New UO Store Robes
Someone else has probably already mentioned this already but anywho...
I love the new robes found in the UO store. And I love love love that we can transmogrify head, robe and shield items. But now that I can finally change my robe and headgear to something new and different, all the new robes are hooded. So none of the transmogrified headgear you might want to wear will show (parrot excluded). Can we please have new robes without hoods too?
P.S. Love the new anvil, soulstone vessel and other new artwork as well. Fun!
I love the new robes found in the UO store. And I love love love that we can transmogrify head, robe and shield items. But now that I can finally change my robe and headgear to something new and different, all the new robes are hooded. So none of the transmogrified headgear you might want to wear will show (parrot excluded). Can we please have new robes without hoods too?
P.S. Love the new anvil, soulstone vessel and other new artwork as well. Fun!
I imagined it sectioned into the categories like you find on your skill sheet. I imagined containers inside a container, if you will. With sections labeled either with text or some visual clue.
I use small packs inside another container and label the small packs by using artwork that in my mind logically corresponds. I can't even use the soulstone container and keep my current method for staying organized because you won't let me drop pouches into it. Not that I could layout the items in an organized fashion inside a round container anyway.
I like the artwork. I'm happy to decorate with it. But that's as far as I can go with it. Because how am I going to drop 39 soulstones into a small round container and be able to find what I'm looking for without shuffling and shuffling and shuffling soulstones around?
Am I supposed to buy 10 of them and line them up like soldiers? Why would I want to do that? First of all that's too expensive. Secondly. the artwork then becomes something no longer interesting to look at in your UO landscape. Tsk! Geez Louise! :-(
Thanks for the response.
people asked if they could make it bigger.
(CC users have a large container gump, but EC doesn't)
You lost me, Cin.
Miscellaneous (right side UO symbol)
scroll all the way down.
click on the box to the left of Enable Large Container Gumps
then when you open some chests they look like this...
people asked if they would make the soulstone vessel look bigger when opened.
with this view, it would be easier to spread them out and tell at a glance which soulstone you
need to use