Stable Slots increase, why there is a limit to purchase only 7 ?

poppspopps Posts: 4,003
edited January 2021 in General Discussions
I was reading the UO Wiki at and when it mentions the Stable Slots increases that can be purchased from the UO Store, it mentions
A stable slot increase token is available from Ultima Store at a cost of 500 sovereigns, this increases stable capacity by 3 slots. Up to 7 such tokens may be applied to any one character, taking the maximum possible total from all sources to 42.
I do not get it. If a player is willing to spend and purchase more then 7 Tokens, which it would be revenues for Ultima Online, why make this not possible ?

From talking to other Tamers in the game, I hear that it is not uncommon that Tamers have to make additional Tamers to "make up" for more Stable Slots.... why then not permit to Tamers to actually increase their Stable Slots without a purchase limit and, in doing this, provide more resources to Ultima Online ?

Often, when a player is trying to get a better pet, they also get "better then average" tames which are not their target but still, they do not feel to just release them.... and so they park them in the stables, in case they might want to use them in the future or give to a friend or new player...

Of course, doing this on multiple pets, especially now that pets have been specialized (not all pets are good for all hunts so, it is necessary to have a large variety of pets for a large variety of different necessities....), easily adds up and the Tamer, eventually, ends up with way more pets that their Stables can hold....

I think I seem to remember of a Tamer spawning close to 100 of the same pet in order to get a good one... of course, several of those tames which were not the very best, but still good ones and above average, ended up being stabled "just in case", and thus, filling the Stables up....

I honestly do not get it.

We play the game for fun, Tamers need pets to play, if a Tamer's Stables is filled up, they have problems playing their Tamer and this surely does not help enjoying playing the game.....

The purchase at the UOStore of Stable Slots increases, brings revenues to Ultima Online so, why not lift the 7 increases limitations (or make it a very large one, if needs be, like 50 or so...) and thus help tamers enjoy their template more and so also bring more revenues to the game ?

@Mesanna , can you please do this ?



  • Petra_FydePetra_Fyde Posts: 1,438
    Strangely, my tamer doesn't have 42 slots, nor do I feel the need to have them.  I can only use one pet at once, and some of the pets I do have haven't been out of the stable in months.

    In the situation you describe, taming pets that aren't quite what I wanted, I have a pet stall in Magincia I can sell them on. Or to be absolutely truthful, I have two. One in Tram and one in Fel.
  • poppspopps Posts: 4,003
    Strangely, my tamer doesn't have 42 slots, nor do I feel the need to have them.  I can only use one pet at once, and some of the pets I do have haven't been out of the stable in months.

    In the situation you describe, taming pets that aren't quite what I wanted, I have a pet stall in Magincia I can sell them on. Or to be absolutely truthful, I have two. One in Tram and one in Fel.
    I understand but still, there might be Tamers out there who, instead, might feel differently....

    I mean, if there is Tamers out there who have additional Tamers to increase their Stable Slots capacity, I would imagine that there is this need, at least in some Tamers.....

    Since the purchase of Stable Slots increases at the UOStore brings Revenues to Ultima Online, I do not understand why the 7 purchases limit.... removing it or making it way higher, if a limit needs be, would accomodate both the needs of some Tamers who need more Stable Slots, whatever their reasons, AND also increase the Revenues to Ultima Online.
  • JackFlashUkJackFlashUk Posts: 975
    edited January 2021
    Once again you think you speak for others, you DON'T, so create a poll and let us decide

    I assume you have plenty of stable slots as you refuse to tame a cu already....

    as for this.:
    "Since the purchase of Stable Slots increases at the UOStore brings Revenues to Ultima Online, I do not understand why the 7 purchases limit.... removing it or making it way higher, if a limit needs be, would accomodate both the needs of some Tamers who need more Stable Slots, whatever their reasons, AND also increase the Revenues to Ultima Online."


    Are you on another or your random self serving drone fest?

    Email mesanna every time you think of something see what happens. WE do not need to be exposed to your every random ideas Popps. This is not YOUR personal idea forum.  

    what's next? Alchemy, camping?

    You made your vampire yet? how about you spend time doing that.

    If someone has a gazillion pets in the stable then they need to start filtering the out. how on earth can 42 slot not be enough?  I run about 12 tamers on multiple shards and have NEVER run out of room
  • poppspopps Posts: 4,003
    edited January 2021
    Once again you think you speak for others, you DON'T, so create a poll and let us decide

    I assume you have plenty of stable slots as you refuse to tame a cu already....

    as for this.:
    "Since the purchase of Stable Slots increases at the UOStore brings Revenues to Ultima Online, I do not understand why the 7 purchases limit.... removing it or making it way higher, if a limit needs be, would accomodate both the needs of some Tamers who need more Stable Slots, whatever their reasons, AND also increase the Revenues to Ultima Online."


    Are you on another or your random self serving drone fest?

    Email mesanna every time you think of something see what happens. WE do not need to be exposed to your every random ideas Popps. This is not YOUR personal idea forum.  

    what's next? Alchemy, camping?

    You made your vampire yet? how about you spend time doing that.

    If someone has a gazillion pets in the stable then they need to start filtering the out. how on earth can 42 slot not be enough?  I run about 12 tamers on multiple shards and have NEVER run out of room
    I imagine that those who do not enjoy reading my Threads or posts, whatever their reasons, have the option to choose not to read them in the first place, rather then reading them and then commenting on them....

    Right ?

    On this topic, I frankly do not understand why there should be a limit on players' purchases of Stable Slots increases when it could help that Tamer willing to purchase those Stable Slots AND, it would at the same time also increase Revenues to Ultima Online.

    Sure, there likely are Tamers who do not need to purchase Stable Slots increases, but there can also be other Tamers who, instead, might want to purchase them and this, beyond the 7 Stable Slots increases limit.

    I do not see why this should not be allowed when it could make more players happy and bring more revenues to Ultima Online.
  • ok, let me ask you these questions
    1. Does this restriction affect YOU in any way?
    2. Are 42 slots not enough for you?
  • dvviddvvid Posts: 849
    This thread just seems hypothetical. You think a tamer somewhere out there needs more than 42 slots so you made a thread for that tamer, whoever they are, if they exist. 
  • poppspopps Posts: 4,003
    edited January 2021
    ok, let me ask you these questions
    1. Does this restriction affect YOU in any way?
    2. Are 42 slots not enough for you?
    It does.

    I like to keep multiple of pets to try out several combinations of builds but often lack the time to pursue them all the way to the end so, many pets remain "unfinished" and a work in progress for better times with more playing time at hand.... that fills up the stables pretty quick...... besides, I am not running all the time Veterinary and the Taming Mastery so, I have less slots then that with only Animal Taming and Lore.

    I do NOT like to have to put on Veterinary or the Animal Taming Mastery (and then have to wait 30 minutes to swap to another Mastery which I would prefer) in order to take a pet out of the Stables or put one in there....

    So, I had to make another Tamer to park those "less used" pets, just for stabling purposes but, this is annoying also since, of course, each transfer in between Tamers unbonds the pet....

    Everything would be much more enjoyable, and Ultima Online would cash in extra resources from me, if I could keep purchasing Stable Slots increases as I need them, without a limit.

    And, if a limit needs be, as I mentioned, for whatever reason, at least make it a really high one, like 50 tokens or so...

    Honestly, I do not understand what is the point to aggravate "some" Tamers gaming life by enforcing the 7 Stable Slots increases limit when lifting it could, hopefully, not only make "some" Tamers' lives more enjoyable in regards to their Stable slots capacity, but also provide more revenues to Ultima Online in the process....
  • keven2002keven2002 Posts: 2,240
    Ok @popps - Please post your stable slot screen with 42 pets. I highly doubt that you actually have that many slots even available - let alone have 42 usable pets (7 cats and dogs wouldn't classify as usable). 

    You do know that the Devs do not want players hoarding right? That goes for items and pets. 
  • You did not answer my questions so I will try again. I know this is a tactic you use all the time, create a post then ignore questions and answers and debate to death the smallest detail

    1. Does this restriction affect YOU in any way? 
    2. Are 42 slots not enough for you?
  • jelinidasjelinidas Posts: 352
    @popps ;
    Do you have even one fully trained pet?
  • BilboBilbo Posts: 2,834
    popps said:
    I imagine that those who do not enjoy reading my Threads or posts, whatever their reasons, have the option to choose not to read them in the first place, rather then reading them and then commenting on them....

    You are WRONG WRONG WRONG WRONG  We do have to read and respond to them because if we do not then the powers that be might thing that you have a good idea because we didn't say anything.

    There are people that collect pets and if you did what you suggest then UO would lose money because there would be no reason to have more accounts to hold all their pets so your point has been totally debunked.

    As his theory has been proven %10000000000000 WRONG this thread needs to be locked.
  • poppspopps Posts: 4,003
    edited January 2021
    Bilbo said:
    popps said:
    I imagine that those who do not enjoy reading my Threads or posts, whatever their reasons, have the option to choose not to read them in the first place, rather then reading them and then commenting on them....

    There are people that collect pets and if you did what you suggest then UO would lose money because there would be no reason to have more accounts to hold all their pets so your point has been totally debunked.
    Aside from the fact that a single account can have up to 7 different characters and, thus, multiple tamers, if wanted, on ONE single account (that is, no need to have to make a separate account for extra Stable Slots, one would only need an EJ Tamer or an ingame friend as a middleman to Transfer pets between Tamers on the same one account....), Endless Journey accounts can use Stables, obviously, so, it would be a trivial thing to make additional Tamers either on one's own subscribed account or on an Endless Journey account and, thus, have a larger Stable Slots capacity times how many Tamers one makes.....

    I am afraid that you proved no theory as wrong, sorry.... and my point fully stays....

    Some Tamers might prefer to make additional tamers and so not have to spend their Sovereigns on Stable Slots increase tokens, but some other Tamers might instead prefer to just have all their pets on their 1 Tamer Stables, regardless how many they might be....

    And Ultima Online, WOULD get more resources in the process....

    Why would we want to reduce the amount of Resources that Ultima Online can receive from the sale of additional Stable Slots increases "beyond" the 7 tokens limit per Tamer's character ?
  • poppspopps Posts: 4,003
    You did not answer my questions so I will try again. I know this is a tactic you use all the time, create a post then ignore questions and answers and debate to death the smallest detail

    1. Does this restriction affect YOU in any way? 
    2. Are 42 slots not enough for you?
    Regardless that you like my answer or not, I did answer to you here , no need to answer again. If you do not like my answer, it is not my problem.
  • 2. Are 42 slots not enough for you?

    show us a screen shot of your stables, as also requested by Kevin2002

  • CinderellaCinderella Posts: 1,730
    i don't always agree with popps, but this I have to agree.
    I DO have 42 slots and I am always running out of space.
    I train up pets and give to my other tamer on Sonoma.
    And recently I had a friend take a bunch of them to Atlantic for me
    for my tamers there.

    I currently have 2 spaces open, but i keep that open so I can tame
    giant beetles for my vendor. 

    this is a hoarders game and yes I hoard pets.
    And no i don't have them all trained up.
    there are different pets for different situations.
    And there isn't enough time in the day,
    for me to do everything I need to do in UO.

    I can always buy more slots for my other tamers, 
    but I would prefer more slots for my main char.
  • poppspopps Posts: 4,003
    edited January 2021
    keven2002 said:
    Ok @ popps - Please post your stable slot screen with 42 pets. I highly doubt that you actually have that many slots even available - let alone have 42 usable pets (7 cats and dogs wouldn't classify as usable). 

    You do know that the Devs do not want players hoarding right? That goes for items and pets. 
    It is pointless that I post a screen of my Stables because, if I wanted, even if my Stable was empty, I could buy 42 horses, rename them to whatever tameables I wanted and take a screen shot...

    You can trust me or not, again, not my problem....

    The point here is enhancing gameplay for Tamers AND, in the process, also secure MORE Revenues for Ultima Online.

    The Developers may not want hoarding but, I imagine, they realize that increasing Revenues for Ultima Online is an important issue to keep the game alive and going....

    As of now, players can STILL hoard pets, they only need to make more Tamers as they go... and use those Tamers' extra slots.... the one at loss here, is only Ultima Online that suffers a reduction of Revenues since all those Tamers who might be willing to purchase additional extra Stable Slots tokens, are currently barred to do it and, thus, keep their pets' hoarding habits by making additional Tamers which brings nothing to Ultima Online in terms of additional Revenues...

    What I am saying is, that since, obviously, it cannot be prevented to players to make as many Tamers as they want, it is not possible to stop them from having as many pets in their multiple Tamers' Stables as they may like.

    At least, make Ultima Online benefit from this players' behaviour and make Revenues from it.... remove the 7 Stable Slots increase limitation and make additional Revenues from all those Tamers who will prefer, rather then create additional Tamers, to keep purchase Stable Slots increase Tokens beyond the current limit of 7.
  • BilboBilbo Posts: 2,834
    popps said:
    Bilbo said:
    popps said:
    I imagine that those who do not enjoy reading my Threads or posts, whatever their reasons, have the option to choose not to read them in the first place, rather then reading them and then commenting on them....

    There are people that collect pets and if you did what you suggest then UO would lose money because there would be no reason to have more accounts to hold all their pets so your point has been totally debunked.
    Aside from the fact that a single account can have up to 7 different characters and, thus, multiple tamers, if wanted, on ONE single account (that is, no need to have to make a separate account for extra Stable Slots, one would only need an EJ Tamer or an ingame friend as a middleman to Transfer pets between Tamers on the same one account....), Endless Journey accounts can use Stables, obviously, so, it would be a trivial thing to make additional Tamers either on one's own subscribed account or on an Endless Journey account and, thus, have a larger Stable Slots capacity times how many Tamers one makes.....

    I am afraid that you proved no theory as wrong, sorry.... and my point fully stays....

    Some Tamers might prefer to make additional tamers and so not have to spend their Sovereigns on Stable Slots increase tokens, but some other Tamers might instead prefer to just have all their pets on their 1 Tamer Stables, regardless how many they might be....

    And Ultima Online, WOULD get more resources in the process....

    Why would we want to reduce the amount of Resources that Ultima Online can receive from the sale of additional Stable Slots increases "beyond" the 7 tokens limit per Tamer's character ?
    WRONG WRONG WRONG because to get them to another Tamer you need a 2nd account and having 7 Tamers on the same account/shard debunks your need to have the devs make spawns for more players.  Good try to make an account all the same and countradicting your WHINE about diversity
  • poppspopps Posts: 4,003
    edited January 2021
    i don't always agree with popps, but this I have to agree.
    I DO have 42 slots and I am always running out of space.
    I train up pets and give to my other tamer on Sonoma.
    And recently I had a friend take a bunch of them to Atlantic for me
    for my tamers there.

    I currently have 2 spaces open, but i keep that open so I can tame
    giant beetles for my vendor. 

    this is a hoarders game and yes I hoard pets.
    And no i don't have them all trained up.
    there are different pets for different situations.
    And there isn't enough time in the day,
    for me to do everything I need to do in UO.

    I can always buy more slots for my other tamers, 
    but I would prefer more slots for my main char.

    We have in the game pack animals, using the pack instinct, and then we have some Tamers also enjoying taking small creatures to see how far they can train them up....

    It is easy to fill up one's own Stables with untrained pets, 5x 1 slot pack animals, weird pets which one tamed just out of fun etc. etc.

    Rather then forcing players to have to make multiple Tamers in order to accomodate for all their pets' needs, why not just lift the 7 Stable Slots token limitation and, thus, make it possible for Ultima Online to make additional Revenues from all that ?

    Or, if a limit "has to exist", for whatever reason, just make it a really high one, say 50 Stable Slots tokens, and thus hardly ever affect any UO tamer, really....

    To me, it would only make sense and would be a good thing for both some of Ultima Online Tamers and for the game itself, which would benefit from the extra Revenues.
  • AaylaAayla Posts: 170
    Just create another tamer and gives us a break.
  • BilboBilbo Posts: 2,834
    Or open another account with a tamer
  • poppspopps Posts: 4,003
    edited January 2021
    Aayla said:
    Just create another tamer and gives us a break.
    As I said, those who do not enjoy reading my posts/threads can sure not read them....

    I'd rather see Broadsword lift (or largely increase) the current 7 Stable Slots increase Tokens limitation so that Ultima Online can benefit from more Revenues, rather then me or other players having the need for more Stable slots have to make extra Tamers, and then see Ultima Online loose potential Revenues because of that........
  • Petra_FydePetra_Fyde Posts: 1,438
    From a purely economic point of view I would guess (pure guesswork, but logical?) The best way for Ultima Online to benefit from revenues for both this problem and your other often brought up 'storage' problem, housing, is 'Open more accounts'. 
    Compare, stable slot increase tokens to regularly occurring subscription payments on an additional account. No contest. 
  • McDougleMcDougle Posts: 3,967
    with just one more pet paragons would no longer be an issue......
    Acknowledgment and accountability go a long way... 
  • PawainPawain Posts: 9,676
    I have 5 tamers with max slots, none have 42 because I only have 110 or 115 vet.

    It is a game, it has rules. Learn to adapt to the rules.
    Focus on what you can do, not what you can't.
  • poppspopps Posts: 4,003
    edited January 2021
    From a purely economic point of view I would guess (pure guesswork, but logical?) The best way for Ultima Online to benefit from revenues for both this problem and your other often brought up 'storage' problem, housing, is 'Open more accounts'. 
    Compare, stable slot increase tokens to regularly occurring subscription payments on an additional account. No contest. 
    Not a viable option I am afraid.

    Even if Endless Journey accounts where to be taken away the ability to Stable pets, which would make no sense to me when the purpose is that of having players actually ENJOY playing in Ultima Online so much to then transform that Endless Journey account into a subscribed account (and when playing a Tamer one needs to be able to have various Tameables to really enjoy and experience the gameplay of a Tamer in Ultima Online in, it is necessary to provide Stables to EJ accounts and, infact, this is how it is now.....), but "even if", let's assume for sake of the discussion, this would not stop players to be able to use any of the 7 characters on their 1 subscribed account to make another Tamer, or 2 or 3 .... and thus have "free" more Stable slots times 2, times 3, etc.

    It would only need to have an EJ Tamer to use as a middleman to transfer pets from Tamer 1 of one's own account to Tamer 2 of the same account or 3 or 4 ....

    It is not possible to stop a subscribed account to have 7 Tamers in their Account with 7 different Stables if so that player wanted, I am afraid.... no need whatsoever to have to open a 2nd subscribed account....

    So, is my point, since it is something which cannot be avoided, why not at least have Ultima Online be able to benefit from selling "more" Stable Slots increase Tokens "beyond" the current limit of 7 to those players who might want to spend their money on them ?

    Is it better to loose Revenues for UO or to make more Revenues if I may ask ?
  • McDougleMcDougle Posts: 3,967
    continuing to post self serving statements disguised as questions serves no purpose at least that's how i see it 
    Acknowledgment and accountability go a long way... 
  • poppspopps Posts: 4,003
    edited January 2021
    Pawain said:
    I have 5 tamers with max slots, none have 42 because I only have 110 or 115 vet.

    It is a game, it has rules. Learn to adapt to the rules.
    Well, if things were always set in stone and unchageable, mankind would still be living in its stone age.....

    There is always enhancements, changes, improvements, nothing is set in stone forever if making a change can make things better....

    And this change (removing the 7 Stable Slots increase limitation), to my opinion, would be a good change since it would be in favour of those players willing to spend their money on purchasing more Stable Slots increase Tokens, and would bring more Revenues to Ultima Online.

    A Win Win change for both the players interested and for Ultima Online.

    Out of curiosity, did you make those 5 Tamers because 1 Stable was not enough for your pets and you needed 5 ?

    If so, then why not permit to players to purchase as many Stable Slots increase Tokens as they may want (and thus bring additional Revenues to Ultima Online by doing that) and have all their pets in 1 Tamer Stable, rather then have them split across X Tamers for free, without Ultima Online benefitting from this ?
  • jelinidasjelinidas Posts: 352
    @Kyronix.  See what I mean, dudes a troll. 
    How about this Poops, let's petition them to fix and reintroduce stable fees. Make them really high! A gold sink! You complain about insurance money, this would really tick ya off!
  • poppspopps Posts: 4,003
    edited January 2021
    jelinidas said:
    @ Kyronix.  See what I mean, dudes a troll. 
    How about this Poops, let's petition them to fix and reintroduce stable fees. Make them really high! A gold sink! You complain about insurance money, this would really tick ya off!
    Stable fees where taken out for a reason and, this, when Ultima Online had a larger playerbase as now. Lots of players complained and did not like them, and they were finally removed.

    I do not think that changes that were to aggravate players and deter them from playing the game would do much good to Ultima Online towards maintaining a good and sustainable playersbase for Ultima Online.....

    Honestly, I do not understand why anyone would be against lifting the current limitations of only 7 Stable Slots increase tokens as purchaseable...

    Posters in this Thread keep asking me to motivate my being in favour of lifting this limitation, which I gave with reasonable arguments, but these same Posters have not given, to my opinion, a motivation that I could agree on about why they would not favour the removal of this limitation which could potentially bring more Revenues to Ultima Online along with helping out the gameplay of those players willing to spend their money on Stable Slots beyond the 7 Tokens limit.
  • Petra_FydePetra_Fyde Posts: 1,438
    Actually, if you check your journal, you will find that it says "I charge 30 gold per pet. I will withdraw it from thy bank account. Which animal wouldst thou like to stable here?'

    Also it is perfectly possible to transfer pets from one character to another through use of a Magincia stall. All characters on the account have access to the stall owned by the account, and provided the character has the skill required you can put the animal on the stall with one character and take it off with the other. Admitted on some shards all Tram stalls are taken, but even on Atlantic there are unoccupied stalls in Fel.

    The limit on stable slot tokens was set at 7. I'm sure there was a reason for that number and not 5 or 8 or 10. If they were to raise the limit to 10, will you be back here in another 12 months asking them to raise it to 15? or 20?  They raised the house storage by 20%, then a further 20%, now it's at 60% and you want it raised again. Somewhere, sometime the answer has to be no, and as I told my children many times when they were small, no means no, not maybe if you ask often enough.
This discussion has been closed.