I really hope 2025 roadmap involves merging CC and EC into 1
unified client. Improve graphics in some areas (pixel density, pixel
size on rings especially) and leverage EC's interface.
CC w/ improved graphics (sharpening ,higher resolution support, shading and lighting) with EC interface would be absolute win. Maybe resurrect KR client and enhance some of the artwork/shading to be more aligned with CC colors?
think NL was not as successful as they thought it would be. The game
wasn't designed to be an ARPG, which is what NL basically does. No one
wants to start new chars every season.
Can we please make it so statuette pets can be popped anywhere and get access to Bushido and ninjitsu?
I’m an experienced player and still get caught by this dumb trap.
It's not a dumb trap, only tameables that are spawned in Tokuno get access to Bushido and Ninjitsu. That is the design. Being able to pop pets in Tokuno to get access to Bushido and Ninjitsu is more of a quirky side effect. If they were to do anything about it, it would be more likely they would remove the quirk and statuette pets would no longer be able to get Bushido/Ninjitsu
Just add a note on that token.. a warning like:" should be claim on tokuno island "
Even if they f up the note with a typo.. they won't break anything important.. pretty sure it's a quick fix.
After Loop could hate himself for not reading the user manual (warning notice).. he could only blame himself with such reminder.. cuz I tend to agree with Loop on that.. even if u know (wich not everyone does).. when u get something you are excited about.. that excitement can put you in trouble and imo we cannot blame the users to be over excited/happy to claim something solid like a triton or a 100 millions bear.. but we can blame the designer tho.. it's not intuitive even if it's logic (from a vet player perspective)
So rather than recognise the effort the botters went to, to set all that up - for the benefit of the players, to help get certain items, something you could never be bothered to do, you would rather drag people backwards to your neanderthal world?
Leave attended paying accounts alone, these people go thru a lot of trouble to play/automate the game.
-UO official forums, brought to you by BoardSword studio
You forgot something:"Leave attendedpaying accounts alone, these people go thru a lot of trouble to play/automate the game."
Anything you say has no value, imo.. the only topic u knowledgeable is taming and yet..
So rather than recognise the effort the botters went to, to set all that up - for the benefit of the players, to help get certain items, something you could never be bothered to do, you would rather drag people backwards to your neanderthal world?
Leave attended paying accounts alone, these people go thru a lot of trouble to play/automate the game.
-UO official forums, brought to you by BoardSword studio
So rather than recognise the effort the botters went to, to set all that up - for the benefit of the players, to help get certain items, something you could never be bothered to do, you would rather drag people backwards to your neanderthal world?
Leave attended paying accounts alone, these people go thru a lot of trouble to play/automate the game.
-UO official forums, brought to you by BoardSword studio
I have an absolute laundry list of things. I'm a recently returned player and there are things that are glaringly obvious.
The first thing is champ spawn item drops need to either be incorporated into recipes that make them useful again or the drops need to be updated. There isn't really a single drop that is worth having/using except for maybe the deco items. While in that same vein why don't they finish turning some of the old outdated doom artifacts into ingredients for better items too. Like who the heck is using the Holy Knight's Breastplate or Tunic Of Fire anymore? I could go into lengthy detail here but the idea is pretty easy to follow seeing how it's already been done to some degree.
All peerless and bosses need an update. I remember the Harrower being a big deal and now that entire monster is laughable to say the least. There isn't really a single boss or peerless now that can't be absolutely demolished from the gear creep over the years. Could go lore driven to justify the changes but honestly I don't even think that's necessary.
I would like to see more of the map utilized. Traveling invasion/spawn? Similar to the event but I'm talking completely random location based on the time/day and with relocations or movement throughout the day. I'd love to see a random invasion/spawn that gets announced similar to the MOE that's sending you all over UO. I would advise to make it hard but worth it.
Splinter needs obvious tweaking in regards to focus attack and no cool down.
The tamer nerf to PVP needs to be re-evaluated. While I see why it was implemented when it came out with all the animals receiving massive buffs it has essentially removed them from PVP in entirety.
Make original faction horses tradeable.
Make grizzled mare tradeable after it's been redeemed.
Bring back being able to dye dragon barding armor. That glitch was awesome but short lived back in the day. Also there should be more available barding armor options. Like if I want an ozzy or a horse that has barding armor to get the PVM damage reduction that should be a thing.
A Vet reward house decoration that gives you a circle or pentagram that when used equates to a full skilled focus even by yourself. At this stage of the game I think it's absolutely necessary.
Vet reward robes/cloaks need to be updated. Give them eaters and some stats possibly. Or better yet give them a pool similar to imbuing where the person gets to pick their own stats up to a maximum pool level.
Plus skill items should have a 30 second delay before the skill points hit. This would still allow viability in a choke fight for someone to drop back and change their set up but would eliminate the obvious unintended test center like crap that is going on at Yew lately.
This one will get a ton of hate but I stand by it. Lances should be able to dismount while riding. However!, they should have about a 90% chance that you will foot yourself as well unless the target has a lance as well. This will bring back fencing to the list of viable options because right now it's Bokuto or bust.
Archers haven't got love in who knows how long. Dexxers are out there running around bone breaking, throwing sparks, splintering people left and right and archers are still using same mods since basically Mondain's Legacy came out.
Instanced PVP. 1v1 3v3 and 5v5 and maybe like an 8 player free for all. Give it awesome rewards that are earned by points and make it fun and different. I'm thinking capture the flag(heavy bagball) or something similar and possibly just a straight up death match. Make it to where you can queue up with randoms.
Update/add Void Pool rewards. This is an awesome part of the game that is currently being under utilized. If it was me I'd would make the rewards rotate through some of the previous drop event items.
For the next event (rewards); I'd like to see an item or two be specifically geared towards a gargoyle template and this might also mean there is NOT a comparable version for humans.
For example - a pair of stone earrings for throwers that has similar mods to balron bone chest like 15% in every resist / stam / dex / HP / Str (doesn't have to be exact) and throw either 5% SSI on it to help push toward max SSI from the suit or something like 30% HLD like the M&S glasses have since Gargs are missing a gear slot.
Так же нужно пересмотреть очень много артефактов, лута перлесов, многие из них уже не конкуренты эвент вещам. Так же многие Дум артефакты да и сокровища сундуков, множество бесполезных скилов. Так же сделайте пожайлуста так. что бы все мобы так или иначе были восприимчивы к дискорду, это не совсем верно, что 2 скилла(музыка и диско а порой и провокация) в принципе не работают.
Так же нужно пересмотреть очень много артефактов, лута перлесов, многие из них уже не конкуренты эвент вещам. Так же многие Дум артефакты да и сокровища сундуков, множество бесполезных скилов. Так же сделайте пожайлуста так. что бы все мобы так или иначе были восприимчивы к дискорду, это не совсем верно, что 2 скилла(музыка и диско а порой и провокация) в принципе не работают.
Translation by Google Also, it is necessary to review a lot of artifacts, loot perles, many of them are no longer competitors to event items. Also, many Doom artifacts and treasure chests, many useless skills. Also, please make it so that all mobs are somehow susceptible to discord, it is not entirely true that 2 skills (music and disco, and sometimes provocation) do not work in principle.
Somehow stop either through mechanism or through fear of bans the use of cross client/user targeting automations.
Its fairly commonplace now that pvpers are using 3rd party programs and using guild/alliance chat, UOs UDP connectivity, or a 3rd party event server to programmatically communicate targeting information including timing in a way that a human playing is not capable of doing.
ex: Player 1 selects a target, the automation announces the target, player 2s automation reads the targeting information, and selects the target.
A great idea from Grimbeard...A deed that allows you to copy your home design for others to purchase. They can then go to their house site, click on it, and it's done. Can be a veteran reward that comes with three deeds like auction safes, or for sale in game store, whatever.
A great idea from Grimbeard...A deed that allows you to copy your home design for others to purchase. They can then go to their house site, click on it, and it's done. Can be a veteran reward that comes with three deeds like auction safes, or for sale in game store, whatever.
This is actually a great idea. Or allow you sell the blueprint as a house deed so others can place (Will require an additional tooltip frame showing the house design).
A great idea from Grimbeard...A deed that allows you to copy your home design for others to purchase. They can then go to their house site, click on it, and it's done. Can be a veteran reward that comes with three deeds like auction safes, or for sale in game store, whatever.
The ability to save house design is there just need a way for them to turn into a deed
I'd really love to see a way to send stuff cross shards (more than 125 items) instantly through a vault without having to transfer character. Unlike the vault we have now that can't do cross server.
Also, just a small thing but I think it would be cool to see our characters on the login screen on EC.
So when you login on the left you got the account name, and shards. Then on the right side select the characters name and it pops up the paper-doll of the character on the right of that and show equipment and stuff on them. <span></span>
Never be afraid to challenge the status quo
ESRB warning: Some Blood. LOTS of Alcohol. Some Violence. LOTS of Bugs
Even if they f up the note with a typo.. they won't break anything important.. pretty sure it's a quick fix.
After Loop could hate himself for not reading the user manual (warning notice).. he could only blame himself with such reminder.. cuz I tend to agree with Loop on that.. even if u know (wich not everyone does).. when u get something you are excited about.. that excitement can put you in trouble and imo we cannot blame the users to be over excited/happy to claim something solid like a triton or a 100 millions bear.. but we can blame the designer tho.. it's not intuitive even if it's logic (from a vet player perspective)
Leave attended paying accounts alone, these people go thru a lot of trouble to play/automate the game.
-UO official forums, brought to you by BoardSword studio
2. You can still choose the abilities that use these magics as a passive. FWW or Feint etc.
You lose nothing useful by opening a bear in luna.
Anything you say has no value, imo.. the only topic u knowledgeable is taming and yet..
Leave attended paying accounts alone, these people go thru a lot of trouble to play/automate the game.
-UO official forums, brought to you by BoardSword studio
Leave attended paying accounts alone, these people go thru a lot of trouble to play/automate the game.
-UO official forums, brought to you by BoardSword studio
The first thing is champ spawn item drops need to either be incorporated into recipes that make them useful again or the drops need to be updated. There isn't really a single drop that is worth having/using except for maybe the deco items. While in that same vein why don't they finish turning some of the old outdated doom artifacts into ingredients for better items too. Like who the heck is using the Holy Knight's Breastplate or Tunic Of Fire anymore? I could go into lengthy detail here but the idea is pretty easy to follow seeing how it's already been done to some degree.
All peerless and bosses need an update. I remember the Harrower being a big deal and now that entire monster is laughable to say the least. There isn't really a single boss or peerless now that can't be absolutely demolished from the gear creep over the years. Could go lore driven to justify the changes but honestly I don't even think that's necessary.
I would like to see more of the map utilized. Traveling invasion/spawn? Similar to the event but I'm talking completely random location based on the time/day and with relocations or movement throughout the day. I'd love to see a random invasion/spawn that gets announced similar to the MOE that's sending you all over UO. I would advise to make it hard but worth it.
Splinter needs obvious tweaking in regards to focus attack and no cool down.
The tamer nerf to PVP needs to be re-evaluated. While I see why it was implemented when it came out with all the animals receiving massive buffs it has essentially removed them from PVP in entirety.
Make original faction horses tradeable.
Make grizzled mare tradeable after it's been redeemed.
Bring back being able to dye dragon barding armor. That glitch was awesome but short lived back in the day. Also there should be more available barding armor options. Like if I want an ozzy or a horse that has barding armor to get the PVM damage reduction that should be a thing.
A Vet reward house decoration that gives you a circle or pentagram that when used equates to a full skilled focus even by yourself. At this stage of the game I think it's absolutely necessary.
Vet reward robes/cloaks need to be updated. Give them eaters and some stats possibly. Or better yet give them a pool similar to imbuing where the person gets to pick their own stats up to a maximum pool level.
Plus skill items should have a 30 second delay before the skill points hit. This would still allow viability in a choke fight for someone to drop back and change their set up but would eliminate the obvious unintended test center like crap that is going on at Yew lately.
This one will get a ton of hate but I stand by it. Lances should be able to dismount while riding. However!, they should have about a 90% chance that you will foot yourself as well unless the target has a lance as well. This will bring back fencing to the list of viable options because right now it's Bokuto or bust.
Archers haven't got love in who knows how long. Dexxers are out there running around bone breaking, throwing sparks, splintering people left and right and archers are still using same mods since basically Mondain's Legacy came out.
Instanced PVP. 1v1 3v3 and 5v5 and maybe like an 8 player free for all. Give it awesome rewards that are earned by points and make it fun and different. I'm thinking capture the flag(heavy bagball) or something similar and possibly just a straight up death match. Make it to where you can queue up with randoms.
Update/add Void Pool rewards. This is an awesome part of the game that is currently being under utilized. If it was me I'd would make the rewards rotate through some of the previous drop event items.
Oops too late...
It's flat frustrating for a non professional to try to size and place.
Also, it is necessary to review a lot of artifacts, loot perles, many of them are no longer competitors to event items. Also, many Doom artifacts and treasure chests, many useless skills. Also, please make it so that all mobs are somehow susceptible to discord, it is not entirely true that 2 skills (music and disco, and sometimes provocation) do not work in principle.
Ridable Drakes!
Too long have we waited to ride something close to a dragon.
No, Swamp Dragons don't count. Ha!
So when you login on the left you got the account name, and shards. Then on the right side select the characters name and it pops up the paper-doll of the character on the right of that and show equipment and stuff on them. <span>
And maybe we can save the game.