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  • SynnSynn Posts: 17
    Merlin said:
    Synn said:

    I'm with Pawain on this. Totally agree that the mempo and other armor pieces is a top tier items....they are good but not the best...
    Which other items or artifacts do you believe are better than the Mempo?  

    There are none I am aware of.

    Use the vendor search function in Atlantic for legendary artifacts.  If you want to see some OP pieces, use the Auction filter.   Yes, that took time (probably 100s of hours) and luck of RNG but they exist.  Not exactly the same... but the if you look at intensity and resistance,  there are better.

  • KazKaz Posts: 140
    I think the quality of items is good.   Its on par (or closing in on) with the quality of the really old items that have 10-12 mods on them from back in the day.  The items that most of us dont have access to nor can afford.  

    Im really looking forward to this event.  
  • MerlinMerlin Posts: 238
    Synn said:
    Merlin said:
    Synn said:

    I'm with Pawain on this. Totally agree that the mempo and other armor pieces is a top tier items....they are good but not the best...
    Which other items or artifacts do you believe are better than the Mempo?  

    There are none I am aware of.

    Use the vendor search function in Atlantic for legendary artifacts.  If you want to see some OP pieces, use the Auction filter.   Yes, that took time (probably 100s of hours) and luck of RNG but they exist.  Not exactly the same... but the if you look at intensity and resistance,  there are better.

    Yup.  I just did exactly that.  And I found one - MAYBE two - neck slot items that are comparable to the Mempo.  And even those had other useless mods on them.   If you are seeing something far superior than the Sentinel Mempo, post it here.

    Just because a powerful item once existed doesn't mean they should now become the standard.   Loot tables were changed in the past precisely for the reason that they introduced far too much power creep and were OP.  You're not making the argument you think you are.

    Of the three items I am voicing my displeasure about the Sentinel's Mempo is far too powerful.  36 Stat points, HCI, DCI, LMC, good resists and stam protection?  It's just too much.  This item is already unique for having HCI and DCI and would still be used in many builds even if the stats are significantly pared back.  As it currently stands, it jumps to the front of the line and becomes a best in slot item for almost every non-mage build.  In my opinion, that's problematic and hurts other content in the game.

    I feel mostly the same regarding the stats on the Warrior gloves as well.  These are already going to be unique and help out paladin builds in a major way because of the skills.  But 40 stat points?  That's overkill.  It hurts the glove market considerably, including even the gloves that came out in the last event.  Stats should be pared back a bit on these too. 

    On the Raiment Do chest, while I think it's also a bit strong - it's not necessarily to the same extent I feel about the other two items.   It's a great mage piece and becomes best in slot for basically all caster builds.  I think best way to balance this one would be to bring regens down a notch and consider reducing the LRC.

    Mind you, this is based on testing.

    Other items being offered in this event are all really great additions.  Drop rate seems good so far based on the few hours I was playing around over there.  Looking forward to the event. 

  • CovfefeCovfefe Posts: 239
    edited October 2023
    Explain this. Lots of templates use the balakai shamen staff even though they don’t use the +10 med (nobody uses meditation and has JoaT 20) OR even the 25% enhance potions because the times you want to pot the most are when you’re disarmed so those stats are redundant.

    what is the logic in giving 10MR! on the new wand when even if it was 1 MR everyone will use it?

    same is true for the bok
    its exceptional so already in high demand if it had 20 splinter, no need to go balls deep to 30.

    Just hurry up and gives us Mesanna’s clothing with 20 mods max everything on one piece if this is where it’s heading.

    Also, why are they only offering mushroom apron and not gloves of archlich when ALL players have to use the capped out 9 mod gloves of Archlich as not even possible to beat them (8 mods max from loot)?

  • MulderMulder Posts: 20
    I would like to see Mempo and Holly Warrior be able to be enhanced like last time.
    Also, I think the points are too high.

  • PlayerSkillFTWPlayerSkillFTW Posts: 646
    edited October 2023
    @Kyronix Any chance of Frost Mites being added to the Beetle Slayer (and maybe even also Ice Slayer) groups?
    It'd be kind of cool if the Ozymandias' Hiryu also had Grasping Claw.

    FYI, don't wear a Mage Slayer Talisman while fighting Skeletal Dragon Paragons. It appears to be an opposing Slayer, i literally got hit for 135 Damage from a Skeletal Dragon Paragon's Frost Breath :s
  • keven2002keven2002 Posts: 2,384
    edited October 2023
    Covfefe said:
    If more than one pet gives you damage reduction in PvM, it should give you some sort of buff to tell you this. Or else everyone needs to keep track in their head which pet gives what damage reduction?
    I agree with this. I think it would be a good idea to have something like "Armored - Damage Reduction: 8%" or something of the sort in the animal lore screen somewhere; maybe under specials? This would allow people to know what's armored and what isn't while also allowing someone to see the difference between a paroxy and a barding deeded mount.
    Merlin said:

    Of the three items I am voicing my displeasure about the Sentinel's Mempo is far too powerful.  36 Stat points, HCI, DCI, LMC, good resists and stam protection?  It's just too much.  This item is already unique for having HCI and DCI and would still be used in many builds even if the stats are significantly pared back.  As it currently stands, it jumps to the front of the line and becomes a best in slot item for almost every non-mage build.  In my opinion, that's problematic and hurts other content in the game.

    I feel mostly the same regarding the stats on the Warrior gloves as well.  These are already going to be unique and help out paladin builds in a major way because of the skills.  But 40 stat points?  That's overkill.  It hurts the glove market considerably, including even the gloves that came out in the last event.  Stats should be pared back a bit on these too. 

    On the Raiment Do chest, while I think it's also a bit strong - it's not necessarily to the same extent I feel about the other two items.   It's a great mage piece and becomes best in slot for basically all caster builds.  I think best way to balance this one would be to bring regens down a notch and consider reducing the LRC.

    I can see the argument on the mempo being OP but I don't think the gloves are that OP given they have -30 Necro. I actually think it's a very smart thing the Devs did with this item to make it a best in slot type item while also kind of preventing one of the most powerful template (Sampire) to use it. I would need more time to see how creative I could get on moving skills / jewels etc around so maybe it's possible a Sampire could use these but it wouldn't be easy. The Dev team has incentivized using a non-Sampire template which would not happen if they threw -30 necro on something while keeping the stats in line with archlich gloves or worse. There would be no reason to claim them aside from just being a different looking item from a different event. Another thing that is sort of overlooked is they are plate which gives 2 less LMC than studded/bone and could play a role in whether people would use them over archlich gloves. If stacking them with the plate arms from last year and M&S helm, the lack of inherent LMC starts to add up. For me personally I would not use these gloves on my sampire over the gloves last year, but this does have me thinking about making a paladin build (in combo with the hammer pick).

    Usually I'm aligned with ya @Merlin and while I do agree some of the new stuff is powerful, I don't mind it... much for the reason Cookie gave. As a high end content player who hasn't played much since the last ToT event last year, I've been eagerly waiting for something to do for an item or 2 that can give me a slightly better suit. I think the Devs did it right here where the mempo is likely going to be the new best in slot item for all dexers (even though it's also plate - aka not +3LMC) and the chest is probably going to be a common piece across mages; everything else gives people choices to make. If the Devs made the mempo or gloves essentially the same as things we already had, there wouldn't be much benefit or point for players that choose those things if they already had the other items. These items help new players while also appealing to vets; I think that is a win.

    It seems like @PlayerSkillFTW has been in the Dec team's ear because these drops seem to help build that paladin macer he always talks about during these events... only thing missing from the rewards is a heater shield with 9 mods on it!

    @Kyronix - I do want to say hats off to the Dev team on this reward list with many new items and some things on here that are interesting additions. Thank you for updating the hiryu color, I like it and will probably need to add that to my list now over my swampy.I understand the balance of the spawn rate and drop rate but given the timeline of 8 weeks (which I think is the right amount of time) and the uncertainty of drop rates; I would hope some of these reward point totals could be dropped down to ensure everyone can get what they want. Especially if we are getting random property items.

    One thing I would ask for in the next event is some specific love for only Gargs...PLEASE! I was incorrect about the conversion of the armor piece (sorry!) but I do think the gargs are still slighted given they can't ride a mount so there should be something that is specific for them. I would love some sort of best in slot item for the earrings or a soul glaive etc for gargs given they tend to get the short end of the stick on things like Yukios earring or the HCI earrings.

  • Petra_FydePetra_Fyde Posts: 1,492
    I'm undecided whether to try for the gloves or not. 

    Comparison between Feudal Grips, which my warrior currently wears, and the current stats on the event item. Ignoring the necromancy debuff, the char doesn't have that skill.
  • @Kyronix see this is why yall should just make some deco items for these tot events ....days n days of no ones happy about anything posts ... lol      We need raven statues!
  • PawainPawain Posts: 10,662
    I have archlich gloves bit do not use them because the stats my current gloves have exceed the stats on the gloves.  I do not need added and HP or str on my mages.  My gloves exceed the needed mage stats found on archlich.  

    People forget a huge negative on these items.

    Shard bound

    You become a shard bound toon if you build around these items. You have to keep your old items if you want to travel.
    Focus on what you can do, not what you can't.
  • GrimbeardGrimbeard Posts: 2,669
    Might i ask why all of homare left out ? @Kyronix ;
  • HolumerHolumer Posts: 172
    @ Kyronix see this is why yall should just make some deco items for these tot events ....days n days of no ones happy about anything posts ... lol      We need raven statues!

    I 2nd this! 
    How about a Large Raven for Tamers?
  • LestatLestat Posts: 35

    As in the previous events, gargoyle version of items give %1 LMC instead of %3 as human/elf versions.

    As gsrgoyles we mostly nerfed instead of buffs.

    Like bone armors, gargs also should have stone versions.
  • GrimbeardGrimbeard Posts: 2,669
    I feel it's  a catch 22 all the new items really strong but you need luck for drops none of them have luck so might not be best for luck based events prices seem decent as is
  • PawainPawain Posts: 10,662
    Lestat said:
    @ Kyronix

    As in the previous events, gargoyle version of items give %1 LMC instead of %3 as human/elf versions.

    As gsrgoyles we mostly nerfed instead of buffs.

    Like bone armors, gargs also should have stone versions.
    The mempo is metal. It is not +3.
    Focus on what you can do, not what you can't.
  • JujuJuju Posts: 10
    edited October 2023
    @Kyronix I think that bokuto should have 20% splint not 30% which is gonna have crazy reflections on the fights (too overpowered). 20% splint and exceptional will open the possibility to make great imbued bokutos. 30% is simply too much
  • GrimbeardGrimbeard Posts: 2,669
    I'm sorry but i read every post against the bokuto as don't ruin my scripting business 
  • Del805Del805 Posts: 27
    @Kyronix The Bokuto is Awesome. It's green.  I hope your planning to make it 100% poison damage.. i
    2nd gargs cannot use bokutos. Can you make a gargish bokuto? 
  • Del805Del805 Posts: 27
    Also, as for the Items, please keep coming out with them. They introduce new templates and new builds into pvp... the apron introduced alchy bokuto mages. It removed the need for EP on both jewels, the FC, and 10 resist, allowing the player to build more creative templates and utilize a larger. pool of loot that would usually be unusable.

    The Mempho is excellent. Stam is a misconception. Most players can achieve max swing speed with little to no stamina increase with an SSI piece tactically placed around their suit... So, look at ten swing speed=30 stam, so that piece is the equivalent of 5 ssi. Second, Mana is not needed at all for PVE because of the impact of Mana leech on weapons. Most pve chars do not need over 50 mana. So those stats are a moot point. 
  • SkettSkett Posts: 1,717
    bokuto should be a random 100% elemental
  • MerlinMerlin Posts: 238
    edited October 2023
    keven2002 said:

    I can see the argument on the mempo being OP but I don't think the gloves are that OP given they have -30 Necro. I actually think it's a very smart thing the Devs did with this item to make it a best in slot type item while also kind of preventing one of the most powerful template (Sampire) to use it. I would need more time to see how creative I could get on moving skills / jewels etc around so maybe it's possible a Sampire could use these but it wouldn't be easy. The Dev team has incentivized using a non-Sampire template which would not happen if they threw -30 necro on something while keeping the stats in line with archlich gloves or worse. There would be no reason to claim them aside from just being a different looking item from a different event. Another thing that is sort of overlooked is they are plate which gives 2 less LMC than studded/bone and could play a role in whether people would use them over archlich gloves. If stacking them with the plate arms from last year and M&S helm, the lack of inherent LMC starts to add up. For me personally I would not use these gloves on my sampire over the gloves last year, but this does have me thinking about making a paladin build (in combo with the hammer pick).

    Usually I'm aligned with ya @ Merlin and while I do agree some of the new stuff is powerful, I don't mind it... much for the reason Cookie gave. As a high end content player who hasn't played much since the last ToT event last year, I've been eagerly waiting for something to do for an item or 2 that can give me a slightly better suit. I think the Devs did it right here where the mempo is likely going to be the new best in slot item for all dexers (even though it's also plate - aka not +3LMC) and the chest is probably going to be a common piece across mages; everything else gives people choices to make. If the Devs made the mempo or gloves essentially the same as things we already had, there wouldn't be much benefit or point for players that choose those things if they already had the other items. These items help new players while also appealing to vets; I think that is a win.

    It seems like @ PlayerSkillFTW has been in the Dec team's ear because these drops seem to help build that paladin macer he always talks about during these events... only thing missing from the rewards is a heater shield with 9 mods on it!

    @ Kyronix - I do want to say hats off to the Dev team on this reward list with many new items and some things on here that are interesting additions. Thank you for updating the hiryu color, I like it and will probably need to add that to my list now over my swampy.I understand the balance of the spawn rate and drop rate but given the timeline of 8 weeks (which I think is the right amount of time) and the uncertainty of drop rates; I would hope some of these reward point totals could be dropped down to ensure everyone can get what they want. Especially if we are getting random property items.

    One thing I would ask for in the next event is some specific love for only Gargs...PLEASE! I was incorrect about the conversion of the armor piece (sorry!) but I do think the gargs are still slighted given they can't ride a mount so there should be something that is specific for them. I would love some sort of best in slot item for the earrings or a soul glaive etc for gargs given they tend to get the short end of the stick on things like Yukios earring or the HCI earrings.

    I do understand your sentiment, but I have a concern that these three items I’ve sighted concern with – the mempo, gloves, Raiment do chest – become “best-in-slot” for so many builds.  This is not good for new players because if you start at the top, you’re not going to have a hard time finding interest in other legacy content where the rewards are far less valuable.  This is what leads people not to hang around for long.  This is not going for veterans who are going to have entire builds up-ended and gear on their vendors lose considerable value.   The last few events have already made it tough to sell gear in many slots.   By all means, I’m not saying the items shouldn’t be powerful or an improvement to current gear in templates – but the jump here on items like the Mempo are just so much that I think it’s a detriment in the long run.   Am I wrong to say that if the Mempo had its stats scaled back by 10 that it wouldn’t still be a very valuable piece simply by way of having the HCI, DCI and LMC?

    PlayerskillFTW often has some of the best comments – well thought out and data driven by testing.  Not surprised that a lot of his comments over the years are being put into action.  I built my Macer off of comments he made on Stratics year’s ago and it’s my favorite non-Sampire dexxer.  Divine Sanctifier is going to be a fun one to play with!   A good “cookie” to give to Mace Fighters that need some love.

    And while I might be crowing about the Mempo, I will repeat what I said over on Stratics which is that the rewards list for this event is overall very impressive.  Really nice to see alot of thought put into these items and very few repeats.   I love the idea of the Warlord sash giving different eater and stat bonus.   All serious players are going to have to considering making adjustments to their builds with all the gear this time.

    Juju said:
    @ Kyronix I think that bokuto should have 20% splint not 30% which is gonna have crazy reflections on the fights (too overpowered). 20% splint and exceptional will open the possibility to make great imbued bokutos. 30% is simply too much

    +1 on this.

    If you play with the Knuckleheads imbue calculator, you will see that 30 splintering is quite heavy in terms of intensity.    Especially for folks that want to add Spell Channelling and then other abilities… you won’t get too much out of those other abilities.     I would support dialing down the Splintering a bit from 30 to 20, or even if it’s to 25. 

    Skett said:
    bokuto should be a random 100% elemental

    +1 on this too.

    Just as the Warlord sashes will provide a random eater and stat, it would be great if the Boks were more than just Physical elemental.   Even if not 100% elemental... some randomization of the damage type would make these especially fun for PVP.    A great cookie for the popular Bok Mage build ! 
  • GrimbeardGrimbeard Posts: 2,669
    I don't understand why someone's ability to sell something should ever influence anything 
  • twizagtwizag Posts: 55
    Kyronix said:
    And you can, as a delusion, ask for the reception of artifacts from past events at the event. Maybe someone didn't have time to pass...It would be a nice little thing.
  • HolumerHolumer Posts: 172
    id like to see older event items. This is my first one.
  • PawainPawain Posts: 10,662
    edited October 2023
    @Kyronix I am finally home.  I put the gloves and my Mempo on my macer.  I will have to lower my Strength category to compensate for the loss of Dex.

    With these two items there will be only 3 changes in my stats:

    My Stamina increases by 2.
    My Chivalry goes up by 15.  I don't use Necro so I don't care about that.
    My LMC goes down by 2.

    Things that do not change:
    My Swing Speed
    My Damage
    My Mana


    Please add Either +5 Dexterity or +10 mana to one of these items.
    Or add an eater or Luck.
    Focus on what you can do, not what you can't.
  • PawainPawain Posts: 10,662
    edited October 2023
    Found some places on Isamu Jima on Test center that did not spawn tagged mobs.  I killed mobs to try to get tagged ones but none would respawn tagged.  One is the area where Tsuki-wolves spawn in bulk.  Some areas had many types of mobs that were not tagged but some tagged mobs would walk up to the area. And tagged mobs were a screen away.

    Also this whole coast line:

    Hope just a glitch.
    Focus on what you can do, not what you can't.
  • PawainPawain Posts: 10,662
    Also in Makoto Jima there are spots like this where 2 mobs are tagged and 2 are not:

    temp.jpg 313.6K
    Focus on what you can do, not what you can't.
  • GrimbeardGrimbeard Posts: 2,669
    Despite anyone's concern for thier business or Pawain suit needs i find all items fine except for the fact that none of them or for bards or fishing 
  • PawainPawain Posts: 10,662
    edited October 2023
    Grimbeard said:
    Despite anyone's concern for thier business or Pawain suit needs i find all items fine except for the fact that none of them or for bards or fishing 
    Mempo will be great for Archers including Archer/Bards.   But the Mempo has 0 MR.  Ask him to add that.

    Bards are not templates, they are 480 points, Bards are a support set of skills for a different template.
    Fishing is 120 points of a template.  You have hundreds more points to add to that.

    I have asked twice to include the seas of Tokuno in this event.           
    Focus on what you can do, not what you can't.
  • GrimbeardGrimbeard Posts: 2,669
    Pawain said:
    Grimbeard said:
    Despite anyone's concern for thier business or Pawain suit needs i find all items fine except for the fact that none of them or for bards or fishing 
    Mempo will be great for Archers including Archer/Bards.   But the Mempo has 0 MR.  Ask him to add that.

    Bards are not templates, they are 480 points, Bards are a support set of skills for a different template.
    Fishing is 120 points of a template.  You have hundreds more points to add to that.

    I have asked twice to include the seas of Tokuno in this event.           
    Bards are templates as much as any other they have simply been nerfed and ignored since the introduction of greater dragons and an increase of non bardable creatures toss in mystic aoe spells not working...
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