Bulk Order Deeds ... Who is working on it?



  • IkeeluIkeelu Posts: 134
    Pretty sure this is a non-issue for 99% of the player base. Most people I know have 2 accounts and 2 “crafters”, one being an Imbuer. You get 3 BoDs a day for smithing and I’ll guess you get 3 for tailoring. If you straight horded for a year you’d need maybe 3 books/ trade, do 5 trades and thats 2k storage... still fits in your castle. Oh but you have 50 accounts... if you are claiming 150 BoDs/trade/day you are not among the many. Better explained... I can log into my crafter everyday and claim BoDs, mine out 10 pickaxes a day, and craft out every BoD I manage to get in a week. I will get (from small BoDs alone) pickaxes, dull copper hammer, shadow hammer, copper hammer, bronze hammer, and PoF. As far as practical goes there is nothing else needed on the list... I will end this venture with a couple bronze hammer valorite/verite BoDs that dont fill but one secure spot in my house. My point being you reap what you sow. 54 accounts and collecting BoDs is gonna catch up to you. Come back down to us plebs and realize it’s not an issue. People that make money off selling BoD rewards dont have this issue. At least I dont.
    esdxWhere is the bank? 
  • Wow  I am very glad you have it so well under control.  
    Let me give you a tiny taste of how I got so many..
    I didn't always have 54 accounts,,, I had a large group of friends on a handful of shards. One by one for different reasons each left UO, which each asked me to hang on to the accounts if they didn't come back in a year take it as they wont be back....  only 2 returned and then left again!
    I got them back....  some 1 account others 2, 4, 5.etc.  I didn't mind as many had characters worth the time to run, and nice homes.. most now own castles.  Before it was no big deal to collect the bods as we only had smith and tailor to get.  So 6 bods give or take per day was no big deal.

    Now add in that years have gone by and the rewards back then were not so easy to get as the Dev did a adjustment of the drops along with the new types.(ie: cooking, carpentry, etc) Back then that Val big bod was a real pain in the tush to fill.     These days my crafters can collect 24 bods per round.  Yes I have more then one crafter per skill... come on did you think I was the only crafter in my group of friends? Now I don't go hog wild and collect every crafter I have in bods but I do go for my mostly used characters, and that can add up real quick.  
    A bod book holds 500. 
    A vendor can hold 600 (2 books of 300). 
    Even though the dev made some ajustment to drops in the bods by the NPC it still is hell to get a full large in one pass... which is what your making it out to sound.  Which is not the case usually.
     Id love to do up as I go … but where does the time go..  these days if I can ill play on an off all day for a few minutes at a time in between other things.... Real life calls, I answer.   Game is not the main theme of my life nor should it be....  or BS owes me a paycheck the size of an elephant!
    Be that as it may.
    I am asking for something that not just I need,, if the bod book was 1 item count the lag and clutter of my homes with vendors would clear up. My crafter would be able to work out of the books with less trouble of pulling books off and making sure I hit the esc button to save it.    No I do not like to strip my lady's down to their nickers to get a bod out of a bigger count book!

    There is no reason to keep them as is.. If one or more reward item say was worth over 10 mill I could see a issue... but even now as most of the rewards are turn in owner only on the real money maker items, its not worth duping..  Heck the val hammers are cheap..  so I ask for the change.
  • IkeeluIkeelu Posts: 134
    Have you alreay purchased all the storage upgrades available? I mean come on... you already got the needed storage down 4:1 when the books were implemented. Maybe you should hire somebody to work your BoDs. I also cant understand why vendors would be allowed as storage. 

    esdxWhere is the bank? 
  • CinderellaCinderella Posts: 1,794
    I would personally love it, if they made the BOD books just 1 item...
    people keep asking at the Dev Meet & Greets for it and they keep turning it down...

    I do tend to go overboard with the amount of BODs that I collect, but I do use the BODs.
    And since the Artisan Festival began, I have gotten rid a lot of the BODs. I know there will at least be one more round of the Artisan Festival, to complete the collection... I hope after that, that they would continue to do it some more...  just think of all the BODs the festivals have gotten out of the game...

    some people love to collect items in game, whether its holiday gifts, statues, BODs... the list goes on and on... there is only so much storage to hold them in. And with BODs it is really easy to collect lot of them... but for those that do collect them, they use them and they take up lot of space... And when you keep running out of space, you have to store them in vendors . Its very upsetting when you go to get a deed and find a whole book gone because you forgot to hit escape... You want to throw your hands up in the air when that happens, but you go on, cause you are a UO crafter...

  • IkeeluIkeelu Posts: 134
    If they remove all player housing and make housing instanced then I can see you in the middle and say sure give that person who has managed to hoard BoDs past a manageable point more ability to hoard. However, as an active crafter, I get 21 blacksmith BoDs a week and one for every one I choose to complete. I do not collect pixels so I have a small stone and plaster house and somehow with every imbuing material, every ore, and every gem I still have space for my PoF and Runics and BoDs. By the way... I’d love a castle but as long as people are holding accounts with castles for dead people I guess I’m outta luck. Be happy you got BoD books at all. 
    esdxWhere is the bank? 
  • Ezekiel_ZaneEzekiel_Zane Posts: 326
    edited January 2019
    Ikeelu said:
    I also cant understand why vendors would be allowed as storage. 

    It was allowed and is legal because BODs used to be highly traded.  Practically the only way you could fill a lg Valorite BOD was thru trading with other crafters.

    Placing your BODs on a vendor allowed others to see what you had and offer to trade.
  • Trade was very good but that was till some bright(not) person started to price the rest of us out of the very needed parts... the parts cost you more then the whole sale of the reward! It became how much can I gouge you out of for that needed val plate bod gorget??  
    4:1 for the book might be great for Ikeelu , but to answer you a good few of my castles do have the extra 60%, And to add high seas along with the 7slot/bank upgrade that runs over 30$ for each???? 
    Just be thankful I pay for all my accounts kiddo, with 45 of my 54 on can and will dent your wallet.  Before you pick up your jaw off the desk no i'm not a nut. Just one who got caught up in UO and my friends and my play that when they finally left the game I didn't have the heart to let their great characters die in some cold void. But this is about Bulk Order Books and its value.
    Value is the point... the LP has a fear that if the books became 1 item a sudden rush by the dupers will rush in make up the top selling wanted bods will be duped to utter flood stage.  
    Lets get real. 
    To answer our Top God... What makes you think they have not done this already? I mean 4/1 is not that deep a turn off... get real if they have not done it now to the flood stage I highly doubt they will give a fig when they can copy the 250m EM drops.   
    Truly id love to have the dev give crafter of all the skills a boone too to be able to do the full gamut of bods  and have the high level of skills 720 don't cut the mustard...and have enough to recall or gate your poor pet packie to safety if critters or the human critters get to bugging you...
    This is only asking for the way the bulk order books should have been in the first place.  
  • dvviddvvid Posts: 849
    Not related to storage, but I just wanted to make a quick suggestion that if a BOD was part of a larger BOD, it should indicate it somewhere in the UI.  I can't stand having to constantly check the lists Ive made for each crafting profession.  It should just be right there.
  • dvvid said:
    Not related to storage, but I just wanted to make a quick suggestion that if a BOD was part of a larger BOD, it should indicate it somewhere in the UI.  I can't stand having to constantly check the lists Ive made for each crafting profession.  It should just be right there.
     Second the motion!
  • IkeeluIkeelu Posts: 134
    dvvid said:
    Not related to storage, but I just wanted to make a quick suggestion that if a BOD was part of a larger BOD, it should indicate it somewhere in the UI.  I can't stand having to constantly check the lists Ive made for each crafting profession.  It should just be right there.
     Second the motion!
    Best idea in the thread. 
    esdxWhere is the bank? 
  • TimTim Posts: 839
    dvvid said:
    Not related to storage, but I just wanted to make a quick suggestion that if a BOD was part of a larger BOD, it should indicate it somewhere in the UI.  I can't stand having to constantly check the lists Ive made for each crafting profession.  It should just be right there.
    Oh God YES
  • TimStTimSt Posts: 1,915
    Let us bribe a small BOD into what we want. A 10 normal iron knife keeps getting bribed into a 10 normal dull copper knife.  But I need a 10 exceptional iron knife.
  • IkeeluIkeelu Posts: 134
    TimSt said:
    Let us bribe a small BOD into what we want. A 10 normal iron knife keeps getting bribed into a 10 normal dull copper knife.  But I need a 10 exceptional iron knife.
    There are colored ore weapons BoDs?
    esdxWhere is the bank? 
  • Yeah it would be nice to be able to select the upgrade, instead of destroying the usefulness of bods over and over by having it move up an ore, or increased qty when all you wanted was except, and vice versa.

  • And I seriously hope that when they look at this, they make the % bank points on SBoDs a little better...sheesh
  • Allow excess points to be stored instead of losing them.

    When you turn in a BOD worth 800 points but choose a reward that costs 700 points, you should not lose the extra 100 points.
  • PawainPawain Posts: 10,645
    Allow excess points to be stored instead of losing them.

    When you turn in a BOD worth 800 points but choose a reward that costs 700 points, you should not lose the extra 100 points.

    No.  Then you can just buy the tool each time and never need to do Large Bods.
    Focus on what you can do, not what you can't.
  • TimStTimSt Posts: 1,915
    Ikeelu said:
    TimSt said:
    Let us bribe a small BOD into what we want. A 10 normal iron knife keeps getting bribed into a 10 normal dull copper knife.  But I need a 10 exceptional iron knife.
    There are colored ore weapons BoDs?
    Not that I know of.  The colored ore knife is a tinker BoD.
  • Hehe that's the dinner plate knife  like the spoon and goblet... 

    I have been organizing my bods on Origin... none are on vendors. Reason be is that I own a lot of castles there and can spread them to the homes of my crafters.  
    If this was the case for all then fine... but its not fine.   
    There is no way in hell that a small time crafter can store and use to any efficiency the system as it sits. Period. And yes by all means put it back the other way a bod raised the level of the bods with the NPC. 
    It was 10 normal went to 10 exc  then the 15 normal to 15 exc. and so on up the chain. You knew you had to bribe and what to expect. This made it a bit more useful and you got what you needed not a ton of junk that has now to sit somewhere till you can find its use.  
    I know we need a lot more work done in the game and to the major players who love pvp this is a low on the totem pole issue... but the truth is many do crafting.  
    I have noticed a lot of the older crafters have left the game or have stopped the trade/sale of bods. 
  • As a side note there are many recipe's that we cant get because of them being part of quests. I'd like to see a way to get them … like the blackrock stew for cooking... even the new Krampas tailor these some were not lucky to get.  It leads tot he idea of having the scrolls you don't have marked with a colored * near the name to tell us you don't know it.
  • I took the day to go through just my tailor crafter …. I understand the scrolls missing is the high end $$ and I don't see me spending 10 to 50 mill to make a hat or boots of no use.  It like to see a way for these marked on our tool menu when we go looking.
  • SlissSliss Posts: 283
    dvvid said:
    Not related to storage, but I just wanted to make a quick suggestion that if a BOD was part of a larger BOD, it should indicate it somewhere in the UI.  I can't stand having to constantly check the lists Ive made for each crafting profession.  It should just be right there.
    FYI Pinko's UI has had this function for many years. And since this is one of the features that did not make it into the official client when they had Pinko working on it, I am guessing the devs don't want it.
  • SlissSliss Posts: 283
    Mesanna stated in the past that they do not want the BODs hoarded. However the current system encourages hoarding because:
    1. You need many hundreds of BODs to fill large BODs.
    2. The points you get for turning in a BOD without claiming anything are so few as to be worthless. Nobody is going to waste material doing this.

    Making BOD books count as one item would encourage hoarding. Personally I have no problems with this. Hoarders make up the most devoted part of the player base (hard to quit if you can't separate yourself from all the stuff). But, if they want to make it work without hoarding - the changes need to be made to the system itself, rather than the BOD books.
  • BilboBilbo Posts: 2,834
    Ikeelu said:
    I’d love a castle but as long as people are holding accounts with castles for dead people I guess I’m outta luck. Be happy you got BoD books at all. 
    You do understand that that is a paid account and if someone want to keep it to remember a play that is their right.
  • Sliss  the current CC client don't have pinko's works, that is in EC only.  I run in CC. Mesanna and I have had many conversations on this in the M&G's  Hoarding is not her top priority in their concern. 
    As for Ikeelu, dear you need to learn to walk and chew gum at the same time... I didn't buy any of my castles and I own over 25 of them...  it took foot work and determination to get them and a lot of pure luck to be at the right place and the right time.  oh yea and on the right character too.
    Bilbo is quite correct they are paid for and the powers that be at EA/BS care for paid accounts. To of which these castles are paid for every month.  
    So get off the soap box of poor me...
  • IkeeluIkeelu Posts: 134
    @Lady_Storm the thread is about you wanting something that benefits nobody but yourself. Keep it in the lines lady. 
    esdxWhere is the bank? 
  • Its not just for me. and that's a fact.  too many people I know have quit bods due to the strain of storage and working them in the form they are today.   Walk a mile in their moccisins kiddo. I don't know if your into crafting as your attitude would change if you were... 
  • Pawain said:
    Allow excess points to be stored instead of losing them.

    When you turn in a BOD worth 800 points but choose a reward that costs 700 points, you should not lose the extra 100 points.

    No.  Then you can just buy the tool each time and never need to do Large Bods.
    That makes no sense.  You can't buy another barbed kit with 100 points but after turning in more large BODs you'd get an extra kit with the leftover points.  Not sure how that's a game killer?
  • One I think the points left over from a choice should be stored for choice later not a fraction of them.  Second I have taken a book full of low end smith bods and filled them and in turning in I got wonderful bods in the mix. I was wearing the smith talisman not sure if it has any influence on it. But I did get a good bit back way higher in colored metals and many were parts. 
    EZ  the hint is many don't want any of us to get ahead of what they call their territory.  Had a guy threaten me when I put items on my vendors he thought were under cutting him. All were cooking  smith and tailor rewards.. he went bonkers that I dare to lower his market sales.  I was huh?
    People need to chill.. 
  • Ikeelu said:
    @ Lady_Storm the thread is about you wanting something that benefits nobody but yourself. Keep it in the lines lady. 

    Sorry to burst your bubble, but this will benefit a lot more people than her.  And will enable us to have more completed trees at artisan festival, since we would be able to store the bods until time to hand em to the elf.  

    If you;re butthurt by someone playing a platstyle that doesn't suit you, perhaps you need to be playing a solo game on the PS.
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