Potion of Glorious Fortune Gone from UO Store?
Not seeing it on the front page nor the search. Is this gone again already? If so, why? The Hythloth event still has a month to go. Why would this be removed???? Maybe it's just a glitch? @Kyronix can you let us know please sir? Thanks.
(Many rabbits, leprechauns, and 4-leaf clovers were harmed in the production of these items.)
when they gave them to us for free
(during Treasures of Khaldun)
might mess up the named ones
if they made them shard bound
DEVs please don't make the other store items shard bound
or account bound
people don't sell the store items on my home shard
Never be afraid to challenge the status quo
Never be afraid to challenge the status quo
But it’s building up over time and the best way to see this is like what some had already suggested, trying to implement this overnight and see what happens. Full shard bound for all items, and no more character transfer. So all characters will stay where they are permanently.
That said I gave up fighting because I am also one of the active players and shard bound doesn’t affect me. Broadsword created their own problem.
ESRB warning: Some Blood. LOTS of Alcohol. Some Violence. LOTS of Bugs
Altlantik is always the loser either way, even if people come to it first because they think life would be so much easier there....
And... is that really the case? I see it a bit differently. At some point when the wind changes, as soon as people realise that the "promised land" doesn't keep its promises - that the area where I wanted to put my dream house is already occupied and only plots for 7x7 mini-houses can be found, the dream house or the item I absolutely want is offered massively overpriced or when I meet players or guilds who know nothing but their own ego. Inevitably, everyone - every shard - loses, even the small ones, because the players also lose something - namely the desire to continue, and in the end the whole game loses.
The biggest mess for this game has been created right on Atlantik, where this Shard can shine as long as it wants - if no one is there to clean it properly, it will soon look just as dirty as on all the others
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A little less ego-thinking, know-it-all and rumbling compared to others who aren't so "great" and the UO-life would be a whole corner easier
(Ein bisschen weniger Ego-Denken, Besserwisserei und Rumprollerei anderen gegenüber die halt nicht so "toll sind" und das UO-Leben wäre ne ganze Ecke einfacher)
ESRB warning: Some Blood. LOTS of Alcohol. Some Violence. LOTS of Bugs
Shard bound, and I have been saying this since they started, are a blessing come true for low population shards.
Its like those one sentence product review, like this is good, works well, or no problem. They do not say why and supported with solid facts, so as to convince anyone. This is why some of us keep beating a dead horse with good counters.
ESRB warning: Some Blood. LOTS of Alcohol. Some Violence. LOTS of Bugs
I am slowly working on bringing my vendors up. I always have furniture, runebooks, BOD books misc. Needful things like Bone Machete, fort powder, +5 mining gloves...for the TRUE new player....working on mark/gate/recall scrolls and city/dungeon runebooks because all I have now are empties.
Problem is people don't START on a low pop shard. They ask *Where should I start?* and 99% of the time the answer is Atlantic.
Never be afraid to challenge the status quo
Never be afraid to challenge the status quo
Hoping to get the shard good for new/returning players!
That's a very commendable effort, too bad that, being all these items not "Shard Bound", if one prices them too low, chances are that some "buy low-sell high" player might buy them to then resell them higher on Atlantic for a profit..... and in doing so, they deprive low population Shards of many items, reasonably priced, to be found on Vendors....
See why Shard Bound is a great thing for low population Shards ? It avoids the "buy low - sell high" thing from a low Population Shard to Atlantic, to be possible in the first place.....
Us Perverts will always call Origin home
Never be afraid to challenge the status quo
Seriously Popps stop with the shard bound crap...some things NEED to be shard bound. Sell them on your shard to get the NON shard bound gold!
I usually buy the Treasures Of drops for 2 mil per. I used one potion and did not see any change in the amount of drops I got so I rarely get enough to get the things I want.
Ice dungeon I did well, the rest of them not so much. This time around I am getting mostly weapons, I have gotten ZERO bone pieces and 2 plate arms and 2 plate gorgets.
I'd like to have at least one complete suit so right now all I need for that is a leather cap.
So more power to the buy low sell high guys that buy my 300g new player items to resell lol.