Having trouble connecting all of a suddon

I've been playing Endless Journey for a while and then realised I could reactivate my account. I did that and have been playing for a few days. Yesterday out of the blue, I've started to have connection issues. I can log into my account and choose a shard, but when I do it just pauses for a long moment before notifying me it couldn't connect. Sometimes I can't even log in. I've allowed it through my firewall and have also been running UO as administrator and none of this has worked. It's frustrating to have these problems only after 2 days. If anyone could help, I'd very, very much appreciate it!


  • ArronArron Posts: 485
    @Nathics Do you have a connection to the Internet? If you do you could try resetting your Internet Connection? If that does not work you can try to shutdown your computer then restart it. I had a similar issue this morning with my Veteran Accounts and that is what helped me. I hope it helps. I know the feeling when you can't log in. I need my daily fix. Lol.
  • Acid_RainAcid_Rain Posts: 282
    Tech can b so fickle. Shutting down, reboot, and/or unplugging for 5 mins can be huge problem solvers.

    Had an older tower that for some unknown reason would build up a static charge over time & start throwing errors. Fixed by just turning it off for an hour once a month. 

    I want my damn nanotech error free quantum computer already. Someone make it happen ASAP plez  :p
  • BilboBilbo Posts: 2,834
    You could also delete the files of your chars on your hard drive.
  • NathicsNathics Posts: 17
    I've rebooted my computer, reinstalled the game and restarted my internet. I'll try deleting my character files, but I don't even get as far as selecting my characters so I'm not sure if that will make much difference.
    It's becoming increasingly annoying how long this troubleshooting is taking, especially since everything was working fine up until I started paying for my account. I've come back to the game after 10 years and this is making me want to leave it again for good.
  • BilboBilbo Posts: 2,834
    Is this happening with both clients?
  • NathicsNathics Posts: 17
    Yeah. I just finished downloading the classic client and it's doing the same thing. I select which shard I want to connect to and it just says connecting for 5 minutes before losing connection.
  • NathicsNathics Posts: 17
    This is the fourth day I haven't been able to play and I only just paid for a month 6 days ago. If support doesn't get back to me then EA has essentially taken my money without actually giving me what I've paid for.
  • ArronArron Posts: 485
    The problem may not be EA, It could be an issue with your computer. I still think it is an internet connection issue. Are you using Wifi to connect to the internet? If so call your internet provider to see if they can help. It may be a simple thing like shutting off your Wifi Modem and restarting it after 5 to 10 minutes.

  • Petra_FydePetra_Fyde Posts: 1,492
    edited April 2019
    I've seen this problem before, but it's so long ago that I don't remember the solution :(
    The main difference between your account now and as it was at EJ is you now have access to the full content of your bank box. 
    Is you pc fully upto date with drivers and directx?

    I would also suggest checking the 'full file check' box, in case there's a corrupted file.
  • Garth_GreyGarth_Grey Posts: 1,459
    This will not be a popular suggestion, but do you have a friend/relative that also plays UO that you trust with your login info ? If they can log in with your account, the issue is on your end.
    You and Several Others like this.

    Please make the Grizzled Mare a 5 slot mount, it's incredibly rare and deserves it. Some of us have been waiting a long time for this simple addition.
  • BilboBilbo Posts: 2,834
    Is there a promotional code that you need to apply to your account to tell it it is a full account?  Do you get any warnings about your account before it goes back to the log-in screen?  What does your account page say about that account.  I have never had an EJ Account so am unsure what your account page ma or may not say.
  • BilboBilbo Posts: 2,834
    edited April 2019
    @AtlanticRealtor do you have any ideas that may help the OP?
  • SuperfrogSuperfrog Posts: 102
    edited April 2019
    Nathics said:
    This is the fourth day I haven't been able to play and I only just paid for a month 6 days ago. If support doesn't get back to me then EA has essentially taken my money without actually giving me what I've paid for.
    The best way to eliminate your equipment would be to create another EJ account and see if it will let that log in. If it does, that means something with the account. If not, then it means something on your end.  If it is the account, try emailing @Mesanna to get some help. 
  • this is the link

    you should log with your current email / password and you will notice the "type of account have!
    if your account is EJ will show like this

    no If you applied a Credit card or a GTC, will show like this

  • NathicsNathics Posts: 17
    Yeah I've tried with a full account and an EJ account and they're both not logging in properly. It could very well be something on my end. I've restarted my internet after leaving it off for 15 minutes and I've run both clients as administrator. As far as I can tell, there's no promotional code I need to add.
  • GidgeGidge Posts: 426
    Not sure how old your computer is, I just recently (3 days ago?) had to go into my firewall settings and allow UO and UOAssit to go through and since I actually did a full reinstall, be sure to run as admin.

    I think they (microsoft) try to hard to protect us from ourselves now and end up stopping many of our programs. :(
  • NathicsNathics Posts: 17
    I have a month old gaming ASUS. I've allowed the whole EA folder permission and run the client as administrator. I've restarted my internet, my computer, tried both client versions, logged in with two different types of accounts, have my clients up to date, messaged support and have decent internet. I had two days of game play and haven't changed any settings so I don't understand what has changed to make the game unplayable.
  • NathicsNathics Posts: 17
    I don't know anyone else with the game, so I can't test my account on someone else's computer.
  • NathicsNathics Posts: 17
    Oh shit! I just got in with the classic client. I have no idea why it's working, but it's a win and I'll take it. Thank you to everyone who offered their advice and support. Honestly, the main reason why I returned to the game after 10 years is you guys. One of the best gaming communities ever.
  • NathicsNathics Posts: 17
    edited April 2019
    Oops, I logged into Classic once and now it's gone back to not working. Enhanced client still isn't working.
  • ArronArron Posts: 485
    What shard are you playing on or should i say which shard are you trying to log into?

  • NathicsNathics Posts: 17
    Trying to get onto Oceania. Though sometimes it doesn't even get passed logging into my account. I've had a little success logging in today, but then it's super laggy. I just wish my computer could tell me what's changed from last week till now. Before it was running perfectly.
  • NathicsNathics Posts: 17
    Classic client seems to run a little better for some reason.
  • NathicsNathics Posts: 17
    edited April 2019
    Every now and then the game is (Not Responding) when I try to log in.
    When I do get in on EC, it tells me the latency for Oceania is over 600ms, which shouldn't be right. My internet is running just fine and the CC says Oceania is 60ms, but still hangs in the loading screen when I select it.
  • ArronArron Posts: 485
    I believe a couple of the shards are having issues with crashes. You could check the different shard forums to see which ones are having issues. I am sorry you are having problems with logging in. I know that is no fun when you want to log in and enjoy the game as it has happened to me a few times, but usually don't last more than a day or 2. I wish you best of luck and hope the issue is resolved soon.

  • NathicsNathics Posts: 17
    Thanks for the support Arron. I've been out of commission since Friday, so it's not looking good. At this rate, I won't be renewing my account as there's no point. The support team has three weeks to get back to me before my subscription runs out. I'll be extremely disappointed if I miss even 1/4th of what I've paid for.
  • Petra_FydePetra_Fyde Posts: 1,492
    Nathics said:
    Every now and then the game is (Not Responding) when I try to log in.
    When I do get in on EC, it tells me the latency for Oceania is over 600ms, which shouldn't be right. My internet is running just fine and the CC says Oceania is 60ms, but still hangs in the loading screen when I select it.
    is it possible there is a problem with the route?  
    I think the server information on this old page is still valid https://uo2.stratics.com/technical-information/server-ip-addresses/
  • NathicsNathics Posts: 17
    edited April 2019
    I'm not super tech savvy. How do I use the information there? haha
    Edit: I scrolled down further and I can see the instructions now. Thanks, Petra! I'll give it a go
  • NathicsNathics Posts: 17
    Three days ago I decided to try my luck again and had success. For two days I had no problems at all and all was well. Last night however, my game froze and I had to restart it. When I tried to log back in I had the same trouble as before.
    I've used UOTrace and it says my connection to Oceania is fine, but I sometimes have trouble logging in full stop.
  • Nathics said:
    Three days ago I decided to try my luck again and had success. For two days I had no problems at all and all was well. Last night however, my game froze and I had to restart it. When I tried to log back in I had the same trouble as before.
    I've used UOTrace and it says my connection to Oceania is fine, but I sometimes have trouble logging in full stop.
    Not sure if it’s been asked, what part of the world are you physically in? (IE west coast USA, Canada, Japan etc)
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