Mage PVP
It's 2018 at the time of writing this post.
I want to ask about the current state of pure mage PVP. Specifically, whether or not I should include parry into the template? Here is the standard template I'm starting with:
Eval int
Resisting spells
I'm happy to make this template but how good is parry really? and if it's still op, which skill would I drop for it? Inscription?
I'm also open to other Pure mage variations to anyone who has the time.
Thanks in advanced!

I want to ask about the current state of pure mage PVP. Specifically, whether or not I should include parry into the template? Here is the standard template I'm starting with:
Eval int
Resisting spells
I'm happy to make this template but how good is parry really? and if it's still op, which skill would I drop for it? Inscription?
I'm also open to other Pure mage variations to anyone who has the time.
Thanks in advanced!

Good luck.
I don't know how to respond to this question anymore.
I hope some players can give you a positive response.
what is very important is actually the suit, you will require the following:
reactive para shield
50 ep [+25 hpi standard]
18 damage eater and hit point regen
150 strength, 80 dex, at least 125 int (more the better)
utilisise shield bash and supernova potions, and ALWAYS summon a daemon vs warriors
I thought anatomy added or affected the stun mechanic? or have things changed?
And how does the Daemon help?
target self: wheel down
weaken (also aggressive)
mini heal
greater heal
arch cure
eat apple
wall of stone
drink heal pot
drink cure pot
drink refresh pot
(drink dex)
(drink str) - can make into one macro with uoa
magic reflect
dispel field
use item type trapped box
heighten senses
disarm (also drag the special out of the book so you can see when it's active)
shield bash
supernova pot
conflag pot
magic arrow
mana vampire
meteor swarm or chain lightning
summon deamon
energy field
para field (defensive)
poison field
General use:
last spell, so it makes it easier to just cast the spells below more than once, the last spell macro won't count the spells that are macrod,
last object
all names
dismount self
bandage mount
mount ethereal
dismount and bola
select next mobile (uo macro)
use skill tracking
use skill hide
disarm right hand
bank guards recsu recdu
all follow me
all kill
all guard me
all stay
all stop
(mount name) stop, (mount name) follow me - in 1 macro - mervyn will explain why
Spells you can just drag onto the desktop and double click when you need:
mass dispel
energy vortex
polymorph (for the piper)
The moderators are a little trigger happy on this forum with thread locking, so i thought i'd throw all the information i have rather than you go without.
Much appreciated and thanks again!
I wanted to ask you about the "reactive para shield" What is it? how can I get one? Can it be crafted/imbued? and what other mods would I need on it.
If anyone else is able to answer this, much appreciated.
How good would an arcane shield be as alternative?
Thanks mate!
You can eitther get it through reforging, or through loot. You will need spell channeling and as many other mods as you can find (probably want DCI)
Vendor Search on Atlantic is normally most people’s first port of call. (Tip of the day: wooden shields can be enhanced with frostwood to make them spell channeling)
ahhhhhhh awesome! I'm on it!
Some questions on mechanics. While im in the midst of casting a spell, am I actively wrestling and parrying? Or is there a pause during this cast time?
It's important to know for example... i activate a wrestling ability and begin to cast greater heal as a dexxer reaches my proximity. Does my wrestling ability activate during the cast time of greater heal? Similarly, do I parry during the cast time?
Or perhaps im wide open during the cast time?
You mentioned stats, but it includes stats from gear. Can you help me determine what my base stats should be at 255 cap? Thanks.
Disarm is used only on warriors who are hitting you with melee attack, you don't want to bother chasing someone around trying to disarm them, just do it when they are up in your face.
With regards to base stats, i can 't help because it depends on what the + stats are on your armour.
People on my shard (oceania) are saying that protection spell not only prevents cast interruption, lowers spell resist, but that it also reduces fc cap to zero? Is the latter true? Because i dont see it changing on my character sheet. Does it affect fcr too?
If this is the case.. I wouldnt use protection against dexxers but switch it on vs other mages. Is this reasonable?
this is a very old video but still applies today:
ignore the bit about the Keynames bug, was fixed years ago.
Like most people i get nastolgia playing on CC. Also, i love and understand how to use razor and know how helpful it is.
These things aside... EC has some pretty good features.
-Movement is smoother and better on the eyes.
-Can zoom out and see 5x more than cc (pvp benefit)
-can see all stats on the character sheet, for example dci, dci, sdi etc...
-easier looting and bag management
-superior ingame map
-colour coded borders on armor indicating durability
-chat doesnt interfere with keybinds
-i can drag my client window across two monitors.
The main thing for pvp here for me is the zoom funtion... i can see people at very long distances before they can see me.
So why does everyone still use CC? Just because of the pleasant memories and familiarity??
At this point the only thing that will stop me from using EC is if i cant make the same keybinds as I would with razor.. such as dress agents, potions, and usual magery keybinds.
Is there anything that using EC would inhibit my pvp abilities as a mage?
1) looks better
2) Classic Client is faster at casting spells than Enhanced Client. You know your heal or weaken is going to take exactly 0.5 seconds to cast in Classic Client. You don't get the same kind of response in Enhanced Client. Unless they fixed it. I don't know because I never use Enhanced Client.
I'd have to disagree about CC looking better though
I'm actually very surprised, this is a huge oversight.
Well it should make you feel better that using auto target is terrible for pvp. It would mean that you can't precast spells and wait until you're in range, for example.
So no holding target at all until the right moment.