Fix for IDOC and end of IDOC scripters



  • JackFlashUkJackFlashUk Posts: 1,084
    Jack I do care. I knew I would make some mad. The ones I thought did idocs I went and told them what I was doing. A few have told me they don't like what im doing but understand why I do it and a few said they think its great. Then there are the trash talkers only in chat and I have no idea who most of them are. 

    I didn't put any idoc runes in books for 8 days, that's 2 rounds of idocs. I went to them and so did the same 10 people. I was unable to pick up any items except the 2 big full old houses that fell. At those 2 houses the same 2 players showed up and that was it. 

    Im sure you have noticed I don't gate or yell times much anymore. I only gated to one house last week. If I go to a house and some are there I do tell them they have 4 more hours to wait or whatever. 

    my books don't help the cheaters at all. if its a house I gate to and 50 come then maybe it looks like cheaters are there because 50 people grab one chest each and they are all gone fast?

    I don't think spending many hours to get locations and timers is working for all the stuff in that house when it falls. Camping idocs isn't "putting in the time" to get 60k of each reg, ore, wood, or vet reward, em event item, rare, armor and all the others stuff in the falling houses. 

    I have no idea how to fix idocs that will stop the cheaters, unless they can stop the cheaters.
     If you let a house fall without warning I think we would have cheaters running the land nonstop looking for tons of items on the ground. If you remove house sign then some folks wouldn't know if their house or their friends is going to fall and it couldn't be resubbed to save it. If you put everything in a crate im sure there are many that will just let storage houses fall but im sure it would make many return to the game. 

    Many of the people that use your books DO script. I caught HOT players doing it.  Then surprise surprise after calling them out in game I tried shortly after and the packs stayed on the floor.

    YOU are helping the cheaters. 

    I quote "I knew i would make some mad".  And you carried on. That is NOT acceptable behaviour. Knowing you are upsetting the regular idocers.

    No excuses or reasoning, you are being out of order. And with you only doing idocs for less than a year you are just crapping all over a whole game style to please the lazy or unfortunate players that cannot search or time idocs

    We will disagree over this until you stop.

    As I say some/many of the players you are "helping" are using loot scripts. So you are ADDING to the problem

    if you stopped how many of these people would bother to go and search for idocs themselves, and hide and time them.  NONE

    just the regular idocers would carry on like before you showed up 

    So once again YOUR actions have negative affects to the people that did idocs LONG before you started
  • JackFlashUkJackFlashUk Posts: 1,084
    Above is my idoc shopping list.  

    Would be very nice to go back to the days I enjoyed some 10/12 years ago on Europa server.  
    Those players apart from one (same old faces) have all moved on or quit idocs due to cheating

    Sadly I dont think I will see them days again. 

    And the current trend on Atl is totally unacceptable so like I said before I spend little time now idocing. No point when its advertised anyway o people can just go to the runebook 

    I will wait for Mesanna's plan to tackle the problems...........

  • Jack please go back and look at post before I started doing idocs. There was tons of post on the cheaters at idocs, events, felucca... There was post after post of players leaving the game because of cheaters. The only way I could figure out how to maybe stop some from leaving and hurt the cheaters was spending my uo time getting idocs and sharing that info. 

    Like I said before I don't know how to fix this big problem we have in UO if none can stop the cheaters. I vote for putting all items in a crate for when the players come back. Not fair that some spend a few hours and get what took others years to collect. Im sorry I did make those 10 players mad but im glad I made those 100 players happy. 
  • RorschachRorschach Posts: 547Moderator
    Please keep the comments topical. Some superfluous, disrespectful posts have been removed. If you would like your thoughts on IDOCs included in this thread stay focused on those and not personal attacks.

  • Like many people already suggested. I hope the Devs listen to us and do what is the best suggestion so far, when the house reach the final stage of idoc, the whole content of the house goes into a moving crate and than directly to the account owners bank. All problems solved, than people can either fight for the plot area or put that open spot into a giveaway sort of stone with 1 entry per account and if it is on a dead shard and no entry was registered than the plot just open to anyone.

    As far as the atlantic situation , I do agree with jack, Spring did screw up for everyone else that do Idocs. She may not realize but ahe is helping the scriptets even more, they can just use her free books and her free gates and free times and go to the idocs and vaccumm clean the area. I seen many many times , the idoc guy person and his king friends using her free books and umbra gate and brint 20-30 packies, he dont even hide the facts anymore and than he gate right back to luna with all his 30 packies fully loaded, thanks for Spring.

    Stitch lost his tram keep bc spring gated at the 15 hour and someone chop an illegal box in the area while he was resing his keep, no one was there at 5 or 10 hour but than at 15 she decided to gaye the whole atlantic shard. So yes, his loss is your fault.

    But anyway, i hope @Mesanna hear us and come to the same conclusion that Idocs need to have the whole house contents moved to bank and charge the person like $19 or so to retrieve all his contents After he or she resub.
  • IvenorIvenor Posts: 1,216
    edited January 2020

    I want to formally express my support to Spring's "IDOCs Register Initiative".

    I'm not a Cheater/Scripter AND I don't have the free time to roam 25 Shards 24/7: with her "Umbra IDOCs Books" I enjoyed a couple "casual" nice IDOCs.

    Thanks, and please go on! :)

    This said the "Pack all the Stuff in a Crate" for the possible return of paying Players seems to me the more fair solution (cloud storage space for such a thing as today is dirty cheap: we are speaking of some hundreds of ***FLAGS*** in a Player's history DB, NOT of a zillioin of hi-res video, for BT sake!).

    Clearly the House must fall in any case, and the land be free to be redeveloped, IMO.

  • JollyJadeJollyJade Posts: 578
    Mariah said:
    JollyJade said:
    @ Mariah Any news on the pending developer feedback you closed the other threads for?
    When I know, you will know.
    Not really a helpful reply :(

    Does it mean you will message everyone when they tell you and you re-open those threads?
    Just a troll who got told by lesser trolls (moderator classification)
  • MariahMariah Posts: 3,398Moderator
    No, it means when the developers are ready to discuss their thoughts on the matter they will create a thread for it. That's when I will know, and subesquently that's when you will know. There will be no need to open closed threads.
  • UrgeUrge Posts: 1,308
    Leonidas said:

    As far as the atlantic situation , I do agree with jack, Spring did screw up for everyone else that do Idocs. She may not realize but ahe is helping the scriptets even more, they can just use her free books and her free gates

    Stitch lost his tram keep bc spring gated at the 15 hour and someone chop an illegal box in the area while he was resing his keep, no one was there at 5 or 10 hour but than at 15 she decided to gaye the whole atlantic shard. So yes, his loss is your fault.
    The people that script idocs, were doing it long before Spring. The timing was just coincidence with EJ.

    As for the Keep guy, at some point people need to take responsibility for their own actions. He rolled the dice and lost trying to resize during an active idoc. That's a move not many would consider. Since those chopped boxes have been used for many years and are primarily used for blocking placement, i'd say the person was idocing long before the public gates. 

    Idocs may be a "playstyle" but it's fueled by nothing more than greed. It's sickening to see people argue over the misfortunes of others. 

    I would vote for contents to move into the storage vaults with raffle tickets sold via a stone. 
  • JollyJadeJollyJade Posts: 578
    Mariah said:
    No, it means when the developers are ready to discuss their thoughts on the matter they will create a thread for it. That's when I will know, and subesquently that's when you will know. There will be no need to open closed threads.
    Ah ok. I didnt know you just closed them without any intention to open the discussion again.
    Just a troll who got told by lesser trolls (moderator classification)
  • JollyJadeJollyJade Posts: 578
    Uuppps.. I swear there were a lot more posts a second ago xD
    Just a troll who got told by lesser trolls (moderator classification)
  • MariahMariah Posts: 3,398Moderator
    Some posts have been deleted, please see Rorschach's post above for the reason. PLEASE keep personal attacks out of this thread.
    Thank you.
  • JackFlashUkJackFlashUk Posts: 1,084
    Explaining the negative affects on peoples actions and or laziness are NOT personal attacks. So how are people going to ever understand how their action hurt others if posts get deleted all the time
    This game is not all shiny and rosy and will never get fixed if heated or controversial posts get deleted all the time

  • JollyJadeJollyJade Posts: 578
    edited January 2020
    Explaining the negative affects on peoples actions and or laziness are NOT personal attacks. So how are people going to ever understand how their action hurt others if posts get deleted all the time
    This game is not all shiny and rosy and will never get fixed if heated or controversial posts get deleted all the time

    Everything not cheering is considered a personal attack here.
    Just a troll who got told by lesser trolls (moderator classification)
  • JackFlashUkJackFlashUk Posts: 1,084

    Ivenor said:

    I want to formally express my support to Spring's "IDOCs Register Initiative".

    I'm not a Cheater/Scripter AND I don't have the free time to roam 25 Shards 24/7: with her "Umbra IDOCs Books" I enjoyed a couple "casual" nice IDOCs.

    Thanks, and please go on! :)

    This said the "Pack all the Stuff in a Crate" for the possible return of paying Players seems to me the more fair solution (cloud storage space for such a thing as today is dirty cheap: we are speaking of some hundreds of ***FLAGS*** in a Player's history DB, NOT of a zillioin of hi-res video, for BT sake!).

    Clearly the House must fall in any case, and the land be free to be redeveloped, IMO.

    so I will say again, all shiny this time so as not to upset people

    THIS is an example of what's wrong with idocs under the assistance of the umbra runehouse

    CAN"T WONT' DON'T search or time them. No matter what reason or excuse.
    But 100 available at fall time when advertised and rune house visiting of course :)

    THIS multiplied by up to 30 at weekends negatively affects the true idocers who DO put in the hours

    This doe sNOT affect the well known idoc cheat, only the DEV team can deal with him.

    But this DOES invite script looters at idocs, and this can be proven quite simply by steal thing up to players and dropping things next to them. HOOOOOOOOOOVERED up thank you. 

    Idocers greedy, well yes aren't we all? But this is reward for effort

    Going to a runebook and listing in chat and arriving with script running and 5 pack animals? That's ok then is it?

  • JollyJadeJollyJade Posts: 578
    It's not ok but it seems the only way to get something done about it. Let the script looters kill their own game LOL.
    Just a troll who got told by lesser trolls (moderator classification)
  • Leonidas said:

    As far as the atlantic situation , I do agree with jack, Spring did screw up for everyone else that do Idocs. She may not realize but ahe is helping the scriptets even more, they can just use her free books and her free gates and free times and go to the idocs and vaccumm clean the area. I seen many many times , the idoc guy person and his king friends using her free books and umbra gate and brint 20-30 packies, he dont even hide the facts anymore and than he gate right back to luna with all his 30 packies fully loaded, thanks for Spring.

    Stitch lost his tram keep bc spring gated at the 15 hour and someone chop an illegal box in the area while he was resing his keep, no one was there at 5 or 10 hour but than at 15 she decided to gaye the whole atlantic shard. So yes, his loss is your fault.
    I would really like to defend myself about the above post.
    Players went to that idoc at 5 and 10 hours. At 15 hours I yelled in chat and gated in less than 10 players right before it fell. Stitch wasn't resizing his keep he was trying to move it forward in the place where the 18x18 fell before you could even place there. Someone yelled in chat for him not to do it because they would break a crate. I asked players I knew that placed houses to sell him that house for his  town. I wasn't there when he tried to move it forward. I would of advised him agaist trying to move a keep in trammel on Atl forward right after a house fell. It wasn't my fault.

    Put all items in a moving crate for when the players come back to game. 
  • RorschachRorschach Posts: 547Moderator
    This discussion is no longer productive.
This discussion has been closed.