Placement Blocking items for Castles



  • SlayviteSlayvite Posts: 113
    As I've said before, You open the can and the worms just keep pouring out.
    Should never have been touched really, they should have just said "you can now convert your castle into a 25x25 plot and been done with it.
  • SlayviteSlayvite Posts: 113
    Any update on the placement blocking items issue yet @Kyronix ; ?
  • BleakBleak Posts: 143Dev
    Objects (trees, stones, etc) in courtyards that would block house placement of the new foundation will not be able to convert to the new castle/keeps.
  • SlayviteSlayvite Posts: 113
    Well that.....makes the whole things pointless...….40% of Castle owners get to enjoy new castles and the rest of us are screwed over?
  • Uriah_HeepUriah_Heep Posts: 915
    Or just make 18x18 have the castle lockdowns, and scale other sizes down accordingly.

    Then those who wanted a castle for bragging rights could still have theirs, and those of us who really don't like them but want the storage space could let ours go and get an 18x18 that is easier to move around it

  • LarisaLarisa Posts: 1,198
    Two options...cancel the contest or let us have the empty plots on prodo....if you go look at the thread on Stratics there are SO many AMAZING designs. As it stands Slayvite has stated...over half of the castle/keep owners have blocking objects in their courtyards so this "contest" is only for about less then half of the low % that own castles/keeps.

    Re-think this Bleak...please! I have so much faith in you but right now I'm extremely disappointed and I am sure I am not the only one.

  • jaytinjaytin Posts: 417
    They could give the winners their own design on a special spot in Malas, I'm pretty sure some of the people who submit designs don't have a castle anyway, I don't have one!
    I have only submitted a Keep design, all I want is a practical Keep layout. I could have placed a castle plot but I'm not really bothered about having a castle. 
  • Petra_FydePetra_Fyde Posts: 1,440
    Having run around a good part of Trammel on test center and seen just how many castles are placed, I'd seriously dispute the figures expressed in this thread. I particular did a tour of Trinsic swamp.
    Yes, it's unfortunate for those who have blocking items in the courtyard, but short of removing those items for the individuals concerned I'm not sure what could be done.
  • Having run around a good part of Trammel on test center and seen just how many castles are placed, I'd seriously dispute the figures expressed in this thread. I particular did a tour of Trinsic swamp.
    Yes, it's unfortunate for those who have blocking items in the courtyard, but short of removing those items for the individuals concerned I'm not sure what could be done.
    The Difference between what you see on test center and whats on a normal prodo shard is very vast.  The test center was placed fresh.  On a prodo shard these castles have been built of years through determination and patience. a lot of castles only fit in certain areas because of legacy houses, poorly placed 18x18s, etc etc.  On ATL for example there is no wiggle room at all to move a couple tiles to avoid a tree, gravestone, random z coordinate etc etc. 

    I dont think the total number is above 50 percent however if you exclude north minoc and ice island i do believe the number gets close to 40 percent. 

    However with all that said, im still happy they are doing this.  And as much as i dont like that certain people wont get to enjoy the new design i do think its still a great idea that needs to continue. There isnt much that can be done to help the situation other than getting rid of the foundation and picking designs that give players some wiggle room to fit trees inside the 31x31 area. 
  • BilboBilbo Posts: 2,834
    I have rocks in 2 of my castles and on test both of those spots now hold an empty plot 31x31.  I think rocks only prevent you from placing if they are blocking the foundation.  My 3rd Castle is in Trinsic Swamp and there are 2 castles there so I guess if I slide mine over another castle can go there.  The only people so far that may have a problem is people with trees.
  • AndrastaAndrasta Posts: 23
    How are we going to be able to tell whether we can convert or not? Can you not adjust placement to turn off tree, flower, rock blocking?

  • Andrasta said:
    How are we going to be able to tell whether we can convert or not? Can you not adjust placement to turn off tree, flower, rock blocking?

    Im hoping they do it like the classic house to custom house conversion they have now.  

    Other wise some people will risk losing their castle by attempting to resize and failing to place again. 
  • Easiest solution is leave castle and keeps as is.  Then no one has a reason to be upset.  We don't need anymore house lag in the game.
  • BilboBilbo Posts: 2,834
    edited August 2018
    The only time I have house lag is when I get into a heavily custom housing area and zero lag when I go to Tram/Fel north of minoc or ice island where a majority of the castles are located so how is offering a few more classic house designs going to cause more housing lag when it is custom not classic housing causing it.  Oh thats right ya just gotta have something to whine about when the DEVs don't work on what you want.
  • JollyJadeJollyJade Posts: 578
    Larisa said:
    Two options...cancel the contest or let us have the empty plots on prodo....if you go look at the thread on Stratics there are SO many AMAZING designs. As it stands Slayvite has stated...over half of the castle/keep owners have blocking objects in their courtyards so this "contest" is only for about less then half of the low % that own castles/keeps.

    Re-think this Bleak...please! I have so much faith in you but right now I'm extremely disappointed and I am sure I am not the only one.

    All the non castle owners are having a party at WBB. Castle owners with trees in courtyard are welcome to join us  B) :#
    Just a troll who got told by lesser trolls (moderator classification)
  • JollyJadeJollyJade Posts: 578
    Slayvite said:
    Well that.....makes the whole things pointless...….40% of Castle owners get to enjoy new castles and the rest of us are screwed over?
    Not like you repeatedly brought that up for over a year now and Devs ask "send me coordinates" lmfao.
    Just a troll who got told by lesser trolls (moderator classification)
  • Petra_FydePetra_Fyde Posts: 1,440
    I would suggest anyone who is worried go have a look at the co-responding spot on test center as Bilbo has done. If there's a castle there, then you're going to be fine. I know the castle spot I have used for the contest is the exact location of a castle I know on Europa. 

    Take a look at the pictures Slayvite has submitted above. The pictures show 9 castles in all. 3 of them have blocking objects, that's 33% not the 60% that's been claimed.  My own estimation of the number of castles unable to convert would be closer to 20% or even lower.  Look around for yourself before you decide which of our guesses are closer to the truth.
  • Garth_GreyGarth_Grey Posts: 1,459
    Petra, go to any sale with 4 friends. When you get there and the manager tells you this sale is only open to 4 of you, come back and tell us how happy you or one of your friends were.
    You and Several Others like this.

    Please make the Grizzled Mare a 5 slot mount, it's incredibly rare and deserves it. Some of us have been waiting a long time for this simple addition.
  • Petra_FydePetra_Fyde Posts: 1,440
    My post was meant to re-assure @Andrasta and others like her that have been worried by the gross exaggerations floating around in this thread. A small number of people may not be able to convert, the vast majority will, and many won't want to because of the time and effort they've already put into customizing their existing castle with crafted walls etc.

    Less drama and more facts would improve this thread immeasurably.
  • LarisaLarisa Posts: 1,198
    I would suggest anyone who is worried go have a look at the co-responding spot on test center as Bilbo has done. If there's a castle there, then you're going to be fine. I know the castle spot I have used for the contest is the exact location of a castle I know on Europa. 

    Take a look at the pictures Slayvite has submitted above. The pictures show 9 castles in all. 3 of them have blocking objects, that's 33% not the 60% that's been claimed.  My own estimation of the number of castles unable to convert would be closer to 20% or even lower.  Look around for yourself before you decide which of our guesses are closer to the truth.
    Remember Petra that those pictures only show 9 one SMALL area on ONE Shard on ONE facet...times that by how many castles are on each shard in tram and fel.....math is not my strong point but it's WAY more then 33%. A lot of people have tried to place where their castles are on prodo and cannot so it's going to be a very delicate situation.

    PS I saw your tweet...don't hate on yourself, those designs are amazing, I love them both!

  • SlayviteSlayvite Posts: 113
    Wasn't aware I had posted any picture of castles...didn't even know you could post pics on these forums but anyhow....

    On Europa I can tell you for a fact that people used to buy houses all around castles just so they could then drop everything and re-place the castle to get trees IN the courtyards, this was done before we had tree deeds and was classed as a status symbol.
    Most Castles have been there for many more years before the housing rules were slightly changed in Pub 95 I think it was.

    Test shard is NOT a good example of what a live shard looks like.

    As I've said earlier, some people don't even know they have an item blocking piece in their courtyards as they traded castles not placed them for years.
  • ZekeTerraZekeTerra Posts: 352
    3 out of 4 of my castles have trees in the courtyard so that makes 75% that can't be upgraded.
  • Petra_FydePetra_Fyde Posts: 1,440
    Apologies, the pictures were posted by scribbles. I didn't page back. 

    I guess we'll just have to agree to differ. I persist in believing the problem isn't as large as you think.

    Thanks for your comment on my designs @Larisa only I built them in deep, remote Felucca. I fear few will venture out there to look at them.
  • JollyJadeJollyJade Posts: 578
    edited August 2018
    ZekeTerra said:
    3 out of 4 of my castles have trees in the courtyard so that makes 75% that can't be upgraded.
    Who cares.. there are more than 5 people cheering at Mesanna and that's only what counts! 

    Judging by how little people have a castle at all, you are in good company.
    Just a troll who got told by lesser trolls (moderator classification)
  • BilboBilbo Posts: 2,834
    Does UO ever do anything right, listen to yourselves and yes I am one of the biggest pain in the asses here but I got off my ass and went to the spots where my castles are on Baja and all 3 spots are blank castle plots waiting to be customized so I guess I am 3 of 3 for %100 ok, so much for all the nay sayers math.  Go to Tram.Fel and look around at all the plots before you come here and whine.
  • SlayviteSlayvite Posts: 113
    Bilbo said:
    Does UO ever do anything right, listen to yourselves and yes I am one of the biggest pain in the asses here but I got off my ass and went to the spots where my castles are on Baja and all 3 spots are blank castle plots waiting to be customized so I guess I am 3 of 3 for %100 ok, so much for all the nay sayers math.  Go to Tram.Fel and look around at all the plots before you come here and whine.
    Hmm ok...
    Went to Castle 1 …..tree in the forecourt, rock in front of steps = No new castle option.
    Went to Castle 2...…tree in the sidecourt = No new castle option.

    So i'm 2 for 2 on the negative count...…..i'm still listening :p
  • BilboBilbo Posts: 2,834
    I have rocks in 2 of my castles and on test there is a custom plot there so as long as the rock is not under the foundation it looks ok, so rocks do not appear to be a problem.  Trees have always been a no go for any house that does not have an open area like the castle/keep, yes some may not be able to replace their castle/keep because of a tree and yes it may have been a thing on some shards to place as many as these as possible but some how that is all UOs fault and the person placing/buying that castle/keep shoulders no responsibility for their own action.  These are being built on custom plots so could anyone please provide us with the location of any custom plot that UO has removed a tree or has a tree in it.  Has anybody contacted UO and asked if they could design a plot with trees in mind?
  • SlayviteSlayvite Posts: 113
    edited August 2018
    There's only 3 types of grey rock now that block placement since pub 95
    Be aware though if these are within 5 spaces for your "new" front steps, it will also block placement.

  • SlayviteSlayvite Posts: 113
    Here is an old guide, still helpful for explaining house placement. (pub 19 not 95...I wonder why I thought it was 95?)
  • BilboBilbo Posts: 2,834
    Slayvite said:
    Here is an old guide, still helpful for explaining house placement. (pub 19 not 95...I wonder why I thought it was 95?)
    TY for that info. I was under the impression that you could not walk through blocking objects.  There are 4 rocks shown in the blocking objects 3 left and 1 right, I just walked through the big one on the right side of the photo on Baja Shard and so far can not find any that look like the ones on the left side of the photo to see if you can walk through them.  Could not find any trees/crystal that I was able to walk through.  Not sure about the moon gate one either but the big one in the wild seem to not block.
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