This is the last time I will do the Virtue Quest for that silly tile

I did not get the one I needed, and I am not doing this quest again. I have spent real dollars for gold Sov's to purchase Myst's tokens to make new characters, I then move those characters off shard to shards where I needed for EM events. A sort of I lose but still win thing. I ask @Mesanna about allowing us to turn in for a trade. Her reply is no, they will NOT do that and the community will assist with getting the tile I need, SO for weeks I have asked and asked, no one has the tile I need to complete the collection I have now on Sonoma and since they are shard bound I cannot bring in one from another shard that I know for sure where I can get it. I really love all the support @Mesanna here on our small shard of Sonoma, thank you.
And if there is anyone on Sonoma that needs one of the extras I have in the gold box you can have it free. I can still hope that I will get the tile I need. *SACRIFICE*
Again thank you
*Feel free to lock this if you think I went out of bounds*
Remove Trap = Bad News
Treasure Hunters

Treasure Hunters

Since a lot of things are 1 per toon or shard bound, I have adapted by having a throw away spot to use on two accounts. One has mage on their soul stones the other has melee.
I still have not found a spot I would like to place these things, so they live in a container now.
yeah really stupid...if you want to get those one time per character need to have a character to be deleted each weak and recreate one it s easy for mage with all the + skills stuff for magery in the game...with a new character with 50 magery with = skills magery items you can get credit very easy with a second eprson or account helping
The easy fix would be permitting characters to do the Quest more then 1 time.
OR, even better, permit Endless Journey characters to do the quest so, players who needed some tiles, could just make a Endless Journey character and go get the Quest done on that one....
I need humility & spirituality for myself & Brig.
And Brig also needs sacrifice.
All this holiday content kept me so busy that I haven't had time to do this.
I may need your help again with doing this.
Treasure Hunters
Treasure Hunters
If so, I may have characters on Sonoma that can do it and get lucky with the type you need....
I genuinely didn't know this was still going, and have completely forgotten how to do it.
I will take a look, would be cool to try get another.
Treasure Hunters
Then on the fourth set Im still missing four, but got so much extra tiles I started on fift set....
Id like to complete 3 sets, so missing a Valor tile, Justice tile and a compassion tile.
All parts from set 4,5,6 are extras Id like to trade (this would be Humility, Honor, spirituality and honesty.
Treasure Hunters
as i said i made a neebie char and will get as much done of this quest as i can to get the tile, i do not have chars on Sonoma, so this will be fun
Treasure Hunters
Treasure Hunters
Pets get greatly gains from them so tamers use them a lot.
Treasure Hunters
Dupre, Katrina & Geofreys.
Dupre wants you to kill an unbound energy vortex.
Katrina wants you to kill 50 trogs.
Geoffrey wants you to kill 40 drakes, 20 dragons, and 5 greater dragons.
if you have low level magery...
use blade spirits to kill trogs.
and when doing the UEV with others,
use scrolls for earth elementals, be sure to tell them to kill the target.
And its random which tile you will get.
Treasure Hunters
Him and his friends were very helpful didn't take long at all to do the quest. He made me gear and got a spell book and gold and woow my neebie char got it done
No I did not get the right tile for him.
Treasure Hunters