sides of the coin on this argument. 

    The one thing I've seen posted a few times that I disagree with is that it will ruin PvM. I think it does decrease the value of legendary gear but I think that helps newer / poorer players (ie people will still farm). Before Deceit last year high end dexer bone gloves were being priced at 125-175m on vendors but after the Archlich gloves came out the prices dropped because archlich gloves were better. Someone said gloves of archlich are like 200m which for a best in slot item makes sense...but for people who missed out on the gloves (or need more) and can't afford 200m; being able to buy high end dexer gloves (previously 100m+) at like 25-50m is a fine trade off... plus it allows them to xfer.
  • usernameusername Posts: 791
    edited October 2023
    I'm not going to go look up previous ToTs but I feel like there are too many items on this one, especially a high percentage of new really good 'gear' items. (someone fact check me on this) If that's the case, I would like to see one new item removed to ease the player grind/burden. Heck, maybe even remove 2 new items and replace it with 1 older reward? More new items with a shorter duration than it was last year sucks.

    Also, the Hiryu reward seems a bit awkward at 150 points if it's just a reskinned Paroxy swampy. There are no shortages of Paroxys for sale for 110-140m frequently on Atlantic anyways. The wildfire ostard made sense at 150 because it's a unique powerful pet and you can't get banes/dreads anymore. However, if it's tradable like the ostard then that changes everything.
    This discussion has been closed.

    I will be slow to reply because I cannot log in/stay logged in to the forums.
    Make this your signature if you are tired of Vendor Search being broken, over 4 years and counting.
    Vendor search rendered useless after Publish 106 – Forsaken Foes on August 14, 2019.
  • MerlinMerlin Posts: 222
    edited October 2023
    Couple people in this feedback have some massive Main Character syndrome going on. 

    Does typing in constant bold mean you think your opinions are better and more valid than everyone else here?  Or the constant need to say the same thing over and over again?  What about bringing up talking to Kyronix in person once?  Looks like you are trying desperately to manipulate for your benefit.

    We get it.  You have been making money off of returning players for years as a "Veteran" and you feel no one should have gear remotely as good as yours.

    The market concerns seem to only be brought up by you.  Are you one of the multiboxers looking to keep their hold on the market? Do you hold some of the 12 mod gear and you are afraid it might be ever so slightly devalued?  Are you afraid returning players might be able to get good gear themselves and not have to RMT gold to be able to afford the things they want/need in game?

    New (what you probably mean is "Returning") players don't farm stuff.  A vast amount of them buy plat to get the things they want or feel they need.  The dirty little secret of the return players and they are buying the gold from the same people selling them items at inflated prices. The reason many people don't last is because they cannot continue to spend plats to compete with veterans.  And that is exactly why ToT events need good items.

    This was actually one of the best and most effective personal attacks I’ve seen in a long time.  Credit is given, where credit is due – I got a good laugh out of this one.  Bravo!    

     I suppose I must be doing something right if the responses are turning to personal attacks and complaints about my nefarious use of bold text.

    I'm not going to get into the 'overpowered' argument, but I do wonder how you count the 36 skill points as an advantage when 30 of them are negative?
    Sorry I misspoke. skill points are on the gloves of course. There are no skill points on the mempo, maybe it's @ Merlin that's confused?

    Should have said stats, not skills.  Didn’t notice until I re-read it and it was past the hour of being able to edit. Apology on the confusion.

    Vecna said:
    This is what I wrote on Stratics as a counter to a player arguing to protect the current economic interest of veteran players.

    "As a player who first played UO 22 years ago I STRONGLY DISAGREE with any argument based on maintaining the current UO economy status quo. I would rather see new items like the first pass of these new ToT rewards than weaker versions a few (seemingly very few) respondents have argued to have. At this point in UO I have dropped from 5 paid accounts to 1. I am not interested in ANYTHING shown for NL thus far (but I haven't entirely dismissed the possibility that it will be fun, though my confidence is low). For me, I am focused on current UO content. And that content is stale after more than two decades. I WANT TO SEE AWESOME BEST IN CLASS REWARDS BC THAT IS ONE OF THE VERY VERY FEW DRAWS LEFT IN THE GAME. We haven't got new pets since the Wildfire Ostard, there hasn't been a new permanent boss fight in what, years? So KYRONIX, please maintain the current rewards AT OR ABOVE the test values. Veteran player speaking here, PLEASE do not let maintaining the [really and unfixably broken] economic status quo drive reward decisions. I'm not interested in existing multi plat players continuing to make multi plats. I'm interested in fun and powerful new items."

    Please maintain the the current rewards at or above their initial power level. Please add a tameable pet / statue pet option, even if it is just a re-skinned wildfire ostard or a jade-hued serpentine dragon. Please add more interesting deco (colorful / ornate sword displays or a jade statue of Serpentine Dragon. Please add another 50 SDI spellbook to continue the series.

    Thank you for reading and considering this request.

    - Calavera

    This is about a lot more than just economic considerations.     

     These items become best-in-slot and devalue not just inventory of gear people are trying to sell – but also existing content.  It’s a short term gain for a limited event that will have longer term consequences.     

    Take another game… Elder Scrolls Online for example… they run a limited time event with new rewards… three of which become best-in-slot and blow the previous years of hard work of getting good items to smithereens.   Veteran players would naturally be upset.  This isn’t a good thing.   Can you imagine the gall of new/returning players saying they deserve to have gear on the same level of players who’ve been around for many years?        

    To be clear, I’m not asking these items be nerfed to nothingness.  Even if my suggestion of reducing the stats on these items is taken, they will still be best in slot – just a bit more competitive with some other existing gear.  Competition is a net positive.    

     I do understand the comment about the problem of “the rich getting richer”.  There is no good solution to this.  Having over powered items will benefit only the scripters who get the most of them in the long term and hold onto some of them for long enough to wait until inventory is scarce and price skyrockets.  By having other gear that is still atleast somewhat competitive with best in slot artifacts, it negates some of the need to pay the scripter's ridiculous prices.  

    Also to be considered is the powercreep over time.   Today’s mid-tier sampire is 2013’s top-end sampire.  Returning players aren’t going to be hamstrung from participating in content through out the game if they aren’t able to immediately compete on the same level as dedicated veterans.  It is easier than it ever has been to create an effective warrior with many maxed out stat categories.   While there is always a tendency to want better and better items to keep rewards interesting and for all players coming back for more, those changes should be incremental so the change is gradual over time.  The current items being introduced, the Mempo in particular with 36 stat points, will provide an upgrade far beyond an incremental change.  In my opinion, this is a negative.

  • CovfefeCovfefe Posts: 239
    edited October 2023
    I have a question,

    wtf is everyone going to do after this event? once you got the artis and can't beat those pieces with loot, what you going to do all year?
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