Revitalizing the Old Dungeons
After returning to the game from 9 years, I love the events that I've experienced so far (Yukio + Wildfire).
Is there any plans to revise the loot tables in some of the old dungeons? Permanently? I would like to see exodus get a overhaul... that is one of the coolest looking dungeons in the game (ish in general has awesome looking dungeons). It could serve fel + tram and the mobs dont need a ton of tweaking... just the loot tables. Maybe beef up a few select mobs for some legendary drops 

It is a tough fight, I'd say worse then Scalis the Enforcer, it of course also needs several players but, in the end, the quality of loot is ridicolously low, and in low quantity too.
Mostly magic items, and, if 1 is an artifact, it usually is lesser, not even minor other then in rare occasions... totally underwhelming and not worth the time and hassle it takes to kill that boss.
It goes in pair with the Underwater boss who also has total junk as loot....
That is of a decent quality, usually.
I was talking about Charybdis and the Underwater Boss items' loot quality which is orrendous....
Totally junk and not worth the hassle for the work and players it takes to take them down.
Or maybe you are just talking nonsense as usual popps
Because, if one goes there with a normal, average suit without Luck, the loot is horrible.
Try it.
So are we led to believe that you are using 3k+ luck on something like the Yukio quest to get earrings but you are NOT using it for underwater?
Someone is getting sloppy with their trolling.
Just wondering...
I do underwater a lot on 2 shards with tamers and the loot is on par with the roof.
So I suggest YOU try it, and more than once before you decide if its bad or not
All chars have their own suits which I do not switch (tamer needs max mana/SDI, sampire is a dexer, mystic/thrower is a garg).
That said, unlike you I use the character that is best for the job with the skillset / suit to match which means I don't try to take my T-Hunter out to fight the UW boss or take my thief to Fire dungeon for the Wildfire event.
Is there a reason you look to always do the opposite of what's proven to be efficient when fighting a mob (and then complain about it)?
Just wondering...
I trained my imbuer on his loot very fast. Full inventory + full beetle give you lots of points.
By the way, my biggest dissapointment in Underwater is hidden chests loot. This is really LOW.
About revitalizing dungeons- I think Antique versions of artifacts will be good reward . Dont need new stuff. Just make something for middle-level players. Random Replicas of long-gone EM deco or other fancy stuff. And protect this loot from scripters and AFK-grinders.
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