Fix for IDOC and end of IDOC scripters

This will be short and simple. When a house decays the house goes bye bye, the items in return go onto a public vendor that has random chests. These chests can contain anything in them from the IDOCs. You pay a certain amount for each box, "depending on weight", and you never know what you will get. This would also give the Devs a great gold sink that they have always wanted. Almost like a gamblers chest vendor. Even newbies have a chance to get something cool.

Oh, make it to where you can only purchase one box per hr per account and EJ accounts do not have rights to buy from this vendor.  This would wreck the scriptors unless they wanna spend a ton of cash for multiple accounts.

This would probably take a lot of work on the Devs part but I think this would make a neat addition to the game.


  • NikardNikard Posts: 164
    1: Make picking up a single item teleport you two screens away

    2: Delete Items

    Only two solutions ive heard that are reasonable.
  • TimStTimSt Posts: 1,915
    The problem with putting things on vendors is that only the players with a lot of gold would be able to pay for random stuff on a consistent basis.
  • psychopsycho Posts: 370
    edited January 2020
    Baker, I do understand your reason, but I dont agree to the solution.
    some things to consider with your solution:
    1: The weight of the chest cant be more than a character can hold ( like 300 bottles would be a chest by itself due to the weight, you surely dont want to buy 300 bottles lol, there are other heavy items aswell.

    2: What if someone spam the vendor to buy over and over with 5 ms delays, for a normal player not a chance to beat this.

    3: Where would the vendor spawn? or already re-spawned somewhere? why go to the house when you can just go to the vendor. What if the vendor spawns outside the house (makes sence), but it could block house placement.

    4: Part of the idoc challenges is the house placement phase, after house has fallen, looted, who get to place house and when?  These days housespots get placed instantly as soon as the timer ends, often from a hidden character.

    Im all for a new solution to this, but it has to work.
    And in felucca I think idocs work just fine, its a battle and a fierce fight over the idoc loot, the fight starts long before house falls and continues long after, eventually the loot is gone and some new houses placed.  IDOC was designed when there were only felucian laws, thats why it work.   If you add trammel/malas into the equation the working principles no longer applies.

    The only common rule shared by both facets in IDOCs are the fact that people dont know what and where, so most normal players end up missing it.
  • IvenorIvenor Posts: 1,216
    Frankly what I don't understand is the "get rid of IDOCs and/or Stuff" PoV.
    The IDOCs procedure is, at least partially, "broken" and favors the scripters?
    On this I TOTALLY agree, and, IMO, this aspect of the problem HAS TO be corrected (with a timer tweaking or whatever).
    But what is the rationale of saying "when a House fall, all Suff should simply wanish"???
    Even with the current IDOCs procedure A LOT of Stuff already vanish forever: e.g. ALL the Armors & Equipment on Mannequins... :'(
  • NikardNikard Posts: 164
    The rational to deleting the items, is to be rid of the players who are whining about not getting their "fair share" of free shit off the ground. If someone else is entitled to free items, I am entitled to free items for having to read them whine about it on forums all the time.
  • vortexvortex Posts: 248
    Don't display house condition on sign...
  • IvenorIvenor Posts: 1,216
    Nikard said:
    The rational to deleting the items, is to be rid of the players who are whining about not getting their "fair share" of free shit off the ground. If someone else is entitled to free items, I am entitled to free items for having to read them whine about it on forums all the time.

    This, IMO, seems the same "logic" as in: "I'll cut my... family jewels to displase my partner"... :D
  • IvenorIvenor Posts: 1,216
    vortex said:
    Don't display house condition on sign...

    That, e.g., is a logical proposal, IMO! :)
  • vortex said:
    Don't display house condition on sign...
    100% This 

    House signs are the root of all evil when it comes to IDOCs

    Without the house signs cheaters will have no way to set up a dozen accounts primed and ready to auto script loot before the house even falls.


  • TimStTimSt Posts: 1,915
    Not showing the status on the sign would only slow the scripters down a little.  So instead of checking each sign every 5 hours they check it every 5 minutes or less by adding more sign checking characters. It would not be instant like now but they would still beat most players to the fallen house.
  • JackFlashUkJackFlashUk Posts: 1,084
    edited January 2020
    Get rid of 5/10/15 hr times. That only helps scripters and is stupid 

    So the scripting programs have a way to interact with the client in 2D.  WHY cant someone close that link? I just dont understand. In rl We are told to lock our doors at night or when we go out. So why leave the client unlocked to illegal script programs and RMT scripters to make a living and stealing income from Broadsword etc

    All these stupid ideas, delete everything. no house signs, auctions blah blah blah. Total nonsense. Enforce the game, lock out the cheats.  If the current team cannot do it, there is not shame but hire someone that can find the weaknesses and lock it down.

    And however UOA and legal programs get access keep that nailed shut so nothing else gets in

    Ban pack animals and EJ accounts from going anywhere near. I for one am completely fed up with current cheating.
    This is how it goes for an idocer right now
    I Find an idoc mark it, visit it to get a prediction many times throughout the decay cycle, then go the house on GW day and see the usual llamas and rats, cats, dogs, ghosts in FEL and EJ throw away chars like ONE TWO, THREE etc script timing. Then just before fall time Idoc guy gates in up to 10 EJ chars with 5 pack animals each all script running and hoover everything up to put on RMT site. GET REAL this is ridiculous

    AND DO NOT BUY FROM RMT SITES. Bankrupt the fuc8kers so they go and get a real job

    For the last 10/12 years I have been playing on and off I have never once had it explained to me why illegal programs are not Locked out

    While you are at it, return idocs to their thief/rogue status, its a game style and also STOP players advertising locations and fall times in chat. No umbra house with rune books giving free meal tickets to the lazy.  You want to get loot you go find it

    The player on Atlantic is only sharing locations and times to get at the idocers. Whatever reason she does it must have been personal and needs to stop. 

    Nothing is more annoying than spending hours during the week, searching. and watching only to have  loud mouth fog horn copycats now all following the example of the umbra house owner, telling everyone about it. This does NOT stop scripters as the excuse goes, just further affects the game play of others

     It is embarrassing to see so many players in Gen chat asking for locations and fall times. Just put in the hours like the idocers do and get your rewards.

    Get rid of placement delay timer when illegal 3rd party sites are locked out

    Until a solution is found that does NOT give advantage to scripters and with ALL changes in the past. Shut idocs down. NOTHING falls. 


    1. Once and for all get rid of illegal 3rd party invasion of client 
    2. Ban pack animals and EJ account from idocs
    3. Get rid of 5/10/15
    4. Get rid of idoc guy in line with No.1
    5. Stop people advertising idocs as this negatively affects the playstyle of others
    6. ANY rat, cat, dog or stupidly named EJ acct char scripting timing needs looking at, just bump them away, if you are within proximity of a decaying house sign and you do not interact then you are sent off somewhere horrible to die
    7. No idocs until solution is found (let the illegal RMT site dry out, no more income for them)
    8. Once illegal sites are history get rid of placement delay, fastest finger gets it.

    If you want to do idocs then you go find them yourself. 

  • MerusMerus Posts: 656
    Here is my suggestion:

    -The moment the house goes from greatly to idoc the house and all its contents get teleported to an instanced island and a neon green moon gate appears at the house location. (Think Corgul island)
    -Current placement restrictions begin when the gate appears and remain until the gate disappears.
    -The island will be Fel dungeon ruleset (PvP, no mark or recall) and be infested with random spawn.
    -Leaving the island will be through additional green gates placed on the island (Think Medusa’s lair).  Gates will not work if you are flagged and there will be a 2 minute timer before you can return.
    -The house will collapse 30 minutes after being teleported.

    Other than the “I don’t want to PvP”, this scenario would solve virtually every other issue with IDOCS.
  • IvenorIvenor Posts: 1,216
    Merus said:
    Here is my suggestion:

    -The moment the house goes from greatly to idoc the house and all its contents get teleported to an instanced island and a neon green moon gate appears at the house location. (Think Corgul island)
    -Current placement restrictions begin when the gate appears and remain until the gate disappears.
    -The island will be Fel dungeon ruleset (PvP, no mark or recall) and be infested with random spawn.
    -Leaving the island will be through additional green gates placed on the island (Think Medusa’s lair).  Gates will not work if you are flagged and there will be a 2 minute timer before you can return.
    -The house will collapse 30 minutes after being teleported.

    Other than the “I don’t want to PvP”, this scenario would solve virtually every other issue with IDOCS.

    Your idea has its merits, IMO... B)

    Only one thing. ***NO WAY*** "neon green": that is pure sadism!!! :D
  •  also STOP players advertising locations and fall times in chat. No umbra house with rune books giving free meal tickets to the lazy.  You want to get loot you go find it

    The player on Atlantic is only sharing locations and times to get at the idocers. Whatever reason she does it must have been personal and needs to stop. .........

    Sounds like someone is butthurt because they have competition.  just sayin..
  • PawainPawain Posts: 10,658
    Sounds like the majority of players want the IDOC to drop the items still.
    But do not like the Gargs with 5 beetles that suck up the stuff in 2 seconds.

    If that wasnt true. The person described by the poster above would have nobody going to the IDOCs so announcing and making runes would not bring players to the IDOC.

    I think the ones who want the loot to go poof are the ones who are jealous of others play style.

    Focus on what you can do, not what you can't.
  • KirthagKirthag Posts: 541
    I still think the dev team should vacuum up all dropped items and scatter them around an arena in Green Acres for a scheduled free-for-all-grab-what-you-can-and-run event once or twice a month.
    No packies, you show up nakid to grab the most of what you can and (maybe) get your arse handed to you by GM wrestlers. 

    House spot would be ready for placement whenever, no need a timer as there won't be people hanging around to scoop loot.

    Will generate some excitement for players to have a pre-scheduled time/place (gate) to gather and grab.

    L33T-fighters won't have their gear, just their nakid selves - kinda evens out the PvP if there happens to be any.

    Just, no pack animals allowed. 

    A la the old school free-for-alls we used to have atop large towers - keep what you can run off with! So those heavy chests... well, you gotta spend the time to empty them! can only carry what you can carry! I'd leave the gate open to access until everything is gone.

    Just my idea. 
  • IvenorIvenor Posts: 1,216
    Pawain said:

    I think the ones who want the loot to go poof are the ones who are jealous of others play style.

    ^^^^^^^^^^^^^ THIS!!! B) ;)

  • STOP players advertising locations and fall times in chat. No umbra house with rune books giving free meal tickets to the lazy.  You want to get loot you go find it

    The player on Atlantic is only sharing locations and times to get at the idocers. Whatever reason she does it must have been personal and needs to stop. 

    Nothing is more annoying than spending hours during the week, searching. and watching only to have  loud mouth fog horn copycats now all following the example of the umbra house owner, telling everyone about it. This does NOT stop scripters as the excuse goes, just further affects the game play of others

    5. Stop people advertising idocs as this negatively affects the playstyle of others

    Wow Jack, again. There are so many players that don't have 2 to 4 hours everyday to search for idocs and get their timers. As for "it must be personal" well I have stated many times the many reason I do this and the only personal one is that I love the game and don't want it to go anywhere. Many left the game because of cheater, and this was something I could do.  If you don't want to use my books there is some website that list idocs and the times. I don't search felucca so go do all those idocs and fight, cause the only ones that will be there are the ones that spend hours searching for them and the cheaters. 

     #5. How many players have had their playstyle negatively affected? I do this on one shard. Maybe 20? full time idocers on Atl? How many players have become UO rich or got one item, house whatever they never thought they would get from using my books?  I can tell you it has been way more than 20.  There have been over 100 players that came up to me and told me how great they did at one idoc. Been doing this now for 9 months, I use no packies and only grab what I can fit in my backpack. I have made an unreal amount of gold, over 15P, wonder how much those 20 full time idocers with packies have got in last 21 years.

    I really hope they don't add fighting to get stuff from idocs because I don't like to fight at all and have no fighters. 

    I think all items should go into a moving crate for when the owners want to come back. If players knew their stuff was still there the decision to come back would be easier. it would take out the tons of items and make being a "lumberjack" worth the time.  its also time the cheating stops and they should really find a way to get it done. 

    sorry for really long post. Enjoy

  • BilboBilbo Posts: 2,834
    Have everything go into a holding vault for when the player returns to the game and just maybe we would get more returning players.
  • Bilbo said:
    Have everything go into a holding vault for when the player returns to the game and just maybe we would get more returning players.
    This appears to be the most logical suggestion except for one thing.
    People would abuse the hell out of it.  
    Doing the above would only give people free storage on unpaid accounts. 


  • Lieutenant_DanLieutenant_Dan Posts: 196
    edited January 2020
    TimSt said:
    Not showing the status on the sign would only slow the scripters down a little.  So instead of checking each sign every 5 hours they check it every 5 minutes or less by adding more sign checking characters. It would not be instant like now but they would still beat most players to the fallen house.
    I disagree.  In fact i feel that shutting the house signs off would completely cripple an IDOC scripters entire operation. 

    It completely destroys they're ability to set up multiple accounts to vacuum up everything in a matter of seconds after a house falls.

    So now you think they'll set up bots to wonder randomly to pick up idoc loot all over Sosaria?  heh,  maybe they would but i'll tell you one thing.  It wouldn't compete with an actual player doing the ground work manually.

    Compared to the way it is now it would put regular players on a much more level of a playing field.  Which is what we want right?  Fair play amongst players?


  • IvenorIvenor Posts: 1,216
    Bilbo said:
    Have everything go into a holding vault for when the player returns to the game and just maybe we would get more returning players.
    This is the second time I totally agree with Bilbo lately. I must be running a fever... :D ;)
  • TimStTimSt Posts: 1,915
    edited January 2020
    TimSt said:
    Not showing the status on the sign would only slow the scripters down a little.  So instead of checking each sign every 5 hours they check it every 5 minutes or less by adding more sign checking characters. It would not be instant like now but they would still beat most players to the fallen house.
    I disagree.  In fact i feel that shutting the house signs off would completely cripple an IDOC scripters entire operation. 

    It completely destroys they're ability to set up multiple accounts to vacuum up everything in a matter of seconds after a house falls.

    So now you think they'll set up bots to wonder randomly to pick up idoc loot all over Sosaria?  heh,  maybe they would but i'll tell you one thing.  It wouldn't compete with an actual player doing the ground work manually.

    Compared to the way it is now it would put regular players on a much more level of a playing field.  Which is what we want right?  Fair play amongst players?

    The scripters do not need to read the house sign.   Just check if a known house sign if it exists. If it does not exist then check for loot.

    Here is how a scripter can do it:
    1. Have Y number of characters randomly look for house signs and mark a rune stone for each house sign found.
    2. Split rune stones into X number of groups
    3. Assign each group to a different char
    4. Have each char recall to each rune stone in their group.
    5. Check if house sign exists. 
    6. If it exists recall to next rune stone.
    7. If house sign does not exist have vacuumers recall to this spot and start vacuuming.
    8. repeat steps 4->7 within a few minutes

    If the status of the house is shown on the house sign steps 6->8 change to
    6. If it exists read status on house sign
    7. If status is not IDOC recall to next rune stone
    8. If status is IDOC have vacuumers recall to the spot and start waiting for house to fall
    9 Repeat steps 4->8 every 2 hours.

    With out reading the house status from the sign there is a small window in which they miss the house fall but they still get to it before anyone else has a chance to grab loot because unless the other player is standing right next to the house when it fell.

    If the scripter wants to keep the number of checkers down it would take one checker less than 8 minutes to check 124 houses.  Then the checker would start checking the same 124 houses again.  Add another checker and the time between checking if a house has fallen since the last check is 4 minutes.

  • JollyJadeJollyJade Posts: 578
    @Mariah Any news on the pending developer feedback you closed the other threads for?
    Just a troll who got told by lesser trolls (moderator classification)
  • JollyJade said:
    @ Mariah Any news on the pending developer feedback you closed the other threads for?
    The devs aren't working, so no.  Or if they are working, then it's like this:

    Image result for cone of silence meme

  • JackFlashUkJackFlashUk Posts: 1,084

    STOP players advertising locations and fall times in chat. No umbra house with rune books giving free meal tickets to the lazy.  You want to get loot you go find it

    The player on Atlantic is only sharing locations and times to get at the idocers. Whatever reason she does it must have been personal and needs to stop. 

    Nothing is more annoying than spending hours during the week, searching. and watching only to have  loud mouth fog horn copycats now all following the example of the umbra house owner, telling everyone about it. This does NOT stop scripters as the excuse goes, just further affects the game play of others

    5. Stop people advertising idocs as this negatively affects the playstyle of others

    Wow Jack, again. There are so many players that don't have 2 to 4 hours everyday to search for idocs and get their timers. As for "it must be personal" well I have stated many times the many reason I do this and the only personal one is that I love the game and don't want it to go anywhere. Many left the game because of cheater, and this was something I could do.  If you don't want to use my books there is some website that list idocs and the times. I don't search felucca so go do all those idocs and fight, cause the only ones that will be there are the ones that spend hours searching for them and the cheaters. 

     #5. How many players have had their playstyle negatively affected? I do this on one shard. Maybe 20? full time idocers on Atl? How many players have become UO rich or got one item, house whatever they never thought they would get from using my books?  I can tell you it has been way more than 20.  There have been over 100 players that came up to me and told me how great they did at one idoc. Been doing this now for 9 months, I use no packies and only grab what I can fit in my backpack. I have made an unreal amount of gold, over 15P, wonder how much those 20 full time idocers with packies have got in last 21 years.

    I really hope they don't add fighting to get stuff from idocs because I don't like to fight at all and have no fighters. 

    I think all items should go into a moving crate for when the owners want to come back. If players knew their stuff was still there the decision to come back would be easier. it would take out the tons of items and make being a "lumberjack" worth the time.  its also time the cheating stops and they should really find a way to get it done. 

    sorry for really long post. Enjoy

    If people are not able to search or time them then they should do something else with their game time. I am in the UK and miss many Atl idocs due to being asleep. thats the way it goes.

    YOU should NOT be giving locations and times to this epeople. ITS tough luck, its life.

    It is no way fair to others that people can be out, at work or anywhere others that putting in the time to then log in, get the info from you, turn up dragging 5 pack animals, script running and then go off with the spoils.

    WHAT about all the other players that put in the work. You have NOT considered them at all. And judging by the amount of people in Gen chat letting you have it just confirms to me that YOU are making many idocers lives a misery with your actions


    Your actions negative affect players like me, hence why I asked you to let me know in game when you are fed up with idocs

    You have been doing them for less than a year, and in becoming some community champion you have ruined idocs for others.
    plus, a lot of the players you invite in are ALSO running loot scripts.  Try this trick, stealth behind a group of people that are chatting away and drop a spare backpack near them


    So what you are actually doing is aiding cheating

    Your actions do NOT affect idoc guy in any way as we know he runs a gold standard cheat operation with multiple EJ accts
    Just follow him to Hanse Hostel stables to see how many of his pack animals are maxed out. He is NOT an octopus so its is clear he is cheating

    This is MY opinion and with 10/12 years of idoc experience and time I am entitled to it.

    And with regards to your comment of the website advertising fall times. YES if the scripting is stopped once and for all this website will fall

  • JackFlashUkJackFlashUk Posts: 1,084
     also STOP players advertising locations and fall times in chat. No umbra house with rune books giving free meal tickets to the lazy.  You want to get loot you go find it

    The player on Atlantic is only sharing locations and times to get at the idocers. Whatever reason she does it must have been personal and needs to stop. .........

    Sounds like someone is butthurt because they have competition.  just sayin..
    So you ignore the whole post and then just quote a paragraph, and then add a stupid comment?

    This is how posts get locked

    I have NO problem with competing, winning and losing to other idocers, its the way it goes
    I take a dim view of all of what I said earlier

    Scripting and giving away locations and times is not acceptable to me. 

    Why should players be able to just turn up and grab stuff without putting in any effort?

    This negatively affects the game experience for others that take the time to do this. And it needs to stop as far as I am concerned.

    10/12 years of idocs I have interacted, shared and competed with countless players and guilds. This current trend on Atl is just abusing others for self promotion. 

    It is not acceptable for a player to be doing idocs for a few months and then decide to advertise everything to please the lazy and affect others play style. No excuses, its wrong

    So until the scripting is death with, And the advertising locations and times stops players like me can no longer enjoy that aspect of the game. And that aft 10/12 years of doing so is NOT acceptable or in any way respectful

    So script away. Hopefully they will be found and dealt with, they are not even trying to hide it anymore 

  • Jack I do care. I knew I would make some mad. The ones I thought did idocs I went and told them what I was doing. A few have told me they don't like what im doing but understand why I do it and a few said they think its great. Then there are the trash talkers only in chat and I have no idea who most of them are. 

    I didn't put any idoc runes in books for 8 days, that's 2 rounds of idocs. I went to them and so did the same 10 people. I was unable to pick up any items except the 2 big full old houses that fell. At those 2 houses the same 2 players showed up and that was it. 

    Im sure you have noticed I don't gate or yell times much anymore. I only gated to one house last week. If I go to a house and some are there I do tell them they have 4 more hours to wait or whatever. 

    my books don't help the cheaters at all. if its a house I gate to and 50 come then maybe it looks like cheaters are there because 50 people grab one chest each and they are all gone fast?

    I don't think spending many hours to get locations and timers is working for all the stuff in that house when it falls. Camping idocs isn't "putting in the time" to get 60k of each reg, ore, wood, or vet reward, em event item, rare, armor and all the others stuff in the falling houses. 

    I have no idea how to fix idocs that will stop the cheaters, unless they can stop the cheaters.
     If you let a house fall without warning I think we would have cheaters running the land nonstop looking for tons of items on the ground. If you remove house sign then some folks wouldn't know if their house or their friends is going to fall and it couldn't be resubbed to save it. If you put everything in a crate im sure there are many that will just let storage houses fall but im sure it would make many return to the game. 

  • MariahMariah Posts: 3,398Moderator
    JollyJade said:
    @ Mariah Any news on the pending developer feedback you closed the other threads for?
    When I know, you will know.
    JollyJade said:
    @ Mariah Any news on the pending developer feedback you closed the other threads for?
    The devs aren't working, so no.  Or if they are working, then it's like this:

    Unless you have a camera hidden in their Virginia office, you have no idea what is being worked on currently

    Further posts of this nature will be removed. They are unhelpful, of no practical use and negative in tone - in other words, trolls. Please see rule 7 of the terms of service before you post again. Thank you.
  • BilboBilbo Posts: 2,834
    Bilbo said:
    Have everything go into a holding vault for when the player returns to the game and just maybe we would get more returning players.
    This appears to be the most logical suggestion except for one thing.
    People would abuse the hell out of it.  
    Doing the above would only give people free storage on unpaid accounts. 
    In order to get access to those items you would need to pay at least 1 month fee, EJ accounts would not be able to even see into the storage vault.  How many people never came back because for what ever reason they lost everything?
This discussion has been closed.