Pub 108 - House Decay Rules Feedback



  • SoldahouseSoldahouse Posts: 129
    Dasilva said:
    none of what they are proposing be deleted should be deleted it doesnt help the game in anyway 

    Deleting the resources will help the game. 60k oak boards should cost more than 650k. If you think this will just make the cheaters go out and get more boards well UO has found a way to catch those cheaters. 

    Deleting heavy items is also good. There will no longer be  items stuck in a box that block house placement. These are the items that got stuck in some players backpacks on test and only way to remove them was call a gm or send it to the bank and then call a gm to remove. I read somewhere that one dev said it was items that are over 250 stones, don't know if this is true but we still get rubble, so I think its good. 

    Deleting soul stones. I would hope that every player that finds these put them in mailbox but I know they don't. Most do toss them in trash or if it has a neat name they sell them. The vet reward shard shield deed, most end up on vendors. Would be nice if they could be saved but counting on the players to save them doesn't always work. 

    These new changes will help players and hurt the cheaters. There is still a ton of items besides vet rewards and resources you can get at idocs. You get the location and time of idocs now. You hit that barrel your going to get something, not walk away saying the cheaters got it all again. 

    I really think the Devs did a great job here and im thankful they came up with something that will help players and hurt cheaters. 
  • jelinidasjelinidas Posts: 359
    ...they basically see no reason why we should have access to another persons vet rewards because a person paying for that account had earned them

    Ummm… everything in that house (IDOC) was earned by a person paying for that account. If they didn't want anybody (IDOCers) getting their stuff, they would of unlocked/unsecured it all and walked away. What a silly statement.
  • DanpalDanpal Posts: 119
    I can see the the stackable resources deleted to much weight. But if it's already deeded then sould be fine. I can see the deeded vet rewards but not the undeeded ones. Who is going to use a pick on a dye tub or a statue. 

    I know of two collectors that will be loseing out on the new idoc. One collector collect the char statues and the other collector collect guildstone. 

    I collect armor so I sould be alright. But i do have a small collection of guildstone was hopeing that i would be able to add to them now. 

    Let's just hope the two people that collect the above do not let there places go idoc or we would lose alot of uo history.

    As of right now all you can hope to get are empty chests flowers tokens clothing furniture and if your luckly a em item. Most avg players dont have em items or if they do they only have a few.
  • Petra_FydePetra_Fyde Posts: 1,491
    Danpal said:

    As of right now all you can hope to get are empty chests flowers tokens clothing furniture and if your luckly a em item. Most avg players dont have em items or if they do they only have a few.
    And power scrolls, and runic kits, runic hammers, bod rewards, SoAs, SoTs Books for SoAs, SoTs and power scrolls, stat scrolls, Artifact drops from doom, shadowguard, etc. No one would like a conjurer's trinket, cameo, cuffs of the archmage etc?
  • DasilvaDasilva Posts: 98
    all you have to do to break a script is make it so the script can no longer login to the ea servers BOING problem solved its not hard lol and there are many many other things that can be done to break scripts im not the dev why dont you ask other devs how they break scripts in the MMORPG community have you ever heard of the company they break games? well this move you are doing is equivalent to the kind of move the company they break games would do. dont be like they break games and break the darn scripts
  • SoldahouseSoldahouse Posts: 129
    this thread is about feedback for changes to the idocs. I love the new changes and think the devs did a great job. Cant wait for it to be on our shards. 
  • RadstRadst Posts: 114
    Deleting the vet rewards may just be the second best move yet, if not returning to the owner's bank at all.

    First part of the fix is to remove the cheating/scripting.

    Second part is BALANCE. Ever heard of this word before? Yes, it applies even outside PvM and PvP.

    And would price of commodity box go up to 50M? Newer players would also sell their vet picks for gold, and thus drive the price down, if anyone is worrying about "gold sites and idoc groups will make more profits..etc", not to mention that there are already certain groups that are constantly manipulating prices, but prices always come down sooner.

    The time for debate is over. If you play this game only for IDOC now and always, and you threaten to close your accounts...etc, you are not the right kind of customers/players we want.
  • Uriah_HeepUriah_Heep Posts: 915
    Radst said:
    Deleting the vet rewards may just be the second best move yet, 

    And would price of commodity box go up to 50M? Newer players would also sell their vet picks for gold, and thus drive the price down, 

    The time for debate is over. If you play this game only for IDOC now and always, and you threaten to close your accounts...etc, you are not the right kind of customers/players we want.
    1.  Strongly disagree.

    2,  Now that I have quit laughing, I'm going to log in and go look for some newer players.  Keeping in mind that the newer players I have seen aren't new, they're old ones come back on EJ accounts which will never earn a reward to sell... new players LOL  maybe half a dozen or so...

    3.  Looks like you are getting your wish.  Enjoy the single player feel of the game, coming soon.

  • MariahMariah Posts: 3,395Moderator
    Some posts which included personal attacks on players have been removed. Please remember rule 1 of the terms of service requires that you post with respect.
  • JackFlashUkJackFlashUk Posts: 1,083
    Once again this forum has become a joke. Mariah are you on EA payroll.   Anything that does not send love to the devs gets removed. How on EARTH are they going to see what we really think if you keep deleting everything a bit twitchy.  So we can’t even have a disagreement now.  I am sure Dasilva was not losing sleep over our different point of view

    really I feel sorry for the dev team.  No wonder they keep making it up as they go along. Any ideas that might be challenging get deleted

    please just stop with the heavy handed deleting already.  Some of these posts are long winded with a lot of useful information and you just delete the lot because of a few words the seem to upset you
    you don’t even edit post. Just straight delete
  • Easy, Just behave mature and all theese good suggestions will still be here. 

  • MariahMariah Posts: 3,395Moderator
    Keep personal out if it.
     I am sure Dasilva was not losing sleep over our different point of view
    Why did you feel the need to Drag Dasilva into your post in the first place? or Spring for that matter. Post the facts, post your opinion, post ideas, leave other people out.
  • Id like to point out that this thread has has the most views and comments ive ever seen on these forums. 

    Regardless of how you feel about these impending changes perhaps it is best we take heed to the fact that it matters to a lot of people.  

    I thoroughly recommend @Bleak @Kyronix and @Mesanna Delay this part of the publish until it gets tested and talked about more. 
  • PawainPawain Posts: 10,627
    ^^^ Agree.
    Focus on what you can do, not what you can't.
  • JackFlashUkJackFlashUk Posts: 1,083
    edited March 2020
    Not sure “talked about” more is correct,  how about talked about it AT ALL
  • 100% agree with Dragonheart. Give this more time, testing and discussion.
  • KHANKHAN Posts: 510
    Id like to point out that this thread has has the most views and comments ive ever seen on these forums. 

    Regardless of how you feel about these impending changes perhaps it is best we take heed to the fact that it matters to a lot of people.  

    I thoroughly recommend @ Bleak @ Kyronix and @ Mesanna Delay this part of the publish until it gets tested and talked about more. 
    My guess is that (much like the treasure chest fiasco) we are stuck with what is on test now. Even though it MUCH MORE could have been done to combat/deter the scripters, the devs choose to focus on changing it so that the time and effort of skilling a character counts for nothing. I also expect it will go "live" on a Friday. LATE on a Friday.
    If you sell UO items for R.L. $$$, you need to quit playing UO , and get a BETTER R.L. JOB!
  • VioletViolet Posts: 434
    I'm going to have to second Dragonhearts comments.  At the very least more testing needs to be done.  

    Can we get another reset of Test Center?
  • RafmanRafman Posts: 28
    Important Bug Alert:

    Someone on stratics is reporting that if you "demolish" or "resize" a house that contains some items being deleted in idocs - those items are also getting deleted. I haven't tested myself - but if true this should 100% be fixed.

    An IDOC is not the same as resizing a house, or demo'ing a house to replace. A lot of players who own houses will often go about trying to upsize their house, or demo/replace - and often they don't bother fully emptying the house before doing it, if it's in a quiet area. Devs need to ensure that Shard Tokens and Vet Rewards and other such items aren't being deleted in those circumstances.
  • RadstRadst Posts: 114
    edited March 2020
    I just tested resize & demolish on production shard and it did not delete anything: 4th vet shield, 5th vet tub, one stack of zoogi fungus (10).

    Must be fake news from those angry mobs trying to delay the patch wow, and then you see 5 different people helping to spread that fake news. Makes you wonder why the devs dont bother reading those forums long ago.

  • RafmanRafman Posts: 28
    Radst said:
    I just tested resize & demolish on production shard and it did not delete anything: 4th vet shield, 5th vet tub, one stack of zoogi fungus (10).

    Must be fake news from those angry mobs trying to delay the patch wow, and then you see 5 different people helping to spread that fake news. Makes you wonder why the devs dont bother reading those forums long ago.

    Production shard? These changes are still only out on test center. You'd have to go place a house on test center - put some of these items in it - and demolish it - to test properly. 
  • RadstRadst Posts: 114
    And those argument "gold sites are gonna make more profits..etc blah blah" is just non-issue. Prices of things already get manipulated by various groups when they get the chance, but prices always come down sooner. Now by deleting all vet rewards from IDOCs, this CUTS OFF their supplies for good. Ouch this is gonna hurt.

    Lets also break down the demographic of those that do IDOCs:
    1. Gold site & Pro groups that rely on this for serious $$$$
    2. Individuals that also do nothing but IDOC 24/7, for whatever motivation they claim to be
    3. Average players who enjoy going to parties when get invited.

    So who are the ones that are crying so hard right now? #1 and #2, this is so personal to them, it is like cartel wars when money is on the line. Any average players would not react so violently and personal unlike those posts. Amazing, maybe this will be the greatest purge in UO history. Some claim they have closed their accounts, Uhh ok, show screenshots or it didn't happen.

    No more free lunch. How about going back to actually play UO again? GOOD.
  • TimStTimSt Posts: 1,914
    I can confirm that on TC resources are getting deleted when you resize your house.  I had a stacks of lemons, apples, wood, and ingots get deleted.  They do not show up in the moving crate or under the house sign.
  • RafmanRafman Posts: 28
    TimSt said:
    I can confirm that on TC resources are getting deleted when you resize your house.  I had a stacks of lemons, apples, wood, and ingots get deleted.  They do not show up in the moving crate or under the house sign.
    Thanks for confirming.

    Dev team - this really should get fixed. A LOT of players resize/demolish houses to replace all the time. You're going to piss off a LOT of players and get a TON of pages and complaints in coming months if you don't adjust this.

    An idoc should not behave the same way as a house you purposefully demolish/resize. I'm hoping there's an easy way to just ensure resize/demo's don't get items lost - but if there isn't a way for devs to differentiate between the 2 in their code - I think they should seriously consider removing all restrictions on any items being deleted. 

    The idea of the game automatically deleting some of your items when you purposefully resize or demolish your house is very flawed. 
  • Uriah_HeepUriah_Heep Posts: 915
    It will be put on 'the list'


  • TimStTimSt Posts: 1,914
    @kyronix and @bleak, I have confirmed that both resources and veteran rewards get deleted when you resize your house on test center. The vet rewards I lost were a Davies Locker, a seed box, and 5 different dye tubs.
  • PawainPawain Posts: 10,627
    Lets push it WW now!  Those who received Vet rewards and items can delete them if they want to.
    Thats the whole point of this publish.
    Focus on what you can do, not what you can't.
  • TimStTimSt Posts: 1,914
    TimSt said:
    @ kyronix and @ bleak, I have confirmed that both resources and veteran rewards get deleted when you resize your house on test center. The vet rewards I lost were a Davies Locker, a seed box, and 5 different dye tubs.

    Just confirmed that both vet reward and uo store bought soul stones get deleted when you resize your house on test center.

  • Even the resize warning says all items in house will "remain behind"  
  • LobsterLobster Posts: 19
    The placing rule after a house falls still remains unchanged and scripters will continue to get unfair advantages. If it's a keep or a castle and espcially if it's in Atlantic, house sale is much more lucurative than loot and having a nice house has always been one of the biggest motivation for a player to keep subscription. I really wouldn't like to see scripters keep their advantages in house placement. Placing after IDOC needs a change as well to make this whole IDOC revamp as fair and successful as possible for normal players.

    I'd suggest the random placement timer after IDOC be changed to 15-30 mins from the current 30mins-2 hours. Random is fine but 2 hours is just too long for normal players.

    This wouldn't make it perfectly fair, but it'll still sure make it easier, fairer and less stressful for normal players when they're trying their luck on placing a house after IDOC.

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