State of IDOC



  • MariahMariah Posts: 3,170Moderator
    @JollyJade I don't know. That's not the responsibility of moderators. Send a message to admin?

    Judging by the last 3 posts this thread has run its course, if all useful input has been exhausted I will lock it to prevent further trolling.
    That decision will be based on the next post.
  • JollyJadeJollyJade Posts: 578
    edited September 2019
    Mariah said:
    @ JollyJade I don't know. That's not the responsibility of moderators. Send a message to admin?
    I don't even know which accounts might be the admins. I thought as you are part of the official team, you might be able to address it to the right person.

    Sorry if my post is not up to your standards of discussion. It was just a simple question/request and I am sorry if that bothered you. Go ahead and close the thread please to have us not bother you again or with your words "prevent further trolling".
    Just a troll who got told by lesser trolls (moderator classification)
  • Kirthag said:
    I'm running out of ideas... what is obvious is that whatever is done will not be accepted by some player-group or another. Was chatting it up with some other old-timers (working on getting them to come back). As we got into our cups, this idea was born...
    • Move the entire IDOC house & belongings to GreenAcres when time hits
    • Plot on the shard would become available immediately for new placement
    • When x-number of homes are in GA, schedule IDOC free-for-all; weekends would be nice
    • Players wishing to participate can have only ONE toon go, no pack animals or beetles, no followers
    • A central gate at the EM house is timed to open for GreenAcres IDOC event
    • During that IDOC event, ALL houses all drop at once
    • When houses drop, gate is closed (or turned off)
    • No runemarking - can only recall out
    • Mayhem ensues!
    • GMs can watch (as it is scheduled) to ensure scripting is not happening
    • People can only take whatever they can carry, No Pack Animals, no bags of sending
    • No in-and-out! If you leave you cannot go back into GA

    This would be interesting... I'd go just to watch!

    Is a regulated event, can be observed, players can take what they can get (and keep), open PVP until the cows come home, whatever "junk" is leftover can be picked up by non-combatants and/or deleted.

    edit: thinking about this... is like fighting the scripters with scripting. it would take a script by the devs to get the house and all items moved into GA - or the devs have their own script to rake up everything dropped from a house in the shard into GA - scattered in a sectioned field, forego the house completely. Then just allow players in to battle it out and grab what they can - a la the pit battles we used to hold back in the day. 
    This is honestly the absolute first idea i see/read that i like and think has potential.

    Displacing a whole house instantly is probably easier than making it so the system automatically "sorts through loot/redistributes into a thunt/auction/lotto", which in themselves each system have a ton of issues. Simply removing all idoc houses altogether to a different location, to make an event out of it...i think this has potential.

    Limiting access, packies and such limits the amount cheaters can benefit at this event. 
    Having all houses drop at once - well it's luck of the draw. Depending on which house you sit by, maybe you end up with some really great items, maybe less so.

    I would probably tweak a few things here and there to your idea - but overall i really like it.
  • Jonas said:
    cytex said:
    psycho said:
    Cytex is idocguy, if he comes up with a suggestion, you know its not a good idea.

    serverup is like 5am, no locals play at that time. Its for a reason they scheduled it at that time.

    Just for reference, most idocs in fel fall unoticed and without any fight, many dont dare enter felucca so its basically free food for the idoc x-sharders.

    Devs: You have to consider the right medicine carefully, many of the voises around are from people who do IDOCs at multiple shards, often with all the bad stuff involved.

    Thank you
    haha if idocs were canceled the one it would hurt the most is the person you mentioned which I thought we weren't allowed to mention names. hence why i said "idocperson and his king friends." You apparently don't know anything about idocs, the rares community, or the community in general because anyone who is anyone in this game knows who I am. Not refuting who I am or hiding behind other names like "idocperson and his king friends," are doing to persuade idocs to continue so they can make RMT. I don't need idocs to survive, I work for a living. I'll sign my name so you and the few ppl out there who don't know my original name in this game will. Furthermore should she take advice from non idocers? that makes no sense. Thats like asking trammies what she should do in FEL, although she does that often as well so maybe it does make sense in her eyes. Ask ppl who dont idoc how to fix idocs lol. You sir are a genius!! That troll was too easy to combat, come harder next time buddy...


    OBLIVION/GG/jrede23 of stratics. 
    You’re not hiding behind other names but you are trying to present yourself as an innocent party in all of this when you’re not.  The reason why things have gotten to where they are are a direct result of people trying to compete with you and your cronies and the army of gargoyles and packies over the past year.  Just because generally you avoid doing it on Atlantic to keep a low profile, it doesn’t mean people don’t notice on all the other shards.

    I have no Ill will and even buy your stuff from time to
    time, but let’s be real here.
    sorry buddy but im not the gargoyles never have been, im competing against the elite scripters just like you and trying to even the playing field. Its hard to even the playing field against people like your partners that dont work or leave the house and are so greedy they have to do 26 shards 24 hours a day. As for atl you have that incorrect, its not that I dont do it in order to keep a low profile. I dont do atl because its not one of my shards and never has been. ive done idocs for 10 years and ive done the same 4 shards and no more in those ten years because im not the greedy one. Ive heard ive been accused of the gargoyles before but ive never really seen a ton of gargoyles on my shards that I do so that crew must not be greedy and doing all the other shards cuz they arent on mine. Furthermore there is legit only 6 real idoc crews. If everyone wasnt so greedy you could split the shards up and everyone would score on their shards instead of having to do 26 shards pissing everyone off and going to war with them. on my four shards without gargoyles there is atleast 100 packies at every 7X10 idoc out there. So It's your crew being so greedy that everyone else has to step it up to compete against. I still vote for canceling idocs completely cuz unlike some of you I don't need idocs to exist in the real world :)

    P.S. you run with one of the worst human beings to ever play this game, like people have said your a cool dude to me but your name is gon get smeared running with one of the worst scammers to ever play this game. 
  • KirthagKirthag Posts: 541
    edited September 2019
    Rafman said:
    This is honestly the absolute first idea i see/read that i like and think has potential.

    Displacing a whole house instantly is probably easier than making it so the system automatically "sorts through loot/redistributes into a thunt/auction/lotto", which in themselves each system have a ton of issues. Simply removing all idoc houses altogether to a different location, to make an event out of it...i think this has potential.

    Limiting access, packies and such limits the amount cheaters can benefit at this event. 
    Having all houses drop at once - well it's luck of the draw. Depending on which house you sit by, maybe you end up with some really great items, maybe less so.

    I would probably tweak a few things here and there to your idea - but overall i really like it.
    Thanks - the idea came about during a discord session with some old friends (and people I met via UO) as we were playing another game - and reliving the "glory days" of UO.

    One of the most happening events I ever held on Napa was the roof-top free-for-all battles. I would randomly lay out armor pieces, weapons, and the odd reward on the roof and invite others to come battle it out. The last man standing for the round kept whatever he was carrying. He'd be eliminated, then the next round would commence after I added more stuff to the battle pit. Was hella fun and something we wished we could get Seer/Counselor help with (for that is how long ago it was, we still had Seers and Counselors).

    The mention of the IDOC situation kinda merged the two ideas together.

    I'm sure the devs could figure out the logistics - I don't know the code - but it seems pretty feasible. Can forego the house - just have all the items laying on the ground with a barrier around it all - and when the time hits, drop the barrier and let the mayhem begin - or open a small section for people to filter through - something.

    It would appease those that want to fight over loots.
    Keep scripters from raking everything, leveling the distribution/grabbing activity
    Could bring all kinds of people together
    Encourages some "teamwork" by groups to grab/protect each other

    It is a "whatever you can carry" thing by removing any way to get items out of the area unless you are carrying them.

    We could test it out on TC - have some fun there in the meantime.

    Having the EMs/GMs manage such an event would be so much easier than how we did it with guild stones, house owner and co-owner babysitting access (and banning those that broke the rules), having someone with GM snooping to check players' paks to ensure they were empty (no cheating), and basically managing the distribution of items on the field. It was a lot of work back then to do this, but we did and it was glorious!

  • I very much miss the adventure of Idocs, the hang time chatting with friends was always great. 

    Lord Nabin
    High Council Sage
    Ancient Conclave of Wisdom

    ICQ 248-636-691
    Discord Lord Nabin#5433
  • Kirthag said:

    Thanks - the idea came about during a discord session with some old friends (and people I met via UO) as we were playing another game - and reliving the "glory days" of UO.

    One of the most happening events I ever held on Napa was the roof-top free-for-all battles. I would randomly lay out armor pieces, weapons, and the odd reward on the roof and invite others to come battle it out. The last man standing for the round kept whatever he was carrying. He'd be eliminated, then the next round would commence after I added more stuff to the battle pit. Was hella fun and something we wished we could get Seer/Counselor help with (for that is how long ago it was, we still had Seers and Counselors).

    The mention of the IDOC situation kinda merged the two ideas together.

    I'm sure the devs could figure out the logistics - I don't know the code - but it seems pretty feasible. Can forego the house - just have all the items laying on the ground with a barrier around it all - and when the time hits, drop the barrier and let the mayhem begin - or open a small section for people to filter through - something.

    It would appease those that want to fight over loots.
    Keep scripters from raking everything, leveling the distribution/grabbing activity
    Could bring all kinds of people together
    Encourages some "teamwork" by groups to grab/protect each other

    It is a "whatever you can carry" thing by removing any way to get items out of the area unless you are carrying them.

    We could test it out on TC - have some fun there in the meantime.

    Having the EMs/GMs manage such an event would be so much easier than how we did it with guild stones, house owner and co-owner babysitting access (and banning those that broke the rules), having someone with GM snooping to check players' paks to ensure they were empty (no cheating), and basically managing the distribution of items on the field. It was a lot of work back then to do this, but we did and it was glorious!

    I think off the top of my head a few ways to structure this would be:

    - Both a Tram, and Fel event. Gives the option to have big pvp fights over idocs, but also gives the option for non-pvpers to do idocs. Tram facet idocs go to tram green acres, fel to fel green acres.

    - Have the Tram & Fel events separate time, give players a chance to participate in both.

    - You either schedule them ~weekly (not always same day/time, gives people with set schedules options to attend or not) - or maybe even do it based on volume (picture some big Crystal in Luna - everytime an idoc happens, it goes up a level, once it reaches a top the event starts. Maybe every ~20 idocs or so - could even set the limit differently for more vs less populated shards)

    - The idea is - everytime an idoc happens, when the idoc timer goes off, the idoc is displaced to Green Acres (or some other empty land, could be one of the open/empty areas in malas, or other). Have access to that area closed off until event time, so people can't scope them out ahead of time. 

    - I like the idea of still giving incentive to scout for idocs. I know with this system, you could still "place" a house when it gets displaced to green acres - but most shards have free space for houses, so that seems like a low incentive. There could be a few ways to structure incentive. Maybe "some" loot drops with the house. Maybe - if you're present at the "idoc" you get some sort of advantage come event time (early access, or ability to go in/out twice, vs just once, etc). If it's too complicated, just forego this - but I think some incentive could be neat.

    - Once the "event" starts - we definitely need all the limits you mentioned. No packies. Ideally - you can't even pick up "containers", you have to manually go look through them and pick out items.

    I think this system has potential.
  • MordredMordred Posts: 102
    Any update for us @Mesanna?? @Kyronix?? Or this will be another coming soon 2050 type of thing?
    In the meantime, since yoy guys are thinking about, why not pause or cancel the idocs in this period???
  • This is a scripting and a trammel issue! Please keep this in mind when suggesting changes or else you'll ruin idocs for places where they work as intended and where script looting is not as big of an issue.

    Deleting idocs entirely would maybe serve as revenge against the above mentioned scripters but it would ruin idocs for everyone else too, especially in environments where scripters are a non-issue.

    For example idocs work perfectly well on Siege. Houses fall pretty accurately and evenly spread at the 5, 10 or 15 hours mark (sometimes 15 minutes later due to server down time). No changes needed here. If someone were to show up with several pack animals in tow they wouldn't live to see the house fall...neither would the multiple characters that person might bring.
  • TimTim Posts: 814
    This is a scripting and a trammel issue! Please keep this in mind when suggesting changes or else you'll ruin idocs for places where they work as intended and where script looting is not as big of an issue.

    Deleting idocs entirely would maybe serve as revenge against the above mentioned scripters but it would ruin idocs for everyone else too, especially in environments where scripters are a non-issue.

    For example idocs work perfectly well on Siege. Houses fall pretty accurately and evenly spread at the 5, 10 or 15 hours mark (sometimes 15 minutes later due to server down time). No changes needed here. If someone were to show up with several pack animals in tow they wouldn't live to see the house fall...neither would the multiple characters that person might bring.
    Unless you have a problem with the whole concept of IDoCs.

    I don't think anyone can honestly say they don't know someone who got screwed by the present system one way or another. 

    Personally I see it as "the fellow down the street died, I wonder if his house is locked up yet".
  • Garth_GreyGarth_Grey Posts: 1,459
    So I watched a few of the Idoc videos recently uploaded to YT, gotta say, it's pretty discouraging @Mesanna
    You and Several Others like this.

    Please make the Grizzled Mare a 5 slot mount, it's incredibly rare and deserves it. Some of us have been waiting a long time for this simple addition.
  • usernameusername Posts: 791
    edited October 2019
    So I watched a few of the Idoc videos recently uploaded to YT, gotta say, it's pretty discouraging @ Mesanna
    But but but IDOCs are a legitimate gameplay style! Think of the gameplay styles! Muh gameplay style!

    /sarcasm off

    Lmao. Every day that passes we realize how much of a joke this "game" has become. Really just delete everything in IDOCs when the house drops and call it a day.
    This discussion has been closed.

    I will be slow to reply because I cannot log in/stay logged in to the forums.
    Make this your signature if you are tired of Vendor Search being broken, over 4 years and counting.
    Vendor search rendered useless after Publish 106 – Forsaken Foes on August 14, 2019.
  • cytexcytex Posts: 8
    edited October 2019
    So I watched a few of the Idoc videos recently uploaded to YT, gotta say, it's pretty discouraging @ Mesanna
    Funny I did too, my friend sent them to me and we had a good laugh over them. They mention every single person in there but not the two biggest well known scripters in the game. hrmm sounds like a conspiracy to me. Figured Id chop all the videos up and say all those toons are mesanna, cuz everyone will believe that one right. Id bet 10p all those scripters are part of the crew taking the video themself and blaming it on other people in a feeble attempt to get rid of any potential competition. There is one way to end all the scripting, Email Mesanna, and ask her to pleaseeee DELETE ALL ITEMS BEFORE THE HOUSE FALLS. No More idocs, no more scripting! perfect solution, let the two biggest scripting crews that are quite conveniently left off those videos, starve without there RTM's from idocs. I've done 4 shards since 2009, and seeing all their bots and packies, doesn't make it worth it to even go anymore, they get everything. So just end all the idocs, im great with that! have a great day yall

  • MordredMordred Posts: 102
    Hahah, i saw those videos too, even my name came up and all if sudden I am AR? Haha. I do 1 or 2 idocs per week if I am luck, TBH, I agree 100% with others, pls delete all the items when the house collapse, I really dont care about anyway and I believe will put an end to all this scripting. So I hope this clarify about on how much I care about Idocs, I vote for either cancel all idocs feom the game or just delete all items, Hows that?
  • stevensteven Posts: 90
    check out the 3 videos on youtube search UO IDOC Cheaters and u find them.

  • Garth_GreyGarth_Grey Posts: 1,459
    Idocs don't need to be removed @Mesanna @Kyronix , it's a playstyle I"ll agree. Just remove the house sign notification. There's absolutely no reason to notify anyone of a houses condition via the house sign. The owner and or friends will get notification when they open the door and it says This house is condemned. That way if people want to continue with their playstyle, they can either run around the shard(s) all day and night looking for recently collapsed houses, or they can run up to every house they find (and that will allow it) and try to open the doors. Now it's become a real playstyle and not a cheat fest. My guess is , absolutely zero will be done about this anyway, but I do love the ideas (not really) that people come up with.
    You and Several Others like this.

    Please make the Grizzled Mare a 5 slot mount, it's incredibly rare and deserves it. Some of us have been waiting a long time for this simple addition.
  • RafmanRafman Posts: 28
    Idocs don't need to be removed @ Mesanna @ Kyronix , it's a playstyle I"ll agree. Just remove the house sign notification. There's absolutely no reason to notify anyone of a houses condition via the house sign. The owner and or friends will get notification when they open the door and it says This house is condemned. That way if people want to continue with their playstyle, they can either run around the shard(s) all day and night looking for recently collapsed houses, or they can run up to every house they find (and that will allow it) and try to open the doors. Now it's become a real playstyle and not a cheat fest. My guess is , absolutely zero will be done about this anyway, but I do love the ideas (not really) that people come up with.
    Removing the house sign would be even stupider than when they thought the 5/10/15h system would benefit the casual player. 

    But i'll humor you. Let's say they remove the house sign. And let's look at Malas on Atlantic only. It's thursday. Will you run around looking for a fallen house today? Once in the day? twice? only once this week altogether?

    Because I promise you that some players will be running characters 24x7 to automatically detect already 'fallen' houses.

    Do the math. How often will you come across 'fallen houses' before the other guys? My guess isn't very often.

    There are ways to improve idocs - your suggestion isn't one of them. 
  • Garth_GreyGarth_Grey Posts: 1,459
    Rafman said:
    Idocs don't need to be removed @ Mesanna @ Kyronix , it's a playstyle I"ll agree. Just remove the house sign notification. There's absolutely no reason to notify anyone of a houses condition via the house sign. The owner and or friends will get notification when they open the door and it says This house is condemned. That way if people want to continue with their playstyle, they can either run around the shard(s) all day and night looking for recently collapsed houses, or they can run up to every house they find (and that will allow it) and try to open the doors. Now it's become a real playstyle and not a cheat fest. My guess is , absolutely zero will be done about this anyway, but I do love the ideas (not really) that people come up with.
    Removing the house sign would be even stupider than when they thought the 5/10/15h system would benefit the casual player. 

    But i'll humor you. Let's say they remove the house sign. And let's look at Malas on Atlantic only. It's thursday. Will you run around looking for a fallen house today? Once in the day? twice? only once this week altogether?

    Because I promise you that some players will be running characters 24x7 to automatically detect already 'fallen' houses.

    Do the math. How often will you come across 'fallen houses' before the other guys? My guess isn't very often.

    There are ways to improve idocs - your suggestion isn't one of them. 
    That's a pitiful attempt at a dodge. You're doing exactly as the newly uploaded videos on YT say. @Mesanna and @Kyronix will either change Idocs or they won't. My guess is they're smart enough to see through junk responses like yours.
    You and Several Others like this.

    Please make the Grizzled Mare a 5 slot mount, it's incredibly rare and deserves it. Some of us have been waiting a long time for this simple addition.
  • he has a point though Garth: people who can script bots looking all over the place for house signs that indicate decay can also just as easily script bots that look for fallen houses for them.

  • RafmanRafman Posts: 28
    Rafman said:
    Idocs don't need to be removed @ Mesanna @ Kyronix , it's a playstyle I"ll agree. Just remove the house sign notification. There's absolutely no reason to notify anyone of a houses condition via the house sign. The owner and or friends will get notification when they open the door and it says This house is condemned. That way if people want to continue with their playstyle, they can either run around the shard(s) all day and night looking for recently collapsed houses, or they can run up to every house they find (and that will allow it) and try to open the doors. Now it's become a real playstyle and not a cheat fest. My guess is , absolutely zero will be done about this anyway, but I do love the ideas (not really) that people come up with.
    Removing the house sign would be even stupider than when they thought the 5/10/15h system would benefit the casual player. 

    But i'll humor you. Let's say they remove the house sign. And let's look at Malas on Atlantic only. It's thursday. Will you run around looking for a fallen house today? Once in the day? twice? only once this week altogether?

    Because I promise you that some players will be running characters 24x7 to automatically detect already 'fallen' houses.

    Do the math. How often will you come across 'fallen houses' before the other guys? My guess isn't very often.

    There are ways to improve idocs - your suggestion isn't one of them. 
    That's a pitiful attempt at a dodge. You're doing exactly as the newly uploaded videos on YT say. @ Mesanna and @ Kyronix will either change Idocs or they won't. My guess is they're smart enough to see through junk responses like yours.
    Your response means absolutely nothing and doesn't address what I said in anyway. Anyone who understands idocs know that what I said is logical, and that removing house signs wouldn't benefit the average player. But wait, i'll add the following line below to make me seem cool like you..

    "Everybody likes this post because i'm cool"
  • Garth_GreyGarth_Grey Posts: 1,459
    he has a point though Garth: people who can script bots looking all over the place for house signs that indicate decay can also just as easily script bots that look for fallen houses for them.

    Removing house sign notification would absolutely slow down these bots to a crawl. They would no longer be able to get a time on House A on Shard B and then log in to Shard C and check House Z etc..they would have to commit somewhere for at least a little while.
    You and Several Others like this.

    Please make the Grizzled Mare a 5 slot mount, it's incredibly rare and deserves it. Some of us have been waiting a long time for this simple addition.
  • who says they can only be on one shard at a time? as you could clearly see in those videos those people have no trouble running multiple characters thus multiple accounts. while account a is running around on ATL, account b is running around on europa, account c is .... you get the idea.
  • DoraDora Posts: 1
    Those videos dont prove anything, anyone can make videos, nowadays people make fake videos about anything and anyone.
    Nice production at least, and i like the fact the producer of the game say "We do Idocs on a global scale" meaning his group does Idocs on all 20 shards, time them all and loot them all, make me wonder how and what program they use.

    Made me laugh when they say , GG is AR aka Great Gatsby, dude made me laugh, anyone that play atl and deal with rares, knows that they are 3 different persons.
    They involved so many names that is hilarios, but look the ones that post recently here? This is so clear to all of us, the rival "scout" group, the UOKing of UO and his idocpersonas trying to get all ny themselves.

    I am all for @Mesanna and @Kyronix.
    The Devs can just delete all the contents from the house as soon as it goes down.
  • Why are my posts on that video? 
    No clue who made those comedy videos, I am for one in favor as well, stop the blatant cheating on Idocs, make everything vanish, no more free stuff, UO is already loaded with crap anyway.
  • UO_FakeNewsUO_FakeNews Posts: 5
    edited October 2019
    This people are smoking the wrong thing.
    No facts, not credible information.
    names removed by Mariah
    Anyone missed the fact that the creator said: we do idocs on a global scale? Meaning they doing idocs on 20+ shards, everyday, all day long? They find them and watch them and loot them all manually?
    Haters will be haters.
    More coming soon...
  • MariahMariah Posts: 3,170Moderator
    Please keep personal attacks out of this thread.
    Credible, thought out, suggestions are welcome, trolls and attacks are not and will inevitably cause the closing of the thread if they persist.
  • WhispererWhisperer Posts: 40
    edited October 2019
    I still don't understand why this dev team cannot block ALL illegal 3rd party script programs. Then you can simply revert idocs to original 7hr fall, instant place and everyone has a fair hit at it.
    edited by Mariah
  • Mariah said:
    Judging by the last 3 posts this thread has run its course, if all useful input has been exhausted I will lock it to prevent further trolling.
    That decision will be based on the next post.

  • SoldahouseSoldahouse Posts: 129
    edited October 2019
    Whisperer said:
    I still don't understand why this dev team cannot block ALL illegal 3rd party script programs. Then you can simply revert idocs to original 7hr fall, instant place and everyone has a fair hit at it.

    I think the easiest thing to do would be to stop the cheaters and I cant understand why it wasn't done years ago. Stopping the cheaters will help with idocs, house placing, em events, PvP. If that just cant be done put all items in a box for when/if players return. 
  • cytexcytex Posts: 8
    Idocs don't need to be removed @ Mesanna @ Kyronix , it's a playstyle I"ll agree. Just remove the house sign notification. There's absolutely no reason to notify anyone of a houses condition via the house sign. The owner and or friends will get notification when they open the door and it says This house is condemned. That way if people want to continue with their playstyle, they can either run around the shard(s) all day and night looking for recently collapsed houses, or they can run up to every house they find (and that will allow it) and try to open the doors. Now it's become a real playstyle and not a cheat fest. My guess is , absolutely zero will be done about this anyway, but I do love the ideas (not really) that people come up with.
    Anybody else wonder why this dude is so adamant about removing house sign which is soo easy to script? LIke with the 5-10-15 rule atleast locals have a chance at it. with no house sign ONLY THE SCRIPTERS will get all! So this dude keeps posting this everywhere, makes me think what his agenda is, but i think any logical person knows what it is. Lets make it easier for scripters, genius idea! CANCEL ALL IDOCS, LET THE SCRIPTERS FINALLY LOSE @Mesanna, @Kyronix
This discussion has been closed.