Because the items are Shard Bound, not every server is heavily script
farmed like Atlantic is. For example, i can farm the Lvl 4 Crypts on
Napa and not see another soul for hours.
Which has been my point from day 1. Not all shards are created equal and unfortunately for those that call ATL "home" we have to deal with more people/botters/scipters/etc. It's only right that ATL be given more spawn to work with or open Fel.
Fact is, 75% of the others shards like Napa simply do not need more spawn or Fel open but you have the whiners on here saying "but it's not fair we don't get what ATL gets". Sad that those cry babies are dictating how the event runs on the most populated shard in the game because they think their dead shard should be treated the same.
We all pay the same your pvp/Atlantic play is no more deserving than Origin cats or pac
Difference is that we could shut down Origin and keep the game going. My guess is that there are probably some free shards out there that have more of a population than Origin (outside of EM events). Go look at your Deceit event. It's almost completely empty.
Compare that to ATL which basically is UO. If they were to shut down ATL they would be shutting down the game.
Not true everyone would just go back home..
Acknowledgment and accountability go a long way...
Because the items are Shard Bound, not every server is heavily script
farmed like Atlantic is. For example, i can farm the Lvl 4 Crypts on
Napa and not see another soul for hours.
Which has been my point from day 1. Not all shards are created equal and unfortunately for those that call ATL "home" we have to deal with more people/botters/scipters/etc. It's only right that ATL be given more spawn to work with or open Fel.
Fact is, 75% of the others shards like Napa simply do not need more spawn or Fel open but you have the whiners on here saying "but it's not fair we don't get what ATL gets". Sad that those cry babies are dictating how the event runs on the most populated shard in the game because they think their dead shard should be treated the same.
We all pay the same your pvp/Atlantic play is no more deserving than Origin cats or pac
Difference is that we could shut down Origin and keep the game going. My guess is that there are probably some free shards out there that have more of a population than Origin (outside of EM events). Go look at your Deceit event. It's almost completely empty.
Compare that to ATL which basically is UO. If they were to shut down ATL they would be shutting down the game.
Not true everyone would just go back home..
More delusional posts by you. There are many players, as well as myself, that have called ATL home since 97 and would no longer have a home. They would leave and that would be the final nail the UO coffin. If so many people called other shards home then why are there so many event transactions on my shard for items that are all shard bound?
Now shew - go back to your cave little troll boy or to the beach to rebury your head in the sand.
Because the items are Shard Bound, not every server is heavily script
farmed like Atlantic is. For example, i can farm the Lvl 4 Crypts on
Napa and not see another soul for hours.
Which has been my point from day 1. Not all shards are created equal and unfortunately for those that call ATL "home" we have to deal with more people/botters/scipters/etc. It's only right that ATL be given more spawn to work with or open Fel.
Fact is, 75% of the others shards like Napa simply do not need more spawn or Fel open but you have the whiners on here saying "but it's not fair we don't get what ATL gets". Sad that those cry babies are dictating how the event runs on the most populated shard in the game because they think their dead shard should be treated the same.
We all pay the same your pvp/Atlantic play is no more deserving than Origin cats or pac
Difference is that we could shut down Origin and keep the game going. My guess is that there are probably some free shards out there that have more of a population than Origin (outside of EM events). Go look at your Deceit event. It's almost completely empty.
Compare that to ATL which basically is UO. If they were to shut down ATL they would be shutting down the game.
Not true everyone would just go back home..
More delusional posts by you. There are many players, as well as myself, that have called ATL home since 97 and would no longer have a home. If so many people called other shards home then why are there so many event transactions on my shard that are all shard bound?
Now shew - go back to your cave little troll boy or to the beach to rebury your head in the sand.
You view Atlantic as some great metropolis while in fact it's a bad Walmart in a crappy part of town..Atlantic became Atlantic when shard shields arrived and it became about money that's it and if we can't have a discussion even a heated one without you resorting to insults don't expect the mods to let it continue..
Acknowledgment and accountability go a long way...
Like it or not McTroll - ATL is now THE shard of UO. That is what is keeping the lights on and driving business. Fact still remains that ATL is 50x more populated than Origin and that you don't need Fel open (or more spawn) because nobody there is doing the event anyway versus ATL where it's being run 23/7.
I think when you transfer to Atl, for 7 days it should show the shard you came from, and you shouldn't be able to turn it off immediately. Then we would see whether Atl is keeping the lights on, or if players from smaller shards are. How about it @Kyronix ; ?
You and Several Others like this.
Please make the Grizzled Mare a 5 slot mount, it's incredibly rare and deserves it. Some of us have been waiting a long time for this simple addition.
"actually @popps is correct and my sources have also verified this.
You can farm the items on an EJ accounts using any illegal means.
You then pay for the account that has managed to farm the most without being banned. Then claim reward.
The reward is then not account bound
None of this is actually contrary to what the publish notes state"
Posts on this account have been pre filtered from personal comment or opinion in an effort to suppress conservative views in order to protect the reader.
You view Atlantic as some great metropolis while in fact it's a bad Walmart in a crappy part of town..Atlantic became Atlantic when shard shields arrived
You view Atlantic as some great metropolis while in fact it's a bad Walmart in a crappy part of town..Atlantic became Atlantic when shard shields arrived
I mean, it's just a silly evaluation of Atlantic. Atlantic was one of the first servers when the game went gold. I'd still be there myself if it hadn't been for Chessy opening up a month later and me have a slightly better connection to it than I did Atlantic.
"actually @ popps is correct and my sources have also verified this.
You can farm the items on an EJ accounts using any illegal means.
You then pay for the account that has managed to farm the most without being banned. Then claim reward.
The reward is then not account bound
None of this is actually contrary to what the publish notes state"
Then it's broken @ Kyronix
Not broken.
Rewards redeemed from the Artifact Trader by a veteran account will not be account bound
They pay before they claim the rewards. Since there is a cap on how many items they can get, they will fill it. Pay for the account. Then can't go back to EJ. For 4 months.
The EMs would ban an EJ account if caught doing bad thinks, if you read the forum you will see many players have been flagged.
Still same sampires running around 24/7 nothing gets done glad @Mesanna doesn't care
This discussion has been closed.
I will be slow to reply because I cannot log in/stay logged in to the forums. Make this your signature if you are tired of Vendor Search being broken, over FIVE YEARS and counting. Vendor search rendered useless after Publish 106 – Forsaken Foes on August 14, 2019.
The problem with account bound rewards is that I have 3 accounts I want rewards for but only use 1 to earn rewards. I only have 1 sampire between the 3 accounts which works best for me. Making the items and drops account bond would mean I'd either need to make 3 sampires or not claim rewards for the other two accounts, neither of which is an option I care for.
The problem with account bound rewards is that I have 3 accounts I want rewards for but only use 1 to earn rewards. I only have 1 sampire between the 3 accounts which works best for me. Making the items and drops account bond would mean I'd either need to make 3 sampires or not claim rewards for the other two accounts, neither of which is an option I care for.
Yeah, I see you point there. Ugh, I just hate the shard bound stuff so much. I was thinking at least if items were account bound you wouldn't be restricted as far as inter-shard travel goes.
The problem with account bound rewards is that I have 3 accounts I want rewards for but only use 1 to earn rewards. I only have 1 sampire between the 3 accounts which works best for me. Making the items and drops account bond would mean I'd either need to make 3 sampires or not claim rewards for the other two accounts, neither of which is an option I care for.
Yeah, I see you point there. Ugh, I just hate the shard bound stuff so much. I was thinking at least if items were account bound you wouldn't be restricted as far as inter-shard travel goes.
I don't know why they just don't exclude EJ accounts from these events...
Someone said that sovereigns purchased are available to all accounts under the Mythic Master account, I've never tested it personally. I find it intriguing that I can spend my RL money on sovereigns, as much as I want to spend and then share that with the accounts I've chosen not to pay for, but I can't earn ingame items, as much as I want to earn, but not share them with accounts I've chosen not to pay for. I'll elaborate more but want to see what others think..if any.
You and Several Others like this.
Please make the Grizzled Mare a 5 slot mount, it's incredibly rare and deserves it. Some of us have been waiting a long time for this simple addition.
1. Players with multiple accounts not being and to share rewards between characters. Like Riner said, it’s very likely that players will use the most effective character to fight and get rewards… a sampire might work best, but want to claim an SDI reward for a mage on a different account.
2. A very significant portion of UO is built around the economy. While UO certainly has some challenges in the ingame economy after 25 years, it’s still an important element.
Implementing changes that punish legit players in order to combat cheating is a poor excuse and solution. Proper and fair ToS and enforcement of the ToS is what is needed.
1. Players with multiple accounts not being and to share rewards between characters. Like Riner said, it’s very likely that players will use the most effective character to fight and get rewards… a sampire might work best, but want to claim an SDI reward for a mage on a different account.
2. A very significant portion of UO is built around the economy. While UO certainly has some challenges in the ingame economy after 25 years, it’s still an important element.
Implementing changes that punish legit players in order to combat cheating is a poor excuse and solution. Proper and fair ToS and enforcement of the ToS is what is needed.
Shard Bound until equipped then account takes care of this
Acknowledgment and accountability go a long way...
@McDougle - "Shard Bound until equipped then account takes care of this"
So, when it drops back into your pack it becomes shard bound again? But if you have whatever it is equipped you can transfer with it? Is that what you mean?
1. Players with multiple accounts not being and to share rewards between characters. Like Riner said, it’s very likely that players will use the most effective character to fight and get rewards… a sampire might work best, but want to claim an SDI reward for a mage on a different account.
2. A very significant portion of UO is built around the economy. While UO certainly has some challenges in the ingame economy after 25 years, it’s still an important element.
Implementing changes that punish legit players in order to combat cheating is a poor excuse and solution. Proper and fair ToS and enforcement of the ToS is what is needed.
Shard Bound until equipped then account takes care of this
Not really. Take an item like the Fey talisman from the last event. Between my 4 accounts I have 3 archers, 2 throwers, 1 sampire, and 2 traditional melee characters. I didn’t have time to farm all the rewards I would need to equip all 8 characters, so they share. I do the same with cameos, luck items, and the 50sdi spellbooks. Account bound would severely limit that.
Additionally it would mean I could never sell or trade those items in the future if a different item for that slot was a better fit for my build.
@ McDougle - "Shard Bound until equipped then account takes care of this"
So, when it drops back into your pack it becomes shard bound again? But if you have whatever it is equipped you can transfer with it? Is that what you mean?
It drops as shard bound this allows it to stay on the shard it came from yet still be sold or given to another account once the person who bought/was given it equips it then it's account bound
Acknowledgment and accountability go a long way...
@ McDougle - "Shard Bound until equipped then account takes care of this"
So, when it drops back into your pack it becomes shard bound again? But if you have whatever it is equipped you can transfer with it? Is that what you mean?
It drops as shard bound this allows it to stay on the shard it came from yet still be sold or given to another account once the person who bought/was given it equips it then it's account bound
So that means I would have to farm enough items to get 3 of the same item for my 3 main accounts. NO THANK YOU.
All makes sense now.... with this 'anti-afk system', aka, another feature added to the game to discourage legitimate players and benefit bots, no wonder the bot army sampires are doing what they're doing.
This discussion has been closed.
I will be slow to reply because I cannot log in/stay logged in to the forums. Make this your signature if you are tired of Vendor Search being broken, over FIVE YEARS and counting. Vendor search rendered useless after Publish 106 – Forsaken Foes on August 14, 2019.
All makes sense now.... with this 'anti-afk system', aka, another feature added to the game to discourage legitimate players and benefit bots, no wonder the bot army sampires are doing what they're doing.
So that means I would have to farm enough items to get 3 of the same item for my 3 main accounts. NO THANK YOU.
Ah, I love these forums. People read 1 line, ignore the rest, and try to base their PURE PWNAGE ARGUMENT around it. I'm not even going to bother anymore, but you can read one of the several posts I've made on the benefits of account bound and why you're being daft. When you do that, get back to me and tell me you're wrong and you would prefer account bound.
This discussion has been closed.
I will be slow to reply because I cannot log in/stay logged in to the forums. Make this your signature if you are tired of Vendor Search being broken, over FIVE YEARS and counting. Vendor search rendered useless after Publish 106 – Forsaken Foes on August 14, 2019.
“Event is on Atlantic this weekend, but when it returns to trammel only I believe I have identified a means to move the bots from trammel to fel leveraging a feature of command undead (so I can loot them if they dont have auto insure on for the drops)”
Posts on this account have been pre filtered from personal comment or opinion in an effort to suppress conservative views in order to protect the reader.
So that means I would have to farm enough items to get 3 of the same item for my 3 main accounts. NO THANK YOU.
Ah, I love these forums. People read 1 line, ignore the rest, and try to base their PURE PWNAGE ARGUMENT around it. I'm not even going to bother anymore, but you can read one of the several posts I've made on the benefits of account bound and why you're being daft. When you do that, get back to me and tell me you're wrong and you would prefer account bound.
I have read all your posts and I do NOT agree with you so get off your but hurt attitude just because someone disagrees with you. You just want to go farm dead shards and bring it back to your main shard to use, quit trying to BS us with your blah blah.
I disagree with most. I think this is a great event. It isn't often that I get to manually grind out a spawn to get extreme high value items AND page on Mervyn for breaking ToS with moongates.
Now shew - go back to your cave little troll boy or to the beach to rebury your head in the sand.
Please make the Grizzled Mare a 5 slot mount, it's incredibly rare and deserves it. Some of us have been waiting a long time for this simple addition.
"actually @popps is correct and my sources have also verified this.
- Rewards redeemed from the Artifact Trader by a veteran account will not be account bound
They pay before they claim the rewards. Since there is a cap on how many items they can get, they will fill it. Pay for the account.Then can't go back to EJ. For 4 months.
The EMs would ban an EJ account if caught doing bad thinks, if you read the forum you will see many players have been flagged.
I will be slow to reply because I cannot log in/stay logged in to the forums.
Make this your signature if you are tired of Vendor Search being broken, over FIVE YEARS and counting.
Vendor search rendered useless after Publish 106 – Forsaken Foes on August 14, 2019.
Please make the Grizzled Mare a 5 slot mount, it's incredibly rare and deserves it. Some of us have been waiting a long time for this simple addition.
1. Players with multiple accounts not being and to share rewards between characters. Like Riner said, it’s very likely that players will use the most effective character to fight and get rewards… a sampire might work best, but want to claim an SDI reward for a mage on a different account.
Implementing changes that punish legit players in order to combat cheating is a poor excuse and solution. Proper and fair ToS and enforcement of the ToS is what is needed.
So, when it drops back into your pack it becomes shard bound again? But if you have whatever it is equipped you can transfer with it? Is that what you mean?
Additionally it would mean I could never sell or trade those items in the future if a different item for that slot was a better fit for my build.
I will be slow to reply because I cannot log in/stay logged in to the forums.
Make this your signature if you are tired of Vendor Search being broken, over FIVE YEARS and counting.
Vendor search rendered useless after Publish 106 – Forsaken Foes on August 14, 2019.
I will be slow to reply because I cannot log in/stay logged in to the forums.
Make this your signature if you are tired of Vendor Search being broken, over FIVE YEARS and counting.
Vendor search rendered useless after Publish 106 – Forsaken Foes on August 14, 2019.
but when it returns to trammel only I believe I have identified a means to move the bots from trammel to fel leveraging a feature of command undead (so I can loot them if they dont have auto insure on for the drops)”