Totem of Chromatic Fortune change??
Noticed this morning when I went with a non guildmate to try for more pretty mares that the totem is no longer protecting the rare spawn from being killed.
Has anyone else had this issue? It was working as intended last night.
Okay so upon further testing I noticed that it seems to only happen in the southern most spot in T2A. There are areas in that location where I got the message *You cannot place a totem there* When I was finally able to place it, it did not protect the rare spawns from being attacked by other players.

If these give an increase to colors i'm not seeing it at all.
Ok thanks for that info! I guess i need to dust off a warrior for the kills then keep the tamer on standby.
This is also on a character that i've had a close to max luck suit on for years and years and never gotten any phat lootz from either.
A 2 slot 112% purple. It wasn't the void purple I wanted but she'll do nicely.
Leave attended paying accounts alone, these people go thru a lot of trouble to play/automate the game.
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You could consider totem as loot box but it boost your luck %..
a better % on the actual loot box called; in game RNG.
Leave attended paying accounts alone, these people go thru a lot of trouble to play/automate the game.
-UO official forums, brought to you by BoardSword studio
I almost feel the purple has the spawn rate of a blaze cu.
It's looks to me like you're right about where we would expect you to be. I've posted your data into the simple spreadsheet (middle section) rarity comparison below.
Your numbers seem to line up pretty closely to what I've called "theoretical", (left section). As least theoretical with the totem. You're already at 100% in your distribution, so one of your other numbers will have to come down a bit to make room for that Ubermare. I see some streakiness in your future.
I'm suspecting that without the totem, the numbers look something more like this:
Or worse. They may have scaled it all the way to 0.01 or 1 : 10,000 for the Uber rare. That would put it on par with Slim's Shadow Veil from what we've heard about that rarity.
What did Eärendil say on Stratics when they were farming for Slims? "Put a pencil in my ear and call it macaroni!" or something to that effect.
I've also included a standard rarity model (right section). This is the type of rarity we see with loot boxes all the time. "Rares" are about 10:100 (1:10). As you've pointed out, this actually lets people claim something "rare", gives that dopamine hit, and keeps them buying! However, a lot of loot box systems also have "Legendaries" (UO's "Very Rare") that are normally about 1:100, or so.
Good luck to all the uber mare hunters!
They could have turned it down since that post, who knows, but with probabilities that low, you can get long streaks without a success even without them turning it down.
Pretty sure we all already know the answer to your first issue above. They are not going to reveal the spawn rates on anything. If the players knew precise numbers, it would open a whole can of worms with manipulation of the design.
Also, not revealing the numbers gives the devs fudge room, so that they can adjust stuff on the fly, as needed, or as they see fit. If we notice, they can just say "RNG" folks, with a wink emoji.
I suspect the best we can hope for is a definition of common, uncommon, etc., and that the team is consistent with those definitions so that we, as players, can kind of get an idea of what to expect.
As for the base vs. totem values, that's going to be part of the design choices they are looking at. Are they building a system around individual players, with chances designed to reward an individual, i.e. 1 : 10 drop rates, or are they thinking about the number of items entering into the game world as a whole, and drop rates are set to keep things limited overall, i.e. 1 : 10,000? Below is a layout just to highlight that concept. (There could be any number of rarity models, including middle grounds, or even more extreme rarity, i.e. 1 : 100,000 or 1 : 1,000,000.)
A 1 : 10,000, or 1 : 20,000 drop rate seems crazy, until you remember UO is an MMO. It's not just you, or I, looking for rares. The numbers the dev team see are probably nuts. Let's just do some very broad stroke math.
If you're balancing game wide, you start out with what appear stupidly low drop rates. The aggregate of all those players playing all the time adds up fast though, and even a 1 : 10,000 drop rate produces 100's of "uber rare" items.
Now bring in the totem. Which type of rarity model, what type of metrics are they considering for game balance? It looks to me the rarer mares are extremely rare, say 1 : 5000 or 1 : 10,000 without the totem, and the team is looking at a more game wide balance/rarity. Technically you could get one without a totem, but that's a lot of game time. That totem is probably giving you a significant boost, so that as an individual you have at least a more realistic chance to tame a rare, even with the base rarity set to a stupid low MMO model.
As I said before, good luck to everyone hunting rare pets!
I don't do the pet thing and haven't tamed a single mare. I was just interested in what the rarity models behind the scenes might look like.
Have fun all!