Totem of Chromatic Fortune change??
Noticed this morning when I went with a non guildmate to try for more pretty mares that the totem is no longer protecting the rare spawn from being killed.
Has anyone else had this issue? It was working as intended last night.
Okay so upon further testing I noticed that it seems to only happen in the southern most spot in T2A. There are areas in that location where I got the message *You cannot place a totem there* When I was finally able to place it, it did not protect the rare spawns from being attacked by other players.
If these give an increase to colors i'm not seeing it at all.
Ok thanks for that info! I guess i need to dust off a warrior for the kills then keep the tamer on standby.
This is also on a character that i've had a close to max luck suit on for years and years and never gotten any phat lootz from either.