Pet only powerscrolls



  • poppspopps Posts: 4,007
    Urge said:
    This is a multiplayer game. Not single player. No account was ever meant to be 100% self sufficient avoiding all contact or transactions with fellow players.  Fel literally has just powerscrolls and stat scrolls. 

    That being said, the pet revamp should have included pet only scrolls available everywhere. Spawns, high end tmaps, roof, peerless everywhere. 

    One thing to be considered though, is that usually, most of those who raid the Champ spawns and hold a Monopoly of who gets Powerscrolls (them and their close buddies, usually....), "also" have, on average, PvM characters who do the Trammel spawns for their needs.

    That is, they are quite self sufficient AND get to sell Powerscrolls for what they want because of that Monopoly which permits them to corner the market and make whatever high price they may want.

    So, it is not like Felucca only players who need to sell 120s to make gold to then buy Trammel stuff, sure, there may be a limited numbers who just stick to Felucca and have no PvM characters but my assumption is that these players are very limited, if they even exist.

    Furthermore, all this wealth coming from Powerscrolls' sales goes into the purchase of very high end extremely rare drops items which make their Templates even further more difficult to be fought from whomever might want to challenge their Monopoly of the Powerscroll spawns.

    Factor in also some possible use of cheats and hacks in PvP by some of these players and one can easily imagine how the breaking of a Powerscrolls' Monopoly might be difficult if not outright impossible.

    Sure, there is the option of farming them in an "off the way" and extremely low population Shard but frankly, aside from the transfer costs connected and the fact that some Raiders may keep an eye on several shards' Spawns with Ghost Cams and Hidden EJs Cams and get there as needed, personally, I see the fact that a player who wanted to get Powerscrolls had to go to get them in an off the way and low populated Shard absurd....

    Gameplay should provide to players an alternate way to get their Powerscrolls and, sorry, Treasure Maps is NOT an effective alternate way.... it takes way, but waaaaaay too many 110s to put together a 120 and it all comes in the end to an enormous Trasure Maps grinds in order to get 1 scroll for 1 pet.... think how many scrolls 1 pet might need and how many pets a Tamer might want to have in the stables and to tame and one can easily see how limiting Powerscrolls in Treasure Chests to 110s is NOT an effective solution, to my opinion, to breaking the Monopoly of Powerscrolls in the hands of a few players only.
  • poppspopps Posts: 4,007
    Norry said:
    You also assuming you get 120s every run. I am lucky to get 115's doing spawns. But most of the time i get 110's.

    You can buy 110's for 20-40k on atl.
    Those are gotten most often.
    If you play anywhere other than atl, you will not be pked doing tmaps.

    I tried to offer other ideas, and ways for you to get scrolls or money to buy them. It is not hard.
    Just farming fan dancers you could make 500 mil+ a day.

    Leave the carrot where it is, and go for the dip.
    Personally, I think that a gameplay that "forces" players to get into grinds to farm for gold to then be able to afford extremely high prices (artificially raised by a Monopoly in their control of availability) is a bad gameplay for that game.

    This, because while some players might "endure" through that grinding, some other players might get "burnt out" by doing it and stop playing althougether (and paying their monthly suscription to that game if they are subscribed....).

    And this looses paying customers to that game and, thus, the ability to raise more resources for the upkeep and maintainance and enhancement of it.

    Monopolies and the cornering of markets are bad to an healthy economy, and that is why in Real Life most countries have Anti-Trust Agencies in charge of breaking up those Monopolies...

    Honestly, I do not see why the digital economic environment of a game would be any different.... permitting Monopolies in a game and to a very limited number of players to hold a Monopoly tight of a given needed item such as 120s in UO, for example, hurts that game's economy and, to my opinion, looses players who may get burnt out from the ridicolous grinding that they then have to get through to be able to get those 120s which they need but have no alternate way to get.

    That is at least the way I see it.
  • NikardNikard Posts: 164
    ALL scrolls should be shard bound, it's absolutely dumb that they are not
  • poppspopps Posts: 4,007
    Nikard said:
    ALL scrolls should be shard bound, it's absolutely dumb that they are not
    Well, the good of that non being shard bound is that it has helped to drive prices down because of competition at least on those shards where they end up being brought to...
  • Petra_FydePetra_Fyde Posts: 1,440
    Before the animal training was brought in players were posting that the power scroll market was dead, no one was buying them. I personally thought that was something of an exaggeration.

    Animal training revived that supposedly flagging market.

    For many years the various development teams have resisted all pressure to add power scrolls to Trammel, they did, however, accept a player suggestion that power scrolls be added to felucca treasure maps.

    Since then I have dug a considerable number of such maps. I have never been attacked, I believe the chances are very small. If you dig within a couple of screens of Yew gate you might, if you dig by a house and the owner happens to log in, return to restock, or return to log out you might. Otherwise the biggest danger from digging maps in Fel is from the map spawn.

    Champ spawns can be done, but only if you have the luck to be able to choose a time of day when there are few people around. I did one last week.
  • NorryNorry Posts: 536
    Popps, i gave you an alternative. You dont like it because it takes to long. Its to grindy. Have you made A tamer? Have you trained A pet to 120 chiv? Disco?

    This game is grindy.

    AND, you are ignoring the fact that you might get enough 110s to make a 120 wrestle before you EVER get one from spawning.

    So, the devs gave us 2 options at this point. Spawn and risk getting raided.

    Do tmaps, with a much lower risk of getting raided, but capped items.

    Or the original 3rd option. Farm, and buy said item from another player.
  • poppspopps Posts: 4,007
    edited June 2020
    Norry said:
    Popps, i gave you an alternative. You dont like it because it takes to long. Its to grindy. Have you made A tamer? Have you trained A pet to 120 chiv? Disco?

    This game is grindy.

    AND, you are ignoring the fact that you might get enough 110s to make a 120 wrestle before you EVER get one from spawning.

    So, the devs gave us 2 options at this point. Spawn and risk getting raided.

    Do tmaps, with a much lower risk of getting raided, but capped items.

    Or the original 3rd option. Farm, and buy said item from another player.
    Adding Powerscrolls to Treasure Maps was certainly a step forward in the right direction, I am only saying, that to my opinion, it was not sufficient to bring more wanted scrolls down to more affordable prices as the OP laments, given how extremely difficult it is to make a 120 off of 110s...

    And a pet, might need "several" of those 120s to be brought up to speed and a Tamer, usually, wants to enjoy training several pets....

    So, multiply all the 110s needed for a 120 with the fact that only 1 Treasure Map in X of them will carry that one same 110 that one is looking to bind, and multiply it again for Y times that a pet needs 120s to be fully scrolled up, and multiply that again for Z pets that the Tamer might have in his/her stable and, voila', you come up with a ridicolously enormous high number of Treasure Maps that this Tamer would need to find and dig up in order to get enough 110s to scroll up his/her pets.

    Personally, I would have made it possible for Treasure Maps to carry also 115s (and perhaps even a rarer chance to see a 120, at least in Trove Maps), at least for those digged up in Felucca, and made Powerscrolls spawn in Treasure Maps also in Trammel, at least up to 110s.

    This way, the grinding would not have resulted to be so incredibly high, for someone wanting to get a few 120s from Treasure Maps....

    And yes, the game is full of grinding, but going into grinding Town is a dangerous endeavour because, while some players may have a higher endurance towards grinding their way up in the game, some others, instead, might eventually "give up" on it and move onto other games....

    So, forcing "too much" grinding onto players with game mechanics I think is not good for the game when it risks loosing players and paying customers with their subscriptions....
  • AtomicBettyAtomicBetty Posts: 284
    The real solution would be to make all scrolls shard bound and take a lower population shard like baja and make it trammel only ruleset including felucca and see how the playerbase responds see if players leave Atlantic for a tram only shard where the only pvp is consensual through VvV.

    There is no point having all these identical shards that remain vastly unpopulated try something new by converting one into a safe shard and maybe it encourages a few players to come back or if the game releases on steam maybe a shard like this would be well received to new players that have no interest in pvp.

    Worth a shot in my book anyways seems like a waste at this point to have all these shards and do nothing with them.
  • SkettSkett Posts: 1,464
    Last night I did a vendor search on PAC for a 120 tactics PS shock that I found one and even more shocked when I saw the price $80,000,000
  • poppspopps Posts: 4,007
    edited June 2020
    Skett said:
    Last night I did a vendor search on PAC for a 120 tactics PS shock that I found one and even more shocked when I saw the price $80,000,000
    And how many pets might a Tamer have that would need a 120 Tactics applied on them to be more effective ?

    Not to mention, that pets usually "also" need 120s for Resisting Spells, Wrestling, Meditation, Focus, Evaluate Intelligence, Magery etc.

    Check also the prices for those and see how much a scrolled pet could come up to OR, how much ridicolous grinding a player would need to do and for how long to be able to put together the gold to buy those Powerscrolls since the Champion Spawns are after under a Monopoly of only a handfull of players who, by controlling the spawns, have cornered their Market and thus artificially gouged the price up for Powerscrolls....

    Not to mention, that often such a tight control of Champion Spawns is maitained through the use of Ghost Cams or Hidden EJs Cams, sometimes even AFK scripted which, as I understand, is against the TOS of Ultima Online....

    And all of this, I think hurts Ultima Online, ultimately, because, to my viewing, it looses paying players to it who get deterred by the ridicolous amount of grinding that they have to do to buy the 120s for their characters or for their pets.

    Furthermore, the other results of this status of things is that all this brings an enormous amount of wealth to those few players who control and hold tight a Monopoly of Powerscrolls who can, in this way, afford to buy special artifacts or items that further make their characters more powerfull in PvP and, thus, unopposable from anyone who might want to try to challenge their Monopoly of Powerscrolls.

    It is a number and a series of things which, to my viewing, one combined with the other end up resulting in making the matter even worse, over time, with those holding a tight control of the spawn for Powerscrolls even more wealth, means and power to further strengthen that tight control of Powerscroll spawns.

    As I said, this is like in real life where, when a Company becomes too powerfull and too much cornering a Market that Governments stand up through their anti-Trust Agencies to break up such too powerfull Companies and, thus, "open up" again that Market to competition and to prices to drive downwards, thanking to such a re-established competition.

    Adding Powerscrolls to Treasure Maps was a step in the right direction but, as I said, it was too short a step.... the Developers should have made it a bigger leap and I would have made it possible for Treasure Maps to carry also 115s (and perhaps even a rarer chance to see a 120, at least in Trove Maps), at least for those digged up in Felucca, and made Powerscrolls spawn in Treasure Maps also in Trammel, at least up to 110s.

    This way, the grinding would not have resulted to be so incredibly high, for someone wanting to get a few 120s from Treasure Maps and it would have worked towards breaking that Monopoly and, thus, bring prices down for Powerscrolls.

    At least, that is how I see it.
  • SkettSkett Posts: 1,464
    It wasn’t for my pet either way $80,000,000 is absolutely absurd 
  • jelinidasjelinidas Posts: 352
    Pets do not NEED 120s, players WANT them to have 120s. Damage output is not that much better. I would probably agree on the magics going to 120, A lot of players on the shards I play will give 110s and sometimes 115s for free. *gasps*. Any pet scrolled to 110 or 115 will kill shit just fine, Do you even run a tamer?

    Popps, you may have had more to say, but I quit reading after the first paragraph...again
  • UrgeUrge Posts: 1,273
    popps said:
    Urge said:
    This is a multiplayer game. Not single player. No account was ever meant to be 100% self sufficient avoiding all contact or transactions with fellow players.  Fel literally has just powerscrolls and stat scrolls. 

    That being said, the pet revamp should have included pet only scrolls available everywhere. Spawns, high end tmaps, roof, peerless everywhere. 

    One thing to be considered though, is that usually, most of those who raid the Champ spawns and hold a Monopoly of who gets Powerscrolls (them and their close buddies, usually....), "also" have, on average, PvM characters who do the Trammel spawns for their needs.

    That is, they are quite self sufficient AND get to sell Powerscrolls for what they want because of that Monopoly which permits them to corner the market and make whatever high price they may want.

    So, it is not like Felucca only players who need to sell 120s to make gold to then buy Trammel stuff, sure, there may be a limited numbers who just stick to Felucca and have no PvM characters but my assumption is that these players are very limited, if they even exist.

    Furthermore, all this wealth coming from Powerscrolls' sales goes into the purchase of very high end extremely rare drops items which make their Templates even further more difficult to be fought from whomever might want to challenge their Monopoly of the Powerscroll spawns.

    Factor in also some possible use of cheats and hacks in PvP by some of these players and one can easily imagine how the breaking of a Powerscrolls' Monopoly might be difficult if not outright impossible.

    Sure, there is the option of farming them in an "off the way" and extremely low population Shard but frankly, aside from the transfer costs connected and the fact that some Raiders may keep an eye on several shards' Spawns with Ghost Cams and Hidden EJs Cams and get there as needed, personally, I see the fact that a player who wanted to get Powerscrolls had to go to get them in an off the way and low populated Shard absurd....

    Gameplay should provide to players an alternate way to get their Powerscrolls and, sorry, Treasure Maps is NOT an effective alternate way.... it takes way, but waaaaaay too many 110s to put together a 120 and it all comes in the end to an enormous Trasure Maps grinds in order to get 1 scroll for 1 pet.... think how many scrolls 1 pet might need and how many pets a Tamer might want to have in the stables and to tame and one can easily see how limiting Powerscrolls in Treasure Chests to 110s is NOT an effective solution, to my opinion, to breaking the Monopoly of Powerscrolls in the hands of a few players only.
    Monopoly: There are players that corner the market on a lot of uo items. They're just not as obvious as the fel players with powerscrolls.

    Self sufficient players: Cannot run a monopoly on any item while still being able to provide everything for their account. We're talking mining the ore to doing bods to get the runics to reforging a suit to using those suits to farm items. This game wasn't meant for 1 account to be able to do all. 

    Wealth from powerscrolls: You can spend all day to end up with a 115 scroll being the best or a 120 music. You get far more wealth in one single roof run. Just because a 120 tactics sells for 80mil doesn't mean they're common at all.

    Cheats and hacks: Exist. Impossible to beat? Nope. End of the day whoever runs out of HP first wins no matter what. 

    Cross shard: Very effective but annoying. Most stay to get full powerscroll books and xfer back to resell.

    Maps: Time for time you could most likely bind 110s to get what you want before you actually get lucky rolling one at a spawn. 

    No one person has a monopoly on powerscrolls. The best guilds do for a while then it becomes the next best guild. Notice i say GUILD. As in multiplayer. The gameplay that was meant to be played to get this kind of reward. 
  • BilboBilbo Posts: 2,834
    Norry said:
    You can buy 110's for 20-40k on atl.
    When is the last time you played UO.  All the scrolls that people want start at 400K and up for just 110s, maybe you should log into the game and play.

    Just farming fan dancers you could make 500 mil+ a day.
    What AFK farming program are you using.  Dont Dancers drop like 1000gp so you are killing 500K dancers a day.  Even at 2000gp that is 250K dancers.
  • XrisXris Posts: 130
    You can make a lot of gold working VS. When I came back I made almost 40m a week reselling tangles., very boring, but gold is easy.
  • NorryNorry Posts: 536
    Bilbo, you dont loot the gold.
    There are items people will pay big money for, you just have to know what to look for.

    One day, 8 hours farming fan dancers could get enough gold( from reselling items ) to fully deck out a pet.

    Do the roof. Players want good gear. I have been buying suits to send to other shards on atl.

    I will buy a good suit for 20-60 mil. Just dont think the only way to get what you want is the way you want to do it. That makes you as mentaly capable as a toddler. Grow, learn, adapt.

  • XrisXris Posts: 130
    Tangles, ethys, high end vet rewards, powerscrolls, hawkwinds robe, conj garbs. Since I dont work VS anymore, I'll give you some of my go to items. I used to check vs 2-3 times a day, buy low, sell high, know your prices. People CONSTANTLY put these on VS under value.
  • TimTim Posts: 814
    edited June 2020
    Let me see if I have the argument against straight. 
    1. PvP is fun you should HAVE to try do it.
    2. As long as you are lucky enough to get T-maps in out of the way locations it should be safe to do them.
    3. There is no cheating or ghost cam problems in most of Fel.
    4. If they make Power Scrolls available out side of Fel no one will play PvP.
    5. If you really don't want to PvP you should go to a low population shard ($$) and you probably won't get jumped.
    6. Other wise you should farm content you don't want to do and hope you get some thing some one will pay enough for so you can buy the Power Scrolls you want.
    Is that pretty much the argument against any form of Power Scroll availability outside of Fel?

    The answer I really want is an explanation of how will having them available out side of Fel affect your enjoyment of the game. If you can't come up with anything but number 4 them you can (must remember form rules).............
  • TchallaTchalla Posts: 25
    edited June 2020
    Here's a cool little compromise. I've given it about two minutes of thought, so it should be about as good as most of the "the game is grindy by nature, so go grind to get your power scrolls."

    Take power scrolls out of the champ spawns. Make the Fel reward for champ spawns something that the PvPers would love to have, such as gear specifically designed around PvP (i.e. Hit Spell, HCI, DCI, EP, SSI combos) that can ONLY be obtained through said champ spawns. That gives everyone that wants to PvP a reason to a) go do a champ spawn and b) go attack each other at the champ spawns for the gear. Make said gear cursed, but only in the champ spawn area. The cursed tag is removed once outside of that area.

    Now... instead, make power scrolls up to 120 obtainable through treasure maps... all treasure maps. In Trammel, they would only be 105s. In Fel, it should be possible to get 120s from Hoard or Trove maps (whichever is higher... I don't remember which). Scale them according to the difficulty of the map.

    Anyone saying the game is grindy should have few problems with this. This system makes power scroll ganking just as grindy as anything that has been discussed in this topic. Ghost cams make champ jumping a joke, and ganking tamers isn't PvP... it's bullying. Go ahead and set up ghost cams for treasure map locations instead. That should keep you grinding plenty.
  • UrgeUrge Posts: 1,273
    edited June 2020
    Tim said:
    Let me see if I have the argument against straight. 
    1. PvP is fun you should HAVE to try do it.
    2. As long as you are lucky enough to get T-maps in out of the way locations it should be safe to do them.
    3. There is no cheating or ghost cam problems in most of Fel.
    4. If they make Power Scrolls available out side of Fel no one will play PvP.
    5. If you really don't want to PvP you should go to a low population shard ($$) and you probably won't get jumped.
    6. Other wise you should farm content you don't want to do and hope you get some thing some one will pay enough for so you can buy the Power Scrolls you want.
    Is that pretty much the argument against any form of Power Scroll availability outside of Fel?

    The answer I really want is an explanation of how will having them available out side of Fel affect your enjoyment of the game. If you can't come up with anything but number 4 them you can (must remember form rules).............
    1) No
    2) I've seen maybe 2 maps done in fel my whole 20 years playing
    3) There are. Not going to deny that
    4) It'll be less for sure
    5) Very true. I know many that have done this very successfully in more populated times.
    6) Yes. It's just a larger scale version of fighting mobs to buy ingots because you don't want to mine.

    I'm not opposed to having a limited number drop off some things outside fel but it needs to mainly be fel based. 1 120 could drop off a boss or something. It would be a great way to get people back to peerless. 

    Here's the answer you're looking for. It needs to remain fel based because that's basically the only spot left in this game where it is strongly encouraged to play in large multiplayer groups. You can do it solo but chances are against you dying to another player. Bringing friends increases your chances for success. 

    Everything tram based can be so easily done with no more than 2 people.

  • XrisXris Posts: 130
    Can we just get free 120s every time we tame a pet? If you dont like the risk, do other things. Gold is easy to make. People have given lots of ideas on not only how to make gold, but how to farm PS's and bind them to what you need. People want easy access to 120s, which probably shouldn't happen. Not everything is EZ mode.
  • TchallaTchalla Posts: 25
    edited June 2020
    Xris said:
    Can we just get free 120s every time we tame a pet? If you dont like the risk, do other things. Gold is easy to make. People have given lots of ideas on not only how to make gold, but how to farm PS's and bind them to what you need. People want easy access to 120s, which probably shouldn't happen. Not everything is EZ mode.
    You're not very good at math. The very idea of binding 105's (or even 110's) to make one 120 power scroll is absolutely ludicrous. What you propose goes beyond grinding to the point of absurdity.
  • XrisXris Posts: 130
    Tchalla said:
    Xris said:
    Can we just get free 120s every time we tame a pet? If you dont like the risk, do other things. Gold is easy to make. People have given lots of ideas on not only how to make gold, but how to farm PS's and bind them to what you need. People want easy access to 120s, which probably shouldn't happen. Not everything is EZ mode.
    You're not very good at math. The very idea of binding 105's (or even 110's) to make one 120 power scroll is absolutely ludicrous. What you propose goes beyond grinding to the point of absurdity.
    Wahhhhh UOs hard. It's been this way since the start. If you cant figure out how to make gold to buy what you need, you're bad at UO.
  • UrgeUrge Posts: 1,273
    Tchalla said:
    Xris said:
    Can we just get free 120s every time we tame a pet? If you dont like the risk, do other things. Gold is easy to make. People have given lots of ideas on not only how to make gold, but how to farm PS's and bind them to what you need. People want easy access to 120s, which probably shouldn't happen. Not everything is EZ mode.
    You're not very good at math. The very idea of binding 105's (or even 110's) to make one 120 power scroll is absolutely ludicrous. What you propose goes beyond grinding to the point of absurdity.
    These sought after scrolls don't fall from the heavens on demand. It's a very grindy process that often includes selling what you have to buy what you need. 

    (member of spawning guilds for 5 years)
  • TchallaTchalla Posts: 25
    Xris said:
    Tchalla said:
    Xris said:
    Can we just get free 120s every time we tame a pet? If you dont like the risk, do other things. Gold is easy to make. People have given lots of ideas on not only how to make gold, but how to farm PS's and bind them to what you need. People want easy access to 120s, which probably shouldn't happen. Not everything is EZ mode.
    You're not very good at math. The very idea of binding 105's (or even 110's) to make one 120 power scroll is absolutely ludicrous. What you propose goes beyond grinding to the point of absurdity.
    Wahhhhh UOs hard. It's been this way since the start. If you cant figure out how to make gold to buy what you need, you're bad at UO.
    It goes beyond buying the scrolls with money. There should be no section of the UO population that has any sort of hold on any in-game commodity. It is further exacerbated by the concept that one should be subjected to unwanted harassment in the game (rez killing is, in my opinion, harassment, and is frequently done) to attempt to get any in-game item. We can throw in the ridiculousness of the thirty minutes of "haha noob u died.go back to tram nub tamer" that is seen in global chat.

    Yeah... great system. It should be changed.
  • XrisXris Posts: 130
    Tchalla said:
    Xris said:
    Tchalla said:
    Xris said:
    Can we just get free 120s every time we tame a pet? If you dont like the risk, do other things. Gold is easy to make. People have given lots of ideas on not only how to make gold, but how to farm PS's and bind them to what you need. People want easy access to 120s, which probably shouldn't happen. Not everything is EZ mode.
    You're not very good at math. The very idea of binding 105's (or even 110's) to make one 120 power scroll is absolutely ludicrous. What you propose goes beyond grinding to the point of absurdity.
    Wahhhhh UOs hard. It's been this way since the start. If you cant figure out how to make gold to buy what you need, you're bad at UO.
    It goes beyond buying the scrolls with money. There should be no section of the UO population that has any sort of hold on any in-game commodity. It is further exacerbated by the concept that one should be subjected to unwanted harassment in the game (rez killing is, in my opinion, harassment, and is frequently done) to attempt to get any in-game item. We can throw in the ridiculousness of the thirty minutes of "haha noob u died.go back to tram nub tamer" that is seen in global chat.

    Yeah... great system. It should be changed.

    Anyone could go to origin and farm scrolls then flood the atl market with them. YOU could hold the market if you wanted. If I get pked spawning, I rez and go back. If they rez kill me I log off and try again later. Everyone here seems to agree ghost cams are probably the worste thing that's tolerated by the dev team. 120 scrolls have always required risk, and I DO here your issues. You should not have to see ghost cams outside every spawn, then have a PKer come that kills you with their scripts. They shouldn't move scrolls to tram, they should fix the problems that make getting them so unfair.
  • TchallaTchalla Posts: 25
    Urge said:
    Tchalla said:
    Xris said:
    Can we just get free 120s every time we tame a pet? If you dont like the risk, do other things. Gold is easy to make. People have given lots of ideas on not only how to make gold, but how to farm PS's and bind them to what you need. People want easy access to 120s, which probably shouldn't happen. Not everything is EZ mode.
    You're not very good at math. The very idea of binding 105's (or even 110's) to make one 120 power scroll is absolutely ludicrous. What you propose goes beyond grinding to the point of absurdity.
    These sought after scrolls don't fall from the heavens on demand. It's a very grindy process that often includes selling what you have to buy what you need. 

    (member of spawning guilds for 5 years)
    I don't mind grind, necessarily, but come on...

    Getting a treasure map from any monster that has them on the loot table: 1%±
    So... simply put, every 100 monsters gives you a t-map.

    Using 110s only (best case scenario):

    110's needed to make a 115: 12
    115's needed to make a 120: 10
    Number of different skills that power scrolls can be from champ spawns (and I assume treasure maps): 29

    100 x 12 x 10 x 29 = 348,000

    It's as grindy as killing thousands upon thousands of monsters to get higher end treasure maps so you can go do those thousand of treasure maps to try and and gather 120 of a specific +110 power scroll? I call shenanigans (I actually call it something else, but I'd imagine it would get censored, so shenanigans will do.

  • TchallaTchalla Posts: 25
    Xris said:

    Anyone could go to origin and farm scrolls then flood the atl market with them. YOU could hold the market if you wanted. If I get pked spawning, I rez and go back. If they rez kill me I log off and try again later. Everyone here seems to agree ghost cams are probably the worste thing that's tolerated by the dev team. 120 scrolls have always required risk, and I DO here your issues. You should not have to see ghost cams outside every spawn, then have a PKer come that kills you with their scripts. They shouldn't move scrolls to tram, they should fix the problems that make getting them so unfair.
    You don't see the issue with a player or group of players having that much control in a video game meant for fun and entertainment? The whole power scroll system is broken, and it was made worse by making them usable for pets.
  • SkettSkett Posts: 1,464
    edited June 2020
    So the treasurer maps done in Fel drop only 110 or 105 and 110 if so run the numbers doing 50% 110 and 50% 105 
    it’s much more of an absurd grind 
  • XrisXris Posts: 130
    Tchalla said:
    Xris said:

    Anyone could go to origin and farm scrolls then flood the atl market with them. YOU could hold the market if you wanted. If I get pked spawning, I rez and go back. If they rez kill me I log off and try again later. Everyone here seems to agree ghost cams are probably the worste thing that's tolerated by the dev team. 120 scrolls have always required risk, and I DO here your issues. You should not have to see ghost cams outside every spawn, then have a PKer come that kills you with their scripts. They shouldn't move scrolls to tram, they should fix the problems that make getting them so unfair.
    You don't see the issue with a player or group of players having that much control in a video game meant for fun and entertainment? The whole power scroll system is broken, and it was made worse by making them usable for pets.

    I'm saying you could control it if you wanted to. But you dont, you want developers to give you easy access to end game items. I agree making pets use them was a bad idea. 
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