Pub 108 - House Decay Rules Feedback



  • @Kyronix
    Honestly, I would still prefer Felucca and Siege Perilous idocs stayed the same as they currently are. No barrels, everything just drops to the ground and people can pick up whatever they like.

    Implement the town criers announcing the idoc's location and display the drop time but leave all the barrel punching etc. out.

    I have never seen a successful script looter at a Siege idoc. The ones that tried died quickly (+ their pack animals). I can't talk about Felucca on regular shards but I assume it is similar there.
    Would save the devs some work too, wouldn't it? And most importantly it wouldn't mess things up for Fel and Siege players who like to PvP over idocs.
  • PolarisPolaris Posts: 106
    Chrille said:
    If you dont need any skill to hit the barrels image the numbers of players attending a trammel castle idoc, everyone from every shard can be there and compete for the loot 1000+ players can easily try to attend and crashing the shard.

    In my opinion if you actually have to train some skills most players will just stick to idocs at there home shard/s.
    That's just the point.... so many Players there that the scripters cannot get anything........ hence, no skill requirement. Do not help the website sellers and gold sellers.... they have infinite platinum and already have massive amounts of Primer 3's and 120 powerscrolls. Make it even for new players. And don't make everyone look dumb, they won't look line newb miners like someone said... but instead everyone will literally be giant blue Horrific Beasts, it does double damage (necro spell.)

    Take that necro spell and the skill requirements away please guys. Let us keep our chars and not have to delete one.... I likely won't remake it the same as I have never scrolled up a pet to this point. I just quit playing my tamer.... if Fel Idocs are more even, who knows, that might change. Please take a look at my suggestions, it allows fighting still. The barrels were great, they won't be able to script pick up all of the full powerscroll books no more.
  • did the tram and fel idocs on test and i love the new set up. the only changes i would recommend would be that stackables auto turn into commodity deeds " unless the rare stackables are able to be excluded from the list, like old leathers and such".  The other thing is on the fel idocs i think it would be cool if inside the barrel fence you were auto disarmed. no weps, no casting, no pets..... hear me out on this....You would have red wrestlers! lol how funny would that be. you would also get some enjoyment out of a thief could stealth around on a thief and steal bags of sending and all sorts of other goodies from the people fighting over barrels " i would love to see a guild of red wrestlers with old WWF names, hahahaha"  thieves have been the one template that have been straight crapped on since tram, this idea would throw a nice bone to them...  but all and all i thought loot was distributed evenly across the barrels, they werent to hard to get into, and i could unload my pack into a bag or something before another one with a marked rune u  could just recall in and out and drop bags at ur house or plot..... so yeah, i love it.... i havent done idocs really in over a year or so and as much as i love playing with plants on uo real plants start coming up in rl during the month of these idoc changes may have me hanging around uo a little longer than i normally do  =)
  • KirthagKirthag Posts: 541
    edited March 2020
    sibble said:

    If the devs are trying to come up with ways to make it harder for scripters to get loot, then removing PVP is the worst thing you can do.  Bots don't win at PVP, players/guilds do.

    Regardless, the game originated on Felucca ruleset.  The world of Ultima Online was digitally duplicated to cater to people who don't want to PVP.  Now people want to throw in special circumstances to try and change Felucca ruleset?  Felucca ruleset should remain the same for IDOCs.  It attracts a lot of people and the combat that occurs there has been some of the best times I've had in this game.

    This ^^^^^^

    Sorry, didn't read it all as it is the same thing repeated by the same ppl.

    I did some Fel IDOC tests and for the most part, didn't see much of a difference between the Tram ones I did. Tried to PVP with other people at a few, but they ran away - which was disappointing as I wanted to test some things - and no, I wasn't using a copied character or a maxxed toon. 

    Personally, I think there should be no tweaks to anything in Fel - the facet is all about Player Justice and it should stay that way. 

    Am beginning to wonder when UO Players became socialists... 
    If a newb happens upon an IDOC (Tram or Fel) I expect they'd get their butts handed to them - most newb don't even have a house, so what would they do with the stuff they grabbed? Why should an IDOC be nerfed to cater to newbs? Where did this mindset come from!??!?

    You wanna help the newb or returning vet who doesn't know what's going on? Help them - give them resources (gathered legally, of course), give them gear (not OP stuff either), take them on hunts (in or out of Fel). 

    You wanna stop the scripters? Leave the Fel IDOC ruleset as Free-For-All, Player Justice prevails. In Tram, sure, tweak the rules (kinda wish would allow fisticuffs between ppl inside the 'fence').

    For the Devs

    1 - Barking NPCs in Fel bark for all facets, or no? With so many house-falls happening on TC, kinda hard to tell.
    2 - Fel & Tram IDOCS - casting recall from within the barrels is sporadic - sometimes can, sometimes cannot. Which should it be?
    3 -Fel & Tram IDOCS - I've not seen EQ have any effect at all when casting within or without the 'fence' - what's up with that? (Town ruleset?)
    4 - Fel IDOC: Cast poison fields to block other players in a "corner" of barrels - no other blues take damage from the field? Confused...
    5 - Fel IDOC: Cast paralyze field to block players from getting to me when I am in a corner of barrels: Reds get stuck, Blues pass-thru and hit me.

    Thinking to test a VvV toon to see how VvV rules affect IDOC - or would this be a waste of time?
  • SoldahouseSoldahouse Posts: 129
    I love the new changes. I hope they make it so there is no advantage to anyone. Doesn't matter how long you have played or what your skills are, everything is fair. We have the locations and times, all you need to do is show up and hit barrels. 

    Felucca has always been like it is now. You go there you can get killed by another player. At felucca idocs now if your walking around hidden killers can still find you and kill you. Maybe this will get more players to team up and go to the idocs to kill the PKs. 

    Its a good thing for UO to do away with all the stackable items. On VS right now you can get 60k OAK boards for 650k. I hope you can see the big problem with that. Gathering resources used to be a way for new and old players to get gold, not anymore. This will fix that problem. 

    The Dev team did a great job coming up with the new changes. I cant wait for our shards to get it. I really think its going to slow down on the cheating. they cant see what items are in the barrels, cant vacuum it all up in 2 seconds. Now they have to share, and I think its great. 
  • KirthagKirthag Posts: 541
    edited March 2020
    Finally got in to play after a couple of days out of the game. (Real Life happens)

    - Barking NPCs - answered my own question - the coordinates barked are for that facet - thankyou.
    - Barking NPCs - Perhaps give a more general coordinate (XX*N and YY*S) instead of making is specific to the center of the building. And it is the center, yes? Not the house sign itself? 
    Have the MoT bark out, "A structure falls soon within the Great Forest of Yew! XX*N and YY*S!"

    CC players don't have the luxury of a map/radar showing the coordinates, so a generalization of the area would be helpful, Wilderness is just a bit vague.

    I would actually prefer.....
    "Hark! A structure decays near the Compassion Shrine!"
    "Psst! I heard tell of a building soon to fall near the Farms of Britain!"
    "ALERT! A home near the city of Skara Brae will soon fall to dust!"

    You get the idea. This is a bit more immersive than barking numbers - who talks in numbers anyway (except for Navy veterans)? This way, you will encourage people to explore a bit and not give it completely away. This is a Role Playing Game, is it not? About time the world be such.
  • PolarisPolaris Posts: 106
    edited March 2020
    Kirthag said:
    Finally got in to play after a couple of days out of the game. (Real Life happens)

    - Barking NPCs - answered my own question - the coordinates barked are for that facet - thankyou.
    - Barking NPCs - Perhaps give a more general coordinate (XX*N and YY*S) instead of making is specific to the center of the building. And it is the center, yes? Not the house sign itself? 
    Have the MoT bark out, "A structure falls soon within the Great Forest of Yew! XX*N and YY*S!"

    CC players don't have the luxury of a map/radar showing the coordinates, so a generalization of the area would be helpful, Wilderness is just a bit vague.

    I would actually prefer.....
    "Hark! A structure decays near the Compassion Shrine!"
    "Psst! I heard tell of a building soon to fall near the Farms of Britain!"
    "ALERT! A home near the city of Skara Brae will soon fall to dust!"

    You get the idea. This is a bit more immersive than barking numbers - who talks in numbers anyway (except for Navy veterans)? This way, you will encourage people to explore a bit and not give it completely away. This is a Role Playing Game, is it not? About time the world be such.

    This will only help the players using sign scripts...... would be a major disadvantage again coming back for people who do not cheat. That's what we are trying to avoid... it needs to be very specific, ie, center of building for sure.

    If we don't know where, I won't waste my time. Cheaters will go right to it of course.... why should they get it faster than everyone....
  • poppspopps Posts: 4,130
    Urge said:
    popps said:
    jelinidas said:
    Popps...Im not going to get into a huge debate with you on this. You seem to have powerscrolls as your flavor of the moment so I will say this. Any new player on any shard that asks for powerscrolls will get them. I will gladly offer them for players or their pets. Granted, not 120s but at least 110s.

    There are very few skills that NEED 120s for players or pets. 110 kills shit just fine in PvM. Any new player is not really thinking PvP at this point. They are learning the game. By the time they are thinking PvP, they have friends that will help them gain (earn) the scrolls they need. 

    Fel is Fel. New players probably should not be there yet anyways. Stay in tram, learn the game. Its not like there wont be IDOCs where its safe.
    Powerscrolls was only 1 example, one could mention others like Alacrities or Transcendence scrolls just as another example, which more likely drop in Felucca rather then Trammel.... or other examples as well...

    Sure, the difference is not "that" noticeable as with Powerscrolls but still, Felucca does yield them more likely as compared to Trammel... and these are fundamental for a new or returning player's character in need to train up skills....

    Thus, IDOCs in Felucca could more likely have drops of them as compared to IDOCs in Trammel...

    Frankly, I do not understand WHY there should be any interest at all, to have older, existing players' characters ALREADY all developed, scrolled up and pretty much having all the items that count, not to mention a good UO Bank account balance, to FURTHER be those most advantaged by IDOCs mechanics to get "MORE"....

    Wouldn't it, instead, be more beneficial to Ultima Online as a whole, if IDOCs related mechanics were Designed with a PARTICULAR interest towards those who have LESS, are less developed, less geared up etc. etc., the NEW and RETURNING PLAYERS who could then prticipate to IDOCs, Trammel and Felucca rulesets LIKEWISE, to better, more quickly advance their characters in Ultima Online getting expensive items from IDOCs which they would otherwise have lots of difficulties to get from regular gameplay ?

    I see IDOCs as a GREAT occasion, a great chance at helping out New and Returning players in their needs to give them good reasons to STAY with playing Ultima Online and thus help UO's Revenues with their monthly subscriptions, so much, that I do not see the point of why, instead, the Designed IDOCs mechanics should then instead favour more the "FITTEST" who, chances are, already have plenty and far beyond what is really needed to play Ultima Online.

    My point being, and I am sending out this plea and begging straight to the Developers of Ultima Online, @ Bleak , @ Kyronix , @ Mesanna , IN THE BEST INTEREST of Ultima Online as a whole, rather to have IDOCs mechanics which would favour those players' characters who already have plenty in Ultima Online, WHY NOT instead Design and implement mechanics which would offer a hand or two to NEW and RETURNING players' character who MOST would need items from IDOCs, regardless on whether from a Trammel or Felucca ruleset IDOC ?

    Because most of us have been grinding for 20+ years and expect others to do the same.

    There's an old saying about giving a hand up not a handout. The barrel thing is odd but it looks like it's going to even the field slightly. 

    You want stuff? Go grind for it like the rest of us have. 
    I am sorry, but personally, I have a hard time agreeing with mechanics which would address "exceptional", "occasional" and "unpredictable" IDOC wealth to those in Ultima Online who need it the less (existing, older players' characters who already are very advanced, with plenty high end items and quite a good UO Bank balance) as compared to new and returning players who, instead, would need the most in order to close that intimidating GAP versus older players' characters which gets some of them, after 2-4 weeks, to stop playing Ultima Online althougether....

    The griding which you mention I can see it as fine in regards to "regular" gameplay content and spawn but IDOCs ?

    Personally, I think that IDOCs should be treated as that "odd ball", occasional, unpredictable, where ALL Ultima Online players would not be able to get an advantage from their current status in UO of their characters.....

    A way to even out players, old and new, and give to new players that hand or two to close that intimidating GAP which many among them feel when they look at older players' characters and what they have.

    And this, I think, would also end up helping out Ultima Online as a whole, because it could contribute in "keeping" many of these new and returning players in Ultima Online rather then stop playing it althougether after 2-4 weeks when they decide that the GAP between their characters and those of other players who have been in UO for long, is too large for them to want to close through extensive grinding.....

    At least, that is how I see it.
  • KHANKHAN Posts: 510
    If I were to start a new game, why in the world should/would I expect to be on an "equal" footing with people who have spent years/decades playing the same game, gathering item, and developing characters. That makes ZERO sense, and is in no way beneficial.
    If you sell UO items for R.L. $$$, you need to quit playing UO , and get a BETTER R.L. JOB!
  • MariahMariah Posts: 3,397Moderator
    Kirthag said:

    CC players don't have the luxury of a map/radar showing the coordinates, so a generalization of the area would be helpful, Wilderness is just a bit vague.

    I would actually prefer.....
    "Hark! A structure decays near the Compassion Shrine!"
    "Psst! I heard tell of a building soon to fall near the Farms of Britain!"
    "ALERT! A home near the city of Skara Brae will soon fall to dust!"

    You get the idea. This is a bit more immersive than barking numbers - who talks in numbers anyway (except for Navy veterans)? This way, you will encourage people to explore a bit and not give it completely away. This is a Role Playing Game, is it not? About time the world be such.

    Not what you're asking for, but maybe helpful? Facet maps with coordinate grids

  • KirthagKirthag Posts: 541
    Yeah, know about those, and got all sorts of UO maps for various things - however why rely on something outside of the game (ie web page, large printed map hanging on my wall) when one client (EC) has an obvious advantage with the coordinate display of their ingame map?

    Everyone is talking about leveling the playing field.... *cough*
  • poppspopps Posts: 4,130
    KHAN said:
    If I were to start a new game, why in the world should/would I expect to be on an "equal" footing with people who have spent years/decades playing the same game, gathering item, and developing characters. That makes ZERO sense, and is in no way beneficial.
    Maybe I have been not clear in explaining my point of view....

    I am NOT talking of equal footing on regular, daily gameplay content....

    Of course that a new players would not be able to SOLO the Roof....

    But IDOCs ?

    I say treat IDOCs DIFFERENTLY and this, for the better sake of Ultima Online towards helping new and returning players to STICK with playing UO also after those initial 2-4 weeks....

    And, is my argument, in order to achieve this, to Design IDOCs mechanics so that weaker and less wealthy new and returning players' characters would be in a EQUAL footing with existing, older players' characters of UO. Trammel and Feluca rulesets IDOCs, likewise.
  • KHANKHAN Posts: 510
    @popps No, you were very clear. ROFL
    If you sell UO items for R.L. $$$, you need to quit playing UO , and get a BETTER R.L. JOB!
  • KHANKHAN Posts: 510
    @Kyronix Are there any plans to tweak/change anything else before this goes "live"? 
    If you sell UO items for R.L. $$$, you need to quit playing UO , and get a BETTER R.L. JOB!
  • PawainPawain Posts: 10,645
    jelinidas said:
    Popps, will you be doing IDOCs?
    He already did one. He will move on to something new.  

    Edit:  He moved to camping now. :)
    Focus on what you can do, not what you can't.
  • Uriah_HeepUriah_Heep Posts: 915
    LOLOL!!   yup
  • Lady_StormLady_Storm Posts: 400
    I have been working the idoc set up on TC1... I can see the fairness Mesanna talked of is sort of fair that its a pig in a poke what you get and how much time to get to it... I still see a few ways a player can ruin a good set up.  But that is not what has me bugged about this.  
    @Mesanna @Kyronix @Bleak  
    One of the few things I have over the years liked about IDOC's was the small stuff... Regs.. Lumber.. Ore/ingots... Arrows/bolts...Leather and cloth... things a lot of players leave behind because of weight... no one will cart off 60k of leather vs a bag of Rubble that is worth 10x more.
    Yes its nice to get a rare or EM event item as a surprise in the new system you have on TC1.
    Cant you just drop the above items on the ground. It wouldn't be the same idoc hunt without them.

  • JollyJadeJollyJade Posts: 578
    Will their be bigfixes for it after it hits prodo?

    Most issues will only arise when it actually hits prodo and Atlantic..

    If it end like vendor search.... ufffffff
    Just a troll who got told by lesser trolls (moderator classification)
  • JollyJadeJollyJade Posts: 578
    edited March 2020
    Also pls dont touch the map in the EC. Nobody needs a map revamp and a gimped dumbed down map they reworked to work in both clients the same....

    I like the idea but it's really the time after it hits prodo that will tell... 
    Just a troll who got told by lesser trolls (moderator classification)
  • KHANKHAN Posts: 510
    @Bleak @Kyronix Can we get an update as to whether any other changes are being considered? In my, and others, opinions, the changes currently being tested, while a good start, still need a fair amount of "tweaking". Let us know. Thanks.
    If you sell UO items for R.L. $$$, you need to quit playing UO , and get a BETTER R.L. JOB!
  • Uriah_HeepUriah_Heep Posts: 915
    History says when it hits TC, its pretty much done...
  • sibblesibble Posts: 190
    edited March 2020
    popps said:
    sibble said:
    This instance of the test center was set up for Felucca testing, but I haven't seen any posts about anyone fighting over a fel idoc on test, only theories about how it might go.  Did anyone attend a pvp IDOC?
    All I can say is from whatever testing going on TC with fake loot may possibly be completely different from what is going to happen on live shards where people get to keep their loot.  More than likely people will come out of the woodworks and speak up after implementation and being affected on their live shard.

    My stance on Felucca IDOC PvP is logical, simple and doesn't require simulation.

    If the devs are trying to come up with ways to make it harder for scripters to get loot, then removing PVP is the worst thing you can do.  Bots don't win at PVP, players/guilds do.

    Regardless, the game originated on Felucca ruleset.  The world of Ultima Online was digitally duplicated to cater to people who don't want to PVP.  Now people want to throw in special circumstances to try and change Felucca ruleset?  Felucca ruleset should remain the same for IDOCs.  It attracts a lot of people and the combat that occurs there has been some of the best times I've had in this game.
    Regardless, the game originated on Felucca ruleset.  The world of Ultima Online was digitally duplicated to cater to people who don't want to PVP.  Now people want to throw in special circumstances to try and change Felucca ruleset?  Felucca ruleset should remain the same for IDOCs.  It attracts a lot of people and the combat that occurs there has been some of the best times I've had in this game.
    I need to disagree.

    We are NOT talking about regular, ordinary gameplay content, IDOCs, to my opinion, is a particular content which cannot be mixed up with regular content as they are a special bonus, unpredictable, occasional.

    IDOCs are indeed a regular occurrence in Ultima Online, there's nothing special about it.  An in-game event is a special occurrence, for example.  Houses have been falling since they've been able to be built - aka the beginning of the game.  This is nothing new or special, nor is it an opinion.

    You want to ignore an entire world's ruleset simply because you cannot compete.  Your entire stance is that you want to be able to loot Felucca IDOCs freely because the loot is good and you can't compete in player versus player combat.  That's not good enough.

    Felucca is the definition of survival of the fittest.  You already have an entire world in which player versus player combat doesn't exist.  If you can't stand the heat go back to doing IDOCs in Trammel.  Felucca is a competitive world, that's the way it's been and always should be.
    "everything looks stupid" UO feedback 2024
  • sibblesibble Posts: 190
    Yes, I see that. I'm afraid I don't pvp, and since those that do seem to have declined to take up the opportunity to test that was obviously set up for them, I'm not sure what will happen when the thing goes world wide.  Actually I don't IDOC either, I've only gotten involved to help with testing. 
    I completely agree with you.  PVP testing on TC has always been lacking.  I'm not saying it doesn't exist, I happen to know someone who regularly tests PVP changes on TC.  It's just simply not done by enough people.
    "everything looks stupid" UO feedback 2024
  • PolarisPolaris Posts: 106
    JollyJade said:
    Also pls dont touch the map in the EC. Nobody needs a map revamp and a gimped dumbed down map they reworked to work in both clients the same....

    I like the idea but it's really the time after it hits prodo that will tell... 
    Never played EC... ick. But yes, no need for map changes. Sextant peeps!!!! If I ever go sailing or anything I am always carrying one, it just makes my backpack feel more real. Kind of like the Krampus events with the trade quests, sextant sextant sextant! (Combined with a cloth map of course.) You guys really need to sell real life maps again...... like all sorts of them, even huge ones. Just saying. : P
  • I'm 80% against most of the idea's and changes coming for the housing system and 20% for them But i am 100% for some type of positive changes but I know for me houses Falling even though i have found less time to be able to enjoy the game. A falling house has always got me excited unless of course it was one of my own or a friends lol but Seeing the items fall to the ground after a house falls always made me get an adrenaline rush .. That being said the last few I have been able to actually enjoy i was def very let down because of the exploiters or cheats and the speed at which they were able to obtain 10 x the amount of stuff several others combined where able to gather in less time as well.

    so yes it needs to be addressed but the Barrels and deleting of the commodity deeds are in my opinion a bit harsh and takes away of the excitement .. 

    I Do Like the sound of the raffle system some have suggested to allow for a more level playing field and fairness of obtaining a house in most locations but not over the entire world of UO would that be needed.. some shards are less populated and could in reality slow down something that's not needed to be unless a timer of how long the raffle will accept them. 
  • I make my post with the following observation.

    The main reason the Devs are even considering this change is because of all the open and blatant scripting involved around the IDOC profession.  

    with that said. Ill leave @Kyronix @Bleak and @Mesanna with the following reason this will fail at fixing the above problem. 

    1. Scripters will still be able to loot faster than anyone else.  They will be able to empty their packs faster than anyone and will always have that advantage. 

    2. Scripters will still run shards and find these idocs before anyone. This gives them a strategic advantage in that they will place loot houses up with containers to unload in to. 

    3. Scripters will still be able to place houses faster than anyone.  This is the second half of the idoc profession. Placing and selling quality homes. 

    4. Scripters will still log in with multiple accounts and afk loot these houses. 

    With that said i offer up the following advice. 

    1. How about instead of completely revamping a system that has been apart of UO culture for more than 2 decades you actually fix the problem. Scripters. 

    If you do have to make a significant change to idocs please do one that negates scripters. 

    1. Instead of this ridiculous barrel system how about you spawn monsters similar to thunts. something that will easily kill afk scripters or at the very least make it very difficult for them.  Something with AOE, lots of them in fact. Something that reveals hidden stealthed toons. And please make the monsters stay in the area so they cant be lured away by one toon so others can loot. 

    2. These monsters could even hold some of the loot if not all and the corpses could act like normal. no looting rights no loot. 

    3. Monsters at least make this system challenging instead of a free loot for everyone. 

    4. If you are going to give players the locations to these idocs how about you give it to them in a similar menu system like you did for the castle/keep designs on test. Also make it so they appear on the list as soon as they are like new so scripters have no advantage in finding them first and placing loot houses. 

    5. Getting rid of stackable items will only give way to more scripting. If the amount of stackables/resources diminish then the resource bots will crank up again. starting a whole other thread for people to complain in. 


    1. I like the theory of getting rid of account bound items however id make it one more step.  For returning players if they could purchase those items back you could make some extra money. 

    2. 5 10 15 going away.  One of the biggest mesanna mistakes ever.

    3. As much as i absolutely despise the system i can say you did a good job doing it. 

    4. the house timer on the sign is incredible, no more camping an idoc for 15 hours or more because you didnt get an approximate time. 

     5. ej accounts not being allowed in.  take it a step further and dont let ej accounts have pack animals. 

    Past all of that even if you stubbornly barrel through this like you often do. (see what i did there? barrel. get it?)  PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE leave fel idocs and seige idocs alone.  they are fine like they are and do not have a problem like the trammel idocs. 
  • 100% agree with Dragonheart!
  • ChrilleChrille Posts: 220
    Dragonheart I dont agree with your ideas at all.

    Barrels is the number one thing that will help anyone to get some loot, otherwise scripters will just keep looting all the nicest items instantly, monster wont stop the looting scripts from swoop everything nice up in milliseconds. 

    With known idoc timers everyone with small to almost no effort can attend an idoc so having a house nearby will have a very small impact cause everything will be gone in 30 seconds after the barriers are broken, and evenly distributed to all who is attending. No more heavy resources that needs to be hauled to a house nearby or full chests.
  • Chrille said:
    Dragonheart I dont agree with your ideas at all.

    Barrels is the number one thing that will help anyone to get some loot, otherwise scripters will just keep looting all the nicest items instantly, monster wont stop the looting scripts from swoop everything nice up in milliseconds. 

    With known idoc timers everyone with small to almost no effort can attend an idoc so having a house nearby will have a very small impact cause everything will be gone in 30 seconds after the barriers are broken, and evenly distributed to all who is attending. No more heavy resources that needs to be hauled to a house nearby or full chests.
    "Barrels is the number one thing that will help anyone to get some loot, otherwise scripters will just keep looting all the nicest items instantly, monster wont stop the looting scripts from swoop everything nice up in milliseconds. "

    you do know barrel work like monster loot right?  as in the person that does the most dmg wins? you think you are going to compete with a bunch of pros with multiple accounts?  Monsters will wipe out afk scripters.  If you had a history with idocs you will know harbingers used to do the same thing.  imagine monsters that are harder than harbingers with more severe aoe and detect hidden. 

    Secondly you completely ignored that i also recommended that the loot go on these monsters partially at the very least but fully at best. 

    "With known idoc timers everyone with small to almost no effort can attend an idoc so having a house nearby will have a very small impact cause everything will be gone in 30 seconds after the barriers are broken, and evenly distributed to all who is attending. No more heavy resources that needs to be hauled to a house nearby or full chests."

    The biggest problem i have with your post is this quote "with small to almost no effort"  Why even play if it isnt hard? When did UO become such an entitled game where "everyone wins"  

    Secondly if it is with small to almost no effort for you imagine how easy its going to be for afk scripters.  Again this "fix" by the devs does nothing to solve the actual problem. 

  • ChrilleChrille Posts: 220
    Loot get split up to thoose who get looting rigths on barrels it doesnt go to the one that does most damage. You dont need much to be able to compete with the most specifed templates for bashing barrels. Lvl 1 wrestling primer and tac and ana and some di on suite, and you will get looting rights even if competing with the toughest character.

    Yes having the timer public will make it easier for everyone so the script user will have much more competition and isnt that the point with redoing the idocs to give everyone a better chance to get some nice stuff.

    Harbringers was released before the house drop while people was waiting now with known timers you dont have to be there before. Dodge a monster or 20 will be equally hard for everyone except the scripts can pick up items while dodging and they will get the best items first, even if they die the stuff is already on their corpses and they will get them back.

    I read that you wrote that the monster can even have some loot on there corpses missed the part of all but then you're back with your problem at killing barrels only the top damager will get loot from monster so I dont see what difference this will make? Except if you have some strange idea that scripts cant kill monsters.
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