Do you think a veteran reward/item like this would be useful?
As I mentioned before, I like playing UO with a tamer and a crafter. I came up with an idea for a veteran reward.
You get a house decoration, that decoration allows you to upgrade 3 BODS for free every day. Would you guys be interested in something like this?
I will be slow to reply because I cannot log in/stay logged in to the forums.
Make this your signature if you are tired of Vendor Search being broken, over FIVE YEARS and counting.
Vendor search rendered useless after Publish 106 – Forsaken Foes on August 14, 2019.
I can go to all the NPCs and still not get the bod that i want, because it doesn't go to exceptional. try again another day with same issue (if I have enough of the same bod to try again)
There are a lot more simple wins out there I think.
and as mentioned, Bribing BODs pretty much does this anyway, and is a gold sink which is positive.
And it could be used together with the already existing crafting benches containing tools.
Or even better, it could be a crafting bench that contained both materials and tools and the crafter could use both off of one crafting bench.
And no, to my opinion it would not favour more scripters since, I understand, that already there might be scripts from unauthorized third party utilities which a player might be able to use to always drag resources from a container to the main backpack when needed so as to never run out.
To my opinion, the current situation only disfavours players who do not use such scripts who need to drag manually the resources from external containers to the main backpack, making the process possibly tedious, when having to fill in many BODs.
Such a Veteran Reward if it existed, would ease up and make more friendly, to my opinion, the crafting process when doing lots of BODs.
If the NPC is the cause of my problem, then the solution starts here, and certainly not with additional items.
My suggestion: The moment I, the player, ask the worker NPC for a BOD, he should offer me whether I want a small or large BOD. So he should give me the choice of what I want to work on. The bribing of small bods on Exceptional should also be left out in any case, because it takes the gold out of the game again.
Vet-Rewars.... all well and good ... and if something like that comes, from which year will it be available
A little less ego-thinking, know-it-all and rumbling compared to others who aren't so "great" and the UO-life would be a whole corner easier
(Ein bisschen weniger Ego-Denken, Besserwisserei und Rumprollerei anderen gegenüber die halt nicht so "toll sind" und das UO-Leben wäre ne ganze Ecke einfacher)
Yes, Large BODs are a pain to get, perhaps, their spawn rate could be increased a bit but to give to the player the option to decide whether to be handed out a small or large BOD I see it as too much...
I prefer it to stay random and let the RNG decide.
Maybe, what could be introduced is the ability to turn in to the NPC a significant number of small BODs in order to be handed out a Large BOD of that type ?
One problem with BODs and their storage, is the large accumulation of small BODs retrieved in order to try to get Large BODs.
The banking of points was thought to address this issue but, unfortunately, at least to my opinion, the banking points given are so low, that most players, to my understanding, do not bother with the points banking system and they just claim BODs a go-go piling them up....
I mean, burn the resourcs, fill in the small BODs over and over and over with a great expenditure of time and resources and this to only accumulate a few meager banking points ?
No thank you.
May UO players much rather prefer to keep claiming BODs and pile them up on some vendor untl they get those Larges to use their enormous stock of small with...
Either the banking points should be seriously increased, and I mean seriously, or, in addition to banking points, it could be added an exchange system whereas, if a player offers to the NPC, say, one of each small bod needed to fill up a Large, (for example, 1x platemail small BOD for platemail gorgets, gloves, helm, arms, legs and tunic, that is, 6 small platemail BODs of the same likewise quantity and type, whether normal or exceptional as well as of the same material), the NPCs would take and delete those 6 small BODs and hand out a Large BOD of that same type, material, quantity and quality.
The player would now have a Large BOD and still need to use another 6 small BODs to fill it up...
This way, I would hope that, over time, the large stock of small BODs sitting in containers or on vendors would slowly reduce.
I've been playing the game for almost 24 years now and I've also got BODs, filled them and hoarded even more in case the right BODs for L-BODs finally came together, and the RNG thing always got on my nerves...
My emphasis in the bold part was on: First - and here I put the focus on this first
I - the player - then decide either for the S-BODs, or if I need an L-BOD - such as for the Artisan Events.
The system can then offer me a random list for the S-BODs and L-BODs. By giving the players the choice first, I also create the appreciation from the producer side that I as a player need for my further motivation. The game doesn't need any more items or other crude ideas, but sensible solutions that continue to excite players and make them stay !
Just my two cents
A little less ego-thinking, know-it-all and rumbling compared to others who aren't so "great" and the UO-life would be a whole corner easier
(Ein bisschen weniger Ego-Denken, Besserwisserei und Rumprollerei anderen gegenüber die halt nicht so "toll sind" und das UO-Leben wäre ne ganze Ecke einfacher)
Nor do I like popps' idea, seems like a total 'gift' to scripters to me.
As of now, the banking points given are really too low, to my opinion, for the amount of time and of resources that go into filling up BODs making it not worth the trouble to do BODs with the Banking System....
I just fail to see the value in spending resources and time to fill 450 smalls with banking points to get a Powder of Fortification...
Much better, to my opinion, to wait for that 1 right BOD to be given by the NPC, perhaps with some bribing, rather then having to gather 450 small, use ingots to fill them and spend countless time in the process because banking points are so low...
As in regards to the idea of a Mega Crafter's Bench, if the concern is scripters and BOTs, well, don't we think that, as of now, there might not be scripts already out there available with certain non authorized Third Party utilities, that perhaps might make it possible to take whatever quantity of materials are needed from a locked down container into the character's main backpack, so as for the crafter to never run out of materials when crafting for BODs?
What I am trying to say is, that a Mega Crafter's Bench, at least to my humble opinion, would only even out a little the gameplay among UO players who use unauthorized Third Party utilities and their scripts and those UO players who instead do not use them.
Good gold sink.
I do love the idea of a vet reward station that you can choose the direction of bribing a bod.
but don't like the above suggestion for bribing amounts. doing huge gold sinks into bods, will only drive up the costs of the items that crafters sell. I do lot of bods but usually don't do it for making a profit. Its for my own use or for the Artisan Festival. If I do sell items, All my funds from crafting goes towards purchases for holiday boxes.