Does anyone know how 'multiboxing' is defined by the UO Support Staff?
I see a bunch of people getting banned for multiboxing and people slinging around that term constantly (especially now with Hythloth) but I cannot find it anywhere in UO/EA ToS, RoC, etc. how it is defined. I've even asked a bunch of people and no one knows. They clearly define everything else in their RoC. Seems odd. Is it defined by the game somewhere that I am missing?
(I don't want your definition, I want an official link/answer thanks)
For example, Blizzard defines it as:
Multiboxing, or playing multiple World of Warcraft accounts at once, is not a violation of our End User License Agreement. Please note, however, that use of all software or hardware mechanisms used to mirror commands to multiple World of Warcraft accounts at the same time, or to automate or streamline multiboxing in any way may result in account penalties.
Seems like a fairly standard definition. Does UO follow the same definition or different, or do they even define it at all?
(I don't want your definition, I want an official link/answer thanks)
For example, Blizzard defines it as:
Multiboxing, or playing multiple World of Warcraft accounts at once, is not a violation of our End User License Agreement. Please note, however, that use of all software or hardware mechanisms used to mirror commands to multiple World of Warcraft accounts at the same time, or to automate or streamline multiboxing in any way may result in account penalties.
Seems like a fairly standard definition. Does UO follow the same definition or different, or do they even define it at all?
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Vendor search rendered useless after Publish 106 – Forsaken Foes on August 14, 2019.

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Vendor search rendered useless after Publish 106 – Forsaken Foes on August 14, 2019.
What do you mean by "I see a bunch of people getting banned for multiboxing " ?
Multi-Boxing controlling all clients at the same time using an illegal program. No switching of clients needed.
But why ask here when you say you don't want our opinions?
Read the ToS yourself...
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Vendor search rendered useless after Publish 106 – Forsaken Foes on August 14, 2019.
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Make this your signature if you are tired of Vendor Search being broken, over FIVE YEARS and counting.
Vendor search rendered useless after Publish 106 – Forsaken Foes on August 14, 2019.
It is cheating:
Engage or assist in cheating or other anticompetitive behavior (such as boosting, collusion, and match or matchmaking manipulation).
I don't know what boosting is. Something to do with internet speed?
Not sure exactly what the rest are either.
The term 'multiboxing' does not have to be stated implicitly, the means by which multiboxing is achieved is wrapped up in the rules...
(d) Official Service. Ultima Online has been designed by Electronic Arts for play only on the Service. The Software is licensed to you for play on the Service only. Electronic Arts does not grant you a license to use the Software for any other purpose. You agree to play Ultima Online only on the Service and not through any other means. You further agree not to create or provide any other means through which Ultima Online may be played by others – for example, through server emulators. You may not reverse engineer, decompile or disassemble the Software, including any proprietary communications protocol used by the Software. You acknowledge that you do not have the right to create, publish, distribute, create derivative works from or use any software programs, utilities, applications, emulators or tools derived from or created for Ultima Online unless specifically authorized in writing by Electronic Arts."
Use of software or hardware to mirror commands.
I have reported one guy controlling 10 toons cast same spell same time and kill a monster in one second. My warrior just stood there blinking.
Someone probably invented the term long ago.
Maybe the wiki needs a Glossary of terms? Just a suggestion.
ESRB warning: Some Blood. LOTS of Alcohol. Some Violence. LOTS of Bugs
obviously you have to email mesanna don’t you
The only footnote to the OP question I guess would be how are these rules enforced? This is 100% speculation of course, but I have heard (again who knows if these are true) of people saying that they had their account banned for "multiboxing" when they were actually multi-clienting. I don't use EC but it seems like a more robust macro could be setup to loop for a while so while you aren't using 3rd party programs or technically "multiboxing" it could seem like you are; if you were banned for that how would you prove otherwise?
ESRB warning: Some Blood. LOTS of Alcohol. Some Violence. LOTS of Bugs
But if I can manually control each 4 clients on 4 computers with my 2 hands and 2 feet... is legal...
ESRB warning: Some Blood. LOTS of Alcohol. Some Violence. LOTS of Bugs
Overall, Multiboxing can be considered a play style choice. Many people find the additional strategy of multiboxing to be very challenging and, with those additional efforts, very rewarding. Rather than require the collaboration and cooperation of multiple human players, people who multibox instead rely upon themselves to control multiple game characters and utilize their own abilities as a replacement for human cooperation.
Actually, they do need to state the type of multiboxing that is allowed.
Using a single command to control multi characters is illegal.
Manually control multiple accounts if you can manage is ok. For example I manually controlled 2 accounts using a mouse and a game pad on 2 computers. Anyway they can't fault me because it's almost as good as 2 person playing. Indeed it's very hard to control.
ESRB warning: Some Blood. LOTS of Alcohol. Some Violence. LOTS of Bugs
I'm ready to kill!
Gonna use my sloth like reflexes to win UO!
ESRB warning: Some Blood. LOTS of Alcohol. Some Violence. LOTS of Bugs