Pub 108 - House Decay Rules Feedback



  • MordredMordred Posts: 102
    Lol, you dont want to die, stay away of fel. 
    You dont want to die, learn pvp.
    Leave fel alone, yes it will be a murder zone now, lot.of DP fields, Energy fields and EQ, you dont like, stay in the Blue land.
  • Why can't you guys just take the profit out of the IDOC for the scripters?  You're already putting stuff in barrels, save it to the account of the player who lost the house.   This solves nothing and it isn't a real solution.  Disappointed again...
  • poppspopps Posts: 4,007
    edited February 2020
    Mordred said:
    Lol, you dont want to die, stay away of fel. 
    You dont want to die, learn pvp.
    Leave fel alone, yes it will be a murder zone now, lot.of DP fields, Energy fields and EQ, you dont like, stay in the Blue land.
    Wanting or not to die is not the point.

    The point is, to my viewing, to Design a mechanics that was to make it possible for WEAKER and less trained up or geared up characters to STILL have a chance to get something from an IDOC.

    YES, Felucca ruleset IDOCs as well.

    It is unpredictable what one might get from an IDOC so, limiting new and returning players to only Trammel IDOCs would be severely limiting their chances to "catch up" with existing players. This is why, I think, it would be important to "open up" also Felucca ruleset IDOCs to weaker and less wealthy new and returning players' characters as a way to "re-distribute" UO wealth and give to these players a way to "catch up with" existing, far more advanced players' characters.

    If the Design is made one that only the "fittest" will get the IDOCs' loot guess what ?

    Those who ALREADY have most will get MORE (as if they needed it.....).

    And this would further increase the GAP in between the UO's "haves" and "haves not"....

    And this would NOT HELP Ultima Online to keep a healthy and numerous players base, would it ?

    It is not unthinkable that a number of Players depressed by looking at that GAP between them and those who are much more trained up and geared up and wealthy will just "give it up" and stop playing Ultima Online althougether....

    Those 2-4 weeks players, so to speak, as many call them.....

    Frankly, I fail to see the point to let IDOCs benefit the most those who need it the least (the more advanced and wealthy UO players) rather then benefit those who need it the most (the weaker and less advanced new/returning players' characters).....

    I think that IDOCs "could" be, depending on "HOW" the developers will Design the related mechanics, a good way and UNIQUE CHANCE to "re-distribute" Wealth ALSO among the poor and weak of Ultima Online thus giving more a chance to new and returning players to "catch up with" existing UO players.

    BUT, if so, THEN the Designed mechanics for IDOCs, including the Felucca ruleset, should make it so that weaker and poorer UO characters with less means to gear up their character (and win fights against other, way more advanced characters) should STILL be able to grab something at an IDOC and keep it.

    Of course, since these weaker and poorer characters are obviously no match in a fight vs. more advanced and wealthier characters, THEN, to my viewing, the new Designed mechanics for IDOCs should give a NON COMBAT way to them to "defeat" their more advanced and geared up competitors.

    And the ONLY one way that I can see, is letting these poorer and weaker characters be able to get their items while staying hidden. Which it would also mean, NO GRAPHICS for the barrels' wood chipping going everywhere or, at the very least, to make it only visible by the character punching the barrel but not by other characters in the area likewise.....

    Because, if wood chippings are visible, OF COURSE that other players in Felucca ruleset will cast earthquake, use reveal and what not to make them visible and ONE SHOT kill them (they are weak, not geared up, easy to be killed).

    And if that happened, then, obviously, these poorer and weaker characters would not have a chance to get something from an IDOC.

    Of course players could STILL make an attempt to reveal other characters but, not knowing where to try that, this would take them more time to actively reveal them thus giving precious time to these less advanced and weaker characters to grab their items and leave the area with something from that IDOC in their backpack....

    It would give to them AT LEAST a chance at something from that IDOC.... instead, if revealing them was THAT easy (since their presence would be obviously given out by the chipping graphics), they would hold ZERO chance to get anything from that IDOC as, once revealed, they would be likely ONE SHOT killed.

    SO, I guess, @Bleak , @Kyronix , you need to make a choice as to whether you want IDOCs mechanics to be designed as a good chance and occasion to "re-distribute" Ultima Online Wealth among those who need it the most, those new and returning players who see the GAP between them and existing players often as an insurmountable one, or whether the Designed mechanics for IDOCs will be such that they will have IDOCs wealth go to those players already Wealthy and, thus, most geared up and advanced.

    I think that FIRST, it is necessary to set the wanted goal (whether have IDOCs wealth go to the already UO rich or to the UO poor) and THEN, set the mechanics in a way that such a Goal is permitted to be accomplished.

    Keep up the good work.
  • - Show timer in hours and minutes please. If timer says just "5 hours", you can't see if it's 5 hours 00 minutes or 5 hours 59 minutes. If timer says "5 hours 27 minutes", you'd only need to check the house sign once and plan and schedule your play time more efficiently to attend more IDOCs. 

    - Exactly how is fall time for a decaying house set ? Currently in Atlantic, most decaying houses turn IDOC from Greatly in the morning local time(around 8am - 12am ET). Not sure if this is intended but if this continues after the IDOC change, most houses will fall within same time frame of only 4-5 hours, making it hard for some players to attend IDOCs. I think this is an important question. Is fall time intentionaly set around local peak hours of a shard so majority of players can enjoy it ? Or is it set randomly at anywhere within 24 hours of a day ?

    - It'd be nice if Trade Ministers just sell runes to IDOCs, would make a very nice gold sink. This will make more people attend IDOCs, especially PvPers in Felucca. Many PvPers don't like to spend time on anything other than PvP. Ministers tell you exact locations of IDOCs but you still have to run and find each IDOC, PvPers wouldn't like this. Give PvPers a shortcut to fel IDOCs so they can just "Log in and PvP".

    - I think IDOC is made of 4 parts, Finding houses, Getting time, Looting items then Placing a new house. Now the first 3 parts are changed and made much fairer than before, I really like the change and appreciate it. But the Placing part still remains unfair.  I'd really like the Devs to change the placing rule after IDOC as well to make it fair too. I'd vote the raffle/lottely idea people posted.

    - Can Hit Lightning on Bracers of Alchemical Devastation deal damage to barrels ?
  • the barrel punching needs adjusted. the way it works currently excludes certain templates. make it so that you don't have to disarm and weapons and bare hands deal the exact same ammount of damage regardless whether the player has tactics or anatomy on their template.
  • Garth_GreyGarth_Grey Posts: 1,459
    Dasilva said:
    its nota win/win like some of you are saying, thats absolutely ridiculous, with the current idoc system you can at least stealth around A and his buddies and hope to get away with something or another in Fel, but with the new Idoc changes in fel your basically handing A the house and everything in it, his business is going to skyrocket, quite honestly this is extremely poorly thought out when it comes to fel, turn the entire area around the idoc into an area like the britain farms, where no one can cast, and then it MIGHT become halfway fair, but quite honestly A has a lot of people on his payroll, way more than any other so called scripter/idoccer, the only thing you are doing is handing him the keys to the bank. any of you who think otherwise are silly, and you will see that if this goes through for fel I will be saying I told you so. CHANGE the rule in fel NO MAGERY,NO nothing except a fist fight, if you want to make it somewhat fair in Fel then everyone has to fight with their fists THAT is fair, otherwise just locked up the fel idocs in a box and deposit them directly into A's bank cause thats basically what your doing.

    on the other hand for Tram I think the new system is a lot of fun and I am very interested in seeing how it plays out BUT you need a better RNG system because right now the good barrels are pretty easy to pick out.

    BTW word of warning if you drop a house down on the barrels the barrels either go under the house sign or break and disappear the area still needs to be locked for house placement until such a time as all the barrels have decayed

    You realize you just said "this will suck in Felucca because someone and their crew will get more stuff than you, but Tram you think the new system is a lot of fun" ? If that were an opinion written on paper, most people would wad it up and toss it in the trash. While I"m no big fan of cheaters, and shard(s) i've played on have had tons of them, I would still never embarrass myself with that statement in front of other players.
    You and Several Others like this.

    Please make the Grizzled Mare a 5 slot mount, it's incredibly rare and deserves it. Some of us have been waiting a long time for this simple addition.
  • Garth_GreyGarth_Grey Posts: 1,459
    edited February 2020
    the barrel punching needs adjusted. the way it works currently excludes certain templates. make it so that you don't have to disarm and weapons and bare hands deal the exact same ammount of damage regardless whether the player has tactics or anatomy on their template.
    Max are you seriously asking to be able to hold your weapons of choice while hitting barrels so you can still hit approaching players with those same weapons, because that's what it sounds like ? I would be fine with that, but make the durability of wpns drop to the point of unrepairable. Afterall you're beating on a steel and wooden barrel for 2 minutes non stop. :P
    You and Several Others like this.

    Please make the Grizzled Mare a 5 slot mount, it's incredibly rare and deserves it. Some of us have been waiting a long time for this simple addition.
  • Few things I see need changing:
    1: The wrestling mastery alone destroys the barrels. I can destroy them within a few hits with the templete I use. They need to make it so none of the skills work on the barrels. Everyone should do the same amount of damage no matter what they do.
    2: Change it so the fence area needs to be destroyed before you can attack the barrels with items in it. 
    3: Fix the house placement timer to start after ALL the barrels have been removed. 4 people dropping houses at once will destroy all the items.
    4: Put a distance requirement from barrel to get items. While testing, I ran around doing damage to some barrels all around luna, I then started in Brit and was still getting items from the luna ones when the barrels were destroyed by someone else.
  • ChrilleChrille Posts: 217
    Few things I see need changing:
    1: The wrestling mastery alone destroys the barrels. I can destroy them within a few hits with the templete I use. They need to make it so none of the skills work on the barrels. Everyone should do the same amount of damage no matter what they do.
    2: Change it so the fence area needs to be destroyed before you can attack the barrels with items in it. 
    3: Fix the house placement timer to start after ALL the barrels have been removed. 4 people dropping houses at once will destroy all the items.
    4: Put a distance requirement from barrel to get items. While testing, I ran around doing damage to some barrels all around luna, I then started in Brit and was still getting items from the luna ones when the barrels were destroyed by someone else.
    1 Why shouldnt skill make a different? It makes a different everywhere else so why not on Idocs?

    2 Why, so everyoe but one can stand next to a barrel while one char kills the last fence? Not sure what you think the outcome of this would be, time to get more shars gated in? It will only take some extra time to no benefit if your not having some idea that it will help in felucca, but it wont the strongest group of player will win as it is today. With vvv it can change with statloss timer a few times though.

    3 Only a problem on test

    4 Only a problem on test, or maybe a nice way to get loot if raided. Could be intentional, making it so that if you are killed, then res and leaves or stand a bit away you will still get loot from the barrels you attacked.
  • RafmanRafman Posts: 28
    Few things I see need changing:
    1: The wrestling mastery alone destroys the barrels. I can destroy them within a few hits with the templete I use. They need to make it so none of the skills work on the barrels. Everyone should do the same amount of damage no matter what they do.
    2: Change it so the fence area needs to be destroyed before you can attack the barrels with items in it. 
    3: Fix the house placement timer to start after ALL the barrels have been removed. 4 people dropping houses at once will destroy all the items.
    4: Put a distance requirement from barrel to get items. While testing, I ran around doing damage to some barrels all around luna, I then started in Brit and was still getting items from the luna ones when the barrels were destroyed by someone else.
    Some good insights. A few comments:

    1. Agreed 100% - skill shouldn't matter, ideally. If wrestling matters - why not allow to cast spells at barrels, or use weapons, or other such things. I think it should be even for everyone. Unless there's some logical reason why they want idoc'ers to be wrestlers now, which i'm missing. Seems like it was just an oversight - so i hope they fix. If you do give any type of advantage to wrestling (or dex, or str, or HCI, etc) - it should be absolutely MINIMAL. Make it so a tamer with 0 wrestling/hci/10 dex can still do an idoc - vs being a necessity to switch to his wrestler to have a shot. Idocs have never been template specific - it shouldn't start today.

    2. Don't like your suggestion at all. I think finding the right tiles to squeeze into first should give you the edge. If everyone is on south side - and you destroy barrel on north side first and can rush in first - great, advantage you. It also makes it harder for scripters to all amass in center, if they have to fit through a path of 1 or 2 destroyed barrel - vs waiting for whole area to clear and then they can just rush all their chars in at once easily.

    3. This i like, with a slight change to suggest. I think timer should still start as soon as house falls - but the last 5mins-10mins of the timer won't finalize until last barrel removed. So say a timer was going to take 1 hour - if you clear all the barrels in 10mins - great, 50 more mins = 1 hour and you can place. If you wait 7 hours to clear the barrels - great 7 hours + 5-10 mins after last barrel removed - you can place. It helps reduce some of the placement timers - which are too long already anyways. 

    4. Yes absolutely. You should be within range to pick the barrel up. Think that's up to 2 tiles away, maybe 3. Anything more - too bad. I'm sure this is a bug they intend to fix - keeping it as is would be ridiculous. 
  • I think skills shouldn't matter at all. 
  • Chrille said:
    1 Why shouldnt skill make a different? It makes a different everywhere else so why not on Idocs?

    2 Why, so everyoe but one can stand next to a barrel while one char kills the last fence? Not sure what you think the outcome of this would be, time to get more shars gated in? It will only take some extra time to no benefit if your not having some idea that it will help in felucca, but it wont the strongest group of player will win as it is today. With vvv it can change with statloss timer a few times though.

    3 Only a problem on test

    4 Only a problem on test, or maybe a nice way to get loot if raided. Could be intentional, making it so that if you are killed, then res and leaves or stand a bit away you will still get loot from the barrels you attacked.
    1: So people cant run to each barrel, hit it once and wait for the rewards. Will take about 30 seconds and they will just collect the items at home.

    2:How many items can you think of that you cant walk through unless u pick it up, ie bagballs. A scriptor can just have an ej accounts contsantly adding bagballs to the 1 tile that they entered stopping everyone to get through that tile unless u pick them up or break a way in anyways.

    3: If its a problem on test, it will be a problem on production shards. The system is just copied over. 

    4: All they would need to do is attack each barrel for so much damage and wait for them to be destroyed at their house. The items will constantly be added to their pack as they clear it out.. Doesnt matter if u cant hold the items 1 by 1 they will be added as you make room so you basically could get a whole house by urself just by others destroying barrels and sorting everything from your home as it gets added to pack.
  • ChrilleChrille Posts: 217
    1 Test shard problem on a prod shard all barrrels will be hit by1-3 people I guess and will be gone in 20 sec or so.

    2 Well you get a hole at the same speed as the other players so to block everywhere will be difficult.

    3 On production shards player will empty the plot in 10 min if very slow. Shortest timer to place is 30 min.

    4 How few people do you think will attend at an idoc at prod shard? If you are 2 or more that hit a barrel its up to getting looting rights and the loot will be split, how do you think you will end up getting all.  After hitting 5 barrels the first ones are  probably destroyed and you cant hit anymore until you unload. 
  • GaretjaxGaretjax Posts: 36
    edited February 2020
    Findings from my testing so far on TC1...(still want to try a few things)  @Kyronix ; @Mesanna

    It looks as though you have to actually do enough damage to get "looting" rights on barrels in order to get loot from them.  I haven't found a way to "heal" the barrels yet. So this could be a "troll" tactic going and hitting barrels until they are about to explode and then stop.

    Referring to the last point, I can see someone replying "but why would anyone do this" ... Well, I also tested how far away can you be in order to get loot.  So we found some barrels and I did enough damage to get looting rights and then I ran away (at minimum 20 screens, but still one the same subserver) and still got loot from the barrel.  This would allow for people to go do damage, run to plots that they have placed near by, have some sort of script setup to "organize" ANY item that would be place in bag. PLEASE NOTE - I DO NOT PLAY EC, SO I AM SURE THERE IS SOMETHING THAT CAN BE DONE IN THERE TO DO THIS LEGALLY. Put it into a secure and rinse and repeat.  

    We also tested character dying for the above point.  Where the person does enough damage, then runs to a plot.  Then the looters have someone there to kill them, they then kill the barrel, the loot spam will come on the left side and then the character logs off and logs onto a new "newbie" character but yet still on a main account.  This can be done over and over in order to get however many barrels or characters they can have given the fact the loot goes into their backpacks.

    You can deal extra damage to the barrels using Death Strike.  I was seeing around 20 extra damage to the barrels after the Death Strike timer ran out, usually a 16 damage proc onto the barrel.

    I did not get to try to Wrestling mastery level 3 out but I am sure it would work given it is wrestling and not actually a spell.

    I did test the Alchemical bracers (hit lightning bracers) every time that the lightning would "proc" you would get a message saying that your spell can not deal damage, but also your wrestling hit that caused the proc would not do damage either.  I was expecting a 1-12 wrestling hit plus a lightning damage hit on top of that.

    I DID NOT see ANY type of materials at all, I was expecting maybe them be in "commodity deeds" which would be awesome,

    I did get put over weight a few times due to Rubble and the random weights of it.  

    I DID NOT get to see any "fences" and I was able to be mounted during any hitting of barrels and etc, so I am not sure if after a certain amount of time you allow that to happen or it just wasn't in testing yet.  

    I believe that these changes will help against some things, but I am worrying that some items that are the same ID's as those of material's or some sort of EM Items will be deleted in this process.  Also I question what about mannequins/vendors and their goods? Do they get put into barrels as well or do they just poof?   What about goza mats :) they are terrible IMO haha    I would've thought you could've brought a useless skill to life such as Item ID or something in that nature in these changes.

    I will continue to test anything I can think of but here's to a new era of IDOC's.
  • I decided to do a little testing. My concerns so far are:

    1. Skill does not seem to affect the passive damage, but it seems with having skill you land more critical strikes on the barrel doing 10-12 damage for that hit. Dexterity will be a must for faster swing.

    2. I watched a few people wack on barrels for several minutes and ran up to each hitting only 2-3 times total and received half of the loot for each barrel I hardly damaged. 

    So far I think something should be done regarding the critical strikes and faster swing speed to even the playing field. Also, something needs to be done to properly reward the person doing the majority damage to the barrel. Otherwise, we are gonna have a bunch of people running around hitting everything 2 or three times with several characters and backing off waiting for the rewards. 

    Why fit in when you were born to stand out? -Dr. Seuss
  • ChrilleChrille Posts: 217
    In horrific beast form and wrestling mastery III using 100 di suite, with wre, ana and tac skills at gm or higher you hit for 11 to 48 damage and the barrel dies in 7-10 hits with max swingspeed it takes around 15 sec to destroy a barrel.
  • Chrille said:
    In horrific beast form and wrestling mastery III using 100 di suite, with wre, ana and tac skills at gm or higher you hit for 11 to 48 damage and the barrel dies in 7-10 hits with max swingspeed it takes around 15 sec to destroy a barrel.
    Now do you agree with me?
  • IvenorIvenor Posts: 1,216
    I think skills shouldn't matter at all. 

  • GraceGrace Posts: 148
    Just curious, for all of you folks saying skills should not matter.  IDOCS drop loot yes? 
    Where else in the game do you need zero skills to get loot? Can someone go do a champ 
    spawn and other monster bashing with no skills? Or craft items with no skills, or collect resources with no skills? How about PVP?

    Why should IDOCS be special? It is loot pure and simple.

    Also, why worry about new players with no skills anyway. Shouldn't they be busy training up skills
    and learning the game, not trying to get rich quick by doing IDOCS?

    In fact, a TRUE new player won't even know about IDOCS. They will be busy collecting everything they can from the spawn in New Haven and having a blast learning.  Do we forget what that was like?

    If a tweak is needed then that makes sense to look into.  But to say no skill at all?

    As a side note, I was really hoping some risk to players would be involved, like the barrels 
    doing repel damage back or spawning creatures to contend with.

    Sounds like people just want free loot dropped in their pack for just logging in......

  • jelinidasjelinidas Posts: 352
    You have 7 char slots. You have not one that you can do IDOCs with? Char setups SHOULD make a difference. 
  • I for 1 love the new idoc changes and hope we get them on all shards......seems fair to me, and well as far as Fel goes, my feeling is, when in Fel anything goes, you know the risk when you go there......
  • poppspopps Posts: 4,007
    Grace said:
    Just curious, for all of you folks saying skills should not matter.  IDOCS drop loot yes? 
    Where else in the game do you need zero skills to get loot? Can someone go do a champ 
    spawn and other monster bashing with no skills? Or craft items with no skills, or collect resources with no skills? How about PVP?

    Why should IDOCS be special? It is loot pure and simple.

    Also, why worry about new players with no skills anyway. Shouldn't they be busy training up skills
    and learning the game, not trying to get rich quick by doing IDOCS?

    In fact, a TRUE new player won't even know about IDOCS. They will be busy collecting everything they can from the spawn in New Haven and having a blast learning.  Do we forget what that was like?

    If a tweak is needed then that makes sense to look into.  But to say no skill at all?

    As a side note, I was really hoping some risk to players would be involved, like the barrels 
    doing repel damage back or spawning creatures to contend with.

    Sounds like people just want free loot dropped in their pack for just logging in......

    The point is not having skills "per se", the point is about players ending up competing for an IDOC loot.

    If skills are factored in, guess what ? 

    IDOCs' loot will be ending up with those who already have the most..... because they would obviously have characters more developed, scrolled up, btter geared up with expensive items...

    The players who instead just joined Ultima Online or perhaps returned to it after time away, would be at a gross disadvantage.

    Now, with the regular, ordinary spawn this would be within the normal things of the game but IDOCs, which are a "bonus", a "plus" to players, could really be used by the Developers to "leverage" and "even out" players in an attempt to re-distribute the IDOCs' wealth to ALL players' characters,, included those weaker and poorer in Ultima Online.....

    But in such a case, to my viewing at least, then ALL players at an IDOC should be set by the related mechanics with their odds as equal, regarding whether they are experienced or nor, wealthy or not.

    Only in such a way, IDOCs' wealth could be used to benefit at least somewhat also new and returning players whose characters might more in nrrd of IDOCs' loot as compared to older, more advanced ones.

    At least, that is how I would like to see it for the better sake of Ultima Online as a whole to try enlarge its players' base and not have new or returning players, after 2-4 weeks quit playing althougether because the GAP with existing, more advanced players looks to them as too wide to be covered in a reasonable time.
  • SkettSkett Posts: 1,464
    Just curious has anyone tried beating on play lock down barrels to make sure no bugs or exploits 
  • IvenorIvenor Posts: 1,216
    jelinidas said:
    You have 7 char slots. You have not one that you can do IDOCs with? Char setups SHOULD make a difference. 

    I could agree only up to 100 Points GM level, the one that everyone can reach with pure training without having to fork out tens or hundred of millions for Scrolls.
  • poppspopps Posts: 4,007
    Ivenor said:
    jelinidas said:
    You have 7 char slots. You have not one that you can do IDOCs with? Char setups SHOULD make a difference. 

    I could agree only up to 100 Points GM level, the one that everyone can reach with pure training without having to fork out tens or hundred of millions for Scrolls.
    I concur.
  • PolarisPolaris Posts: 106
    edited March 2020
    As it is right now everyone is going to be in Horrific Beast mode anyway. You are just going to have 50 giant blue beasts at castle IDOCs......... nobody is going to be able to see anything except for scripts programmed to hit "item ID - barrel" or something similar with EC, which I would never play.... we would never change from the CC.

    Horrific beast should not be allowed. I too would prefer wrestling and skills not to count, I would just rather use my IDOC character that has stealth/hiding who can go to fel. I never want to join or be a part of any guilds that pvp.... two of those guilds are a huge part of the scripting problem and I would never think of playing with them. If I am solo and have to have 100 wrestling, anatomy, tactics, and 60 necro (horrific beast for Tram), with wrestling primer active (cannot use stealth primer for whisper).... it just doesn't make sense for stealthers in Fel anymore.

    In Fel, you should be able to use whatever skills allowed you to survive / fight before. How is an "idoc" character going to compete in pvp? They won't... the guilds will be PvP'ing and using bots or something to hit the barrels while they defend them. Just my thoughts. I would take the skill out of it, let every character hit the barrels for the same damage. Whoever is at the IDOC shares the loot..... if not the gold website guy will get it all, because he has 100 wrestling 3 primers and 120 power scrolls already. We have 0 of each......... just saying.
  • the barrel punching needs adjusted. the way it works currently excludes certain templates. make it so that you don't have to disarm and weapons and bare hands deal the exact same ammount of damage regardless whether the player has tactics or anatomy on their template.
    Max are you seriously asking to be able to hold your weapons of choice while hitting barrels so you can still hit approaching players with those same weapons, because that's what it sounds like ? I would be fine with that, but make the durability of wpns drop to the point of unrepairable. Afterall you're beating on a steel and wooden barrel for 2 minutes non stop. :P

    Yes I am and for a good reason too.
    You should see it the other way around: if any warrior punching a barrel will have to disarm that leaves them completely vulnerable to attacks by other warriors and the only templates that can do idocs then is wrestling templates. Kinda unfair to all the rest of them isn't it?
  • Pub 108 destroyed barrel at IDOC drops a non moveable statue in my bag

    I cannot remove or move this statue. The house was at the position as shown in radar map.

    Please provide a tool which can delete such items. Maybe an option at the trash cans at the banks. The statue has no weight.

    I had tried to create a new thread about this but got the following error message during storing.

  • MariahMariah Posts: 3,170Moderator
    edited March 2020
    You in fact created 6 threads, but since the devs want all the feedback in one thread, I have removed them all after seeing you have also posted in the correct location
  • Petra_FydePetra_Fyde Posts: 1,440
    This instance of the test center was set up for Felucca testing, but I haven't seen any posts about anyone fighting over a fel idoc on test, only theories about how it might go.  Did anyone attend a pvp IDOC?

    There doesn't seem to be any rule against having a weapon in your pack. Can you not arm up and defend yourself it someone attacks you? 
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