Here we go again, broken record time: Account Bound rewards for ToT and new content is required.

usernameusername Posts: 1,023
edited August 2022 in General Discussions
Account bound rewards are the solution.

As the title states, the future of ToTs is to change drops/rewards from 'Shard Bound' to 'Account Bound' and gear rewards for future content be all 'Account Bound'. Current content should be revamped and rewards made account bound.

  • Reduced point cost of NPC rewards since items are inherently 'worthless' (for ToT) and perhaps increase drop rate for desirable rewards (non ToT)
  • Afk RMT farm bots go bye-bye.
  • Increase subscriptions because players have to earn them their selves, instead of buying.
  • Reason to do the content, get online and play the game (something this game DESPERATELY lacks).
  • Items can be transferred without interfering with parting/destination shard.
  • Less of a grindfest for players that have lives.
  • Have past rewards available more often (ToT)
  • nothing.
This is only beneficial to non cheater players. YOU SHOULD BE FOR THIS CHANGE IF YOU DO NOT CHEAT.

Don't know how many times I've got to say this before you all understand. 
Constantly see more threads about multiboxing....
ToTs are afk/multiboxed to hell,
Doom is afk/multiboxed to hell,
Shadowguard is afk/ multiboxed to hell.

Anyone on board yet?
Anyone change their mind?
How many more ToTs are people going to complain through to change your mind when this solves 99% of the complaints?
How many more years will shadowguard/doom be farmed by RMTers?
How long will the slim veil quest be botted for? Why not just make it more common drop and account bound?

Can anyone provide any strong argument against this?


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I will be slow to reply because I cannot log in/stay logged in to the forums.
Make this your signature if you are tired of Vendor Search being broken, over FIVE YEARS and counting.
Vendor search rendered useless after Publish 106 – Forsaken Foes on August 14, 2019.


  • PawainPawain Posts: 10,645
    edited August 2022
    Am I trolling if I do not like this idea? I have 4 accounts why would I want things they can not share.  Shard bound does not allow me to travel with all my items.

    Now if you want to have a way to convert shard bound to account bound then I am for that.

    Sorry, players selling things have always been a main thing in UO, you would destroy that.
    Focus on what you can do, not what you can't.
  • YoshiYoshi Posts: 3,322
    edited August 2022
    “So how is this going to stop people farming things on dead shards for use on live shards?

    so a new ToT comes out and there’s a fel champ spawn, I could just transfer to a dead shard, farm the champ on dead shard and transfer my stuff to Atlantic or use the stuff I got to farm dead shards for powerscrolls and transfer to Atlantic.

    you’ve made an argument for making things account bound, but you’ve slipped it in with removing shard bound because? you want to farm dead shards?”
    Posts on this account have been pre filtered from personal comment or opinion in an effort to suppress conservative views in order to protect the reader.
  • MargeMarge Posts: 722
    Pawain said:
    Am I trolling if I do not like this idea? I have 4 accounts why would I want things they can not share. 
    It pains me to say this, but I agree Pawain. :p  I also have a few of accounts and use my mage or tamer to get drops and rewards for my other accounts.

    We been through this discussion a few times; there are pros and cons for each label. Personally, I would like no restrictions on any drop. Yes bots suck, but as long as people buy their wares; they will always be there. Every one knows the biggest ones on their shard. The best way to defeat them is to not buy from them.

  • usernameusername Posts: 1,023
    edited August 2022
    Pawain said:
    Am I trolling if I do not like this idea? I have 4 accounts why would I want things they can not share.  Shard bound does not allow me to travel with all my items.

    Now if you want to have a way to convert shard bound to account bound then I am for that.

    Sorry, players selling things have always been a main thing in UO, you would destroy that.
    They can share between your other 6 characters on the account.

    Yes, that's the definition of shard bound. UO in 2022 every player I know plays multiple shards so we can't share our gear anyways with this ToT shard bound crap. I'd way rather be able to share gear with 7 chars x20 shards than not be allowed to share with my other account.

    Yes, shard -> account bound conversion should be a thing.

    There is still 25 years of stuff people can sell. No one is going to destroy that.
    This discussion has been closed.

    I will be slow to reply because I cannot log in/stay logged in to the forums.
    Make this your signature if you are tired of Vendor Search being broken, over FIVE YEARS and counting.
    Vendor search rendered useless after Publish 106 – Forsaken Foes on August 14, 2019.
  • usernameusername Posts: 1,023
    edited August 2022
    Marge said:
    Yes bots suck, but as long as people buy their wares; they will always be there. Every one knows the biggest ones on their shard. The best way to defeat them is to not buy from them.
    Your solution, of having people 'not buy their wares', is exactly what I'm saying. They cannot sell account bound items. My suggestion accomplishes that. So you agree?
    This discussion has been closed.

    I will be slow to reply because I cannot log in/stay logged in to the forums.
    Make this your signature if you are tired of Vendor Search being broken, over FIVE YEARS and counting.
    Vendor search rendered useless after Publish 106 – Forsaken Foes on August 14, 2019.
  • usernameusername Posts: 1,023
    edited August 2022
    Marge said:
    Pawain said:
    Am I trolling if I do not like this idea? I have 4 accounts why would I want things they can not share. 
    It pains me to say this, but I agree Pawain. :p  I also have a few of accounts and use my mage or tamer to get drops and rewards for my other accounts.

    Under my suggestion pay attention to the part of "increase drop rate for desirable rewards (non ToT)".

    What if I told you that in the time it took you to farm that single item that you share between how many other characters/accounts, that same time you could have gotten two or three of that item but it was account bound?
    This discussion has been closed.

    I will be slow to reply because I cannot log in/stay logged in to the forums.
    Make this your signature if you are tired of Vendor Search being broken, over FIVE YEARS and counting.
    Vendor search rendered useless after Publish 106 – Forsaken Foes on August 14, 2019.
  • McDougleMcDougle Posts: 4,082
    All my characters get thier own drops this includes my Fisher/tamer etc i would be ok with everything shard bound and become account bound when equipped it works for wow ..
    Acknowledgment and accountability go a long way... 
  • I hate this idea from a different perspective - I am  not a power gamer in any way, in fact I kind of suck. I have been mostly playing on Pac and am old enough to have transfer shields. I like being able to go to Atlantic and buy what I need for cheaper. Account and shard bound stuff stops that. I wanted a serpent's jawbone on Atlantic this last event but the lag was awful and the egg gathering was impossible. I could have easily earned another on Pac but I noped out because I couldn't bring it over for my Atlantic house.

    And no, increasing (account bound) drops doesn't help if after the event is over I decide I want the serpent quiver and I didn't get one. I really don't care who got the drop I want to buy. If it is available on Atl and I can buy it and use it between the shards, that is what I want. And if I get sick of the thing or find some other gear I want to be able to sell it later.

    And no, I don't cheat, in fact I have rarely had a plat at a time. I am uber casual and sometimes I want to buy something that dropped three events ago.
  • SkettSkett Posts: 1,716
    How about something like this 
    if your on shard A and buy an item that is tagged account bound if shard transferred or ABST 
    so players that miss events can go to Atl and but the desired item go home but it’s account bound you can’t trade it or sell it BUT at least those that missed the event because I don’t know real life issues like work family etc can at least get some of the items from past events 
    Just a thought but I’m sure you all have better ideas 
  • SarkonSarkon Posts: 62
    This horse has been beaten to death, again and again.  I don’t prefer anything to be any kind of bound.  In over 20 years, no amount of cheating or multiboxing has kept me from farming an item I wanted or locked me out of an area I wanted to go to.  In the Fey event, I got more drops standing on the pile of boxers in 2 days, than I did the rest of the event combined.  RMT items don’t even hit the market, so that doesn’t even upset the item/gold ratio.  UO will ALWAYS have someone that will pay the 100m for some janky rare.  If cheaters are that important to you, take a screenshot, then report them…if they get banned, more power to you.  If they don’t, well, you did your due diligence.  Repeating the same thing on a different day has done nothing so far…makes me wonder if anyone else knows the term for repeating the same thing in hopes of a different result.
  • usernameusername Posts: 1,023
    edited August 2022
    I hate this idea from a different perspective - I am  not a power gamer in any way, in fact I kind of suck. I have been mostly playing on Pac and am old enough to have transfer shields. I like being able to go to Atlantic and buy what I need for cheaper. Account and shard bound stuff stops that. I wanted a serpent's jawbone on Atlantic this last event but the lag was awful and the egg gathering was impossible. I could have easily earned another on Pac but I noped out because I couldn't bring it over for my Atlantic house.

    And no, increasing (account bound) drops doesn't help if after the event is over I decide I want the serpent quiver and I didn't get one. I really don't care who got the drop I want to buy. If it is available on Atl and I can buy it and use it between the shards, that is what I want. And if I get sick of the thing or find some other gear I want to be able to sell it later.

    And no, I don't cheat, in fact I have rarely had a plat at a time. I am uber casual and sometimes I want to buy something that dropped three events ago.
    In your specific example it would be irrelevant; account bound would be for gear only, not deco or other other items that are not equipped. 

    The main reason the lag was horrible on Atl was because of the bots, that's undisputed.
    No bots you get drops without lag.
    The main reason the eggs were horrible on Atl is because of the bots, that's undisputed.
    No bots you get eggs easy.

    So infact, my suggestion would have helped you acquire the drops AND for cheaper cost!
    Yes, of course this does not help you get items that have came/gone or when the ToT is inactive, but if you see the last bullet point
    • Have past rewards available more often (ToT)
    There you go. I would also be fine with all previous gear be available in upcoming ToTs if the gear was account bound.
    So there you go, all your issues are in fact addressed/solved while ridding UO of RMT bots for these aspects of the game. As a casual player, or just a non cheater, this is only beneficial.
    This discussion has been closed.

    I will be slow to reply because I cannot log in/stay logged in to the forums.
    Make this your signature if you are tired of Vendor Search being broken, over FIVE YEARS and counting.
    Vendor search rendered useless after Publish 106 – Forsaken Foes on August 14, 2019.
  • usernameusername Posts: 1,023
    Sarkon said:
    This horse has been beaten to death, again and again.  I don’t prefer anything to be any kind of bound.  In over 20 years, no amount of cheating or multiboxing has kept me from farming an item I wanted or locked me out of an area I wanted to go to.  In the Fey event, I got more drops standing on the pile of boxers in 2 days, than I did the rest of the event combined.  RMT items don’t even hit the market, so that doesn’t even upset the item/gold ratio.  UO will ALWAYS have someone that will pay the 100m for some janky rare.  If cheaters are that important to you, take a screenshot, then report them…if they get banned, more power to you.  If they don’t, well, you did your due diligence.  Repeating the same thing on a different day has done nothing so far…makes me wonder if anyone else knows the term for repeating the same thing in hopes of a different result.
    Yes it's been beaten to death but every couple of days we see a thread where the Devs blind eye towards cheating is harming the game. More and more people are waking up and want change. This is a great idea that cripples RMT bots while improving the regular players gameplay.

    Do you ever wonder why every MMO I can think of has an account/character bound system? BuT uO iSnT eVeRy OtHeR mMo!! Right, other MMO's get an expansion more regularly than over 13 years apart.

    Do you know what they say about the squeaky wheels? ;)
    This discussion has been closed.

    I will be slow to reply because I cannot log in/stay logged in to the forums.
    Make this your signature if you are tired of Vendor Search being broken, over FIVE YEARS and counting.
    Vendor search rendered useless after Publish 106 – Forsaken Foes on August 14, 2019.
  • usernameusername Posts: 1,023
    edited August 2022
    Skett said:
    How about something like this 
    if your on shard A and buy an item that is tagged account bound if shard transferred or ABST 
    so players that miss events can go to Atl and but the desired item go home but it’s account bound you can’t trade it or sell it BUT at least those that missed the event because I don’t know real life issues like work family etc can at least get some of the items from past events 
    Just a thought but I’m sure you all have better ideas 
    Doesn't address the main issue: bots are farming these afk 23/7 and cornering the market, especially for stuff like ToT, from the other thread. As long as the RMT'ers are able to make that initial sale from you it doesn't solve anything. 

    Furthermore, as mentioned several times, I just want to take my gear that I've earned and play with it. Shard bound items from ToT ruin this completely. Anyone that's played this game for a lengthy period of time plays more than one shard.
    This discussion has been closed.

    I will be slow to reply because I cannot log in/stay logged in to the forums.
    Make this your signature if you are tired of Vendor Search being broken, over FIVE YEARS and counting.
    Vendor search rendered useless after Publish 106 – Forsaken Foes on August 14, 2019.
  • Arnold7Arnold7 Posts: 1,461
    Just did a long post on this topic on the multiboxing thread.  Not going to repeat it here.  Long story short UO revolves around vendor search.  Players rely on vendor search to get the gold they need to buy the things they need.  We all can farm at least one thing other players want.  Making everything account bound would hurt players like me that rely on drops and rewards to make some gold a lot more than it would those mostly long time players that cheat and already have everything the game has to offer.
  • usernameusername Posts: 1,023
    edited August 2022
    Arnold7 said:
    Just did a long post on this topic on the multiboxing thread.  Not going to repeat it here.  Long story short UO revolves around vendor search.  Players rely on vendor search to get the gold they need to buy the things they need.  We all can farm at least one thing other players want.  Making everything account bound would hurt players like me that rely on drops and rewards to make some gold a lot more than it would those mostly long time players that cheat and already have everything the game has to offer.

    The game does not revolve around vendor search and I can prove this: the game didn't have vendor search for almost 2 decades.

    Slippery slope fallacy: the game would not die, nor would the economy, or any aspect, if ToT reward gear, Shadowguard and Slim quest rewards went account bound. Future rewards that don't even exist yet going account bound would not change a thing: there is still 25 years of items and stuff that are not account bound and can be put on vendors.

    I read your post in that thread and it's just a bad take.
    This discussion has been closed.

    I will be slow to reply because I cannot log in/stay logged in to the forums.
    Make this your signature if you are tired of Vendor Search being broken, over FIVE YEARS and counting.
    Vendor search rendered useless after Publish 106 – Forsaken Foes on August 14, 2019.
  • SarkonSarkon Posts: 62
    username said:
    Sarkon said:
    This horse has been beaten to death, again and again.  I don’t prefer anything to be any kind of bound.  In over 20 years, no amount of cheating or multiboxing has kept me from farming an item I wanted or locked me out of an area I wanted to go to.  In the Fey event, I got more drops standing on the pile of boxers in 2 days, than I did the rest of the event combined.  RMT items don’t even hit the market, so that doesn’t even upset the item/gold ratio.  UO will ALWAYS have someone that will pay the 100m for some janky rare.  If cheaters are that important to you, take a screenshot, then report them…if they get banned, more power to you.  If they don’t, well, you did your due diligence.  Repeating the same thing on a different day has done nothing so far…makes me wonder if anyone else knows the term for repeating the same thing in hopes of a different result.
    Yes it's been beaten to death but every couple of days we see a thread where the Devs blind eye towards cheating is harming the game. More and more people are waking up and want change. This is a great idea that cripples RMT bots while improving the regular players gameplay.

    Do you ever wonder why every MMO I can think of has an account/character bound system? BuT uO iSnT eVeRy OtHeR mMo!! Right, other MMO's get an expansion more regularly than over 13 years apart.

    Do you know what they say about the squeaky wheels? ;)
    And you can’t name a single one of those mmos that don’t have multiboxing, cheating bots.  Everyone has them, yet those games still exist despite them.  20+ years of them haven’t killed this game…it hasn’t killed those games.  Let the gm’s sort them out as is and let the devs focus on things that actually matter.  Squeaky wheels get replaced…
  • looploop Posts: 480
    I disagree with account locking, as others have chimed in.

    • Reduced point cost of NPC rewards since items are inherently 'worthless' (for ToT) and perhaps increase drop rate for desirable rewards (non ToT)
    Locking rewards to accounts and reducing the required points/increasing the drop rate are separate concepts. I don't understand how one would follow from the other. They could increase the drop rate/decrease points without messing with account locking.

    • Afk RMT farm bots go bye-bye
    This is probably true. People would just AFK farm until they got what they wanted, and there wouldn't be an RMT aspect.

    • Increase subscriptions because players have to earn them their selves, instead of buying.
    I disagree. If I'm not mistaken, rewards can already be gotten by EJ accounts. Locking rewards by account would just frustrate active subscribers who supplement their grinding with buying turn-in points via Vendor Search. I don't see how locking items to accounts would, say, convert an EJ player or bring in new subscribers.

    • Reason to do the content, get online and play the game (something this game DESPERATELY lacks).
    I don't know that this content is what people want to be doing all month long. Trading the items allows folks to supplement the grind. I disagree that this content, which is cookie cutter and grindy, is the sort that we should focus on to increase player engagement. Additionally, there's a sizable number of people who find it engaging to farm the items for the purpose of selling to fund other aspirations within the game.

    • Items can be transferred without interfering with parting/destination shard.
    Can't comment here since this isn't something I'm familiar with.

    • Less of a grindfest for players that have lives.
    See point #1. Locking to accounts doesn't diminish the grind inherently. Simultaneously decreasing the required points/increasing the drop rate would, sure, but then you will decrease player engagement with the content (point #4).

    • Have past rewards available more often (ToT)
    Doesn't relate to locking items to accounts.


    There aren't a whole lot of ways players can make meaningful headway in the economy. Treasures events are among the lowest barrier for any player looking to fund other goals they have. Instead of removing one of the few ways that people actively engage with one another (like an MMO!), we should reckon with the fact that the content is grindy and not very fun in long spurts. The solution here is then to design content that is fun and requires active engagement.

    Considering the cookie cutter, grindy nature of the content, I would also challenge you to sympathize with folks who may wish to automate simple tasks within the context of a 25-year-old game with two poor clients and to ask yourself why it is that it bothers you so much, RMT notwithstanding -- which I think is more predicated on decades of duping rather than AFK farming.
  • MerusMerus Posts: 656
    For reasons previously stated, I think this is very bad idea... mine would be a hard no vote.
  • MargeMarge Posts: 722
    username said:

    What if I told you that in the time it took you to farm that single item that you share between how many other characters/accounts, that same time you could have gotten two or three of that item but it was account bound?

    I don't "share" between accounts as much as get it on one and "give" it to the other. As an example, the +20 magery spellbooks. I got some with account #1 and gave them to account #2. Account #2 doesn't have fighters of any sort; wouldn't matter how much they increased anything when a sewer rat can kill those toons. And no, I don't enjoy fighters enough to make them on the other account just so I can get that account rewards when I have a perfectly fine finished toon that can do it on account #1.

    Still a big NO for me on account bound.
  • UrgeUrge Posts: 1,308
    I'm not a fan of account or shard bound items either.
  • PawainPawain Posts: 10,645
    Urge said:
    I'm not a fan of account or shard bound items either.
    Does not sound like many players are for restrictions.
    Focus on what you can do, not what you can't.
  • SethSeth Posts: 2,944
    +1 to convert shard bound to acct bound, but optional by players, just like mage armor.

    Normal arties should not be account bound.
    If it ain't broke, don't fix it. 
    ESRB warning: Some Blood. LOTS of Alcohol. Some Violence. LOTS of Bugs
  • keven2002keven2002 Posts: 2,384
    Yoshi said:
    “So how is this going to stop people farming things on dead shards for use on live shards?

    so a new ToT comes out and there’s a fel champ spawn, I could just transfer to a dead shard, farm the champ on dead shard and transfer my stuff to Atlantic or use the stuff I got to farm dead shards for powerscrolls and transfer to Atlantic.

    you’ve made an argument for making things account bound, but you’ve slipped it in with removing shard bound because? you want to farm dead shards?”
     Don't think I saw an answer to this but begs the question.

    So instead of being required to play your home shard X for whatever you want there and then needing to go farm some dead shard (or two) like shards Y & Z for whatever gear you want to use to farm dead shards; the thought is to remove that and just allow players to farm 1 single shard and then go run shop on all dead shards? 

    That defeats the entire purpose of ever having things being shard bound which was instituted because so many people were saying things were off-sharded to ATL. So now the Devs are not only going to stop the shard bound; they would let you convert all shard bound stuff over to account bound to go hit dead shards as people want? I don't see this happening.
  • Lol everything that is listed as an advantage is a disadvantage who would have thought.

    Resources are afk botted so those should also be account bound! Same with gold and equipment drops from monsters those are also afk farmed and should also be account bound! 

    Make the entire game account bound screw trading with other players in an MMO. 
  • KazKaz Posts: 139
    I personally like the current system.  As a recently returned player (less than 3 years back), these events were my first opportunity to make some real gold and "catch up".  I know several others who think the same.

    I play a "dead shard" - and I would be livid to see a bunch of people influx to my home, script farm their gear and then head back to ATL (and this WILL happen, guaranteed).

    If I want an item from an event on a particular shard, I go farm it there.  If I don't have the time to do that, then I don't do it.

    Ultimately, an account bound solution is a bandaid.  Its treating a symptom instead of the disease. 
    If the ultimate goal is to get in front of script farming, then the dev team needs to get in front of that in particular.
  • creampiecreampie Posts: 121
    username said:
    Account bound rewards are the solution.

    As the title states, the future of ToTs is to change drops/rewards from 'Shard Bound' to 'Account Bound' and gear rewards for future content be all 'Account Bound'. Current content should be revamped and rewards made account bound.

    • Reduced point cost of NPC rewards since items are inherently 'worthless' (for ToT) and perhaps increase drop rate for desirable rewards (non ToT)
    • Afk RMT farm bots go bye-bye.
    • Increase subscriptions because players have to earn them their selves, instead of buying.
    • Reason to do the content, get online and play the game (something this game DESPERATELY lacks).
    • Items can be transferred without interfering with parting/destination shard.
    • Less of a grindfest for players that have lives.
    • Have past rewards available more often (ToT)
    • nothing.
    This is only beneficial to non cheater players. YOU SHOULD BE FOR THIS CHANGE IF YOU DO NOT CHEAT.

    Don't know how many times I've got to say this before you all understand. 
    Constantly see more threads about multiboxing....
    ToTs are afk/multiboxed to hell,
    Doom is afk/multiboxed to hell,
    Shadowguard is afk/ multiboxed to hell.

    Anyone on board yet?
    Anyone change their mind?
    How many more ToTs are people going to complain through to change your mind when this solves 99% of the complaints?
    How many more years will shadowguard/doom be farmed by RMTers?
    How long will the slim veil quest be botted for? Why not just make it more common drop and account bound?

    Can anyone provide any strong argument against this?


    easy way to fix it for you go create your own shard and play solo if you dont want interaction with others it s a mmo will not be miss with all your non sense post 
  • PawainPawain Posts: 10,645
    Focus on what you can do, not what you can't.
  • MariahMariah Posts: 3,397Moderator
    While serious trolling will be removed, Rorschack and I would like to clarify that only we have the authority to remove forum access, we don't do it lightly.
  • McDougleMcDougle Posts: 4,082
    Mariah said:
    While serious trolling will be removed, Rorschack and I would like to clarify that only we have the authority to remove forum access, we don't do it lightly.
    We stand in proper awe :D perhaps you mods have been in touch with the developers and can assure us that all is well  ;)
    Acknowledgment and accountability go a long way... 
  • GarretGarret Posts: 207
    My guess is they need divide all ToT rewards in 3 type of tokens, just for example account bound tokens max 20 per acc - n points (10-30), shard bound tokens no limit - n points (50) and primer token limit to account 5, no server account limitation - price like 1000k points, every one happy if u farm for ur acc u just use account tokens for cheap and fast and get ur event experience and fun, if u wish trade in ur server u just buy shard bound token and make ur business, if u wish to bot or have no limitation on ur items just farm insane amount of points for limit amount of tokens it could be 1 k or more to make dead bot server farm not relevant but such items will find their buyers.
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