While We're On The Topic Of Fixing Game Play That Favours Scripting/Botting/Multiboxing: EM EVENTS



  • poppspopps Posts: 4,132
    Vladimir said:
    Another perfect post, that shows that nothing will be done.

    We know who is doing, we have their house locations, we seen them post the rares for sale, a min after event on stratics, they normally have 4,5,6 drops themselves and nothing will be done.

    Simple fix ?

    STOP buying any rares in UO.....

    Just let them sit on their "rare" items and have noone to sell them to....

    As long as there will be players buying those items, players will do whatever they can to get them to then sell them for absurd amounts of in game gold...

    Stop buying those items, and that market will dissolve like snow in a hot sunny day.....
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