Opening gate at barrels
Hello since paging does not work how are people able to open gates at the barrels at idocs Someone who i got a screen shot of opened a gate and opened it right as the barrels opened so everyone ran into the gate and got sucked into it. where they where able to hit the barrels while the rest of us had to recall back in,
I have a screen shot of the chat with this persons name on it
The gate took them somewhere else?
Those that did not go into the gate stayed at the IDOC?
Is that what you are saying?
After making so many gates recently for Artisan festival, I feel the most incredible thing about this story is, players able to go into a gate without having to try 4 or 5 times.
Before this update you could not open a gate at the barrels. More then half the people went in it lead to mage tower in shame
This game has more cheaters then players they take the fun out of pvp all the pvp use scripts and 3rd party clients. Toke out idoc with scripts that was fixed now they take the fun out of idoc with this new cheat of theres.
Make a Bug post about that part.
Pretty neat trick. hehe
Danpal, just do as so many did. Just abandon them and enjoy other aspects of the game. Idocs are a waste of time now
As for placing now, that’s sewn up on ATL too and the greedy Atlantic realtors charge 6/800m for a crappy blocked 18x18. Dev’s need to sort this out aswell. There is no way the same old players that place are that lucky. You cannot drop in a castle, 18x18 or keep first time without help. There is no way
you walked through a gate and it teleported you,
this is not a bug”
It would take you a minute or more to break one solo. So you go ahead and do that. The IDOC would be complete before you enter.
I use the barrels for wrestling and stamina or strength gains on new toons after it is over. They stay a long time after it ends.
It takes longer to page on the people then it does clearing a idoc and by the time you get to click on the guy who did it he is gone and char cant not be found.
And him being the last honest pvper