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  • CookieCookie Posts: 1,433
              Hi @kyronix I don't usually tag you - but here is what I mean, when I say you gear the game too much towards warriors. This is my 2 accounts, and my 2 sons accounts, and these are the drops we are after. I love the drops, I love the event, but you can clearly see - my warriors stand to progress the most. 
  • SpellbreakerSpellbreaker Posts: 2
    edited October 2023
    OP / Best in slot... ?? 

    Halberd -
    I'm sure I'm not the only one wanting / currently trying to do this.  Id like to swing a halberd old school style which means we have to keep a solid 210+ Stamina @ 55 SSI......   So nope not even close to OP.  BiS, ya sure but still not enough.

    Meta Sampires
    I realize most folks [not all] just meta-game and do double axes and bladed so these items are OP for that game play. *chuckles*

    Paladin's Future
    I can see a full set of Halberds with 6+ slayer types, 10-20 stamina, 30 SSI, HLL, HSL, HML, FC4, FCR6 and  -60 Necro fitting the bill and putting the nail in the necro coffin.  Would that be OP if sampires couldn't use them or would that balance this set of Paladin Halberd's out?  

    Thankful - Thank you!
    Super thankful for these items, ill keep eating apples to almost maintain enough stamina to use the beloved halberd to rock the old school UO look.

    Be blessed in all you put your hand to! [Paladin's Blessing]

  • keven2002keven2002 Posts: 2,240
    I haven't had a ton of time to play the event yet (unfortunately) but initial experience has been pretty good.

    Few things I've noticed so far:
    • Botting is still happening (ATL) and is very obvious. When there are 5-6 sampires running around all attacking the same thing at the same time it's easy to see. Only reason I bring this up is because this seemed to be a talking point from the last M&G about addressing it. It's even more obvious when you throw SS on your char and you see the ghosts following the bot train (if they were present with all 5 accounts why not take the 45 seconds to rez?).
    • Ice area def seems to have a good concentration of mobs depending on how many people are there which is good. On the flip side though places like the desert which also have people running around are very few and far between on the spawn. Not sure if that's by design but I feel like some areas like this should be heavier spawn.
    • Paragons don't really seem to give a ton more drops as noted by Kyronix previously. Might just be me but I kind of thought after solo'ing something like a lesser hiryu or a snow lady there would be a drop but that's usually not the case.
  • KyronixKyronix Posts: 1,169Dev
    Something to keep in mind re: Paragons.  You are getting the point award for killing them, then each successive thing you kill you'll get a roll to get a reward.  What you might often find is after killing a paragon your next drop will be a few lesser kills away.
  • keven2002keven2002 Posts: 2,240
    Kyronix said:
    Something to keep in mind re: Paragons.  You are getting the point award for killing them, then each successive thing you kill you'll get a roll to get a reward.  What you might often find is after killing a paragon your next drop will be a few lesser kills away.

    Thank you for that and that does seem to be more in line with that I've seen based on my game play yesterday.

    Some updates from yesterday:
    • Yesterday had a couple hours to play and overall had a very fun time even though I died a few times (rune corruption + skele drag hit/breath is nasty). The spawn yesterday (on ATL) was rune beetles / deathwatch beetles seemed to be more manageable for people / bots as there weren't trains of paragons being kited around. 
    • I used my sampire and my tamer for their luck hours. Sampire was used during the daytime and I got about 23 drops. I probably could do a little better there since a few times I was soloing a paragon snow lady nobody wanted to kill. Last night after the trick or treaters stopped knocking, my tamer did better than my sampire. Using an AoE pet and area spells myself I got 31 drops... I wasn't actually trying to kill anything specific but rather just do some damage to as much stuff as possible. There were a ton of people (and warriors trains) so I didn't have to worry about finishing anything off.
    • I decided that the tamer worked well enough to pop my first luck potion of the year (with no luck statue touch). I ended up getting 39 drops in that hour doing the same thing I did for the previous luck statue hour. Hard to say if I killed more or less but seems like popping a luck potion might be the same if not better than hitting the luck statue (I get +1200 luck when I touch statue).
    • Talking specifically ATL - So far I've gotten less drops this year per hour on average when I've been able to play than prior years. Monday was due to just not being able to handle all the paragons (lesser hiryu / tsuki wolves / skele drags) that people were dragging around in Ice region. Other days I've gotten less because it's hard to get kills in Ice region when it has 2-3 groups of 4-5 warriors (sampires or archers) running around auto attacking/killing everything around them... when that happens I go to other areas but the spawn in other places is pretty scattered so it's similar spawn rate. These trains of warriors certainly feel kind of cheap/greedy... especially when they aren't looking to help anyone aside from themself.
    • Side note - I did play Origin for an hour a few days ago which didn't have the 2-3 groups of warrior trains and that was much more enjoyable. While still not as many drops as I received in Deceit last year per hour (avg) it wasn't too bad.. I might be able to get a little closer by knocking some rust off but it def is a bit harder when there aren't rooms to lock away paragons and things are more spaced out.
  • keven2002keven2002 Posts: 2,240
    I've been able to play a little more over the last few days and have started to see some consistent things. All of these are based on ATL.

    • Kyronix kind of outlined in another thread how the drops work based on points and that points are assigned by placement on the "list" (based on damage done / taken / healed / etc). Based on that, I stopped trying to kill everything from 100% HP down to death and started to just damage as much as possible. This has increased my drop rate which was so-so on ATL given the trains of sampires / archer.
    • I tried using my luck suit for killing things and while I might have received more drops with less kills; it wasn't as many drops as I can get with a regular suit that is maximized on damage/survival.
    • The luck statue hit gives a noticeable bump in drops on average (I get 1350 luck from statue) compared to not using it. That said, I've also used a luck potion and this gave a way bigger increase in drops compared to just using the luck statue.
    • It  seems like the random daily mobs have an impact on the number of drops depending on what they are. I think this is because the harder things to kill like fan dancers are usually ignored by people so less of them die.
    • The number of people multiboxing seems to have decreased since the start of the event (at least when I'm on). That said, there are still some doing it and it's very obvious when a group of 4 throwers/archers are all following one char and everything on the screen is dying to chain AI as soon as it pops up. I have SS so I can also see when their ghosts are still casting chiv spells while dead.
  • StingardStingard Posts: 23
    edited November 2023
    Does Shugenja's Wand work for Gargoyles or did they get shorted again?

    Also, is there a clicky for reward points on test so I can answer these questions for myself?

  • GrimbeardGrimbeard Posts: 2,153
    Stingard said:
    Does Shugenja's Wand work for Gargoyles or did they get shorted again?

    Also, is there a clicky for reward points on test so I can answer these questions for myself?

    Idk and there was not sure now
  • MariahMariah Posts: 3,152Moderator
    Stingard said:
    Does Shugenja's Wand work for Gargoyles or did they get shorted again?

    Also, is there a clicky for reward points on test so I can answer these questions for myself?

    It's a wand. Gargoyles can hold regular spawning wands, so I would expect them to be able to hold this one.
  • CinderellaCinderella Posts: 1,730
    edited November 2023
    Stingard said:
    Does Shugenja's Wand work for Gargoyles or did they get shorted again?

    Also, is there a clicky for reward points on test so I can answer these questions for myself?

    the timer has expired (there was a stump that you could click to get a hat to turn in for points)

    if you want to get some items on TC, let me know and i can get it for you. i still have some points there
  • Sparks does not count as a mod or have imbue weight on Storm Lord's Steel, allowing for 6 mod, high weight imbued items. Is this intended?
  • HippoHippo Posts: 297
    Optimus said:
    Sparks does not count as a mod or have imbue weight on Storm Lord's Steel, allowing for 6 mod, high weight imbued items. Is this intended?
    If you imbue it, won't that have a negative affect on Durability and PoF repairs? If so, I may just enhance with gold to get +40 Luck...

  • CovfefeCovfefe Posts: 239
    It’s not splintering so will last forever. Even though you can’t pof. You can’t actually enhance them which is probably for the best as they are overpowered as is. 
  • Del805Del805 Posts: 24
    Hello, these changes are just here to really out here to help balance out the pvp.. a few issues is mages are being left behind.. Pure casting mages, with all the damage overtime ability's and players swinging at a max cap its very hard to kill someone with just casting spells...  
    Also gargs are just not very good right now.. 

    I think allowing parry mages with no combat skill to get to 25 sdi again would be a great start on helping.  

    1.)You should not be able to Splinter,Spark, or Bone Break with any special move toggled with exception to masteries... the concept behind the weapons are great and they open up many templates for mages, and dexxers. But its time to remove Splinter/Specials moves Sparks/WW. 

    2.)If you do Manage to keep Special abilities like Sparks, Please add a weapon for gargs, like a cyclone. Gargs really do not get any love or have anything OP.  Add Splinter for Glaives, 

    3.) As the bets and main person who uses exp potions, I am 100% ok with this change especially now that my exp potions will add DR on my targets evade.

    4.) Most people just buy gold then buy teleport rings might as well add it to the store so uo can have more resources to the player base. 

    5.) Please increase heal potion and apple timers by 5 seconds... 

    6.) Please add back Disarm Defensive ability to combat skill mastery.. 

    7.) Please add 3-5 second before a player can perform a specials ability after changing their weapon

    8.) Please increase the stamina taken from running through a player and stamina taken from taking damage, please increase refresh potion timer to 10 seconds... 
    this would balance everything out with cookie cutter builds and force the players to run more a natural build... if they want less stamina reduction then the player will need to invest in plat email. with less lower mana cost. 
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