Treasures of the Fey Feedback



  • keven2002keven2002 Posts: 2,384
    edited April 2022
    @Kyronix - Go check out ATL right now. There are only 2 spots where things are spawning consistently which is NW on the way to level 2. Try running east to where the crimson drakes are or water elements. There are literally zero Fey spawning. Go run to the back of the dungeon there are maybe 3 fey spawns and 5 reptile spawn (in the entire back area pass the gas)... there is 1 guy back there now killing it so I'm running screens and screens away without any spawn at all....

    The spawn does not seem to working correctly in the dungeon compared to literally every other event where spawn was everywhere. 

    Like I said, go check it out for yourself on ATL. It's not even 1pm and it's already hard finding enough stuff to kill; just wait until prime time. We either need the spawn increased or Fel to be open up (based on the initial drop rate - I didn't think needed to be open but it's clear that with the drop rate as of today it does).
  • KyronixKyronix Posts: 1,207Dev
    @keven2002 - we've been monitoring ATL all morning.  Destard has different spawn regions than other dungeons (also a much different layout) so creatures are dispersed differently.  We'll continue to monitor the event and adjust accordingly.  Thanks for the feedback!
  • KazKaz Posts: 139
    Just spent 30 mins in destard on catskills.   Feels more like the wildfire event (having to run long distances to fight even 1 monster) rather than the (in my opinion) balanced spawn rate of hythloth.   
  • RintarRintar Posts: 38
    Same in EU, some areas empty. More spawn could be nice
  • YoshiYoshi Posts: 3,322
    Kyronix said:
    @ keven2002 - we've been monitoring ATL all morning.  Destard has different spawn regions than other dungeons (also a much different layout) so creatures are dispersed differently.  We'll continue to monitor the event and adjust accordingly.  Thanks for the feedback!

    "Stuff is spawning in wrong facet on ATL, you accidentally made it spawn in tram instead of fel"
    Posts on this account have been pre filtered from personal comment or opinion in an effort to suppress conservative views in order to protect the reader.
  • KazKaz Posts: 139
    All the pvp guild should full on war each other, problem solved.  Constant fights everywhere, no safe spaces ;)
  • Definitely feel like the spawn amount/rate should be bumped. Even on less populated shards, it's a bit of a drag.
  • Arnold7Arnold7 Posts: 1,461
    Drop rate seems worse on my shard too.  Maybe it’s just me but seems like it is down quite a bit.  Only played about an hour so others that play more would know more about the rate than me.
  • FeigrFeigr Posts: 518
    Can't get a pile going on Chessy so... my drop rate went from about 30 an hour to 1 every other hour. LOL
  • keven2002keven2002 Posts: 2,384
    Well I'm glad to see that it's not just me experiencing the same issues with finding spawn to kill outside of the NW corner and getting way less drops than I was before (and less drops than other events),

    Fel should be opened up to help lag and spawn.
  • SethSeth Posts: 2,944
    Don't quite understand the logic easy drop rate for the Wind champ for non-shard bound items and then making so hard to get shard bound items and eventually they shall be rares on all shards. As usual, no replies and someone will say next we are beating a dead horse.
    If it ain't broke, don't fix it. 
    ESRB warning: Some Blood. LOTS of Alcohol. Some Violence. LOTS of Bugs
  • AnneNomillyAnneNomilly Posts: 85
    edited April 2022
    There has to be some happy medium between 10000 drops an hour with tons of spawn and 1 drop every other hour with minimal spawn that one shots you. This is almost unplayable now. :( And we turn the dial to maybe medium for the spawn and low for the paragon? When a paragon can one shot you, how is anyone supposed to do this? 

  • MargeMarge Posts: 722
    Agree with Anne.
  • FeigrFeigr Posts: 518
    edited April 2022
    Give us the pile back, please.  Even if you somehow manage 2 an hour... that's 125 hours for a artifact.  This is not respecting your customer's time.  

    I managed to get a lot of stuff. But people I know couldn't play the first two days.  They're struggling just to be able to get the ankh or jawbone... The gear isn't even an achievable goal.
  • McDougleMcDougle Posts: 4,082
    Acknowledgment and accountability go a long way... 
  • ForeverFunForeverFun Posts: 938
    edited April 2022
    Kyronix said:
    Respawn rates for dynamic treasures events function the same way as Champion Spawns with near-instant respawn.  
    I'd say yesterday, the respawn timer was near instant.  Today, there's at least several seconds idle before things repopulate.  That's with 4-5 people in the area.

    Definitely a slow down.  Dialing down any delay on respawn would be great.
  • Arnold7Arnold7 Posts: 1,461
    Glad it was not just me.  Thought I had killed and helped kill more than enough to get at least a drop.  No comparison between this and the Wind event. The Wind event was balanced so players with reasonable skills and willing to make the effort could play it.  Even this event was somewhat playable the two days before.  But today?  Yesterday I could move around and find stuff I could kill but today all the fey appeared to be in just one spot and not nearly enough of the more killable stuff around.
  • PlayerSkillFTWPlayerSkillFTW Posts: 646
    edited April 2022
    Kyronix said:
    Respawn rates for dynamic treasures events function the same way as Champion Spawns with near-instant respawn.  
    I'd say yesterday, the respawn timer was near instant.  Today, there's at least several seconds idle before things repopulate.  That's with 4-5 people in the area.

    Definitely a slow down.  Dialing down any delay on respawn would be great.

    Mob spawns, instantly dead, 2 seconds later another mob spawns, instantly dead. A paragon spawns, dead 3 seconds later. The spawn coming in piece meal like this allows the script Archers/Throwers to instantly focus fire non-paragons down before legit players can even damage it.

    Congratulations to those that complained about the spawn being too fast/heavy, and the AoE grind. Now the spawn is even more dominated by scripters, and legit players get even less drops.
    The scripters just switched from SWers, to Archers/Throwers spamming AI with Dragon Slayer Wep+Fey Slayer Talisman (damage cap against everything but Giant Serpents). The spawn rate has slowed down enough that they can instantly kill all non-Paragons that spawn. Even spamming Essence of Wind/Thunderstorm with 4 FC you're lucky to get a single hit on any non-Paragon before it's dead. All Paragons besides Shadow Wyrms get dropped within 3 seconds by the script Archers/Throwers. At least before, the spawn was so thick that the scripters couldn't burst them all down at once, so a legit player could get some damage in with AoE spells.
  • LarisaLarisa Posts: 1,231
    Yeah now it's bad the other direction....not enough spawn and very spread out. Not instantly respawning either.

    Try a happy medium? A BIT more spawn....not much just a little.

  • YoshiYoshi Posts: 3,322
    edited April 2022
    “I am no longer afk playing, am still getting quite a high drop rate on a popps like tamer.
    not sure what all the complaints are about. (Atlantic shard)”
    Posts on this account have been pre filtered from personal comment or opinion in an effort to suppress conservative views in order to protect the reader.
  • ThandorThandor Posts: 38
    Kaz said:
    All the pvp guild should full on war each other, problem solved.  Constant fights everywhere, no safe spaces ;)
    Why should we have to do that? Pvp is opt in. You literally have to make the decision to go to the only fascet where its OK to take part.
  • McDougleMcDougle Posts: 4,082
    Thandor said:
    Kaz said:
    All the pvp guild should full on war each other, problem solved.  Constant fights everywhere, no safe spaces ;)
    Why should we have to do that? Pvp is opt in. You literally have to make the decision to go to the only fascet where its OK to take part.
    Wouldn't joining a opt in guild be the same?
    Acknowledgment and accountability go a long way... 
  • Arnold7Arnold7 Posts: 1,461
    Seems much more playable tonight.  No big mobs at the door.  Spawn mostly near the steps downstairs  but very playable.  Thanks
  • FoosFoos Posts: 95
    I don't envy the dev team trying to find the sweet spot for most playerss.  Event has been fun so far.  I guess we couldn't expect the wall drops to keep up forever.
  • RintarRintar Posts: 38

    Kyronix said:
    @ keven2002 - we've been monitoring ATL all morning.  Destard has different spawn regions than other dungeons (also a much different layout) so creatures are dispersed differently.  We'll continue to monitor the event and adjust accordingly.  Thanks for the feedback!
    Well... That is the problem. You got lot of shards, no only ATL

  • keven2002keven2002 Posts: 2,384
    @Pawain - Seems like my theory isn't so far off now eh? 

    Thanks to those who have helped confirm what I was seeing.

    Btw this is ATL at 6:30am today.  It kind of confirms what @PlayerSkillFTW was saying where the multiboxing archers/throwers/thunderstormers are able to just hang out right in this area and afk script easily and not as noticeably because this is literally where all the spawn is.

    Meanwhile here is what the rest of the first floor (the biggest part of the dungeon) looks like; as you can see there is a whole lot of nothing to kill. I'm actually kind of competing against others for kills because there is so little spawn outside of the 2nd level entrance.

  • keven2002keven2002 Posts: 2,384
    edited April 2022
    For the record, I also appreciate the attention the Devs are giving to this because they had made several tweaks (whether they want to admit it or not lol) to try to improve it. I think Destard was a tough dungeon to have this event in with a lot of things to balance.

    That said, as it stands right now it's probably the worst it has been since the event started with my drops being the lowest they have been all event. As others have mentioned it's almost impossible to do any damage to things in wither / thunderstorm alley and the rest of the main floor is empty so I'm running around literally for a minute or 2 just to kill a drake (and that's if I beat someone else to it).

    The spawn either needs to be increased across the entire dungeon (ie in the center / in the east / far north in the back) with the amount of paragons turned down OR we need Fel opened up. A third option would be to just put it back like it was day 1 which means lots more drops (and lag) for everyone. At least on the first day, we had some solid rewards for the lag we were getting. Now the lag is still there when you try to kill stuff in thunderstorm alley but you don't receive any reward for it.
  • McDougleMcDougle Posts: 4,082
    keven2002 said:
    For the record, I also appreciate the attention the Devs are giving to this because they had made several tweaks (whether they want to admit it or not lol) to try to improve it. I think Destard was a tough dungeon to have this event in with a lot of things to balance.

    That said, as it stands right now it's probably the worst it has been since the event started with my drops being the lowest they have been all event. As others have mentioned it's almost impossible to do any damage to things in wither / thunderstorm alley and the rest of the main floor is empty so I'm running around literally for a minute or 2 just to kill a drake (and that's if I beat someone else to it).

    The spawn either needs to be increased across the entire dungeon (ie in the center / in the east / far north in the back) with the amount of paragons turned down OR we need Fel opened up. A third option would be to just put it back like it was day 1 which means lots more drops (and lag) for everyone. At least on the first day, we had some solid rewards for the lag we were getting. Now the lag is still there when you try to kill stuff in thunderstorm alley but you don't receive any reward for it.
    Gee if only they would have idk tested stuff on test or one of the three shards they have for testing... i mean they had until on or about to put on main shards..
    Acknowledgment and accountability go a long way... 
  • @Kyronix @Mesanna ;

    As others have said, please consider tweaking the dungeon. While I realize the crazy drop rate may have been unintended, people were having a blast. I know some like to say, "it was a scripters dream." Perhaps that's true but the situation now is only benefiting the scripting bots with multiple characters set up to cross heal. The average player, and returning players no longer stand a chance in the dungeon. 

    On Wednesday night, using a potion, I got ~100 drops, plenty of death robes, a lot of laughs and fun with the community. General chat was hopping with people picking at each other. There was plenty of death but loads of excitement. People were healing, rezzing, helping each other. Lag? Yep, that part sucked for sure. But it wasn't unplayable.

    On Thursday night, after the changes, using a potion, I got 15 drops. Most things that spawned were paragon, when you could find spawn. On level 3, you had a paragon AW and a paragon greater dragon. It took two hours and multiple tries to clear that only to have another paragon AW spawn. The paragons for the events are beefed up and extremely difficult to kill. It takes a group and it takes forever. We saw this in Hythloth with people leaving the paragon Balrons because they took too long to kill. The difference in Destard is almost every paragon is too hard to kill and there is nowhere to lock them up.

    Last night people were frustrated. Paragon rates were through the roof, normal critters were hard to find and drops were abysmal. In addition, the prices for the dungeon items doubled overnight. How on earth is a casual player or a returning player without a large group supposed to do this event? 

    Oh, you say, they can go gather Easter Eggs. Please don't misunderstand, I'm very grateful that you put another option in for the dungeon items. However, the "drop" rate is lower even than the dungeon. If you CAN collect 100 eggs in an hour on a shard with a medium population, all competing for the eggs, that is the equivalent of 10 drops an hour. At that rate, to get one spellbook, it will take someone 25 hours.  

    I've heard it stated, we want people to work together for these. Honestly, at least on Catskills, that's exactly what WAS happening. Now, not so much. It's changed from everyone grouping up, cheering each other on, and helping each other to "let me grab all I can for me". 

    Please look at this. There has got to be something between 200 drops an hour with a reasonable chance at success and 10 drops an hour with a swarm of paragons that are deadly and impossible for any group less than 5 to kill reasonably. 
  • FenFen Posts: 31
    edited April 2022
    nevermind :)

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