Stable Slots increase, why there is a limit to purchase only 7 ?



  • poppspopps Posts: 4,132
    edited January 2021
    Actually, if you check your journal, you will find that it says "I charge 30 gold per pet. I will withdraw it from thy bank account. Which animal wouldst thou like to stable here?'

    Also it is perfectly possible to transfer pets from one character to another through use of a Magincia stall. All characters on the account have access to the stall owned by the account, and provided the character has the skill required you can put the animal on the stall with one character and take it off with the other. Admitted on some shards all Tram stalls are taken, but even on Atlantic there are unoccupied stalls in Fel.

    The limit on stable slot tokens was set at 7. I'm sure there was a reason for that number and not 5 or 8 or 10. If they were to raise the limit to 10, will you be back here in another 12 months asking them to raise it to 15? or 20?  They raised the house storage by 20%, then a further 20%, now it's at 60% and you want it raised again. Somewhere, sometime the answer has to be no, and as I told my children many times when they were small, no means no, not maybe if you ask often enough.
    Over time, things change, necessities increase, modify...

    We do not live in a static World, but in an always changing one and we need to always adjust the rules to a changing World to keep up with its changing.

    That is valid in the Real World where legislation changes all the time to accomodate changing necessities of its citizens, and so I think it is, or should be, in our digital World of Ultima Online.

    We keep getting new items, new collectibles, new Pets and this is understandable since it is necessary to keep players interested in logging in in Ultima Online where these items and pets are many of the reasons for players to actually want to log in and spend time in it.

    Yet, this has the result to create storage issues in players be them with items or pets.

    Hence, to my viewing, the need to change "old", now outdated rules, to accomodate new, "modern", increased needs.

    It has nothing to do about children and their askings, it has plenty to do about changed needs and a different environment to the one for which those old, and now outdated rules, were made for.....

    And, I can't help not also noticing, the advancement of technology and availability of more bandwith over these years have also made it cheaper and more possible, to my understanding, the introduction of changes that were to increase storage for players.

    At least, that is how I see it.
  • MargeMarge Posts: 722
    They make money from stable slot tokens. They capped the number even though they are making money from it. That adds up to they must have had some damn good reason to stop themselves from making money.
    My guess would be one of the reasons they capped stable slots to begin with. I didn't have a tamer from the start but I seem to remember someone talking about how it use to be unlimited. Players had 1000's of pets; we all know a few people that if it were unlimited again would spend half their paycheck monthly getting more stable tokens. I'm sure all those stored pets would cause some sort of internal issues with storage and such.
    I have to go to the grocery store, why don't you look up why they capped it all those years ago while I'm gone. Reasons could still be valid to today.
  • Look at Kyronix picture and then keep in mind 42 is
    The Answer to the Ultimate Question of Life, The Universe, and Everything

  • MissEMissE Posts: 782
    edited January 2021
    Stable slots should always of been 125 'Free' just like any other container.  Tamers were totally rooked to death when they started charging you for stable slots.

    You don't get charged to store more than 20 bows of varying descriptions.  Sheesh I have about 60 or more bows as I run two archers that need slayers of each type then various arti ones etc etc.  I then have about 300 'Bane' bows from the last event.  There is NO More code needed to keep the stats and stuff on a bow than a pet, it is all 0's and 1's.  

    NEVER should of been charged for stable slots in the first place.  Should always of been a 125 slot stable.  Was a total money grab on the part of the devs, nothing more nothing less.

    I have 3 tamers on one shard all are sitting just under max 42 pets, or were until I did a bit of a clean out.  When I get 'beetles' for my magincia stall I don't go tame one, I generally try to do 20 at a time so I don't have to go down all the time.  That is 40 just in fire and blue beetles. I have a half dozen frost drakes that only spawn once a yr so I have some available for sale.

    When I open up 'tritons' and get crappier ones I need to store them til I find ppl who need them.   Having blown the points on them I am not just gonna release them.  At one point I had 10 on one account. 

    I am with Cinderella here there are probably a LOT of tamers that always run out of room like I do.   Just because YOU don't doesn't mean others are the same.  

    What the hell difference does it make to anyone how many pets a tamer has in their stable?  Please tell me how it affects anyone else?

    I agree Popps there is no reason for another 'arbitrary' amount.  They could of said 42, 62, 82 whatever.  

    Cheers MissE

    For more info about Angelwood Warehouse Events go to the A.W.E Forum
  • poppspopps Posts: 4,132
    MissE said:

    What the hell difference does it make to anyone how many pets a tamer has in their stable?  Please tell me how it affects anyone else? 

    That is a very good point.

    All these nay sayers have not explained how, if the 7 Stable Slots increase was to be lifted, this would affect negatively their gameplay.

    That there might be players willing to spend their own money on Stable Slots increase Tokens beyond the current limit of 7, why would they care when this would not affect them ?

    To the contrary, the fact that Ultima Online could benefit from additional Revenues from these extra sales, this would actually help them along side with all other players since more Revenues for Ultima Online means more bugs taken care, more new content being able to be done and so forth.

    Franky, it is inexplicable to me why anyone would be against lifting this limitation.
  • TimStTimSt Posts: 1,916
    edited January 2021
    After I filled up 31 slots I realized I had a pet hoarding problem. I was never going to get around to training or using that many pets.  I was able to sell a few pets using a stall. Then I got rid of all but 5 of the remaining ones by releasing them in the stalls at the Britain stables.
  • MissEMissE Posts: 782
    edited January 2021
    TimSt said:
    After I filled up 31 slots I realized I had a pet hoarding problem. I was never going to get around to training or using that many pets.  I was able to sell a few pets using a stall. Then I got rid of all but 5 of the remaining ones by releasing them in the stalls at the Britain stables.
    That is your choice and playstyle not mine.   I have three tamers at the moment whose stables I just had to clean out to make room for beetles for the market. 

    You know each of my tamers has 3 cu's.   One with area affect, one with chiv ai, one with a different skillset (poison, mystic, weaving).  That  is just the three cu's.  I then have a similar set up for lesser hiryus.  All have a maxed out giant and fire beetle. All run at least one GD, all have at least two tritons on each tamer, one with area affect the other with other skills.   They all have 2 mares again some with area affect, another without.  The then all have Frost dragons/Plat dragons etc for doing the roof.  Each have a cold drake and a frost drake.   Each have a najasaurus, a pheonix, dragon wolf and a ram. Then we have the bane dragons, and dread mares that are not going anywhere as you cannot replace them.   At any given time they all have  roughly 30-35 in the stable, not counting the stuff I then want to Tame for market or tame and train up for sale.  I sell a hell of a lot of beetles, fire beetles, swampies. 

    Also not counting the 'extra' tritons that are taking up space until I can find someone who wants em as  you cannot put those on the new magincia market which totally SUCKS.  I think at the present time I have an extra 4-5 of them.

    As I said above I go and tame at least 10 but more often 20 of each beetle type as once I get into the swing of it I can tame 5 at a time and stable, so 4 rounds of each type.  I put some on vendor and fill the stalbes with the rest. Spend half that time jigging around the damn tamers to 'fit' them in.  As only one account runs the market so forever having to dual client and trade beetles and swampies back and forth. 

    Sure I use some pets more than others but I can say I have used each and every pet at some point, in varying combinations in regular game play.  When I 'train' pets I do three at a time generally while doing dread pirates, and cycle through every pet in the stable that  needs training up on ONE pirate before getting another.  I also train a lot of pets for ppl in my alliance and other friends who don't have as much time to do it. 

    I can never figure out why some people who 'don't have a need' for something think that because they don't that it justifies telling other people they don't need them either.  (an no I am not talking directly to you TimSt, as you didn't say that, but other above seem to think that others have to 'justify' what they do)  As I said previously why the hell does anyone else think how 'they' play is what everyone else should do and what do they care how many pets anyone else wants to have? 

    Cheers MissE

    For more info about Angelwood Warehouse Events go to the A.W.E Forum
  • McDougleMcDougle Posts: 4,082
    I see two issues within this issue 
    1. it was popps idea and for whatever reason popps ideas are not well received...
    2. it might or might not be an actual issue even if it is with our limited team is it worth spending any time or effort on .. 
    Acknowledgment and accountability go a long way... 
  • keven2002keven2002 Posts: 2,385
    @popps - You have already been rebutted several times with valid points and you refuse to recognize them. 1) you didn't show a simple pic of your stable slots bc you don't even have close to 42. 2) your claim about the profit of Broadsword was debunked because a 1 time payment of $5 for a token is much less than a reoccurring $12 monthly charge for people to have extra accounts with multiple tamers if they want 100+ pets. If you really want to support Broadsword then make 2 tamers and buy up the max 42 slots; if you don't have a second tamer then buy a mythic token while you are at it.

    Personally I have almost 30 on my tamer and I probably use a max of 6 pets regularly. The other 24 or so sit in the stable collecting dust and might be taken out once every 6 months to feed and remember why I don't use it for anything before I put it back in the stable for another 6 months.

    I have yet to see someone post a pic of 42 slots being used. While @MissE has a point about having the same pets with different abilities for different situations, that only goes so far because people that are legit about using a specific pet for a specific encounter aren't going to bother owning a pet like a k'rin with chiv/AI.  Her complaint is that she doesn't have enough spots to sell pets she gathers which can be handled via Mag Stables and if you want to sell Tritons either make room to pop them and sell or sell the statue on a vendor; either way that's not a problem about "having so many different pets to use and not enough space"; that's the problem with wanting to have a bunch of stable pets while also wanting to sell them. 
  • poppspopps Posts: 4,132
    McDougle said:
    I see two issues within this issue 
    1. it was popps idea and for whatever reason popps ideas are not well received...
    2. it might or might not be an actual issue even if it is with our limited team is it worth spending any time or effort on .. 
    How much work could be needed to simply lift whatever line of code is there to block players to make use of any Stable Slot increase Token past the 7th ?

    And, should there be too much work involved, maybe it would be still a lot easy to just change the digit " 7 " in whatever code is there to limit the use of any Stable Slot increase Token to, say, "50 " or " 100 " ?

    Would that be really "that" much of work needed ?

    Considering the extra Revenues which Ultima Online could gather, perhaps, it would be some work worth the effort ? Maybe ?
  • McDougleMcDougle Posts: 4,082
    @popps the answer to your questions must be yes as they have limited them  maybe for once just accept this and not press for whatever answer you seek ???
    Acknowledgment and accountability go a long way... 
  • poppspopps Posts: 4,132
    keven2002 said:
    You have already been rebutted several times with valid points and you refuse to recognize them. 
    I saw no valid points, to my opinion, being rebutted at me.
    But again, opinions are opinions so, that is just a point of view good as any else....
    1) you didn't show a simple pic of your stable slots bc you don't even have close to 42.
    It is pointless, as I indicated.
    Even if my Stables were totally empty, with zero pets in, I could buy 42 Horses, rename them to whatever pets I like and take a screenshot of that. Would that prove anything ? It would not.

    One either can trust me or not, this is not my problem as I said.
    Furthermore, there have been other players in this Thread indicating how clearly they had to have multiple Tamers to accomodate their Stables' needs as 1 was not enough....

    Do not feel trusting me, at least these other players might be trusted.... Whether it is or not "my" problem the argument is that it "can be" some players' problem and, as these other players have mentioned that they had to make several Tamers to be able to accomodate all of their pets' Stabling needs, this should show that there indeed is a 
    2) your claim about the profit of Broadsword was debunked because a 1 time payment of $5 for a token is much less than a reoccurring $12 monthly charge for people to have extra accounts with multiple tamers if they want 100+ pets. If you really want to support Broadsword then make 2 tamers and buy up the max 42 slots; if you don't have a second tamer then buy a mythic token while you are at it.
    I already answered to that here . Not going to write it all back again.....
    Personally I have almost 30 on my tamer and I probably use a max of 6 pets regularly. The other 24 or so sit in the stable collecting dust and might be taken out once every 6 months to feed and remember why I don't use it for anything before I put it back in the stable for another 6 months.
    That is your playing style.... different players have different playing styles and enjoy playing the game differently.

    Considering that the lifting of the 7 Stable Slots increase Tokens limit would not affect players who do not have the need to purchase them, but would help those players instead willing to spend their money on the purchase of Stable Slot increase Tokens beyond 7, and provide additional Revenues to Ultima Online along with that, I do not see why players who would not be affected by this even care at all that such a limit was to be lifted....
    I have yet to see someone post a pic of 42 slots being used. While @ MissE has a point about having the same pets with different abilities for different situations, that only goes so far because people that are legit about using a specific pet for a specific encounter aren't going to bother owning a pet like a k'rin with chiv/AI.  Her complaint is that she doesn't have enough spots to sell pets she gathers which can be handled via Mag Stables and if you want to sell Tritons either make room to pop them and sell or sell the statue on a vendor; either way that's not a problem about "having so many different pets to use and not enough space"; that's the problem with wanting to have a bunch of stable pets while also wanting to sell them. 
    Again, that some players do not feel the need for something, does not mean that other players, instead, would not think otherwise and, instead, do feel the need for that one thing....

    Some players want to play in a given way, other players want to play in a different way.
    If there is players who have an issue with Stable Slots increases limitation to 7 Tokens, and this affects their gameplay as it is clear to me from reading these players' Posts, I think that the issue should indeed be addressed by lifting this limitation or, if needs be, for some particular reason, at least raise the number to a really large one, say 50 or more...

    Other players who do not have the same issue would not be affected by this. They will still stay with their stable as it is, or use multiple Stables with multiple Tamers, and would not purchase any Stable Slot increase Token.

    Those players who, instead, want to concentrate all of their pets on a single Tamer and have the need for a very Large Stable, would instead have the option to do this if the 7 Stable Slots Increase Tokens limit was to be lifted or largely increased, if this needs be for whatever reason.
  • BilboBilbo Posts: 2,834
    UO does NOT make money off of stable slots, EA does.  UO collects no money what so ever, EA does.  Anything that changes how much money EA receives needs to be take to EA NOT UO.  If Tamers had 125 pets slots then they may consider closing down accounts that have Tamers on them just to hold pets and that WILL cost EA money, so to answer your question, it don't matter what you want when it comes to EA losing money and unless you are EA than you have zero argument you could post here and you need to take it up with EA not UO.  Good Night @popps
  • poppspopps Posts: 4,132
    Bilbo said:
    UO does NOT make money off of stable slots, EA does.  UO collects no money what so ever, EA does.  Anything that changes how much money EA receives needs to be take to EA NOT UO.  If Tamers had 125 pets slots then they may consider closing down accounts that have Tamers on them just to hold pets and that WILL cost EA money, so to answer your question, it don't matter what you want when it comes to EA losing money and unless you are EA than you have zero argument you could post here and you need to take it up with EA not UO.  Good Night @ popps
    Well, regardless on "who" gets the money that players spend related to Ultima Online, "if" there was no money spent by players related to Ultima Online or it was not sufficient enough, one would imagine that Ultima Online would no longer be kept going.....

    So, one would imagine, regardless on "who" gets whatever money would come from the sale of extra Stable Slots increase Tokens if the limit of 7 was to be lifted, it would still benefit Ultima Online and, thus, all the players that play it....
  • keven2002keven2002 Posts: 2,385
    @popps - I stopped reading after you yet again refuse to backup your claim because what I'm asking is "pointless" when in fact it isn't. Prove that you have already purchased max stable slots; even if they are all bogus pets like cats/dogs/horses you are at least showing you are maxed out. 

    Your claim on stable slots is like me saying we should get housing spaces bigger than a castle plot because I think people should be able to place houses as large as they want... and then refusing to show you that I even have a castle to begin with (ie it's pointless to show you that I'm making a valid request based on actual facts) then the entire argument is a moot point. Fact of the matter is that even IF the claim is valid (which you STILL have not proven) how much does this really help the majority of people and does it make sense. AKA you are just arguing to argue as per usual, completely disregarding anything people say to state your unbased opinion.

    My opinion is that you should learn to play within the game mechanics and stop wasting the Devs time with unrealistic requests for the phantom majority you speak of. I agree with an earlier post that you should just put a poll up and be done with it. Stop trolling. 
  • quickbladequickblade Posts: 323
    edited January 2021
    Pets are tamer's weapons, like a sampire can have infinite weapons imbued, I wish tamers had just no limit of pets in the stable, the fact they put a limit and we have to buy separate space from tokens is beyond me.
  • keven2002keven2002 Posts: 2,385
    edited January 2021
    Pets are tamer's weapons, like a sampire can have infinite weapons imbued, I wish tamers had just no limit of pets in the stable, the fact they put a limit and we have to buy separate space from tokens is beyond me.
    Except for sampires DO have a limit regarding your backpack. Backpacks can only hold 125items or 600 stones. So increasing past 42 stable slots is like a sampire saying they should be able to carry as much in their pack as they want. 

    So yea let's get rid of those limits too so I can carry 4 different suits, 40 different weapons, and 20 different jewels on top of all of the loot I get. Once they do that we can boost the stable slot per tamer to 200. 
  • TimTim Posts: 840
    edited January 2021
    Not an issue.
    If for some reason you think it is may I point out Magincia Pet Vendors.
  • JepethJepeth Posts: 544
    keven2002 said:

    So yea let's get rid of those limits too so I can carry 4 different suits, 40 different weapons, and 20 different jewels on top of all of the loot I get. Once they do that we can boost the stable slot per tamer to 200. 
    You can hold all of that, and more, in your house. I cannot store my teams of pack instinct animals in my house despite how much I would desperately like my villa to be full of cats.
  • @keven2002 I didnt know you had a limit of weapons, cant your house and bank together store enought weapons for your likes ?
  • SlissSliss Posts: 283
    This an example of how to shoot yourself in the foot for no good reason whatsoever. UO taming has been one of the biggest draws to the game for thousands of players. People used to spend years searching for the perfect GD. Now there is more variety and even more opportunity for players to occupy themselves. So, on one hand, BS creates a new taming mechanic that can potentially provide years of content to many many players without needing to put out all the seasonal quest chains. Basically, it's a very cheap manner (in a good way) to get a serious long term commitment from players.
    And then, we get the powerscroll pandering to the PvP crowd where prices long have pierced the ceiling and are heading towards the moon. And we get the stable limits. Both of these things limit the potential play time from tamers. And while the first one, near sighted as it is, can have at least some upside to it, the stable slot limit has no reason behind it whatsoever.
    It's true that plenty of players don't need 42 slots. But plenty do, and they are willing to pay for it. Why step on your own income stream is beyond me, but that's far from the only thing I fail to understand in UO.
  • BilboBilbo Posts: 2,834
    popps said:
    Bilbo said:
    UO does NOT make money off of stable slots, EA does.  UO collects no money what so ever, EA does.  Anything that changes how much money EA receives needs to be take to EA NOT UO.  If Tamers had 125 pets slots then they may consider closing down accounts that have Tamers on them just to hold pets and that WILL cost EA money, so to answer your question, it don't matter what you want when it comes to EA losing money and unless you are EA than you have zero argument you could post here and you need to take it up with EA not UO.  Good Night @ popps
    Well, regardless on "who" gets the money that players spend related to Ultima Online, "if" there was no money spent by players related to Ultima Online or it was not sufficient enough, one would imagine that Ultima Online would no longer be kept going.....

    So, one would imagine, regardless on "who" gets whatever money would come from the sale of extra Stable Slots increase Tokens if the limit of 7 was to be lifted, it would still benefit Ultima Online and, thus, all the players that play it....
    More proof that you know nothing about what you are whining about.  If EA starts to lose accounts because of players not needing more accounts to hold all their pets then EA will pull the plug on UO.  You are just recycling your WHINE about house storage but now you are using Tamers.  I remember when there were no stable slots and you could have out as many dragons that you could control at one time and Tamers did not have that many pets because they were not needed.  I knew 1 Tamer pre scrolls and slots and followers that could control 5 Dragons at once but she was constantly feeding them to keep them happy.  Yes there are a few players that push the norm on number of pets IMHO I do not thing must tamers esp with the cost of scrolls have that many pets that they store and use on a regular basis.  I use a Cu, GD or a triton depending on what I want to use and no I have not purchased any stable slots.  I am sure EA and UO know haw many Tamers are using extra slots and as these forums are just a small sampling of all the UO players then you really have zero data to support your claim.  As others have asked repeatedly please show proof that you need this done, not others, but you.  And again you are asking for what you think would benefit UO without taking into how it will effect EAs bottom line, you do know that EA owns UO not BS and that BS does what EA allows them to do.
  • BilboBilbo Posts: 2,834
    edited January 2021
    Sliss said:
    This an example of how to shoot yourself in the foot for no good reason whatsoever. UO taming has been one of the biggest draws to the game for thousands of players. People used to spend years searching for the perfect GD. Now there is more variety and even more opportunity for players to occupy themselves. So, on one hand, BS creates a new taming mechanic that can potentially provide years of content to many many players without needing to put out all the seasonal quest chains. Basically, it's a very cheap manner (in a good way) to get a serious long term commitment from players.
    And then, we get the powerscroll pandering to the PvP crowd where prices long have pierced the ceiling and are heading towards the moon. And we get the stable limits. Both of these things limit the potential play time from tamers. And while the first one, near sighted as it is, can have at least some upside to it, the stable slot limit has no reason behind it whatsoever.
    It's true that plenty of players don't need 42 slots. But plenty do, and they are willing to pay for it. Why step on your own income stream is beyond me, but that's far from the only thing I fail to understand in UO.
    So to keep all those pets you would rather have them all on one Tamer so you could close other accounts with pet holding Tamers?  The same reasoning goes with the reason not to do it as the reasoning behind houses/banks getting more storage.  It will cost EA Accounts and accounts pay monthly not a one time deal as the storage/stable slot upgrades do.  I have 3 accounts with a Tamers on each and I also own 3 castles.  2 of my Tamers go shard hopping and I look at all the pet vendors to see if there is something that would upgrade my main Tamers pets, those 2 Tamers were made using 2 Mythic Char Tokens ($40) one time deal and they wear jewelry to make them legendary so they can buy any pet I think is an upgrade.  If I really needed more storage I could easily swap skills to another player and all that would cost is 3 PSs and a taming mastery which I have extras on a few shards when they were cheap along with the PSs.

    42 x 7 = 294 pets x 3 accounts = 882 pets and yes I also have enough Soulstones to swap out all skills need on every account and alls it costs me is a little time.  Please tell me that 882 pets slots is not enough pets even for the most extreme hoarder.  How many pets do you own that you require 125 pets per player.
  • MariahMariah Posts: 3,398Moderator
    Closing this now.
This discussion has been closed.