T-map loot terrible?

CetricCetric Posts: 152
edited August 2019 in General Discussions
I've done about 80 lvl 4-5 t maps, most of them in fel, and all in a luck suit.  I've kept like 6 pieces of armor that aren't even remotely good, not a single worth while jewel or weapon.

Is t map loot just that bad?

If t maps are this terrible where in the world should I be spending my time lol?  I haven't pvmed in years so forgive the ignorance.


  • Petra_FydePetra_Fyde Posts: 1,492
    Either your expectations are very high or the RNG hates you even more than me. I have totally re-built my archer's suit with legendary artifacts from recent treasure maps.  There are far more pieces with the 'legendary' label than I've ever gotten before.
  • MissEMissE Posts: 782
    I agree with OP, tmap loot is abysmal.  Sure you may get a few more legendaries however my experience after around 200 maps is I have kept about 3 bits.  I get more than that doing ONE round in shadowguard. 

    Not to mention all the other 'loot' from high end maps is totally missing.  But hey, it appears everyone was happy with changes, well everyone accept those of us who did 20+ high level tmaps a week.   Dedicated tmappers, well all the ones I know HATE the nerf that is now treasure hunting.

    I got better quality legendaries before the change, even though I never used luck and now use 2000+ luck. 

    Cheers MissE

    For more info about Angelwood Warehouse Events go to the A.W.E Forum
  • Uriah_HeepUriah_Heep Posts: 915
    That armor and weapons may be labelled Legendary.  But what I have seen is no better and may7be worse than the old stuff.  I look at a lot of it and wonder just what the bar is for it to be considered a legendary?  Armor with almost no resists?  An assortment of random unrelated mods that altogether won't help any particular template?


    I dunno.  But yes, Legendaries are dropping like flies.  And most of them are as useful as flies.
  • PawainPawain Posts: 10,653
    edited August 2019
    That's the kind of stuff we find on any MOB now.  A bunch of stuff that is almost good. We did a bunch of Scalis' last weekend.  I found a lot more keeper items from him.

    Also 90% of the decent items are for Mages.  
    Focus on what you can do, not what you can't.
  • CetricCetric Posts: 152
    edited August 2019
    @Petra_Fyde I've actually not seen a single legendary artifact, highest I've seen is greater.  I've also to the best of my knowledge not seen a single splintering weapon.  I don't even thinki seen like a cursed legendary artifact, it's been that bad.

    If I have seen a legendary, I may have overlooked it for just being bad

    I did 15 lvl 4 and 5 maps last night, and this was literally the only piece of armor I kept, and it's not even good I could basically craft it.

  • PawainPawain Posts: 10,653
    edited August 2019
    You should be finding Legendaries on 4 and 5 Maps.  The keepers will be mage skills, they will have a missing or really low property that you would have wanted or a resist that is very low.
    Rare to get eaters with good stats. Rare to get one like above with those stats and 20LRC with better resists.  (I have only found things for NOOB suits)

    Ultra rare to find a dex piece that is better than what you can craft.

    This is normal loot.
    Focus on what you can do, not what you can't.
  • CetricCetric Posts: 152
    im out of lvl 5 fels, ill go to a lvl 5 tram and post what i see lol.  its so bad.
  • Arroth_ThaielArroth_Thaiel Posts: 1,094
    edited August 2019

    So, there appears to be another subtlety with T-hunting. I was going to PM @Kyronix about this, but I'll just post it here. (Warning, this is long Kyronix.)

    I've just been through around 100 Hoard, and am now working my way through about 45 Trove.

    I too have noticed a significant downgrade in the quality of Magic Equipment in Hoard/Trove compared to Cache.

    I think what is happening is the Cartography/Chest quality interaction. Let me break this into 2 parts, Cache, and Hoard/Trove. They are completely separate experiences.

    At 100 Cartography, Cache chests are almost always Gold. That means you get a chance at the highest intensity loot, and your luck can bump it even further. I'm getting 1 Legendary out of a Cache chest on average. Some have none, some have 3, but it's only 12 pieces of gear and it's almost a guaranteed Legendary out of 12 pieces of gear. 

    Out of Cache chests I'm getting some pretty...intense... gear. Enough so that I've re-outfitted almost 28 characters with 100% LRC, 40% LMC, +Intel, +MI, +MR, Full 70's gear. Some of the gear is so ridiculous one of my suits has %95 LMC, yes 95%. I've also pulled some damn good SSI, or SC no -FC shields. Fighter gear hasn't been quite as good, but I've probably pulled 2 suits of Stamina, HP, LMC, Full resist.

    Hoard/Trove is a different story entirely. I think this is because even with 105 Cartography, you're chance to get a Gold Hoard chest is something like ~10%, lower for Trove. Without that Gold chest the loot intensity is....not good. Having a Luck bump at that point just doesn't seem to do much. The base loot intensity in a Standard Hoard/Trove can't be brought up enough, even with high luck, to match what you find in a Gold Cache chest. The result is that Hoard/Trove magic equipment isn't nearly as good, over a similar number of maps, as Cache. I'm not going to call it junk...I'll just say it matches the descriptions posted earlier in this thread.

    The loot quality you're receiving from Hoard/Trove does not match the effort you put into Hoard/Trove (compared to Cache) and is not what you're expecting after seeing the loot from Cache chests. I think that we as players are going from Gold Cache, to Standard Hoard/Trove, and seeing a dropoff in loot quality, and thus thinking Hoard/Trove "suck". The loot is in Hoard/Trove, just in the Gold chests, which we hardly ever receive.

    On average I'm getting 1 Legendary every 3 to 4 Hoard/Trove. That's with double or triple the amount of magic equipment from Cache. Standard chests just don't have the same number of Legendaries, and when they do, those Legendaries (and all other magic equipment) are not at the highest intensity levels, because they came out of a Standard chest. No matter how much luck you're running, the equipment cannot be increased in intensity to what you find in a Gold chest.

    So, unless there is some increase in the rate of Gold Hoard/Trove, the equipment in them is going to continue to...not be what we are anticipating.

    I'm not sure of the fix. If you increase the frequency of Gold Hoard/Trove, you'll be doubling or tripling the amount of loot at the intensity I'm seeing from Cache. You're power creep curve will look like a vertical wall.

    If you decrease the frequency of Gold Cache, the majority of the loot will be from Standard chests, and most of your players will scream, "IT SUXXORS!"

    If you leave as is, people will convert to Cache at 12 equipment per chest, still outfit tons of characters in max legendary gear, and stop doing Hoard/Trove because....Standard chest "junk".

    Wish I had something more to offer as a solution.

    In closing, I'm done running Hoard/Trove for now as the chance to get a Gold chest and therefore "decent" loot is so low. Good luck Kyronix, I do not envy you.

    (Edit: Yes, I've outfitted 28 characters in max stat gear in 2 months of T-hunting. ***Boggles*** I should also mention not a single piece is Antique or Cursed. ***Boggles Again*** I'm now tossing anything that says Antique, Cursed, Greater Artifact or less and am looking for specific styles of gear at max stats. Max stat Hide with Mage Armor for my elf for example.) 

  • CetricCetric Posts: 152
    edited August 2019
    ok, i grabbed and screenshotted every 'artifact' tagged item in the lvl 5 chest. 

    for those keeping track:
    0 - legendaries
    0 - cursed legendaries
    3 - greater
    2 - cursed greater
    1 - major
    0 - cursed major
    5 - lesser
    2 - cursed lesser

    so thats no legendaries, no splintering weapons of any kind, minor magic items or otherwise, one cursed crap jewel and a few pieces i wouldnt give to a noob to wear.

    is this what everyone else sees?  lvl 5 map, almost max luck suit.  done solo. maybe @Petra_Fyde s archer is wearing the worst suit in history =p

    i should mention i had to fight off like 6 different frost dragons, and the misc titans/balrons/dragon wolf/poison ele to get this.  you know, after finding the chest in the wilderness, digging it up, killing a bunch of stuff, running down a grubber, untrapping it, fighting more stuff, looting stuff, fighting more stuff, looting stuff, fighting more stuff, looting stuff, fighting more stuff, looting stuff, fighting more stuff, looting stuff, fighting more stuff.

    maybe i shouldnt complain, afterall, i did get a mysterious fragment that no one knows what it does, a 0.2 tinkering and a 0.3 provo scroll to use. and some of those alacrities ive never used in 20 yrs.

    oh and all of that form a lvl 5 t-map that took u know, who knows how many lvl 4 tmaps full of even more useless stuff than seen pictured here to run across a lvl 5.
  • PawainPawain Posts: 10,653
    @Cetric ; What color chests are you getting.  I think @Arroth_Thaiel s post is describing what is going on.  Unless yours have been gold chests.  
    Focus on what you can do, not what you can't.
  • CetricCetric Posts: 152
    i have seen gold chests, i havent paid attention to how many of them have been gold (tbh i didnt even know there was a difference as far as color)

    based on what he said i just did 3 fel cache maps, one of them was gold.  it had 2 crappy major artifacts
  • poppspopps Posts: 4,130
    Cetric said:
    I've done about 80 lvl 4-5 t maps, most of them in fel, and all in a luck suit.  I've kept like 6 pieces of armor that aren't even remotely good, not a single worth while jewel or weapon.

    Is t map loot just that bad?

    If t maps are this terrible where in the world should I be spending my time lol?  I haven't pvmed in years so forgive the ignorance.
    Perhaps, "just" perhaps, this https://forum.uo.com/discussion/4219/a-thought-re-the-new-treasure-maps-and-loot-quality might be the reason why players feel that loot in Treasure Hunts has been nerfed ?
  • CetricCetric Posts: 152
    just did a lvl 3 map in malas, gold chest.  most of the items were lesser and major artifacts, this was the only piece worth taking a second glance at

    222.png 94.3K
  • CetricCetric Posts: 152
    cache in fel, gold chest popped.  saw my first legendary and the only item ive kept today.  still not very good.

    333.png 95.8K
  • CetricCetric Posts: 152
    so i put alot of effort into getting a mass collection of maps, a locker, a runelibrary of maps together, and making a char for doing maps.  at the moment i can solidly say, this is a waste of time.
  • Arroth_ThaielArroth_Thaiel Posts: 1,094
    Cetric said:
    is this what everyone else sees?

    Yes, and No.

    On Hoard/Trove? Yes. Once in a great while RNG smiles upon you and you get something mostly worthwhile.

    On Cache? No. Below is mostly what I see. (And these are from my *Spares* chest of stuff not being worn.)

    *Too bad that Female Leather has HCI instead of Intel or more LMC. I'd have a toon wearing it.

    Cache chests are mostly Gold.
    Hoard/Trove chests are mostly Standard.

    Hoard/Trove = Move along, these are not the loot you're looking for.

    I'm giving Hoard/Trove a bad rap there. They are nice for scrolls, especially in Felucca. Trove is actually great for scrolls because you're guaranteed 5 of them, no t-map will spawn.

    @Cetric, I think Splintering only appears in Ilshenar (and Ter Mur)?

  • CetricCetric Posts: 152
    edited August 2019
    man, that armor u posted pics of is trash can stuff too, even if it is some of the best uve seen.  wtf

    i know no-name gear got slapped to hell, and more than 8 mods jewels.  but can u still get basic stuff like this or is that now a thing of the past?

    444.PNG 99.8K
  • FortisFortis Posts: 412
    ssssshhhhhhh you will get our fel cache map nerf....since tmaps revamp im saying to all my friend that lvl3 ( cache ) give really better loot than any other tmaps. they fix assassin that gave double loot so it was really good 4-5 legendary per chest.. take max 7-8 minutes...
  • FortisFortis Posts: 412
    btw dont lose your time to do any other facet than fel... exept for splintering in ilshenar eodon and ter mur chest for weapon
  • PawainPawain Posts: 10,653
    edited August 2019
    Cetric said:
    man, that armor u posted pics of is trash can stuff too, even if it is some of the best uve seen.  wtf

    i know no-name gear got slapped to hell, and more than 8 mods jewels.  but can u still get basic stuff like this or is that now a thing of the past?

    Many PvM would toss that piece. PvM mages do not need stam so their Str can be 125 easy and over 115 HP is plenty.

    I do look for things like that picture. (but I have never found anything good enough to try to sell)  Do scalis' with a group and wait for loot to go public and you will have the best chance of finding something like that. Will have to look thru scores of legendaries tho.  +HP +Str on the same piece is as rare as +Dex +Stam +LMC Regens and studded on a piece.

    Looting thousands of items that get trashed with a couple of keepers is normal to me. Shields are the only thing my chars use that I personally have looted.

    On LS most players do not take armor out, they open and look for special items.  
    Focus on what you can do, not what you can't.
  • jelinidasjelinidas Posts: 359
    I've all but quit Thunting. For the casual Thunter and easy gold, it may be OK. But I still see it as a major nerf. They way overthought it and its FUBAR in my opinion. They have moved on and put their stamp on it. Is what it is. Just waiting on future things and hoping for the best. 
  • NikardNikard Posts: 164
    How many of you are using +5 carto glasses?

  • MargeMarge Posts: 722
    Nikard said:
    How many of you are using +5 carto glasses?

    HAHAHA the question is - who even got +5 ones yet. After over 200 supply maps best I got was a +3.
  • Arroth_ThaielArroth_Thaiel Posts: 1,094
    edited August 2019
    Nikard said:
    How many of you are using +5 carto glasses?

    All of my Cache, Hoard, Trove have been done with +5 glasses.

    Cetric said:

    I hate to tell ya this Cetric, but to me, that item is junk and I would unravel it. Is it for PvP? 

    I'm not trying to be a smartypants, I'm serious, what is it used for? Is this a PvP vs. PvE perspective thing?

    It looks like a mage item, but it's studded and doesn't have mage armor. LRC is low, ER is low, mage mods are low. I don't get it. Because it has Str and HPI on it?

    EDIT: Nevermind, I read through Pawain's post. It is for PvP.

  • MissEMissE Posts: 782
    All of my maps are also done with +5 glasses and 2000 minimum luck (more in fel/with statue bonus).  The hoard and trove maps are a waste of time and energy, especially when you cop frost dragons on Hoard maps. 

    In my view, the ONLY maps worth bothering with are fel cache and only for pet scrolls. 

    No aritsan chest is worth bothering with unless you do supply.  The fact that artisan chests of any other level have bugger all resources in makes me wonder why the hell they bothered to create them, but seriously if you want a hundred boards or whatever go do a merchant ship, much better bang for the buck.

    By loot I generally don't mean the armor and weapons generated.  They are so subjective, the fact that Petra reckons she has outfitted her char with all the legendaries is fine, but I doubt that what Petra uses would be what I would use.  As I said one trip to shadowguard nets me more 'keeper' items than doing a days worth of tmapping.  I have done over 200 maps since this went live and I doubt if I have kept more than 10 pieces that were average. Nothing that I would consider 'uber'.

    Other than gold and gems, there is absolutely nothing else worth getting in 90% of the chests. 

    Cheers MissE

    For more info about Angelwood Warehouse Events go to the A.W.E Forum
  • Uriah_HeepUriah_Heep Posts: 915
    Of course.  because we requested a bit of improvement in loot quality.  Instead, we got this overthought overdone mess we have now, with what (regardless of the name- a turd by any other name is still a turd) is a lowering of loot value.  Name it legendary all you want, if it isn't something we can use, it's junk.  

    U can package it how you want, you can make people dance thru as many hoops as possible to get it...but in the end lots are way more disappointed now than they were with the old style.
  • KHANKHAN Posts: 510
    In the spirit of giving the players what we asked for , ALL the Treasure Chest Loot will will now be named "Legendary Artifact". This will ALSO be considered a loot UPGRADE!
    If you sell UO items for R.L. $$$, you need to quit playing UO , and get a BETTER R.L. JOB!
  • CetricCetric Posts: 152
    Nikard said:
    How many of you are using +5 carto glasses?

    All of my Cache, Hoard, Trove have been done with +5 glasses.

    Cetric said:

    I hate to tell ya this Cetric, but to me, that item is junk and I would unravel it. Is it for PvP? 

    I'm not trying to be a smartypants, I'm serious, what is it used for? Is this a PvP vs. PvE perspective thing?

    It looks like a mage item, but it's studded and doesn't have mage armor. LRC is low, ER is low, mage mods are low. I don't get it. Because it has Str and HPI on it?

    EDIT: Nevermind, I read through Pawain's post. It is for PvP.

    ya, its an item id pay like 50-200m for depending
  • DukarloDukarlo Posts: 50
    edited August 2019
    I've probably done between 125 to 150 horde maps. I run 3550ish luck with the statue and really only do maps while under the influence of the statue. I've got chests full of legendaries but not one is anywhere near the caliber of the high end loot pre nerf. The one thing that does seem to have improved tho is weapons. I've seen a lot more 25 to 30 splinter weapons although it's really hard to find those high splinter intensities with other useable mods. I've also gotten a handful of nice 6 mod useable jewels. Here's an example of a solid weapon I've gotten
  • JollyJadeJollyJade Posts: 578
    edited August 2019
    But when you tried to tell the Devs while it still was on TC the moderators made sure the feedback gets removed before a Dev reads it. Only the ponm-pom wavers were allowed to report their "everything looks awesome" feedback. I've stopped doing maps completely, as after the nerf its a collosal waste of time. Literally a whole endgame activity killed. IMO @Kyronix should revert the whole thing. But then they couldn't care less once they move to the next thing to ruin.
    Just a troll who got told by lesser trolls (moderator classification)
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