Pirate Void Pool Records
Lake Superior
Just beat ours from November:

I was only there the last 36 waves. 22 Hats.
Anyone else think the hats drop rate falls after wave 90?
Just beat ours from November:

I was only there the last 36 waves. 22 Hats.
Anyone else think the hats drop rate falls after wave 90?
Focus on what you can do, not what you can't.
Never be afraid to challenge the status quo
Popped in chat and asked how we were doing against the Pirates. Yesterday
Sounds a bit like some promotions. Usually more work, more difficult tasks, and longer hours. But without the pay raise
I do like that it tells you that it's over and gives you your score even when you've already ducked out. Makes it easy to decide if you feel like going back. Now if only void pool point rewards were worth anything.
Never be afraid to challenge the status quo
Really great performance from everyone, was a lot of fun to do.
Cookie if memory serves me still I think there was a Japanese shard that complete something like 250 - 250 waves beating the first Siege record. That's what motivated Siege to do another 8 hour Void Poolathon.
Never be afraid to challenge the status quo
Yeah here's the thing on Atlantic, tons of people who don't know what they're doing and who visibly panic when an enemy dares to target them. They'll be up on the west side somewhere and the moment something actually hits them they'll try to run all the way to the eastern exit. Forget running through the crowd so it targets someone else, forget the western exit, they'll just run down the noob tunnel and drop dead anyway, having pulled enemies all the way to the pool itself.
Players on shards that don't have constant attackers at the entry, they learn when to come back and protect the middle.
At high levels. A player with Magery and Weaving can stay back at the crossroads to heal the melee players and look at the mobs bars and hit them with WoD and if that player also has a sweet Triton or other pet they are doing constant damage. Hat every level.
The AI was done very well on these Pirates. They are a lot of fun! @Kyronix
This. The bott....errrr players on ATL know that after around wave 100 things become way too much of a grind to kill the pirates so it's best to just let the pirates destroy the void pool and start again. There comes a point where the return on (time) investment isn't worth going for a high score. On ATL, people yell in GenChat "stop protecting the VP - let it fall" when we get up near the triple digits bc drops slow way down at that point.
siege perilous was using an exploit tactic. it s in fel so they use hidden stealther to block mobs to go to to void pool. thats it nothing to brag about
that's actually not true but tells us a lot about how you would do stuff like this ;-)
Never be afraid to challenge the status quo