Remove trap still worthless

so since the last patch i just logged in to retry the hidden chests again. i go to fel, find a medium chest, I pick it with no issues being gm lock picking. then i go to remove trap. I'm currently 100 remove trap mind ya. I try this 12 times, the 13th time it failed as well but then it set off the trap with yet again Lethal poison. could not cure it, all i could do is run to the healers and die. the skill remove trap is pretty much as useless as it gets. if you can take 2 steps can cast telek on a chest with no issues other than having everything around you attack you, why have remove trap? When the fail ration at GM skill is SOOOOO bad, when you know you are almost guaranteed to fail... It is useless. Even doing t-maps it is bad. but they made it a requirem to have or you cant do maps. 50/50 chance would not be too bad but this is still crazy to be the highest in a skill possible and fail so much.  Dev's, please rethink the logic. Or better yet, actually play the game you are programming and see just how bad the game fails. you said in the post poison is capped at level 4, level 4 poison can be cured with arch cure. I just got hit with lethal poison. Way to go programmers.

On a side note, the amount of hidden chests is terribly small. you can run around a town like Yew or Trinsic and find half or around there. in a populated server where you are competing for them, you might not even find 6 per town invasion. I'm on Pacific right now in Skara Fel. i've found less than 9 running around the empty town. the odds of finding a rare totem is almost non es


  • keven2002keven2002 Posts: 2,368
    Why is anyone using remove trap for the invasion chests? It's a genuine question because all I've done so far is Detect --> Pick --> open the chest 2X (Poison & dart) --> grab any goodies --> Arch cure poison.

    I barely lose HP two times (maybe 12HP each hit plus a 5hp dart hit). Don't want to sound dismissive but I feel like it's easier/quicker to just trigger the traps instead of get frustrated by remove trap.
  • MariahMariah Posts: 3,382Moderator
    Unless I've missed something, the event expansion changes aren't on Pacific yet? Still only on Origin, Isamu and Baja?
  • ChurchChurch Posts: 47
    Keven2002, my answer to your question is just this.. Remove trap is a skill , it was suppose to make it so you did not die popping these chests. I'm happy for you that you can survive the poison. Myself and many others cannot cure it. I can take 2 steps and telekinetic them too, but it defeats the point in me being stealthed and hidden. I don't want to have to deal with fighting every mob in the area while i'm picking a chest or trying to cure and heal.
  • keven2002keven2002 Posts: 2,368
    Church said:
    Keven2002, my answer to your question is just this.. Remove trap is a skill , it was suppose to make it so you did not die popping these chests. I'm happy for you that you can survive the poison. Myself and many others cannot cure it. I can take 2 steps and telekinetic them too, but it defeats the point in me being stealthed and hidden. I don't want to have to deal with fighting every mob in the area while i'm picking a chest or trying to cure and heal.

    Understand where you are coming from but remind you that remove trap, just like any other skill, can fail. I won't go down a rabbit hole on how a true rogue template has been nerfed into oblivion but this works the same with stealing and stealth all the time; you fail to use them successfully even at 120. My initial post was trying to help you, but it seems like you'd rather focus on the game not working how you think it should.

    For my fellow rogue's that actually enjoy the template and want to use it:

    First thing first, remember that the rogue template is not always a glamorous life; especially when the deck has been purposefully stacked against us! We need to be clever and creative to get the full potential out of a rogue template so keep trying to think outside the box. Use skills like magery & ninja to help strengthen your template (instead of white collar treasure hunter skills like remove trap).

    A few tips on how I have had success with the chests: I'm not doing anything special to cure the poison. My thief has 120 magery (+30 from items) and I just cast arch cure on myself; it usually cures within 2 tries. The other option I've used is dog form (ninja) for the high HPR which outheals the damage done by the poison. The reason I don't use dog form for this event (I have in Khuldan) is because the chests are spread so far that I'd rather be on mount and simply run to the next spot (hide and detect).

    Hope that helps those that are looking to go after the totems.
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