Pet only powerscrolls



  • drindethdrindeth Posts: 24
    edited June 2020
    popps said:
    drindeth said:
    tamers were never suppose to be easy or cheap to make.
    because of the ease of use, i believe having to dump gold into them is a good thing. 
    Uhu ?

    "Dump" gold into pets ?

    Really ?

    With what many 120s needed by pets cost, a fully scrolled Pet can easily cost hundreds of millions of gold points....

    Multiply that for several pets and we are talking of platinums spent in a Tamer's stable....

    Maybe others might think it is normal and acceptable, I happen to think it is not.

    When the cost of scrolling a pet gets "that" high because Powerscrolls are held hostage by a handfull of player because of whatever the mechanics to get them are that cause a Monopoly for them, not to mention having multiple pets in a Tamer's stables, it can become a game stopper for a Tamer player which is just not right, to my opinion. 
    yes. why is a gold sink a bad thing when there is so much out there? like i said tamers were never suppose to be cheap or easy to make because of the relatively low skill cap to play a finished one.

    making people sink gold into a pet is not a bad thing. if you want something powerfull it should cost you gold if not time and effort.

    its player choice to min/max pets by having 8 of them not a requirement. consider it a luxury tax.
  • UrgeUrge Posts: 1,309
    The only monopoly on powerscrolls are based on ones preference or lack of confidence to just not go get them. It can be done rather easily. You all just want it even easier. 

    Scrolls for pets are a good gold sink while at the same time gathering the right jewel from Roof can fetch enough gold to fully scroll a pet or two. 

    The entitlement era is rapidly gaining momentum in this game. Hopefully the team shuts it down swiftly. 

  • BilboBilbo Posts: 2,834
    drindeth said:
    popps said:
    drindeth said:
    tamers were never suppose to be easy or cheap to make.
    because of the ease of use, i believe having to dump gold into them is a good thing. 
    Uhu ?

    "Dump" gold into pets ?

    Really ?

    With what many 120s needed by pets cost, a fully scrolled Pet can easily cost hundreds of millions of gold points....

    Multiply that for several pets and we are talking of platinums spent in a Tamer's stable....

    Maybe others might think it is normal and acceptable, I happen to think it is not.

    When the cost of scrolling a pet gets "that" high because Powerscrolls are held hostage by a handfull of player because of whatever the mechanics to get them are that cause a Monopoly for them, not to mention having multiple pets in a Tamer's stables, it can become a game stopper for a Tamer player which is just not right, to my opinion. 
    yes. why is a gold sink a bad thing when there is so much out there? like i said tamers were never suppose to be cheap or easy to make because of the relatively low skill cap to play a finished one.

    making people sink gold into a pet is not a bad thing. if you want something powerfull it should cost you gold if not time and effort.

    its player choice to min/max pets by having 8 of them not a requirement. consider it a luxury tax.
    LMMFAO I want what you are smoking.  Power Scrolls ARE NOT A GOLD SINK, the gold you pay fro them goes into another players account.  Do you even play UO, I understand you have an account but really do you know how to play even the basics.
  • Garth_GreyGarth_Grey Posts: 1,459
    popps said:
    Get a Triton ....nuff said.
    Well, with a Triton one can save the powerscrolls for Resist and Wrestling but, depending on the build, other Powerscrolls could still be needed....

    Furthermore, there is no pet that can do it all so, just like a Dexer needs to have several Weapons, and a Mageseveral spellbooks depending on the Hunt, so a Tamer needs several, different pets, depending on the Hunt....

    So, Powerscrolls are much in need for Tamers, me thinks....
    You just proved with this response that you don't have a clue what you're talking about.
    You and Several Others like this.

    Please make the Grizzled Mare a 5 slot mount, it's incredibly rare and deserves it. Some of us have been waiting a long time for this simple addition.
  • UrgeUrge Posts: 1,309
    Bilbo said:
    drindeth said:
    popps said:
    drindeth said:
    tamers were never suppose to be easy or cheap to make.
    because of the ease of use, i believe having to dump gold into them is a good thing. 
    Uhu ?

    "Dump" gold into pets ?

    Really ?

    With what many 120s needed by pets cost, a fully scrolled Pet can easily cost hundreds of millions of gold points....

    Multiply that for several pets and we are talking of platinums spent in a Tamer's stable....

    Maybe others might think it is normal and acceptable, I happen to think it is not.

    When the cost of scrolling a pet gets "that" high because Powerscrolls are held hostage by a handfull of player because of whatever the mechanics to get them are that cause a Monopoly for them, not to mention having multiple pets in a Tamer's stables, it can become a game stopper for a Tamer player which is just not right, to my opinion. 
    yes. why is a gold sink a bad thing when there is so much out there? like i said tamers were never suppose to be cheap or easy to make because of the relatively low skill cap to play a finished one.

    making people sink gold into a pet is not a bad thing. if you want something powerfull it should cost you gold if not time and effort.

    its player choice to min/max pets by having 8 of them not a requirement. consider it a luxury tax.
    LMMFAO I want what you are smoking.  Power Scrolls ARE NOT A GOLD SINK, the gold you pay fro them goes into another players account.  Do you even play UO, I understand you have an account but really do you know how to play even the basics.

    They disappear when used so they can be considered part of the sink along with resources, ingredients and the sort. 
  • poppspopps Posts: 4,133
    drindeth said:
    popps said:
    drindeth said:
    tamers were never suppose to be easy or cheap to make.
    because of the ease of use, i believe having to dump gold into them is a good thing. 
    Uhu ?

    "Dump" gold into pets ?

    Really ?

    With what many 120s needed by pets cost, a fully scrolled Pet can easily cost hundreds of millions of gold points....

    Multiply that for several pets and we are talking of platinums spent in a Tamer's stable....

    Maybe others might think it is normal and acceptable, I happen to think it is not.

    When the cost of scrolling a pet gets "that" high because Powerscrolls are held hostage by a handfull of player because of whatever the mechanics to get them are that cause a Monopoly for them, not to mention having multiple pets in a Tamer's stables, it can become a game stopper for a Tamer player which is just not right, to my opinion. 
    yes. why is a gold sink a bad thing when there is so much out there? like i said tamers were never suppose to be cheap or easy to make because of the relatively low skill cap to play a finished one.

    making people sink gold into a pet is not a bad thing. if you want something powerfull it should cost you gold if not time and effort.

    its player choice to min/max pets by having 8 of them not a requirement. consider it a luxury tax.
    It is NOT a gold sink, I am afraid....

    Only gold changing hands from the hands of the Tamer who grinded to no end to put that gold together, into the hands of the player who sold the Powerscroll at such high prices thanking to a handfull of players having cornered their Market and holding their Monopoly so tight....

    The gold stays it all in the game, goes nowhere, only changes plyers' hands....
  • Petra_FydePetra_Fyde Posts: 1,493
    To divert, slightly, by far the quickest and easiest way to get Felucca treasure maps is by doing the hag's quest in Fel.
    Allow me to tell you about my Friday.  I did a hag's quest which got me a Hoard map.When I dug it up I got 2 frost dragons. I got my t hunter safe and sent my stealth herder to move them away a bit. Changed char back and completed the map. My tamer then went and tamed both frosts, but died a few times in the process. To re-build my sacrifice virtue I took my fire crimson to Demon temple to farm fame, which got me a further Cache map (fel of course) I dug that and got a Hoard map, dug that and got a trove map, dug that and got another frost dragon, which I again tamed, but died a couple of times on the way - back to Demon Temple, gained another Cache map. Here I go around again. Getting Fel maps isn't hard - oh and I've got a some +10 mage and eval scrolls set aside now for the planned pets of the char I'm re-skilling to be another tamer.
  • NikardNikard Posts: 164
    The players who discuss virtual economics in ultima on these boards, are like the people who play halo and dont understand why marines dont jump while shooting.
  • The_Higgs_1The_Higgs_1 Posts: 420
    Pvper Suits can cost anywhere from 200M - 3 plat.  But you don't here us complaining about it.  That is also per char we make to pvp.  Instead of paying tons of gold some of us just farm the equipment ourselves by doing pvm things, such as roof and underwater boss.  Other people go the route of purchasing gold with rl cash to get their gear,  its just a choice you make.  Overall balancing in this game is needed as well as new content, we don't need this.
  • drindethdrindeth Posts: 24
    Bilbo said:
    drindeth said:
    LMMFAO I want what you are smoking.  Power Scrolls ARE NOT A GOLD SINK, the gold you pay fro them goes into another players account.  Do you even play UO, I understand you have an account but really do you know how to play even the basics.
    ur right i didnt consider that. come to maine ill hook u up with what im smokin. its good stuffs.
    but still my point remains the same. sinking gold into pets is not a bad thing. iv already explained why i dont feel i need to do it again.
  • ArielHardyArielHardy Posts: 28
    A good pvp suit you can buy 120's scrolls to 10-20 pets, a good jewel from roof you can buy scroll to 2-3 pets, its a sandbox, you can't force everyone to play the way you want just because you aren't using a char that is made for a situation (champ is for pvp chars not for tamers, roof is for tamers not for pvp char)

    Imagine if every pvp player start complain (my pvp char can't solo roof and get a cameo, make a way i can kill roof with my pvp and get cameo by my own)

    That don't make sense.

    Pvp char can't play without roof arties, but all tamers can play at a good level without +20 scrolls so where's the real problem (in that perspective?)

    if you want scrolls do 1 roof you have 30% of chance in get an arty and half of arties worth more then most of the 120 scrolls, and you can do a roof run in 40 min, looks like the same time of a hard spawn, with 0% chance of raid.

    If a pvp player want a roof arty he will need search help of a tammer, so why cant a tammer search the help of a pvp player ? again that don't make sense.
  • CookieCookie Posts: 1,872
    edited June 2020

    @the_higgs_1 and @arielhardy ; - fantastic points, and all pointing back to the interlinking and balance of the game between roles and templates.

    PvPers with their suits have it every bit as hard as tamers with pet scrolls - if not worse, but you don't see us non stop complaining about it. We just get on and do what has to be done, we team, we link up, we farm that damn Roof in Trammel...

  • ArielHardyArielHardy Posts: 28
    Cookie said:

    @ the_higgs_1 and @ arielhardy  - fantastic points, and all pointing back to the interlinking and balance of the game between roles and templates.

    PvPers with their suits have it every bit as hard as tamers with pet scrolls - if not worse, but you don't see us non stop complaining about it. We just get on and do what has to be done, we team, we link up, we farm that damn Roof in Trammel...

    How much 120's scrolls i can buy with this pvp item?

    "oh its 12 mod, game don't drop anymore"


    And a tunic like this? you can scroll some pets without problem with roof loot, but a chance to a pvp guy to farm 1p+ in scrolls to buy 1 suit piece at time will take ages too, and remember, a pvp guy can kill another pvp guy, but a pvm can always farm free.

  • PawainPawain Posts: 10,673
    There are no PvPers to join forces with on LS.  They are all Pkers that kill players then move to the next spawn to look for another player to harass.  They do not actually get scrolls.  Probably cant.
    Focus on what you can do, not what you can't.
  • CookieCookie Posts: 1,872
    edited June 2020

    @arielhardy That shield is insanely the best shield I've ever seen, I'm after one like that right at the moment lol.

    I'd slaughter an entire stable of fully trained scrolled pets for that shield. :)

  • MissEMissE Posts: 782
    TimSt said:
    If you don't mind starting with stash maps and progressing to higher level maps you can farm tmaps using the treasure quest from the town cryer. When I was farming them I was getting 23 stash maps a week and progressing through the various levels.
    I do all level fel maps, but for every 10-20 stash maps you do you may get 2-3 supply maps, then you do those and most likely get 0 cache maps.  Sometimes you get a cache out of a supply but not that often. 

    I do all my fishing in fel JUST to get the supply maps of serpents, and the odd cache out of an chest. 

    Remember you need cache level and above to get scrolls, and then eg of say the 4 cache fel maps I did last week, i got 2 x 105 necro, 1 x 110 anat,  1 x 105 weaving, 2 x 110 stealing, 1 x 110 mace fighting, 1 x 105 swords, 1 x 110 mage, on that basis how long do you think it is gonna take to get enough scrolls to scroll ONE pet to 120 skill?   Out of 4 maps I got ONE 110 anatomy.   Sure sometimes you do better but on average I reckon you get 1/4 useful scrolls even when you do the fel t maps.

    Of the SAME skill you are gonna need
    8 x 105 to make 1 x 110, then 12 of those to make 1 x 115, then 10 of them to make 120, I mean seriously, the only way scroll binding is useful for pets is if  you spawn in fel continuously in which case you would get the 120's you need and have a huge amount of lower scrolls each time.  One spawn will give you 12 110+ scrolls (with a protector).  I actually do spawns as I refuse to buy scrolls for pets, but even doing them it will be years before I have anywhere near the scrolls I would like for my pets.

    I totally agree that there should of been a pet only scroll. 

    They should of dropped IN ADDITION to normal power scrolls in fel spawns so would of still been an added 'supply' for sale by spawners but the pet only ones should also of been on the spawns in trammel, eodon, ilshenar and tokuno.  They could of also of been put into the loot table for all higher level mobs as a rare drop like on oni, hiryu, gds, balrons etc.  

    My point is the people saying you can scroll em by doing tmaps obviously have no idea just how hard it is to get enough FEL tmaps to even bother.

    Cheers MissE

    For more info about Angelwood Warehouse Events go to the A.W.E Forum
  • KHANKHAN Posts: 510
    edited June 2020
    Cookie said:

    @ arielhardy That shield is insanely the best shield I've ever seen, I'm after one like that right at the moment lol.

    I'd slaughter an entire stable of fully trained scrolled pets for that shield. :)

    I like mine better! :)

    EDIT: Nevermind. I can't even cut and paste a picture from paint on this stupid forum. So I can't show a picture.

    If you sell UO items for R.L. $$$, you need to quit playing UO , and get a BETTER R.L. JOB!
  • poppspopps Posts: 4,133
    edited June 2020
    MissE said:
    TimSt said:
    If you don't mind starting with stash maps and progressing to higher level maps you can farm tmaps using the treasure quest from the town cryer. When I was farming them I was getting 23 stash maps a week and progressing through the various levels.
    I do all level fel maps, but for every 10-20 stash maps you do you may get 2-3 supply maps, then you do those and most likely get 0 cache maps.  Sometimes you get a cache out of a supply but not that often. 

    I do all my fishing in fel JUST to get the supply maps of serpents, and the odd cache out of an chest. 

    Remember you need cache level and above to get scrolls, and then eg of say the 4 cache fel maps I did last week, i got 2 x 105 necro, 1 x 110 anat,  1 x 105 weaving, 2 x 110 stealing, 1 x 110 mace fighting, 1 x 105 swords, 1 x 110 mage, on that basis how long do you think it is gonna take to get enough scrolls to scroll ONE pet to 120 skill?   Out of 4 maps I got ONE 110 anatomy.   Sure sometimes you do better but on average I reckon you get 1/4 useful scrolls even when you do the fel t maps.

    Of the SAME skill you are gonna need
    8 x 105 to make 1 x 110, then 12 of those to make 1 x 115, then 10 of them to make 120, I mean seriously, the only way scroll binding is useful for pets is if  you spawn in fel continuously in which case you would get the 120's you need and have a huge amount of lower scrolls each time.  One spawn will give you 12 110+ scrolls (with a protector).  I actually do spawns as I refuse to buy scrolls for pets, but even doing them it will be years before I have anywhere near the scrolls I would like for my pets.

    I totally agree that there should of been a pet only scroll. 

    They should of dropped IN ADDITION to normal power scrolls in fel spawns so would of still been an added 'supply' for sale by spawners but the pet only ones should also of been on the spawns in trammel, eodon, ilshenar and tokuno.  They could of also of been put into the loot table for all higher level mobs as a rare drop like on oni, hiryu, gds, balrons etc.  

    My point is the people saying you can scroll em by doing tmaps obviously have no idea just how hard it is to get enough FEL tmaps to even bother.

    My point is the people saying you can scroll em by doing tmaps obviously have no idea just how hard it is to get enough FEL tmaps to even bother.
    Quoted for truth.

    It is nigh to impossible to bind 110s from Treasure Maps to get 120s as it would take FOREVER to get all of the same exact ones one hundred and twenty 110s needed to make a 120, it would simply take way too many Treasure Maps to be digged up and Treasure Maps have only a 1% chance to spawn as loot on Monsters.

    As I said, it was a step in the right direction towards making it available an alternate source for Powerscrolls other then the Champion Spawns but it fall too short, to my opinion....

    It should have been Powerscrolls spawning up to 115s in ALL Facets with a rare chance at seeing also 120s spawn in Hoard or Trove Treasure Maps in Felucca.

    THEN, it would have become more feasible to get 120s in an alternate way to Champion Spawns and thus break the Monopoly that forces their prices way too high because only a few players are able to corner their Market....

    That is at least how I see it.
  • drindethdrindeth Posts: 24
    beating a dead horse.. that is all that is happening here.
  • JepethJepeth Posts: 545
    I disagree, I think this is a good discussion to have.

    Again, our PVP friends are trying to make the case that the system is working perfectly as-is while the rest of us are trying to explain that tying an endgame mechanic behind a system prone to griefing is really problematic. It just doesn't make for a meaningful, fun experience.

    Everyone has a different idea of what 'the' version of Ultima Online is. That people are still trying to litigate the Trammel vs Felucca/risk vs reward model twenty years later is, in my view, short-sighted. The game has evolved so much since then.

    I think the reasonable compromise is pet scrolls. It gives us a new mechanic to explore, maintains the status quo of high-end powerscrolls available from spawns, and brings the pressure down on the price of player powerscrolls. 
  • drindeth said:
    beating a dead horse.. that is all that is happening here.
    If only the horse had 120's and not just 115's it might have lived, im sure.
  • McDougleMcDougle Posts: 4,083
    I do Fel tmaps.i do champ spawns with my guild sometimes we get raided sometimes we don't . in the last 2 weeks we got off 6 spawns with no raids i got 0 120 PS a tamer might need 0 primers of any value(btw you know you can get that taming 3 from a tram spawn right) even if lord british rose from the grave and protected you from evil PKers the odds of getting the 120 you want(and times that by the 8 most tamers dream of) are minuscule ! so even if your dream came true and 120 started dropping in Tram the rarity would keep the prices high I do agree that most PvPers don't want to fight for the love of fighting but it is their job to kill you and take things 
    Acknowledgment and accountability go a long way... 
  • MerusMerus Posts: 656
    Jepeth said:
    I disagree, I think this is a good discussion to have.

    Again, our PVP friends are trying to make the case that the system is working perfectly as-is while the rest of us are trying to explain that tying an endgame mechanic behind a system prone to griefing is really problematic. It just doesn't make for a meaningful, fun experience.

    Your bias is showing, and that is one of the biggest problems to having a productive conversation... Killing someone at a champ spawn is not griefing... Players competing over powerscrolls is the intended mechanic. The fact that some players do not enjoy that mechanic is not evidence that it is broken. There are players who do find that competing for powerscrolls makes for a "meaningful, fun experience" (as much as one can say that about anything in UO). Those players do not deserve to have the content they enjoy destroyed simply because others do not enjoy the content or because of other players greed over the reward for that content. Consider for a minute this alternative... how about we add powerscrolls to tram and move ALL other drops to Fel. Then you can get every powerscroll you ever wanted by farming spawns non-stop. Do you think that would resolve the issue? No. It isn't about what the reward is... its that people want it with no risk. I am sorry, but I think there should be some desirable rewards for players who are willing to take the risk of fel to acquire it.
  • drindethdrindeth Posts: 24
    drindeth said:
    beating a dead horse.. that is all that is happening here.
    If only the horse had 120's and not just 115's it might have lived, im sure.
    good troll i can appreciate that.
  • drindethdrindeth Posts: 24
    edited June 2020
    Merus said:
    Your bias is showing, and that is one of the biggest problems to having a productive conversation... Killing someone at a champ spawn is not griefing... Players competing over powerscrolls is the intended mechanic. The fact that some players do not enjoy that mechanic is not evidence that it is broken. There are players who do find that competing for powerscrolls makes for a "meaningful, fun experience" (as much as one can say that about anything in UO). Those players do not deserve to have the content they enjoy destroyed simply because others do not enjoy the content or because of other players greed over the reward for that content. Consider for a minute this alternative... how about we add powerscrolls to tram and move ALL other drops to Fel. Then you can get every powerscroll you ever wanted by farming spawns non-stop. Do you think that would resolve the issue? No. It isn't about what the reward is... its that people want it with no risk. I am sorry, but I think there should be some desirable rewards for players who are willing to take the risk of fel to acquire it.
    pretty much this.
    and ps's arent really a reward for pvp i dont think. for pvpers its not really about the reward like it is for pvmers. just something fun-ish to do. so the argument about you need to be lured to fel isnt really a thing for most people. on the other hand tho people are indeed lured to trammel if you want to spin it that way. who would do any of that content for nothing? nobody. needing to revamp old content/artifacts proves this. its dead content because its not worth anything, thus not really being a reward. so people dont really do it 
  • JepethJepeth Posts: 545
    Merus said:
    Killing someone at a champ spawn is not griefing... Players competing over powerscrolls is the intended mechanic. 
    I am not unbiased in this matter. I have a point-of-view and am trying to make an argument for how I believe the game can be improved.

    Just because killing other players doesn't fit your definition of griefing doesn't change the fact that to many people getting res-killed over and over while trying for that slim chance of a good powerscroll IS griefing. Getting locked out of end game content because of player-killers is a bad mechanic whether it was intended by the developers or not.

    Your example and central argument seems be a zero-sum game, it does not need to be. Changing the game to make a better experience for everyone does not inherently mean your preferred play-style will suffer. Pet scrolls would be a good compromise.

    Many of us believe the system does not work. Many of our PVP friends in this thread believe the status-quo should not be changed. A compromise can be found between both positions. But saying that the topic isn't worthy of discussion or that we should just 'get over it' doesn't help the game.
  • MerusMerus Posts: 656
    edited June 2020
    Jepeth said:
    Merus said:
    Killing someone at a champ spawn is not griefing... Players competing over powerscrolls is the intended mechanic. 
    I am not unbiased in this matter. I have a point-of-view and am trying to make an argument for how I believe the game can be improved.

    Just because killing other players doesn't fit your definition of griefing doesn't change the fact that to many people getting res-killed over and over while trying for that slim chance of a good powerscroll IS griefing. Getting locked out of end game content because of player-killers is a bad mechanic whether it was intended by the developers or not.

    Your example and central argument seems be a zero-sum game, it does not need to be. Changing the game to make a better experience for everyone does not inherently mean your preferred play-style will suffer. Pet scrolls would be a good compromise.

    Many of us believe the system does not work. Many of our PVP friends in this thread believe the status-quo should not be changed. A compromise can be found between both positions. But saying that the topic isn't worthy of discussion or that we should just 'get over it' doesn't help the game.
    1. You are making an argument of how you think the game can be improved... for you.  No different than if I said I think the game would be improved if ALL drops were only available in Fel.  Its only an improvement based on your point of view, which you have admitted is biased.

    2. A dragon can res kill a player just as easy as a player can.  Getting res-killed is often more about the player getting ressed in a vulnerable position rather than about who/what is doing the killing.  Regardless of whether its a mob or a player, getting killed or reskilled is not griefing even if you find it distasteful.  If you don't believe, me... go to a Siege EM event and watch all the players die over and over and over to mobs... then tell me how the mobs are griefing the pvpers.

    3. No one has made a single argument about how the system doesn't work... the only argument is that you don't like it.  There is a HUGE difference in something not working and not liking something. 

    4. 120 powerscrolls are hard to come by, regardless of if you get them from T-maps or from spawns.  Thinking that the only powerscrolls that you can use on a pet are 120s is also foolish.  IMO, the powerscroll market does not need changes, either in ease of getting 120s or in making pet specific powerscrolls.  Few things in UO have held their value over the years as well as powerscrolls specifically because of how the powerscroll market works.  I believe they represent a superior economic model compared to the endlessly increasing powercreep that so much of the other rewards in UO follow.  And this is coming from someone who doesn't buy or sell powerscrolls.  I take the risk in fel to get the ones I need.  Extras I save for a rainy day or give to guildies who need them.
  • poppspopps Posts: 4,133
    edited June 2020
    Merus said:
    Jepeth said:
    I disagree, I think this is a good discussion to have.

    Again, our PVP friends are trying to make the case that the system is working perfectly as-is while the rest of us are trying to explain that tying an endgame mechanic behind a system prone to griefing is really problematic. It just doesn't make for a meaningful, fun experience.

    Your bias is showing, and that is one of the biggest problems to having a productive conversation... Killing someone at a champ spawn is not griefing... Players competing over powerscrolls is the intended mechanic. The fact that some players do not enjoy that mechanic is not evidence that it is broken. There are players who do find that competing for powerscrolls makes for a "meaningful, fun experience" (as much as one can say that about anything in UO). Those players do not deserve to have the content they enjoy destroyed simply because others do not enjoy the content or because of other players greed over the reward for that content. Consider for a minute this alternative... how about we add powerscrolls to tram and move ALL other drops to Fel. Then you can get every powerscroll you ever wanted by farming spawns non-stop. Do you think that would resolve the issue? No. It isn't about what the reward is... its that people want it with no risk. I am sorry, but I think there should be some desirable rewards for players who are willing to take the risk of fel to acquire it.
    To my understanding, the point is not to want something with no risk but rather, to play a game without having to deal with hacking, cheating, Third Party applications and what not that "at times" are used in PvP.......

    Not to mention, the trash talking and other abusive language that sometimes one bumping in PvP gets to face...

    Why the hell, if I may ask, anyone wanting to play a GAME to relax from work, school and what not should need to risk subject themselves to cheaters and players using abusive language because they need Powerscrolls for their pets or even their characters and this only because there is no other alternate way that they can get them without having to risk bumping into hackers, cheaters or what not or have to see derogative language pop up on their screen ?

    The key word here, is GAME, some people could not care less about being competitive, they only want to RELAX at their keyboard and do something they can enjoy for that half an hour or hour that they may have of playing time....

    Some people enjoy fighting others ? Cool !

    Why do you need an EXCUSE to fight others ?

    You enjoy fighting ? Go for it !

    There is NO NEED, to my opinion, to have an excuse for something to fight over with "if" the one enjoyment is THE fight versus another player....

    If one enjoys PvP, they would PvP whether or not there is Powercrolls or anything else to fight over for.

    Personally, I disagree with a Design that uses items as "baits" to bring players to then become targets to fellow players....

    PvP, I think, should be played by those who enjoy it and regardless whether or not there is anything to win over for..... what the heck, the win is having won over a fellow player, right ?

    That is what "competition" is all about as I understand....

    So, Powerscrolls or ANY other item for that matter, could be well left OUT of PvP, entirely, and let PvP those players who REALLY want it.... not over items, but over who is the best player....

    Like when people go fight in the Arena.....

    Do they do it to win anything ? Nope, as I understand it....

    They just do it for the sake of PvP, to show themselves and to others who is the better fighter....

    That is what PvP land should be, to my opinion, a place where people fight for the sake of it, not to take items away from fellow players, corner a market, create a Monopoly and thus become able to gouge prices up at their free will for those items.

    That is at least the way I see it.
  • JepethJepeth Posts: 545
    edited June 2020
    1. You are entitled to the view that all drops should be in Felucca. But as we're discussing game mechanics in an MMO it would mean the whole population would be forced in a playstyle they don't find fun. You saying that I'm arguing to improve the game for me alone, that is incorrect. Have you ever heard the phrase 'the needs of the many outweigh the needs of the few?' I believe the game can be improved by making changes to a mechanic that many (as evidenced by the people commenting in this thread and the OP) have suggested does not work.
    2. A player dying to a dragon isn't griefing because the dragon isn't controlled by another player attempting to exploit the vulnerabilities of another. PVP is just that, and again, if that's your bag: great. But why is end-game content locked behind a system I am forced into? They may have built it that way but it doesn't mean it's good.
    3. Plenty of people have made an argument the system does not work. And they change the game all the time to improve the quality of life experience of players. If they didn't this wouldn't be a very fun, or long-lasting game.
    4. I'm happy that the system works for you, truly. But again your experience isn't universal for every player, ever shard. Neither is mine. But game mechanics can be changed to make a better experience for everyone. That isn't powercreep, it's evolution. The game is going to change. Let's discuss ways we can improve it and find equitable compromises.

  • drindethdrindeth Posts: 24
    you need to understand is the system dosnt work for you... and that is the only argument you guys are really making. you can say it over and over 100 times 100 different ways its still the same argument.  there are many systems i feel dont work for me in this game but i let it go because i know and understand because it dosnt work for me dosnt mean it should change. especially when there are alternate solutions its not like you are locked out of the content. you just dont enjoy what you have to do to get the things. i dont really enjoy doing roof... so i do other things and just buy drops from the roof..... do i say they should nerf roof i should be able to do it with one account so that it is accesable to everyone? i do not.  it drives me crazy that people cant understand that simple point. 

    and popps. every post you ever make starts with something about cheaters/scripters. please stop. its very sad. your opinions are your own but it makes you seem sad and salty when every post mentions it.
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