While We're On The Topic Of Fixing Game Play That Favours Scripting/Botting/Multiboxing: EM EVENTS
With Blackthorn Dungeon being fixed and IDOCs coming up next, how about EM events @Mesanna ?
It's no surprise that since legendary farming is long done the multiboxer/RMT'ers have moved to EM events. They are being farmed HARDER than any other part of the game by REAL MONEY traders. Take a look around Luna Atlantic NE corner and you'll see houses that put out 5-10 of the SAME event items every few days. No way one person is legitimately acquiring this quantity of EM event items.
I propose that EM event items going forward be made either shard bound OR account bound.
It's no surprise that since legendary farming is long done the multiboxer/RMT'ers have moved to EM events. They are being farmed HARDER than any other part of the game by REAL MONEY traders. Take a look around Luna Atlantic NE corner and you'll see houses that put out 5-10 of the SAME event items every few days. No way one person is legitimately acquiring this quantity of EM event items.
I propose that EM event items going forward be made either shard bound OR account bound.
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Make this your signature if you are tired of Vendor Search being broken, over FIVE YEARS and counting.
Vendor search rendered useless after Publish 106 – Forsaken Foes on August 14, 2019.

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Make this your signature if you are tired of Vendor Search being broken, over FIVE YEARS and counting.
Vendor search rendered useless after Publish 106 – Forsaken Foes on August 14, 2019.

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Make this your signature if you are tired of Vendor Search being broken, over FIVE YEARS and counting.
Vendor search rendered useless after Publish 106 – Forsaken Foes on August 14, 2019.
So, not only any and all players could get a drop, BUT, they would have to necessarily use accounts for which a monthly subscription is paid and, thus, resources provided to Ultima Online....
Sure, scripters could still run multiple PAID FOR accounts to increase their chance at a drop but at least, these accounts would be providing an income to Ultima Online....
What Can and Endless Journey account not do?
Endless Journey accounts may not own a house, be co-owned to a house or access containers, safe logout or stacks of items within a public house if friended to one. They may not use mailboxes, operate player vendors or place auction safes. The may not launch a boat, may not mount pack animals with items in their pack.
They may not gain, use or be protected by Justice virtue; receive Rewards, Monster Kill Points, Virtue Points or Power Scrolls from Champion Spawns; gain occupation points in active VvV towns; Attack EM Event creatures or gain EM Event Items; vote in Town Elections or create a guild
Characters may not bribe bulk order npcs, harvest colored ore or logs, mine sand or stone or receive Feluccan 2x bonus.
Cheers MissE
If this ability was to be dealt with once and for all, and stopped for good to be possible in Ultima Online, "magically" we would no longer hear about issues here and issues there in Ultima Online...
I mean, it is possible to "patch up" IDOCs here or EM Events there or something else on a case by case basis, but, I would imagine, it takes much more effort and work being them multiple issues...
Addressing the scripting in Ultima Online as a whole, instead, would, I imagine, deal with all of those issue at once....
Just a thought.....
Yes it is a major problem but I can't see a solution that has a realistic chance of working. Apparently neither can the programers at Broadsword.
From my limited programming knowledge the only solution would require a core rewrite preventing the UO from interacting with any outside programs. And we all know how well that would go over. If you allow one add on program how do you stop others from using the same hole in the fire walls.
And then, guess what is the only alternative left? That's right - RMT.
Cheers MissE
Transfers did not cause the whole population of UO to drop. If we did not have transfer shields the population would have dropped more because we would have to live on Atlantic instead of just visit.
I think once we have the new vendors, we will see a back flow of items from the saturated Atlantic market to the smaller shards.
BTW, I am arguing for free trade here despite the fact that I am still many years away from the shields of my own, and I also think that shard shields were one of the 2 worst decisions ever made by the Dev team. I just think that once the damage has been done, you need more trade, not less to fix it.
I do get why these posts are so common, these activities, and the greed that drives certain players, are the Bane of this game.
UO is an awesome game all round, but the whole RMT thing, leading to incredibly transparent greed driven game styles without any sort of counter-action against them, have been driving a wedge between Players and Developers for a long time.
EM Events. IDOCS, Script Gathering/Farming.
I've discussed this for a long time myself - my preferred option is one of the most controversial - I think it is time to delete Trammel and put the game back to how it was when it was at its best, and how it was meant to be. I strongly believe, the real players would appreciate it. I get that is controversial, but it fixes everything.
I understand why people also mention removing shard shields, though I actually quite like this ability.
I am hopeful that the new Commission Style Vendors will help smaller shards economy a bit. I do plan to bring vendors into action myself.
But something does have to be done about the sheer greed and corruption that is so visibly on display within the game.
Please make the Grizzled Mare a 5 slot mount, it's incredibly rare and deserves it. Some of us have been waiting a long time for this simple addition.
Player Justice does work. Especially with the absence of GM's etc. The game was of course new in those days, and I don't even remember Scripting, or half of these problems existing? Duping bugs did exist.
You can stop scripting, botting and multi-clienting by killing them. Players will not leave their characters unattended for hours if they are freely findable and killable. They will not attempt to control 5 characters at once only being able to control 1 at a time, while 4 are being killed.
I would even point you to the evidence of your own shard below,
Your own shard - Siege, is not suffering from any of the issues that plague production shards. If I was feeling even more extreme, I'd say delete all shards except Siege, as it is the only one that works properly!
And you are right that your solution fixes everything. It fixes everything in the way that there won't be a game left to fix if you remove Trammel. The "real players" (both of them) are not enough to keep the lights on.
OP ; A player can't have 5 of them? Wtf? Theres usually 2-3 rare collectors that buy multiples of each at 50-100m per at the end of every event. They don't even do the event.
Fix cheating? How? Just ban everyone YOU point a finger at?
Remove trammel? You've been beating that horse for 20 years. Get over it.
RMT? Shard shields the problem? WTF? You don't think someone would just pay 20$ for a transfer token to move $1000s of items for RMT purposes? Get real.
Im glad they don't take posts like this seriously. Cetric is the only one here who has made a valid suggestion about shard bound-ing the most valuable content that gets endlessly farmed.
Do you understand now? Or do you need further explanation?
I will be slow to reply because I cannot log in/stay logged in to the forums.
Make this your signature if you are tired of Vendor Search being broken, over FIVE YEARS and counting.
Vendor search rendered useless after Publish 106 – Forsaken Foes on August 14, 2019.
The technology is called having a brain.
But yea this guy is totally running 12-20 accounts at each event to just end up buying them after the event so he can resell 5-10 items on his vendor every event. 4d chess plays right there!
I will be slow to reply because I cannot log in/stay logged in to the forums.
Make this your signature if you are tired of Vendor Search being broken, over FIVE YEARS and counting.
Vendor search rendered useless after Publish 106 – Forsaken Foes on August 14, 2019.
-> Shows video proof
k guy
I will be slow to reply because I cannot log in/stay logged in to the forums.
Make this your signature if you are tired of Vendor Search being broken, over FIVE YEARS and counting.
Vendor search rendered useless after Publish 106 – Forsaken Foes on August 14, 2019.
We know who is doing, we have their house locations, we seen them post the rares for sale, a min after event on stratics, they normally have 4,5,6 drops themselves and nothing will be done.