Evasion, splinter and pvp problems

CetricCetric Posts: 152
edited August 2019 in PvP / VvV
Evasion needs to go away in PvP or be heavily nerfed such as just being a damage reducer rather than avoiding all damage.  As it sits basically everyone pvping is running evade, it's ridiculous.  It's born out of neccesity from splinter dumps, but it's watering down PvP since everyone is running high defense high offense characters capable of splintering consistently.  Leave it unchanged for pvm damage, I understand it is heavilyu by sampires and that's fine.  Have any changes be reflective of "player damage".

The slow  effect of splinter needs to not be chainable such as adding a long 30s+ immunity, and should not double with focus attack.  (60% splinter is too much) and being held walking in place thru 3, 5, 7 straight splinters in front of a group is unreal.  No wonder everyone has parry right?  It's a constant complaint you hear from users("I wanna play a fun char but everything I make needs bushido parry").  

Shatter pots should have a longer cool down and break less potions

Skill jewel swapping shouldn't be a thing.  Simple fix, have it take 15+seconds for your +skill to apply when you put on +skill items.  It's basically test center out there, go on foot set ninjitsu 900 animal form away.  You shouldn't be able to fit evasion, animal form, and offensive abilities in every character you make.  

I realize this has been posted several times with no changes occuring, but worth a shot id say.  As it sits all of PvP is basicly one group trying to capitalize on the other group with some splinters spamming while everyone runs evade to try to live thru such dumps.  When the vast majority of characters are running something specific you know there is a reason, either it's overpowered, it's forced into neccesity, or both.

There are very simple fixes for large scale problems.  Take a few minutes and consider it in the next pub or something.

Another long term discussion should be a vvv update, or more more specifically, giving the players something to fight over.  People PvP to PvP all day, every day but the fight over goals like champ spawns has been lacking for some time.  Vvv rewards are nothing we strive for today.  Add different mounts besides red and blue horses, identify useful items for town or dungeon control, you know the drill.  There's been great ideas over the years and nothing makes it to the braintrust 


  • CetricCetric Posts: 152
    heard a good evasion fix - apply the chiv casting skill thing to it

    if you have a magic school (magery/mystic/chiv/spellweaving/necro/eval/focus/spiritspeak) greater than 69.9, evasion is only 50% as functional.  This would allow a straight dexer to continue to have the full advantage of evasion as they ever had, but hurt the hybrid concept.
  • jadavjadav Posts: 25
    Pvp in UO have been broken for god knows how many years.
    Death strike..OP
    Animal form..OP
    Enchanted apples...OP
    Enhanced potion mod..OP
    And i could go on page after page.
    Overall i think UO with its declining player base is better off with a much simpler PVP system, back to basics if you want.
    My suggesting is that we need a new pvp system written from scratch.
  • Uo still has plenty of pvpers left to make some simple changes to make it a lot better. I agree with cetric and I too was about to post atleast about back to back splinters...There has been times where I get splintered 4-6 times in a row that is just sickening. Why can you not back to back para shot or mortal someone but you can on the most powerful stat on a weapon in the game??!!! FIX this stuff please! When you got so many people playing this server who are from different home shards and have worse ping then most it’s horrible getting splintered over and over .Some simple ideas are do not let focus attack skill affect splinter make 30% be the maximum. There literally needs to be a cool off period just like bone breaker make it so you are immune to splinter for 30-60 seconds because sitting still by 10 guys holding up a spell and living is really rare... For evasion I think the best idea would be any damage it evades it only cuts it in half just like mana shield and I believe it should take the damage it evades from your mana pool. Also there should be a 45 second cool down this is broke in pvp and needs a serious fixing.
  • ezikelezikel Posts: 90
    Cetric said:
    Evasion needs to go away in PvP or be heavily nerfed such as just being a damage reducer rather than avoiding all damage.  As it sits basically everyone pvping is running evade, it's ridiculous.  It's born out of neccesity from splinter dumps, but it's watering down PvP since everyone is running high defense high offense characters capable of splintering consistently.  Leave it unchanged for pvm damage, I understand it is heavilyu by sampires and that's fine.  Have any changes be reflective of "player damage".

    The slow  effect of splinter needs to not be chainable such as adding a long 30s+ immunity, and should not double with focus attack.  (60% splinter is too much) and being held walking in place thru 3, 5, 7 straight splinters in front of a group is unreal.  No wonder everyone has parry right?  It's a constant complaint you hear from users("I wanna play a fun char but everything I make needs bushido parry").  

    Shatter pots should have a longer cool down and break less potions

    Skill jewel swapping shouldn't be a thing.  Simple fix, have it take 15+seconds for your +skill to apply when you put on +skill items.  It's basically test center out there, go on foot set ninjitsu 900 animal form away.  You shouldn't be able to fit evasion, animal form, and offensive abilities in every character you make.  

    I realize this has been posted several times with no changes occuring, but worth a shot id say.  As it sits all of PvP is basicly one group trying to capitalize on the other group with some splinters spamming while everyone runs evade to try to live thru such dumps.  When the vast majority of characters are running something specific you know there is a reason, either it's overpowered, it's forced into neccesity, or both.

    There are very simple fixes for large scale problems.  Take a few minutes and consider it in the next pub or something.

    Another long term discussion should be a vvv update, or more more specifically, giving the players something to fight over.  People PvP to PvP all day, every day but the fight over goals like champ spawns has been lacking for some time.  Vvv rewards are nothing we strive for today.  Add different mounts besides red and blue horses, identify useful items for town or dungeon control, you know the drill.  There's been great ideas over the years and nothing makes it to the braintrust 
    i agree with all,but for the shatter pop they can remove it from the game or but a ways longer time andadd a time of immunity to not have more person throws you of shatter pot 
  • ezikelezikel Posts: 90
    Cetric said:
    heard a good evasion fix - apply the chiv casting skill thing to it

    if you have a magic school (magery/mystic/chiv/spellweaving/necro/eval/focus/spiritspeak) greater than 69.9, evasion is only 50% as functional.  This would allow a straight dexer to continue to have the full advantage of evasion as they ever had, but hurt the hybrid concept.
    its a good fix for evision
  • CheaChea Posts: 1
    edited August 2019

    I agree with the majority of the points Cetric is bringing up.  60% splinter is over powered, especially when you can stack it back to back. Evasion/parry does need to be changed as its impeding template diversity in the pvp community. The difference in speed and maneuverability between classic client and enhanced is a huge flaw in the game. Why should the people who have been playing classic client since the beginning be penalized in such a profound way? 4/6 chivalry is incredibly over powered in pvp. It is near impossible to kill someone 1v1 who has a fast connection and 4/6 chivalry. Shatter pots should just be abolished. They literally serve no purpose and are only used by people who intend to aggravate and troll others. Dismount ability also needs to have a cool down on the player that has been dismounted. You shouldn't be able to be dismounted back to back immediately after you have remounted.

  • PaithanPaithan Posts: 120
    Cetric said:
    heard a good evasion fix - apply the chiv casting skill thing to it

    if you have a magic school (magery/mystic/chiv/spellweaving/necro/eval/focus/spiritspeak) greater than 69.9, evasion is only 50% as functional.  This would allow a straight dexer to continue to have the full advantage of evasion as they ever had, but hurt the hybrid concept.
    So it's really just a nerf to mages- No thanks.  Add ninjitsu to that list and i might be open to it to add a weakness to the template. 

    Otherwise I would like to see evasion have a cap of how much damage can be evaded for everyone.  1. Either evade up to XXX damage or 2. Reduce damage by xxx% up to XXX amount.  (The xxx's would need to be figured out).
  • PaithanPaithan Posts: 120
    Uo still has plenty of pvpers left to make some simple changes to make it a lot better. I agree with cetric and I too was about to post atleast about back to back splinters...There has been times where I get splintered 4-6 times in a row that is just sickening. Why can you not back to back para shot or mortal someone but you can on the most powerful stat on a weapon in the game??!!! FIX this stuff please! When you got so many people playing this server who are from different home shards and have worse ping then most it’s horrible getting splintered over and over .Some simple ideas are do not let focus attack skill affect splinter make 30% be the maximum. There literally needs to be a cool off period just like bone breaker make it so you are immune to splinter for 30-60 seconds because sitting still by 10 guys holding up a spell and living is really rare... For evasion I think the best idea would be any damage it evades it only cuts it in half just like mana shield and I believe it should take the damage it evades from your mana pool. Also there should be a 45 second cool down this is broke in pvp and needs a serious fixing.
    I suggested this back when they asked for suggestions and said, go ahead and splinter (bleed) for a second time but give the slow walk an immunity.  They said they would implement it- and completely missed the concept.... UO Devs..
  • PaithanPaithan Posts: 120
    Chea said:

    I agree with the majority of the points Cetric is bringing up.  60% splinter is over powered, especially when you can stack it back to back. Evasion/parry does need to be changed as its impeding template diversity in the pvp community. The difference in speed and maneuverability between classic client and enhanced is a huge flaw in the game. Why should the people who have been playing classic client since the beginning be penalized in such a profound way? 4/6 chivalry is incredibly over powered in pvp. It is near impossible to kill someone 1v1 who has a fast connection and 4/6 chivalry. Shatter pots should just be abolished. They literally serve no purpose and are only used by people who intend to aggravate and troll others. Dismount ability also needs to have a cool down on the player that has been dismounted. You shouldn't be able to be dismounted back to back immediately after you have remounted.

    Chiv is ok if they tweaked it.  Remove curse is by far the most overpowered spell.  It can remove any and all curses and a .25 second cast.  That needs to be slowed and remove ONE curse at a time.  Also the cure is super fast and cures every time if you have high karma.  Cleansing winds and arch cure can fail lethal... but chiv at a .25 second cast doesn't?  That  needs to be slower and have a chance to fail and then I think chiv would be a lot more in line.

    Shatter's are a terrible idea and who ever came up with them should be fired.

    I don't agree with the dismount immunity at all.  
  • PaithanPaithan Posts: 120
    edited August 2019
    Let's throw nether cyclone hitting groups of people onto the list of things that need to be fixed.  The devs didn't respond to that one.

    Also, Wall of stone- you should only be able to cast 2 at a time.  That will stop the relative tile abuse and not take away the cool things you can do with WoS.
  • CrunchCrunch Posts: 7
    edited August 2019
    I think Bushido is 100% fine. They already changed the evade timer to be longer then prior its a full 15 seconds to recast now. Bushido has also been the same in the game for a very long time. Templates being nerfed and the lack of viable templates available has cause everyone to turn to bushido on their characters thus causing this complaint which is BS. 

    Splinter is op and needs a timer set so back to back splinters don't happen. Similar to mortal for example it cannot be restacked for 8 seconds I think that something similar to that would be appropriate. 

    Shatter pots need to be removed from pvp in whole,  horrible idea to add to the game to begin with. 

    Nether cyclone shouldn't hit a area of people while not splitting damage just like meteor swam does there should be 0 difference.

    Lets add to the list teleporting and walling relative tiles. People now have macros with programs (Razor,Steam) that allow them to lay walls 100% in front of someone every time and also teleport 1 tile to a person to hit them 100% of the time. This needs to be fixed. 

    There is no viable template diversity left in the game. You're stuck either playing a parry mage or a bush dexxer. Tammers suck now, Archers have been nerfed to shit, and 1 tile dexxers are now gonna have a splinter timer leaving them handicap  again. Why can we not toggle specs why holding or casting spells? Why do we have to have tactics to use specs??? Changing those 2 things make many templates better and bring more viable templates back to be played . The only character youll find in game in the current meta without parry on it is a archer (which suck and are played by very few) It seems like buffing parry combined with the nerfs put in have caused everyone to go bushido parry. Its the only thing that's all around viable with what left to play. No one complained about it until all these bad changes are put into the pvp.  xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx. 

     Instead of nerfing everything how about you make other stuff better? Give other skills buffs to make them more viable. Bring more diversity to the game. When all you guys do if nerf nerf nerf xxxx it makes the playing field very 1 sided well if this is the only good thing left to play well everyones going to play it. Then after a few months of it people get tired of it call it op and call for more nerfs. Its a never ending cycle of stupidity on the players end and the developers end. 

    Stop dumbing down the game and make UO great again.

  • I said all these same things about parry, evade, splinter years ago.  All you people said pvp was perfectly balanced and nothing was wrong.  So funny to see you finally catch up to what I said years ago.  I think it was mainly people took advantage of these things til other people started using them back against them and now its a issue.   Hilarious
  • BenelliBenelli Posts: 28
    I believe splintering is an issue as well. With the lack of cooldown of the chance of getting slowed(I don't know why they would ever put a cooldown on the bleed effect as that was never the issue). I also believe that Focus attack should not focus the splintering ability or strictly cap it at 30%. It is a little stupid to be getting attacked by a deathstriker and 2 bushido parry ninja mages that have spell channeling 30% weapons(60 when focused attacked.) 60% chance to slow the target is an issue as it leaves many people open for sync drops while slowed. 
    A proposed resolution I have for this is to allow splinters to be cured by eating an apple(as sleep is for mystics.) then set a cooldown on splintering (Just sleep is as well) on the slow effect. 
    Another proposed resolution I have is to remove the 100% increase that focus attack provides, capping splintering at 30%.

    Evasion is being abused quite a lot as well, to strictly combat the splinter dumps as multiple people will over 200 damage while you are slowed(evasion makes immunity to all of that.) I strongly believe evasion should not be changed if no changes to splintering are to occur. 

    Lastly, Something needs to happen with the jewel swap/skill swaps. Select few people instantly swapping 60-80 skill points with jewels and armor to their situation. IE swords parry dexxer(with ninja/parry jewels) swapping over 80 points of archery to be able to moving shot down. Bushido Evasion mages swapping to ninjutsu to animal form. 

    Lastly, I don't think there is a solution to this but the target relative is also being abused. Not only by wall of stone, but with teleport. Teleporting 2 tiles in front of a target then immediately targeting focus attack with 60% chance to splinter a target is just absurd. 

    I understand splintering was added to revive the melee characters as they weren't very powerful, but the ability added by dexxers is being abused by 820+ skill point hybrid mages( and sorry UO devs the brilliant discord change is literally the most worthless thing you could have implemented to fix this.) 

    I believe with the fix on focus attack and splintering will still keep dexxers around, while hybrid mages still roam without all the extra stuff needed to function and compete. 

    On a side note I do agree with crunch, maybe nerfing isn't the answer and adding new spice is, but it seems UO is not at all interested in adding anything remotely new to pvp, and focused on adding house vendors, fishing, or uo store items on a weekly basis while pvp goes untouched for years at a time.  

    A change is needed of some sort and I hope the UO team sees this and realizes the real issues at hand that are neglected. 
  • BenelliBenelli Posts: 28
    @Kyronix @Bleak any proposed days on going over this in game or is anything going to happen?
  • ashash Posts: 4
    I agree with Cetric for the most part.  
    1. The shatter pots are just for trolling.  They should be drastically nerfed.
    2.  Maybe make evasion have to have a secondary skill to work at all, like anatomy.  This would cut down on some of the crazy hybrid templates.  I say this even though most of us need evasion to stay alive as everyone is crazy fast.  
    3.  We need to address the suit swapping that is going on.  People can press one button and change their gear to be more of a necro or have ninja and so on.  Delay the suit swap ability to like thirty seconds.
    4.  ADDRESS SPLINTERING!  You shouldn't be able to splinter back to back at all.  Set a timer like Mortal.  Also, focus attack allows for 60% splints!!!??  Maybe change it so focus attack doesn't proc with splinter (doesn't raise the % of splinter).  MAKE SPLINTER LIKE MORTAL
    All we want is balance in game and make it more fun to run around and play.  At the moment you have little trolls shattering everyone in ninja form and them smoke bombing.  Guilds that roll with several 60% splinter (with focus attack) characters waiting for a splinter and then everyone dumping hard.  Characters being made with mage, eval, mystic, focus, parry, bushido, resist, weapon skill for bush (50), and ninja.  Hits really hard, can evade, and can ninja.  They can do with with skill swapping jewels.  Too powerful.

    You basically have to have bush/parry to stay alive as a lot of us are playing from opposite coasts (being that ATL is only real shard with pvp) and you have a disadvantage with speed. Talking about speed, the difference of 2D and 3D clients is massive.  Can we close that gap?  Some of us have been playing for 20 years and love the 2D graphics.  But, we shouldn't have to play at another disadvantage.  Maybe if the speed gap was adjusted, we can use less defensive templates and open it up for more fun templates.  Update 2D code?

    Some of this stuff wouldn't make sense to someone that doesn't pvp.  Please look to our ideas as we are the base that actually pvps.

    Thank you for considering!!!  

  • DunadanDunadan Posts: 4
    Splinter needs to be addressed.it either needs to be completely removed or either nerfed in one way or another. Can either go one or two ways. If the bleed/slow walk stays in. It needs to have a timer where if stays, another character cannot splinter for certain amount of time. Also it does not need focus attack ability where there is 60% a splinter goes off. 

    Evade is fine. Only way to survive of spell dump from 5+ people. 

    Shatters should of been taken out yesterday. 

    Bring back old faction colors. 

    Make UO great again. 
  • Correct me if I'm wrong, but I have a feeling the real problem with evasion and parry is that people can fit that on their mage templates without sacrificing anything vital on prodo shards.

    On Siege you don't see those parry bush mages simply because we don't have insurance and thus can't have more than 30-40 skill increase on your suit because you'd lose it all in one death. You'd have to farm for those insane items with +30 skill and all te other vital mods to be able to pvp again, so noone does that.

    Would the solution to this problem maybe be capping the ammount of +skill you can have on your suit? I know it has been brought up before...
  • quickbladequickblade Posts: 323
    edited August 2019
    If there is something to nerf in pvp its definetly Evasion in pvp, one button invicibility for 6 sec. Maybe it could guarantee like 100% evade on first spell received, then it start haaving a diminushing return, 75% chance to evade second spell, then 50% chance to evade third spell, 25% fourth spell. And then splintering should have a small global cooldown on a same target 

  • Would the solution to this problem maybe be capping the ammount of +skill you can have on your suit? I know it has been brought up before...
    Why take the creativity out of the game - I’ve come back not too long ago after a looong time away from the game and it’s awesome to see what combinations some players come up with to create effective templates. This would feel like a step backwards in my opinion and not take full advantage of what content there is in this game, the late 90s were great but the games changed, move on.  

    Remove shatter pots from PvP. Not sure if there is a need to elaborate further...make them work in PVM, throw em at a monster and increase your damage dealt by next attack or something. 

    Skill swapping suits/jewels, who cares - if you take the time to build a template that you can effectively do that with more power to you. 

    @Benelli good point about evasion and splintering being fixed at the same time, if they weren’t fixed at the same time it would create more of an imbalance. The slow effect procing over and over has got to go, as others have said, making it work similar to how mortals work is a good idea. 

    @Paithan good idea regarding evasion damage cap, there is still an inherent chance to get hit when you evade, would you start messing with those percentages or just simply add a cap to what player damage @Cetric  you can evade could be a simple adjustment. I would be interested to hear what players thoughts would be on what that cap would be. Perhaps no more than double your HP at the time you cast evade? 

    Why are there two clients that are light years apart in functionality? I would not be so one sided and say get rid of EC just because I’ve only ever used CC but it was only recently some features of EC were migrated into CC, you started the process, now finish it up, there’s more work to be done. To think out of all things that you guys had to figure out, making all players move the same wouldn’t be such a challenge. 

    Overall there are a lot of good ideas and suggestions that are coming from people who have been playing and supporting this game for a very long time and I’m sure will continue to do so in the future, it would just seem ignorant not to. 

  • CetricCetric Posts: 152
    edited August 2019
    i don't really care for the idea of a cap of damage on evasion unless its low.  like if the cap was 300 hit points.... that's still an insane amount of damage to absorb, 10 people dumping its even still high let alone 3.  cut the damage, diminishing returns it, anything but just 'parrying it'.  The only reason i liked the idea of it being left alone for a true straight 1 tile dexer is because it really is an important function for that char, it wasnt op in the past for it.  they were a tank, they sacrificed offense for defense. 

    Agree that a splinter change should coincide with an evade change.  Splinter doesn't have to be killed, it has a very important purpose but the chaining of it is bad, and I don't really care for the 60% focus attack proc but thats debatable.  Just applying immunities i think is a perfect solution, maybe even allow it to be the same immunity as sleep, so u cant sleep-splinter-sleep-splinter.

    I'd leave skill bonus alone.  Skill bonus makes alot of fun, creative templates.  You get to get away from the cookie cutter, its really unique to uo.  I dont care for the test center like skill swapping, thats seems a bit excessive, but with the other issues on the table this might be the least important to review.  The overall need for evade is killing the aforementioned creativity, and mass splintering is just kind of a joke.  In reality splinter should of been left on that glass sword like bone breaker on a glenda, but here we are.  The slow effect is a staple now, i just think 5 ppl wailing away with 60% procs and stuff is ridiculous, and 9x out of 10 ur getting slept to slow you enough to get the multiple 60% procs to get connected, then ur just permanently stuck by an ability that requires no skill, takes no mana, its just inherently there without any cooldown or immunity.

    Ask yourself.. what if bone breaker didnt have an immunity... and thats on one crappy club weapon, it would be pretty awful.  thats what we have with splinter, on every weapon.

  • LynkLynk Posts: 186
    Several good fixes for evade.  I think any of these would help.

    Damage evaded cap
    Evade has chance to block % of dmg
    Diminishing return for each spell evaded
    Make it so there is no increased parry chance just toggles it to enable parrying spells
    Leave it alone if no casting school is over 69.9

    Splinter definitely needs immunity but i dont think 60% splint is a big deal if it only can proc once.

    Shatters - we know theyre here to stay but put a 5 minute immunity on it or something.

  • TjalleTjalle Posts: 83
    Shatter potions are valid tactical consumables. No need to remove them.
    Perfect item to weaken players/groups that rely heavily on pots in i.e. dungeon fights.
  • LynkLynk Posts: 186
    Also lumberjack critical hit chance rate needs increased as does the damage buff.
  • CetricCetric Posts: 152
    If shatters aren't outright destroyed, there should be a heavy detriment to the person throwing them.  Force walk them for 5 seconds, make them unable to hide, put them in item use timer for a while.  Anything to kill the troll factor.
  • If there is going to be a cap for casting schools, it has to be 29.9 in those respective fields.  Otherwise people will just carry explode and energy bolt scrolls and nothing changes.   All of this could have been adjusted at last combat changes but all of you said I was complaining back then and it was ok and balanced.   Shatters are just fine, only way I would say to delete them is if novas get removed and all other pots get a small cooldown, if not shatters stay.  

    Splinter should have never been in this game, it was only meant originally to buff up pure dexxers.  Problem is no one plays those cause having range is always better.   I said before to have focus attack removed from it and was ignored and told to adapt, LOL.  Maybe they should just remove spell channeling from most weapons in the game.  Also they could have a damage reduction to templates who run archery/throwing with a melee skill.  Or just make a pure dexxer focused temp kinda like focused mages.  
  • CetricCetric Posts: 152
    If there is going to be a cap for casting schools, it has to be 29.9 in those respective fields.  Otherwise people will just carry explode and energy bolt scrolls and nothing changes.   All of this could have been adjusted at last combat changes but all of you said I was complaining back then and it was ok and balanced.   Shatters are just fine, only way I would say to delete them is if novas get removed and all other pots get a small cooldown, if not shatters stay.  

    Splinter should have never been in this game, it was only meant originally to buff up pure dexxers.  Problem is no one plays those cause having range is always better.   I said before to have focus attack removed from it and was ignored and told to adapt, LOL.  Maybe they should just remove spell channeling from most weapons in the game.  Also they could have a damage reduction to templates who run archery/throwing with a melee skill.  Or just make a pure dexxer focused temp kinda like focused mages.  
    Everyone has made suggestions over the years, please stop derailing discussion into selfish jargon.

    Shatters are not ok lol.  even in their simplest form of people trying to make the case they have an important function, the troll factor is too much.  They are too powerful for their simple usage
  • LearnMeLearnMe Posts: 43
    Pretty impressed so far by the constructive postings, suggestions and lack of argumentation.  Here's my take on several of the issue that have been brought up:

    1. Shatter pots (lol)- Anyone can spend one night at the gate and watch why shatters are a joke.  People insisted nova's get changed because of the ability to use without any skill, yet suggest shatters are a vital part of pvp and shouldn't be changed....even though it takes 0 skill to use.  Either take them out, require skill to use, or make them like tonics.  You get to use this pot and for x amount of time you can't chug a pot.

    2. Spinter- Torn on this one.  I do think an adjustment needs to be made, but not 100% what the best route is. It makes sense to have a timer (just like mortal or bone breaker), but then do you leave it able to be focused to 60%? My initial thought is focus attack should still work, but maybe work like a bonebreaker where it costs mana when it hits and has an immunity applied.  Not sure what's reasonable there.

    3. Evasion- The argument has been made that bushido has been the same forever, but the power creep of skill items and then throw in -0 mage weps and only 50macing being required to evade is distorted.  Of all the minimum requirements for skill this seems off.  That has been a large oversight IMO.  I'm of the idea that there should be some type of evasion chance reduction if you have a casting skill over 69.9 much like the casting caps.  29.9 is too low as one suggested.  Reason being, sitting at 69 magery severely limits your healing and your versatility as it is.  Not to mention you could no longer run the popluar evade necro/mage or myst/mage or weave/mage because now you need a real defensive weapon skill.  So instead of 120mage and 50mace you need 69 mage and 120macing.  So it balances itself out.

    I make this suggestion to keep 1 tile dexxers relevant.  They should absolutely get the full effect of evasion for having to be front and center to do anything.  If you have over 69 skill, just cut the evasion chance in half.  Being able to press a button and survive a perfect 6+ person sync is silly.  Maybe make necro the exception, but have spiritspeak on the list?  Not sure how you do it without ruining sampires. 

    4. Remove Curse- Way too fast of a cast for removing every single debuff.

    5. Nether- On the fence about this one too.  For the amount of skill you have to invest to cast it reliably it should have a substantial advantage over hailstorm.  I understand the issue, but also look at what you have to invest to cast it.
  • LearnMeLearnMe Posts: 43
    edited August 2019
    Figured I'd make a separate post about some less important things I would like to see, but aren't necessarily pertinent.

    1. Tamers- Not a huge fan of tamers in pvp, but they definitely got hit too hard in the last patch.  I don't see why a fully trained pet should do LESS damage than an untrained pet used to do before the pet training patch hit.  They should get some kind of a buff.

    2. Real skill requirements- WHY is nerve strike damage tied to real bushido skill.  Stupid.  Let +skill items work to hit minimum requirements.  Minimum tactics and wep skill.

    3. More VvV stuff- Mount colors, transmog stuff, etc.  Please let me get a hawkwinds that isn't that ugly robe!  Bring back green and purple horses.

    4. Gargoyles- Relevancy.  People don't play them because a)building a suit sucks b)flying timer makes it garbage in pvp c)head slots available make it tough.  lack of skill inc. n such

    5. Imbuing-  Make imbuing relevant again too.  Increase the weight limit on armor and jewels or something along those lines.  Helps new players get their feet wet sooner.  The gap between imbued gear and low end loot is incredible
  • Cetric said:
    If there is going to be a cap for casting schools, it has to be 29.9 in those respective fields.  Otherwise people will just carry explode and energy bolt scrolls and nothing changes.   All of this could have been adjusted at last combat changes but all of you said I was complaining back then and it was ok and balanced.   Shatters are just fine, only way I would say to delete them is if novas get removed and all other pots get a small cooldown, if not shatters stay.  

    Splinter should have never been in this game, it was only meant originally to buff up pure dexxers.  Problem is no one plays those cause having range is always better.   I said before to have focus attack removed from it and was ignored and told to adapt, LOL.  Maybe they should just remove spell channeling from most weapons in the game.  Also they could have a damage reduction to templates who run archery/throwing with a melee skill.  Or just make a pure dexxer focused temp kinda like focused mages.  
    Everyone has made suggestions over the years, please stop derailing discussion into selfish jargon.

    Shatters are not ok lol.  even in their simplest form of people trying to make the case they have an important function, the troll factor is too much.  They are too powerful for their simple usage
    LOL, I did nothing but post my suggestions on what is needed to fix pvp, just cause you disagree with it doesn't make it selfish.  I just seen these issues long ago and now that everyone has caught on and one side doesn't have full advantage of it, you want the change.  The suggestion of the 69.9 for casting schools literally doesn't change anything cept add 50 skill points in anything they want to be more powerful.  Casting schools and bushido should not exist in pvp period, this includes chivalry.   Evasion could handled better if mage weapon was removed from list as a weapon skill, make it have to real weapon skill of 90 just like 2nd specials.  Add mage weapon to same list as UBWS.   I can see lowering the percentage of potions broken on shatters a little bit and global cooldown as far as not letting 5 people shatter one person, other then that they are ok.
  • ezikelezikel Posts: 90
    edited August 2019
    LearnMe said:
    Figured I'd make a separate post about some less important things I would like to see, but aren't necessarily pertinent.

    1. Tamers- Not a huge fan of tamers in pvp, but they definitely got hit too hard in the last patch.  I don't see why a fully trained pet should do LESS damage than an untrained pet used to do before the pet training patch hit.  They should get some kind of a buff.

    2. Real skill requirements- WHY is nerve strike damage tied to real bushido skill.  Stupid.  Let +skill items work to hit minimum requirements.  Minimum tactics and wep skill.

    3. More VvV stuff- Mount colors, transmog stuff, etc.  Please let me get a hawkwinds that isn't that ugly robe!  Bring back green and purple horses.

    4. Gargoyles- Relevancy.  People don't play them because a)building a suit sucks b)flying timer makes it garbage in pvp c)head slots available make it tough.  lack of skill inc. n such

    5. Imbuing-  Make imbuing relevant again too.  Increase the weight limit on armor and jewels or something along those lines.  Helps new players get their feet wet sooner.  The gap between imbued gear and low end loot is incredible
    it's true that seeing a little more tamer in pvp would be fine.the nerf on pet was too hard. i agree with all this point and its not only good for pvp.for a gargoyle its pretty hard to find anything and some arties cannot be wear . and for imbued gear of reforged on vs the loot is incredible and its event worst with the 12 14 mod that dont drop anymore. but all that is less important than the three point shatter potion, splintring and evasion

    edited by Mariah for reasons of readability only (removed 'pre' coding), no text has been changed.
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