Please Remove Outdated House Placement Rules
Please Remove The House Size Restriction on the Tokuno Islands
so I can build this awesome keep Please and Thank You

And could you make those silly Dirt Patch, Skid Mark, whatchamathingys from the ants not block house placement?
Oh! Oh! Oh!
and could ya add some Classic foundations to the choice menu?
Pick me! Pick me!
Maybe make a totally new one too with Blood Dripping down the sides for the PvPers so it seems balanced....

Don't you roll your eyes at me! I already dropped a house on Mesanna's sister, you want to be next?

Could you please create original Castle and Keep footprints that accommodate trees and such that are in grassy areas inside the courtyards of original houses? As it stands, I'll never be able to place a new style keep. Knowing that took the shine off wanting to participate in the house contests as well.
Not that I ever thought I'd have much of a shot at winning one but even on the outside chance that I did I'd never be able to use the design. Or any other wonderful designs players come up with.
It would be sooooo much fun to work on a design that would allow us to make use of this space.
Treasure Hunters
[~>] Camelot by CaMeLoT
[~>] Lacrimae in Caelo by Tears in Heaven
[~>] Okinawa Castle by Taka
[~>] Grimswind Sisters by Sis Draper
[~>] Sandstone Castle by Lex Anteris
Castle spots in Malas are supposed to be reserved for contests...
but the design contests on TC aren't considered contests in that respect...
If they would allow us to LOWER THINGS THROUGH FLOORS PLEASE! Then that area could be decorated easily. Something that simple could fix a lot of issues decorating issues.
Never be afraid to challenge the status quo