Evasion, splinter and pvp problems



  • CetricCetric Posts: 152
    its ok guys.  christmas decorations are coming.  :|
  • LearnMeLearnMe Posts: 43
    I thought these forums were for us to have a chance at some feedback on the topics discussed.  How tough is some simple acknowledgement and maybe a line about whether changes are somewhere on your discussion board between a new ugly mount and a new flower to put on my steps?
  • CetricCetric Posts: 152
    this thread alone has nearly 2,000 views since its creation.  I've heard from many players simple sitting on the outskirts just waiting for a reason to be invested again.
  • BleakBleak Posts: 143Dev
    We hear your concerns and will be looking at potential solutions. We look forward to continuing this conversation and iterating over potential ideas.  
  • UrgeUrge Posts: 1,308
    Bleak said:
    We hear your concerns and will be looking at potential solutions. We look forward to continuing this conversation and iterating over potential ideas.  

    A general timeline would be most helpful if it's a couple weeks or 6 months. This needs heavy talks as evasion changes will affect pvm.

  • BenelliBenelli Posts: 28
    Urge sorry to hear your PVM concerns but if a moderator could take action to keep this forum pertaining to the issues regarding pvp. 
    Mods quick to nail off topic issues everywhere else it seems.!
    but yes urge does make a point that a timeline would be ideal!
  • UrgeUrge Posts: 1,308
    Benelli said:
    Urge sorry to hear your PVM concerns but if a moderator could take action to keep this forum pertaining to the issues regarding pvp. 
    Mods quick to nail off topic issues everywhere else it seems.!
    but yes urge does make a point that a timeline would be ideal!

    Being inconsiderate of every other aspect of the game is why the pvp community has rarely been taken seriously and concerns are more often than not, neglected for endless time periods.

    The issue is evasion, parry and splinter. Changes to 2 major skills will affect the entire game if not heavily discussed and well planned out.

    The mods close discussions with off topic uncivilized feet stomping. A well thought out discussion pertaining to the mechanics of the entire game would be welcome.

    I happen to be one of the ones on the sidelines awaiting changes before pvping again. It's rather stale at the moment.

  • BenelliBenelli Posts: 28
    Stale because 90% of the field is 850+ skills running evasion/parry with Casting and wep skill with ninja to focus attack 60% splinter spam. The fact that someone can hit 1 button and evade over 2-300 points of damage is quietly absurd and if it’s not going to get changed at least lengthen the cooldown of using it. All of the proposed evasion changes wouldn’t greatly detriment evasion/parry but make it less overpowered in both pvp and pve. Sampires have been overturned for quite some time as well. Plenty of awesome suggestions to build off of to come up with a great solution. 
    I think splintering should have a cap of 30% and focus attack should not jump it to 60. 
    On the talks of it last YEAR they nerfed splintering putting a cooldown on the bleed effect, when it needed a cooldown on the slow walk rather than bleed so you don’t get spam splintered 4,5,6 times during the duration that you are disarmed. 
    I also think there should be a soft cooldown of toggling abilities/procing splintering after casting a spell/teleporting. Have people teleporting one time to you from nam on your screen toggling focus attack and have a 60% chance to slow/bleed. 

    Now the issue with skill stacking
    When they nerfed splintering they also attempted to nerf high skilled characters by trying to Use the discord skill to cause the player to lose those skills for a duration. Though it may have made some logical sense on paper I guess—it truely was useless and has had no effect on the issue at hand.

    shatter potions 
    take it how you will. Kind of an annoyance but potions are potions. If you put a cooldown to not allow a smoke bomb/hide toggled after throwing one for a short period this won’t be a huge issue as the biggest use is when there are a de stealthers running around throwing these in large group fights.

    I don’t know a good fix to this besides putting a longer cooldown on evasion. Or re work how much damage is absorded. (Ie absorbs most damage with pure dexxer characters vs hybrid mage, or absorbs based on skill points..720 skill points absorbs as normal and scales down from there.) maybe nerf parry to those using a weapon and not to those using a shield. 

    I think this got out of hand when all these 9+ mod armor and jewelry started dropping. Jewels with 30/45 skills with casting, hci/dci and Ep made these templates viable. 
    Now we have had the hot fix with these legendaries not dropping, causing a select few people/groups to still maintain the pre patch pieces, and you either have to 1) spend an enormous amount to get it from the people that have it or 2) be obsolete not running 800+ skills. 
    Then you pair The insane legendaries with awesome max swing 1.25sec 30% splintering weapons/30% spell channeling weapons and it’s just absurd. 
    Now I don’t know if there is a way to scale back theese pieces or increase the durability rate of the armor to need repaired faster to eventually get them to decay and balance the pre patch armor with the current armor dropping is a solution—but something needs to be done. 
    Now I am one that has quite a few of these legendaries and along with people on this forum, and I admit that it is a huge issue but it has been put off for so long that if u can’t beat it join it. 

    Finally— after the nerf on pets after the awesme taming patch. They have been over nerfed and never re adjusted to accommodate the over nerf. It’s realistically a waste of skill points in most pvp scenarios in the current day. Let’s re tune this to make it viable again. 

    Look forward to discussing more once @Bleak gives us some more information. 
  • UrgeUrge Posts: 1,308

    See, that wasn't so hard to have a well thought out and useful post.

    I also agree we didn't have these problems before the high skill increase items came about. PvP was absolutely broken at the moment these items came into play.

    Splintering weapons could be changed to % bonebreaker and still remain valuable while being useful. (After the frenzied whirlwind era, I'm not a fan of forced walk at all)

    Shatters I can also agree with. I have stacks of potions in home and bank so it really doesn't bother me as it would some.

    Focus attack could simply be tied with hiding and stealth as deathstrike damage is. That would be the most simple of fixes and allow those that play the template in the pure form the ability to retain the full benefits.

    Evasion you could not allow Bushido with another school of magic or FC gets dropped to 1 or 0. This would also allow those that play the template in pure form the benefits. This would also have no outcome with samps as I know none that rely on FC. Or you could put evasion into a healing stone type where one would have to utilize timing and skill to use.

    Parry could be tied with a wep skill or wrestling or anatomy.

    I very much agree on the tamer overnerf. The tamer mage is among my most favorite templates to play.

    I am a huge fan on allowing full benefits or even a bonus to those that play templates as they were meant to be. There should be a downfall for playing an unnatural evading necro mystic parry nerve strike mage.

  • ezikelezikel Posts: 90

    • the spam of splinter with or without focus attack for 0 mana and its bleed and slow you !! add timer ,mana cost on proc and not working with focus attack
    • op gear that only a small % can buy .delete them or make it drop again
    • tamer useless in pvp. the only person who plays tamer is not because are strong but only fun to play. a lttle buff can help alot
    • magery mastery on pet only make pet froze and spam death ray .maybe delete the spell from the list
    • archer cant kill barely anyone with parry
    • riding swipe it should only be heal the damage received by the hit, not all the damage that follows
    • 4/6 remove curse should be slow down
    • a bokuto , a woodand sword ,hit faster,hit harder that any other swords and paralyze a little bit stupid
    • they dont really ave any difference between the minimum skill vs 120 .60 or 120 tactic change nothing
    • the timer on nova need to be remove
    • wall in open field need a timer
    • evade need a tune down
    • shatter pot need to be deleted
    • when you teleports, you should not be able to swing a hit straight away
    • remove parry from the restriction list for pure mage
    • make scrib usefull again
    • but I believe the three things to do first evade, timer on splintering and remove shatter pot
  • CetricCetric Posts: 152
    edited October 2019
    I'm sick of seeing people say skill points in templates is an issue.  It isn't.  This has all been well outlined.  More skill creates additional template divserity, it's the 60 splint and hybrid evasion that's a primary issue. 

    Make focus attack not double splinter

    Put a cooldown on the splinter walk effect

    Make evasion absorb less or bush/parry less effective for a char that can cast spells.  Evasion was fine and should be left alone for 1 tile dexers, it's when it blended into mages, fisters and mystics that it got pretty dumb.

    Make shatter pots resistable based on resisting spells skill, scaled where they are now being 0 resist to nothing at 120 resist (or like 1%)

    Agree on pets.  I think their current damage reduction is 30%.  Leave that in place for pets that cast ranged spells (mage/Myst/necro) and reduce to 15-20% for melee pets.
  • UrgeUrge Posts: 1,308
    Cetric said:
    I'm sick of seeing people say skill points in templates is an issue.  It isn't.  This has all been well outlined.  More skill creates additional template divserity, it's the 60 splint and hybrid evasion that's a primary issue. 

    Such diversity there are calls to nerf 2 skills because everyone has it now. You never had hybrid evasion problems until---wait for it---plus skill allowed it to happen.

    You've played long enough to know how this is going to go. Bushido and parry nerfed. The next op fotm is formed. 3/4 of the community copies it because that's what they do. Everyone then calls for those skills to be nerfed. Rinse/repeat.

    I'd rather not go one by one down the list nerfing every skill because it can now fit on a template.

  • ezikelezikel Posts: 90
    Cetric said:
    I'm sick of seeing people say skill points in templates is an issue.  It isn't.  This has all been well outlined.  More skill creates additional template divserity, it's the 60 splint and hybrid evasion that's a primary issue. 

    Make focus attack not double splinter

    Put a cooldown on the splinter walk effect

    Make evasion absorb less or bush/parry less effective for a char that can cast spells.  Evasion was fine and should be left alone for 1 tile dexers, it's when it blended into mages, fisters and mystics that it got pretty dumb.

    Make shatter pots resistable based on resisting spells skill, scaled where they are now being 0 resist to nothing at 120 resist (or like 1%)

    Agree on pets.  I think their current damage reduction is 30%.  Leave that in place for pets that cast ranged spells (mage/Myst/necro) and reduce to 15-20% for melee pets.
    skill point increase is not the problem .its more that some player ave access to sick gear that not drop anymore.
    no one talk about that , but all this start after they change de spell damage increase 15 to 20
  • CetricCetric Posts: 152
    edited October 2019
    Urge said:
    Cetric said:
    I'm sick of seeing people say skill points in templates is an issue.  It isn't.  This has all been well outlined.  More skill creates additional template divserity, it's the 60 splint and hybrid evasion that's a primary issue. 

    Such diversity there are calls to nerf 2 skills because everyone has it now. You never had hybrid evasion problems until---wait for it---plus skill allowed it to happen.

    You've played long enough to know how this is going to go. Bushido and parry nerfed. The next op fotm is formed. 3/4 of the community copies it because that's what they do. Everyone then calls for those skills to be nerfed. Rinse/repeat.

    I'd rather not go one by one down the list nerfing every skill because it can now fit on a template.

    i mean you aren't wrong - uo has a long long history of evolving in pvp.  I'd say it used to be more common place because new features/stuff/skills were released.  I'd actually go as far as to say UO is as balanced as its ever been MAYBE with some minor tweaks getting it even closer.  I'll admit though, i dunno what you see with them hurt, but I think you see more lively casting offense, with less defense.  i think you see less reliance on splintering, and i think you see more people playing fun characters rather than "lets see what i can cram around resist/bush/parry/weap skill/tactics/ninja"

    I still don't think more skill is the issue.  Yes that is where people put their skills but it doesn't have to go there, and skill bonus cramming just makes things alot more interesting.  people had evasion mages during the imbuing suit era but they didnt play them because they were mostly garbage offensively compared to other options, and the high defense wasnt needed (splintering wasnt a problem).  The cause an effect convo is interesting because if you hit defense hard, offense rises and vice versa, thats why I see hitting evade on casters and splinter at the same time as a nice balancing act.  I think people gravitate towards the most defensive things they could build because they had to, and then they worked as much offense behind it as they could.

    On the item thing - You don't need crazy gear to take advantage of 99% of the stuff you can run, or that most people run.  After a bit of time its actually fairly obvious how quickly the new 8 mod loot table is having an effect (for the positive) as far as building chars that don't go too far.

    I think mostly im just real bored with current uo meta (alot of people show they are) and ready for something to get behind.  Hell make a mini publish with some minor changes to splinter and casting skill/evade, shatter pots, make scrolls shard bound (or new item that is that is fought over) and push out a VvV super revamp and you'd have a lot of peoples attention.

  • CetricCetric Posts: 152
    edited October 2019
    One thing I think is funny is evade versus warcry from bushido mastery.  Evasion is much more powerful with a 25 second cooldown.  Warcry is weak, with a 20 minues cooldown, and the need for mastery/real skill lol.  They almost should be flipped but that would be a major pvm change.

    I think what has been mentioned makes just enough difference to freshen up those templates, without diminishing their usage entirely.  Splinter is an important function in the game now but it's over relied on in some cases, as is evasion:

    -Make a 20-30s immunity to splinter bleed and walk

    -Make it so focus attack does not double splinter

    -Differentiate player versus monster damage so evasion changes do not effect pvm.  IF player damage  reduce chance of evade proc or something.  Potentially only to caster templates, leaving pvm evasion unchanged.

    With these changes the current template flavor would be unchanged, you could still own on a bok mage, but mmmmayyybbeee people wouldnt feel the desire to cram as much defense as they can throw at a char and then worry about their offense, and would start opening up their minds to more fun characters.  

    I'd love to get in on a broad discussion of PvP inducing ideas, such as what could be done to enhance vvv, things to fight over (like power scrolls were/sort of are still) but I'm sure that is a whole other topic to dive into.  The bottom line is, when PvP has a goal, or an item to gain/defend, it enhanced your options.  But simple things can go a long way like vvv mount color options, town buffs in fel, properly functioning rankings, dungeon content, town control, you name it.

  • ezikelezikel Posts: 90
    Cetric said:
    One thing I think is funny is evade versus warcry from bushido mastery.  Evasion is much more powerful with a 25 second cooldown.  Warcry is weak, with a 20 minues cooldown, and the need for mastery/real skill lol.  They almost should be flipped but that would be a major pvm change.

    I think what has been mentioned makes just enough difference to freshen up those templates, without diminishing their usage entirely.  Splinter is an important function in the game now but it's over relied on in some cases, as is evasion:

    -Make a 20-30s immunity to splinter bleed and walk

    -Make it so focus attack does not double splinter

    -Differentiate player versus monster damage so evasion changes do not effect pvm.  IF player damage  reduce chance of evade proc or something.  Potentially only to caster templates, leaving pvm evasion unchanged.

    With these changes the current template flavor would be unchanged, you could still own on a bok mage, but mmmmayyybbeee people wouldnt feel the desire to cram as much defense as they can throw at a char and then worry about their offense, and would start opening up their minds to more fun characters.  

    I'd love to get in on a broad discussion of PvP inducing ideas, such as what could be done to enhance vvv, things to fight over (like power scrolls were/sort of are still) but I'm sure that is a whole other topic to dive into.  The bottom line is, when PvP has a goal, or an item to gain/defend, it enhanced your options.  But simple things can go a long way like vvv mount color options, town buffs in fel, properly functioning rankings, dungeon content, town control, you name it.

    i agree with all this fix maybe its help to make pvp more fun.I'd love to get more vvv stuff mini event anythings that not just run around yew.

    for the broken gear 9 + mod .its not because someone with only 8 mod gear cant make on hybrid .you can make bok mage pretty easy but your going to be low somewhere.vs someone with 9+mod that going to ave all dmi sdi ep 2/6 hic dci name it all caped.
  • UrgeUrge Posts: 1,308
    Cetric said:
    With these changes the current template flavor would be unchanged, you could still own on a bok mage, but mmmmayyybbeee people wouldnt feel the desire to cram as much defense as they can throw at a char and then worry about their offense, and would start opening up their minds to more fun characters.  

    I'd love to get in on a broad discussion of PvP inducing ideas, such as what could be done to enhance vvv, things to fight over (like power scrolls were/sort of are still) but I'm sure that is a whole other topic to dive into.  The bottom line is, when PvP has a goal, or an item to gain/defend, it enhanced your options.  But simple things can go a long way like vvv mount color options, town buffs in fel, properly functioning rankings, dungeon content, town control, you name it.

    People play what is visually effective. 85% of the pvpers essentially copycat because they've seen someone else play it well. There are select few that think outside the box like yourself playing the archer mage during the alchy-parry stage.

    The offense/defense cycle we've had is exactly why we need heavy discussion to get it right the first time or else we'll be stuck with another fruity fotm for 6 months or more due to the team having project timelines.

    Oh and I've had a thread up for a couple weeks on VvV discussions. You guys should chime in! 

  • MerusMerus Posts: 656
    The issue with +skill, IMO, is it allows too many synergies without an associated sacrifice.  Does it open up diversity, sure it does... but frankly it also allows optimized templates that just shouldn’t exist.  Much of the conversation revolves around effect 1 being combine with effect 2 being combined with effect 3.  Now we want to nerf effect 3 if xyz skill is used or add a cool down to effect 2, or ... etc.

    I definitely agree that some things need a tweak... shatter pots, repeated slow walk from splinter, etc.  However I also believe that a hard cap on skill increase needs to be considered.  One, given the solution regarding gear (i.e. it’s not dropping anymore) there needs to be a balance between what is attainable and what people already have.  Two, there is less need to nerf effects if said templates already sacrifice something to begin with.
  • CetricCetric Posts: 152
    edited October 2019
    Merus said:
    The issue with +skill, IMO, is it allows too many synergies without an associated sacrifice.  Does it open up diversity, sure it does... but frankly it also allows optimized templates that just shouldn’t exist.  Much of the conversation revolves around effect 1 being combine with effect 2 being combined with effect 3.  Now we want to nerf effect 3 if xyz skill is used or add a cool down to effect 2, or ... etc.

    I definitely agree that some things need a tweak... shatter pots, repeated slow walk from splinter, etc.  However I also believe that a hard cap on skill increase needs to be considered.  One, given the solution regarding gear (i.e. it’s not dropping anymore) there needs to be a balance between what is attainable and what people already have.  Two, there is less need to nerf effects if said templates already sacrifice something to begin with.
    When you stack skill bonus you sacrifice the small things that get overlooked.  Primary thing is stats and damage, but then residual things like eaters, maxing regens and cf.  It's just right now ppl gravitate towards the skill bonus side of things and overlook the others in favor of fast high dmg weaps like bokutos.

    The other dilemma in capping skill bonus is how you would deal with an item that has say +15 vet and +15 peacemaking on it adding Into your "cap".  I've made a couple 820-850 skill chars, it's mainly mage types since they don't need alot of the other mods,and let me tell ya they definitly sacrificed something along the way to get there, be it stats, defense, regens, etc.

    Capping skill bonus is also a method of alienating alot of players hard created suits, valuable items, things like that.  I can say with some certainty that most people desire changes that are more subtle rather than "well ok all my chars need changed guess I'll get to it some other time"

    Here's another weird theory: 1v1ing took a back page to group v group and people saying "1v1s suck" because everyone forced themselves into defensive temps with offensive liabilities to combat splinter and stuff.  I think you make some of those adjustments in the beginning and that makes a slight comeback, and skill bonus stacking and the like sort of naturally balances back down due to the "need" not feeling there for some people.
  • MerusMerus Posts: 656
    Cetric said:
    Merus said:
    The issue with +skill, IMO, is it allows too many synergies without an associated sacrifice.  Does it open up diversity, sure it does... but frankly it also allows optimized templates that just shouldn’t exist.  Much of the conversation revolves around effect 1 being combine with effect 2 being combined with effect 3.  Now we want to nerf effect 3 if xyz skill is used or add a cool down to effect 2, or ... etc.

    I definitely agree that some things need a tweak... shatter pots, repeated slow walk from splinter, etc.  However I also believe that a hard cap on skill increase needs to be considered.  One, given the solution regarding gear (i.e. it’s not dropping anymore) there needs to be a balance between what is attainable and what people already have.  Two, there is less need to nerf effects if said templates already sacrifice something to begin with.
    When you stack skill bonus you sacrifice the small things that get overlooked.  Primary thing is stats and damage, but then residual things like eaters, maxing regens and cf.  It's just right now ppl gravitate towards the skill bonus side of things and overlook the others in favor of fast high dmg weaps like bokutos.

    The other dilemma in capping skill bonus is how you would deal with an item that has say +15 vet and +15 peacemaking on it adding Into your "cap".  I've made a couple 820-850 skill chars, it's mainly mage types since they don't need alot of the other mods,and let me tell ya they definitly sacrificed something along the way to get there, be it stats, defense, regens, etc.

    Capping skill bonus is also a method of alienating alot of players hard created suits, valuable items, things like that.  I can say with some certainty that most people desire changes that are more subtle rather than "well ok all my chars need changed guess I'll get to it some other time"

    Here's another weird theory: 1v1ing took a back page to group v group and people saying "1v1s suck" because everyone forced themselves into defensive temps with offensive liabilities to combat splinter and stuff.  I think you make some of those adjustments in the beginning and that makes a slight comeback, and skill bonus stacking and the like sort of naturally balances back down due to the "need" not feeling there for some people.
    You make some valid points and for some it would not be an easy change.

    With the extreme gear that was/is out there, the right suit pieces on an 780-800 skill character sacrifice very little... a few stat points or regens don’t amount to much when you’re running near 400 stat points.  I know every little bit matters, but it’s not like giving up parry to get focus attack would be.

    With the loot changes the skill cap may eventually not be an issue anymore once some of the really extreme pieces get used up, but the current situation of some having extreme gear that no longer is attainable creates an inherent imbalance.  There would definitely have to be some thought given to the order in which skill increase items are added if the skill increase exceeds the cap.  No matter what is chosen it would likely leave some players a bit sore for a while... however those are the same players who’ve had a nice advantage for a while now so it balances out IMO.
  • CetricCetric Posts: 152
    FYI - 50+ skill jewels still drop, just with an 8 mod cap.  So at most compared to the 10-12 mod jewels that fell, you can still easily roll on the mods you needed and still only sacrifice things like stats.  I get what your saying, but i don't think the net gain is very large compared to the inherent problems it causes, people it ticks off, etc.  Like what would you set a cap at? i dont even know, but if some of the players issues are more template variety by hoping bush/parry/ninja gets used less, then ripping down their template options via skill increase changes has the opposite effect.
  • MerusMerus Posts: 656
    Cetric said:
    FYI - 50+ skill jewels still drop, just with an 8 mod cap.  So at most compared to the 10-12 mod jewels that fell, you can still easily roll on the mods you needed and still only sacrifice things like stats.  I get what your saying, but i don't think the net gain is very large compared to the inherent problems it causes, people it ticks off, etc.  Like what would you set a cap at? i dont even know, but if some of the players issues are more template variety by hoping bush/parry/ninja gets used less, then ripping down their template options via skill increase changes has the opposite effect.
    I’m honestly not sure exactly how to best limit it without some well thought out math and discussion.  At first pass I would throw out something like +80, but with no more than +20 in any skill that has a mastery.  Skills like Magery, Bushido, Parry, Ninjia, Swords, etc would mostly require real skill, which I think would limit some template abuse.  Obviously just one idea though.
  • CodyCody Posts: 30
    Any update on a timeline @bleak?
  • CazadorCazador Posts: 83
    Change evasion to be a % of damage like how mana shield works. (Cannot  be stacked)

    Remove shatters completely. Or change the way they work. (Can’t hide for 15 seconds after, can’t be in animal form, they’re not strategic..they’re for trolling)

    Give The SDI cap back. You already sacrifice so much defense. So it’s basically a useless template as it sits. Trade off. High damage no defense. Right now it’s Low-medium damage no defense.

    Splinter ideas:
    -Remove splinter from working with focus attack
    -Have splinter proc cost 20 mana pre-lmc/combat skill check.
    -Add a 3 second weapon special wait.
    -Remove splinter from procing with ALL weapon specials.
    (Or any combination together)

    I keep reading..but it’ll affect PvM etc etc. 90% of  damage/caps etc have differing outcomes if it’s PvM or PvP. I don’t see how them leaving skills as are vs PvM and acting different via pvp would be a big deal considering it’s how it is now with many damage absorption caps. 
  • Two weeks since any updates... no timeline yet... @Bleak what’s the deal are we going to get some light on what is going on?
  • MerusMerus Posts: 656
    Benelli said:
    Two weeks since any updates... no timeline yet... @ Bleak what’s the deal are we going to get some light on what is going on?
    I’m just gonna say that two weeks in UO developer time is like the blink of eye... it will likely be “soon”.
  • Splinter needs to be nerfed into oblivion, doesn't matter how they do it, just needs to get done.  It was the first step that ruined pvp followed shortly by over skilling to the max.  Either a hard cap needs to added for skill points or add negatives to templates that use a lot of it.   Such as for every +50 skill added then it lowers you sdi cap by 5 and hci by 5, and keeps getting worse the more skill points you add.   That way a player with 850+ skill points becomes strictly utility and does basically no damage.   This would fix 90% of pvp issues without over nerfing a ton of different things.

  • Merus said:
    Benelli said:
    Two weeks since any updates... no timeline yet... @ Bleak what’s the deal are we going to get some light on what is going on?
    I’m just gonna say that two weeks in UO developer time is like the blink of eye... it will likely be “soon”.
    Two weeks since they acknowledged it publicly, almost 3 months since a post had been made, over a year of this actually being an issue.. they have had plenty of time. Looks like my return to daily playing with be “soon.” 

  • CovenantXCovenantX Posts: 999
    edited November 2019
    Pvp could be near perfect if only a few things were tweaked.

    1A) Parry reduce the passive block chances by 10% across the board. if parry mastery is not used.

    Bushido + Parry + 2h weapon 40% down to 30%  &  0% up to 15% for balanced 2h weapon.
    Bushido + Parry + 1h weapon 30% down to 20%
    Parry + Shield 35% down to 25%

    1B) Parry Mastery - Passive skill - should increase Shield Parry chance by 15% when paired with an equipped weapon of the following types: Swords, Fencing, Macing & Throwing. 
    Archery, Wrestling, or Anatomy & Evaluating Intel- should not gain any additional Parry chance from Parry Mastery.

    1C) Bushido skill should no longer reduce parry chances while a shield is equipped.

    1D) Balanced 2h weapons should be able to parry at half the normal chance..

    2) Evasion -  This spell should not work at all with "Spell channeling" weapons or while a shield is equipped,

    3) Splintering Weapon - add a 30 second immunity to the player that has recently been Splintered.   Splinter immunity should prevent both the slow & bleed effects from splintering weapon but not Bleed from the weapon special move Bleed Attack.

    4) Shatter Potions - Add a 30 second immunity to the player that has recently had potions destroyed via shatter potion.

    Remove or change casting focus & poison immunity it reduces the need for "Player Skill" it's garbage. rant2 Bring timing back and eliminate chance in pvp!

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