Can the uo team actually dedicate some time to the pvp community.

CodyCody Posts: 30
At the last meet and greet Mesanna said herself she knows the pvp community needs a better platform to play on. Specifically it said during pub 100 and 101 with castle contests. 
We have been urging pvp changes since SEPTEMBER of last year. With the last publish we thought we were getting some. What we got is 
1) less people shattering. (Whoopiefuckindo)
2) an evasion ‘nerf’ that literally feels untuned or untouched. 
3) a nerf to splintering (this is okay)
4) you can run around discording players a tad more hoping they stay on your screen
5) delay on jewel swap

at the 20th anniversary party it was stated there were going to be VVV updates. 

How about we get something new to add to the game at least if we can’t get proper changes to balance pvp. 

Since magic items it felt the only good source of pvp was trying to attain the awesome items that came. Well not that got fixed it’s almost impossible to farm remotely good stuff compared to what previously dropped—cutting out people returning from a break or newer plays to attain this armor/gear/etc. so not only do you have a gap in template and pvp imbalances you are adding gear imbalances that aren’t even attainable anymore to theese issues. 
Fel town buffs Murderers only? That will alleviate them issue with ZERO reason to be red, and the annoyance of being the only one or two reds and not only getting picked off by VVV but the annoying pests. 

My suggestions: 
revamp or redo vvv go back to factions at least. Literally been close to decade with system, Mesanna herself and the uo team obviously know and acknowledge it needs updating. So let’s add something that is literally worth getting out and pvping rather than the casual fighting because no reason. 

Let’s take another look at evasion, then tune it properly. Keep it the same for ‘pure dexxers’ ie dexxers without magery mystic etc and add a penalty to it if you aren’t “focus” 

Bring back the old magic loot system or let’s take a look at some how evening the playing field for armor to bring it back to the skill based game it once was rather than best splintering weapon beside modded armor that you can’t even get anymore. 

To sum up, it just seems the pvp community is left in the dust because we will still go out and pvp regardless of the condition. With more people at home and gaming now would be an awesome time to make some much needed changes.

post suggestions please let’s get some attention, hopefully it doesn’t take another 8 months for some more very minor if any changes to take place. 


  • Lord_FrodoLord_Frodo Posts: 2,440
    WOW This is how you ask for something (Whoopiefuckindo) that is where I stopped reading.
  • CodyCody Posts: 30
    Well the being nice doesn’t work it’s literally been years and to the point of causing people to leave and stop playing because no attention is given where it is needed
  • Petra_FydePetra_Fyde Posts: 1,492
    Every Dev team, for as long as I've played, has been given advice by pvpers, usually conflicting, on how to 'fix' pvp. I don't think it's possible. Everyone wants something different.
    I gather that you are unhappy with the latest changes, so let me ask a question. Did you log in to test center to test the changes and give feedback before it went world wide? 
    Whenever I ask this kind of question in general chat I get an arrogant 'no, it's their job'. A special test center was set up to test IDOCs in Fel, but as far as I could tell from feedback, no pvp IDOC took place. If pvpers won't work with them, how in hell can they ever get it right?  
  • tell that to people who play exclusively on Siege where you can't copy to TC. How are we supposed to test things under anything near real Siege conditions without even character copy?
  • jelinidasjelinidas Posts: 359
    Once it hits TC its pretty much a done deal. People have given up in my opinion. 
  • UrgeUrge Posts: 1,308
    edited April 2020
    Bleak was on TC multiple times listening to in person advice. I was there along with 3 others for every showing. That's all. 4 total people. 

    I even logged ATL to get people to come. Responses were "we did our own".  

    You can set skills and stats and piece a suit together from the arty bags. There really is no excuse. 

    You get what you get when you don't participate. 
  • jelinidasjelinidas Posts: 359
    I agree with you Urge, but honestly once it hits TC its really a done deal. What you see is what you get. They don't listen in my opinion. Things could be a little more hashed out, thought out and communicated before it even hits TC. People talk about a small dev team etc but why waste the time if its basically set in stone? Those are the comments I hear. Sorry.
  • UrgeUrge Posts: 1,308
    Bleak listened and did quite a few changes based on in person visual testing. I know he was yew gate multiple days. 

    I agree most changes are set but seeing Bleak spend hours at an empty yew gate I have to say this one is purely the fault of the players.

    Those that did attend tried our best to even it out. It basically consisted of 3 casting on me. 
  • CodyCody Posts: 30
    edited April 2020
    The one time I saw him say there would be testing is was very vague and not a definite time, so not sure how most are supposed to know. “
    Bleak  Posts: 126Dev
    I will be on TC1 by Yew Gate for a bit for those who would like to chat. ”

    If he truely does tuning to in person testing there should be a little more cut and try time of when to show up and give input. 
    Maybe and meet and greet that is posted specifically for issues/concerns/questions pertaining to PVP only would be good. Let’s try and keep this forum on topic to suggestions and or some answers from @Bleak . Also in the meet greet it was asked if there were any pvp changes or new additions in the upcoming publish and Mesanna said none at this time so let’s get to change! Let’s hear people’s feedback. 
  • KoDKoD Posts: 14
    how can you ask for more template limitations? The game is so levelled now that it’s almost impossible to kill one another 1vs1 vs good players.

    VVV revamp yes I agree, a blood dungeon buff for reds would be good.

    we DON’t need nerfes anymore, we NEED new contents:

    My suggestion is to have the old faction bases getting involved with the vvv system. How?

    1) once a day in the evening, one of these old faction bases will be activated automatically, the guild that holds the flag inside the base for a longer timer will get a shard bound random reward

    reward ideas:

    - vvv horse with a special colour

    - a random old style high end no name legendary piece (armour, jewels or weapons). Items are shard bounded.

    - a random vvv item but with a special colour

    2) regarding dungeon spawns:

    scrolls - masteries ok, each champ should give a chance to drop one random “ blood legendary” which is high end, shard bounded and with a timer of 30 days on it. After 30 days it will disappear.

    this way people have to continue do dungeon pvp to obtain the great blood legendaries and keep the pvp active 

  • ezikelezikel Posts: 90
    KoD said:
    how can you ask for more template limitations? The game is so levelled now that it’s almost impossible to kill one another 1vs1 vs good players.

    VVV revamp yes I agree, a blood dungeon buff for reds would be good.

    we DON’t need nerfes anymore, we NEED new contents:

    My suggestion is to have the old faction bases getting involved with the vvv system. How?

    1) once a day in the evening, one of these old faction bases will be activated automatically, the guild that holds the flag inside the base for a longer timer will get a shard bound random reward

    reward ideas:

    - vvv horse with a special colour

    - a random old style high end no name legendary piece (armour, jewels or weapons). Items are shard bounded.

    - a random vvv item but with a special colour

    2) regarding dungeon spawns:

    scrolls - masteries ok, each champ should give a chance to drop one random “ blood legendary” which is high end, shard bounded and with a timer of 30 days on it. After 30 days it will disappear.

    this way people have to continue do dungeon pvp to obtain the great blood legendaries and keep the pvp active 

    the legendaries gear drop can be really nice and fix two thing in same time.the probleme between the rich player and the poor can ave acces to the elite gear. but its also make a mini pvp event everydays always ave something too fight for and protect not just run around yew.but 30 days its too short am not going to fight for something canot really use. if you ave more that one toon or play on multi shard why fight for somethings like that.

    here my list of fix for make pvp great again

    -rework the vvv blue flagging blue vvv should a murder record
    -in vvv town all non vvv should be kick
    -make fel town having the same town buff of trammel side
    -make pet hit harder in pvp
    -remove death rays from the magery mastery for pet
    -make healing remove slow walk and bleed from the splitering
    -delete shatter pot from the game
    -boots the bonus for inscription
    -remove the time on supernova
    -remove parry for the restriction list of pure mage
    -strangle need to hit harder
    -make fire field hit harder
    -spirit speak need to heal more hit point
    -poison strike should hit like a corp por
    -weapons special need a rework its not normal that a wooden weapons (bokuto) hit hard and para is the best weapons in game
    -add telering in vvv stores
    -make its you get dismount by a no dachi you just ave to heal the damage from the dismount not all damge that came after 

    - add on every next publish a part for pvp not a special publish for pvp every year

    sorry not sorry for all my broken english
  • KoDKoD Posts: 14
    edited April 2020
    I disagree with everything you wrote Ezikel. Except the murderers town buff.

    Doing extra nerfs to melee dexers is crazy. Splintering is nerfed already. The only thing a melee dexer can do is hit with bokutos and no dachi and most of the cases a mage or an enemy has ninja or can remount easily by going in protection and put a para field here and there.

    You would give extra powers to certain templatesxand kill totally the sense of melee dexers.

    Did you ever try to no dachi someone? It takes skill and timing, and also rng, it’s not like an archer dmount that can be done from far away!!
  • ezikelezikel Posts: 90
    KoD said:
    I disagree with everything you wrote Ezikel. Except the murderers town buff.

    Doing extra nerfs to melee dexers is crazy. Splintering is nerfed already. The only thing a melee dexer can do is hit with bokutos and no dachi and most of the cases a mage or an enemy has ninja or can remount easily by going in protection and put a para field here and there.

    You would give extra powers to certain templatesxand kill totally the sense of melee dexers.

    Did you ever try to no dachi someone? It takes skill and timing, and also rng, it’s not like an archer dmount that can be done from far away!!
    stop laying to yourself most of what i says you agree with.maybe i dont explain my point really well my point for the weapons special i dont want a nerf .i want more balance some weapons and special need a boost .for the no dachi i understand your  point but imagine your on a tamer you get dismounted and the guys using wakazi on your pet and drop 100 or 150 its possible for you too heal and que remounth for you ?
  • Lord_FrodoLord_Frodo Posts: 2,440
    RECALL  Get the hell out of dodge because you brought the wrong pet.
  • DunadanDunadan Posts: 4
    All people in Fel should be able to be attacked regardless of where they are. No guard zone, no immunity being in the city. 

    Bring back old faction systems, with different color schemes. 

    Input a item in UO store that if purchased has one charge per "character" or account to remove brittle off an item.

    Bring back old loot system to make temps more versatile and creative. 

    Create power scrolls shard bound.

  • YoshiYoshi Posts: 3,322
    I agree with Dunadan! There should be no guard zone in Fel. Old faction systems were awesome and definitely created more fighting (more thought provoking as well). Another idea for factions if VvV remains... make it so only 3 people can flag a single target at a time. haha

    Making power scrolls shard bound would actually make people have to spawn again. Bringing back choke point fighting and different templates!

    Also, it would be awesome if there was a vet reward that could remove "brittle or antique" from an item! 

    Posts on this account have been pre filtered from personal comment or opinion in an effort to suppress conservative views in order to protect the reader.
  • YoshiYoshi Posts: 3,322
    This game would be so much frigin better if they made it so pets cannot go to Fel. I am so tired of fighting Bane Dragons and Mares more than actual pvpers. 
    Posts on this account have been pre filtered from personal comment or opinion in an effort to suppress conservative views in order to protect the reader.
  • CodyCody Posts: 30
    They make slayers for a reason, dedicating 200 skill points to be able to have a liability pet that leaves u on foot 5/5 slots when killed is reasonable imo. Let’s keep forum on topic with suggestions please good conversation so far!
  • CodyCody Posts: 30
    I think re work VVV system, implement new town buffs for fel only for people that actually rank up in the vvv system, rather than free to anyone—requires a little bit of actual work to reap the benefits. (One town buffs per character) 
  • The_Higgs_1The_Higgs_1 Posts: 420
    Ive been on TC for every change and they don't listen like people think they do.  They'll take notes and then make a change that noone asked for.  Personally I would have nerfed splinter into the ground, its currently the most OP thing in the game.  It should be fixed the same as evasion, it should not work with SC weapons period, same as UBWS doesn't work if you don't have the skill.  

    Shatters should have had other things included like apples mage scrolls and other consumables.  The reason everyone is so hard to kill is due to mass consumables, either add cooldowns to consumables or allow shatters to break them.

    VvV was a horrid idea since inception, just delete it and bring back factions.  Just add the little changes like shortened stat time and sigil timers and add couple new bases for options so people don't all end up in same faction.  

    Id also like to see the cant remount thing removed from no dachi, bushido is already extremely OP and doesn't need a special dismount that people cant remount from.  make it work like any normal dismount and that's it.

    Murders should count regardless of anything, everyone fighting as blues is awful and has almost completely wiped out pvp.  VvV or not if you flag someone as a blue and they die, you get counted.  There hasn't been good pvp in UO since like 2011 prior to all the insane global loot and VvV. 

    The biggest thing hurting PvP is the 3rd party programs.  Something has to be done about all this auto everything and target relative nonsense.   It looks like retard day on recess out there, and is sad to see such a current state.  Also remove all jewels with tele or invis, its not needed in game for any reason other then having another reason to run cause you cant pvp.
  • LynkLynk Posts: 186
    Lol, what?
  • ezikelezikel Posts: 90

    this came from uo discord ,its look legit for you ??? modify art files and the 3rd party programs who tag name with ips .we all know the 3rd party programs is the cancer of this game. wall script ,auto pot ,sync script and a lot more .dev need to do somethings because its start to be out of control now.
  • LynkLynk Posts: 186
    Elk, everyone in your guild whos not using ec has a client that looks exactly like that with the fields.

    No one autopots, at least no one that i play with does.  That will get you killed.  Funny thing tho, if you throw exp pots in pound's house while he afks youd be amazed that he can heal pot and confidence when hes not at the keyboard.

    I dont know what youre saying when you say tag name with ips, I assume language barrier.

    No one besides slips garbage guild uses a sync script.

    The only valid complaint you have is the wall stuff.  Super annoying.
  • ezikelezikel Posts: 90
    edited April 2020
    we all know that the guilds that play in the evening do not have a script for potions. but play in the day you feel like you are fighting against a computer.for modify art files it dont really care .but on the screen shot everyone can see a name on the top of everyone.

    for the sync script they got me with the day before they cant cast 2 flamme strike on me and 24h later they sync 6 of them .

    the  3rd party programs complete the lack of option in cc versu ec .but in same time its create some broken shit. went you just ave to hit one or 2 keys for doing 5 6 not targeting any guild i dont believe that there any one really 100% clean
  • 1. Increase splinter immunity to 30 seconds.
    2. chivalry casting should drop to 3/6 
    3. Stone form should also drop fcr to 0
    4. Allow DCI to be over capped again. as of right now unless a player has some form of parry they get hit 4/5 swings.
    5. Evasion / confidence on a template that has any casting skill (necro, mysticism, magery, chivalry) should only work as well as 30% of what it does on a pure not casting dexxer.
    6. Re-work a lot of the mastery skills. A lot of them are useless right now, such as the necro ones.
    7. Make it so Razor / Steam don't work on OSI. The scripting is probably the most damaging thing to pvp. Walls landing perfectly in front of you no matter the direction you turn is silly, as is most the other pvp scripts they use. Walls are the worst IMO.
    8.Bring back the faction system, but re-work it. 5min stat timer is great compared to 20min stat timer, but otherwise VvV doesn't offer much different than everyone being Orange. Make it so people have to fight for control of towns again. Controlling a town can give some kind of buff or special potion, something. but only the guild controlling the town gets the reward. that way everyone will have to fight everyone. People will have to take counts instead of one faction working completely together. The town rewards could reset every 5 hours to promote pvp.
  • CookieCookie Posts: 1,867
    edited May 2020

    Ok here is my list, of what needs to be improved.

    1. Probably the biggest bugbear of all that needs to be fixed is Dismounting. There is just too much of it, it's the easy win button. As soon as someone is dismounted, it's all over, especially if you were brave enough to go up against more numbers in the first place, its never a good way to go, and it's the first and only weapon used by the skill-less. These days, with all the Dismount macros and scripts, it's even worse, no chance, it's ruined group PvP.

    2. Razor, Scripts, Macros in PvP, they all need to go and be disabled. A hotkey for Potions and Spells is all that should be allowable. Again, all these scripts have just made it too easy, unbalanced the playing field, allowed the skill-less to shine and ruin the game.

    Nothing else comes close to those two issues, if they were fixed, PvP would probably be fixed.

    Yes PvP needs to be fixed, its at the point now that everyone is using the easy option and it is no fun, I have a whole team that would love to PvP, but we just sit it out these days, I think most true PvPers these days are just sitting it out, allowing the PvP kiddies to just duke it out in the PvP gutter.

  • CookieCookie Posts: 1,867
    A. Ive been on TC for every change and they don't listen like people think they do.  They'll take notes and then make a change that noone asked for.  Personally I would have nerfed splinter into the ground, its currently the most OP thing in the game.  It should be fixed the same as evasion, it should not work with SC weapons period, same as UBWS doesn't work if you don't have the skill.  

    B. Shatters should have had other things included like apples mage scrolls and other consumables.  The reason everyone is so hard to kill is due to mass consumables, either add cooldowns to consumables or allow shatters to break them.

    C. VvV was a horrid idea since inception, just delete it and bring back factions.  Just add the little changes like shortened stat time and sigil timers and add couple new bases for options so people don't all end up in same faction.  

    D. Id also like to see the cant remount thing removed from no dachi, bushido is already extremely OP and doesn't need a special dismount that people cant remount from.  make it work like any normal dismount and that's it.

    E. Murders should count regardless of anything, everyone fighting as blues is awful and has almost completely wiped out pvp.  VvV or not if you flag someone as a blue and they die, you get counted.  There hasn't been good pvp in UO since like 2011 prior to all the insane global loot and VvV. 

    F. The biggest thing hurting PvP is the 3rd party programs.  Something has to be done about all this auto everything and target relative nonsense.   It looks like retard day on recess out there, and is sad to see such a current state.  Also remove all jewels with tele or invis, its not needed in game for any reason other then having another reason to run cause you cant pvp.

    I'm going to add some responses and feedback to the suggestions made also.

    A. Myself and my guildmaster, 2 of the oldest school PvPers in the game went to test centre for the Mage Parry Nerf, to try and save the mages, to suggest that parry was only in use, because it was the only protection against everything else going on. We were ignored, and as you say, everything else came out except what we were trying to put forward. We have experienced it all, we know what was good and what was bad. By the way, splinter in itself is not the end of the world, being dismounted straight after is. The other day, I was hit by 4 players, Splinter, Dismount, Lethal Poison, Spell Plague, Bombard, Spell Trigger Bombard etc few other big hits - I was dead in 1 second flat. In that time, what am I meant to do to try and survive? I'll tell you what I did do, I was fully stocked with potions, I managed to hit Cure potion twice, for which I have 50 Enhance Potions, and they both failed, leaving me with no other way to try and push my health back up. It's just completely insane.

    B. I don't have a problem with Consumables in themselves. One of the ways PvP integrates with the game, is we burn through resources, and it gives the gatherers a purpose in the game to supply us. There is a weight limit which limits the consumables we carry, and if you want to lose that much it's your choice. I don't mind any of the current consumables, including Shatter Potions. Shatter Potions are very much a Yew Gate Troll tactic, Yew Gate is not true PvP in any sense.

    C. VvV is ok, more people are playing it again these days. Factions was a system I loved, I was the ultimate Factioner. But the system was dead, it had to be replaced, VvV is ok as a system. The rewards from VvV are not ok, PvP is meant to be the top end gameplay in UO, and they give you Antique items... VvV can be used, and can be successful, if the rewards drew people in more, with their variety, and premium quality. Spawn PvP is still the best when it works, but players have mostly given up on this, due to Scripting etc. VvV is trying to create the Spawn sensation, but it needs the rewards to match.

    D. Fair enough. Even better, get rid of Dismount almost entirely. Back in factions, there were only Bola's, and that was the only level that Dismount was ok at. All forms of Dismount specials need to be removed.

    E. The Red system does need to be improved somehow. Some of the worst players and griefers are in fact Blue.

    F. Complete agreement. I think everyone is saying this. UO need to disable access to all the 3rd party programs if possible. They have put enough into Classic Client, that you can PvP and play well, I know, because I am using it. I believe EC is also at a good playing level. Take out all the 3rd party programs. Build what is needed into UO, like UOAM a team Map, etc.

  • CookieCookie Posts: 1,867
    ezikel said:

    here my list of fix for make pvp great again

    A-rework the vvv blue flagging blue vvv should a murder record
    B-in vvv town all non vvv should be kick
    C-make fel town having the same town buff of trammel side
    D-make pet hit harder in pvp
    E-remove death rays from the magery mastery for pet
    F-make healing remove slow walk and bleed from the splitering
    G-delete shatter pot from the game
    H-boots the bonus for inscription
    I-remove the time on supernova
    J-remove parry for the restriction list of pure mage
    K-strangle need to hit harder
    L-make fire field hit harder
    M-spirit speak need to heal more hit point
    N-poison strike should hit like a corp por
    O-weapons special need a rework its not normal that a wooden weapons (bokuto) hit hard and para is the best weapons in game
    P-add telering in vvv stores
    Q-make its you get dismount by a no dachi you just ave to heal the damage from the dismount not all damge that came after 

    R- add on every next publish a part for pvp not a special publish for pvp every year

    sorry not sorry for all my broken english

    Hi Ezikel, nice list, I'd like to give feedback here also.

    A. I'd have to disagree here, the system is fine.

    B. They do get kicked, or they go Orange, again, the system is fine.

    C. Yes. I've always found having stuff exclusively in Trammel a problem. As Trammel should not even exist. I know you want this so Reds can get Buffs, however I'm going to respond by saying, Blues should have some advantages? As often Reds are pure PvPers, and Blues are not, they were usually PvMers trying to do spawns. If you are set up purely for PvP, your template is stronger than a PvM template. The issue is, all the PvPers who remain Blue, to get the Blue advantages. Town Buffs, and Virtues, should be advantages for Blue Spawners above Red PvPers who want to kill them. The system is out of balance, with ALL PvPers trying to stay Blue, yet PK other players. There has to be some rebalancing here.

    D. Cannot agree, Pets already last long enough and are annoying enough. Pets really shouldn't be in PvP.

    E. Why? I don't even understand this, and never encountered it. Some of your suggestions are too detailed, and are not needed for the High Level fix that PvP needs.

    F. Yes, agreed.

    G. I have no opinion on this, I don't care.

    H. Yes, 100%. Pure Mages with Inscription should be Boosted, these are one of the most nostalgic PvP templates of all time, and have been left to rot.

    I. It is sort of ok?

    J. Yes, agreed.

    K. Strangle is already a complete killer to a mage, highly annoying, it's not about its damage, but about the fact it prevents casting.

    L. Yes.

    M. Spirit Speak seems ok... maybe make it less easier to disrupt.

    N. Not sure I agree. But I get your point.

    O. Maybe, I'm still going to say, the slow, or the Paralyse in themselves are not the killers, it is the all too easy scripted Dismount Easy Win Button that comes after. Remove Dismount, and these other skills are not such a killer.

    P. No way. Tele rings are just lame in PvP.

    Q. I did not follow this suggestion.

    R. Yes.

  • CookieCookie Posts: 1,867
    edited May 2020

    I just want to give some food for thought.

    How would players like it, if Pure Maqes had a Dismount spell?

    {Maybe Dismount is the bonus boost Scribe mages need to update them in the current climate.... }.

    Mages are completely disadvantaged currently. You either need to give Mages a Dismount spell, which is quite frankly ridiculous - but this is how ridiculous the weapon user scenario is now, or you need to remove it off all weapon specials.

    Bolas, were usable by all, with their own disadvantages, which made them ok.

  • ezikelezikel Posts: 90
    Cookie said:
    ezikel said:

    here my list of fix for make pvp great again

    A-rework the vvv blue flagging blue vvv should a murder record
    B-in vvv town all non vvv should be kick
    C-make fel town having the same town buff of trammel side
    D-make pet hit harder in pvp
    E-remove death rays from the magery mastery for pet
    F-make healing remove slow walk and bleed from the splitering
    G-delete shatter pot from the game
    H-boots the bonus for inscription
    I-remove the time on supernova
    J-remove parry for the restriction list of pure mage
    K-strangle need to hit harder
    L-make fire field hit harder
    M-spirit speak need to heal more hit point
    N-poison strike should hit like a corp por
    O-weapons special need a rework its not normal that a wooden weapons (bokuto) hit hard and para is the best weapons in game
    P-add telering in vvv stores
    Q-make its you get dismount by a no dachi you just ave to heal the damage from the dismount not all damge that came after 

    R- add on every next publish a part for pvp not a special publish for pvp every year

    sorry not sorry for all my broken english

    Hi Ezikel, nice list, I'd like to give feedback here also.

    A. I'd have to disagree here, the system is fine.

    B. They do get kicked, or they go Orange, again, the system is fine.

    C. Yes. I've always found having stuff exclusively in Trammel a problem. As Trammel should not even exist. I know you want this so Reds can get Buffs, however I'm going to respond by saying, Blues should have some advantages? As often Reds are pure PvPers, and Blues are not, they were usually PvMers trying to do spawns. If you are set up purely for PvP, your template is stronger than a PvM template. The issue is, all the PvPers who remain Blue, to get the Blue advantages. Town Buffs, and Virtues, should be advantages for Blue Spawners above Red PvPers who want to kill them. The system is out of balance, with ALL PvPers trying to stay Blue, yet PK other players. There has to be some rebalancing here.

    D. Cannot agree, Pets already last long enough and are annoying enough. Pets really shouldn't be in PvP.

    E. Why? I don't even understand this, and never encountered it. Some of your suggestions are too detailed, and are not needed for the High Level fix that PvP needs.

    F. Yes, agreed.

    G. I have no opinion on this, I don't care.

    H. Yes, 100%. Pure Mages with Inscription should be Boosted, these are one of the most nostalgic PvP templates of all time, and have been left to rot.

    I. It is sort of ok?

    J. Yes, agreed.

    K. Strangle is already a complete killer to a mage, highly annoying, it's not about its damage, but about the fact it prevents casting.

    L. Yes.

    M. Spirit Speak seems ok... maybe make it less easier to disrupt.

    N. Not sure I agree. But I get your point.

    O. Maybe, I'm still going to say, the slow, or the Paralyse in themselves are not the killers, it is the all too easy scripted Dismount Easy Win Button that comes after. Remove Dismount, and these other skills are not such a killer.

    P. No way. Tele rings are just lame in PvP.

    Q. I did not follow this suggestion.

    R. Yes.

    A.if you are in vvv you can be attacked at any time by a blue and the blue will not ave any real consequence.its a open door for troll that just bola and gank you.

    B.they should just get kick no free pass to pvp in vvv

    C.we agreed

    D.only bane still good in pvp and its not spawn anymore. for what's left like a nightmare you can just walk aways .for playing a tamer you need to invest  minimum 220 skill point .for pvp and to use your pet you must be on foot, so vulnerable . your defence was to ave a pet that hit hard .but not most do barely nothing .the pet was op and broken the nerf was needed but they go just to hard.

    E.went pet cast death ray its make him froze.

    F. good


    H. you're totally right

    I.i always think they get nerfed for nothing

    J. good

    K.i can agree with you vs a purge its a good spell but versu 99% of the other template its useless


    M.spirit speak seems ok but its not. its to easy to disturb ,slow casting and if you got 120 you can be lucky and get a heal of 16 ...

    N.same casting time of a corp por and only do 12 to 14 of damage point its you dont ave any advantage to use other weapons .why use a broadsword went you can use a bokuto that do the same damage ,paralyze and hit faster .they ave maybe 40 50 weapons type in game and we only see max 8 10 in pvp

    P.ya i agree its lame .but in same time they still ave shit ton of charge in game and its make a unbalance game play vs who can buy and who cannot buy it
    its the same shit with the 14 mod gear vs to what dropping in game now

    Q.if i footed you with a no dachi , switch with wakizachi and start dropping  your pet. its game over your not going to be able to remount it.even if the pet die you still ave to heal to 100% . the no dachi should hit harder the pet .but for get back  on the pet you just need to heal  the no dachi damage not  bring it back to 100%

    R.i think we all agree with this point
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